Joe Kocur

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    Tue Aug 03 2010

    The other half of Detroit's "Bruise Brothers" with Bob Probert. Tough right hander, who punched so hard he cracked helmets with his fist on more than one occasion. Probert was the better scrapper of the two, but Kocur was far from a pushover.

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    Tue Aug 03 2010

    He played hockey too?

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    Fri Nov 28 2008

    Joey's punching power is legendary, his right hand was a sludge hammer. The idea was to throw the punch...make contact with the face, and drive the fist though the other side of the guys head.  Ask Jim Kyte how that feels, Joey hit him three times, poor Jim only remembered the first one, he was out before he smacked his head on the ice.

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    Tue Apr 11 2006

    Papa joe is the man. A beacon in a vanishing age

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    Fri Sep 23 2005

    No list of great hockey fighters is complete without the inimitable Joey Kocur. Kocur didn't grandstand like Domi, Simon, or other late-model goons. He just got the job done. He wasn't exactly Gretzky, but he wasn't a liability as a skater, either. He could actually put the puck in the net given half a chance.