Approval Rate: 59%
Reviews 0
by mrsfish
Wed Jan 19 2011SCAM! WARN OTHERS!! I received a generic email about how they reviewed my resume and wanted to pass it along as soon as I filled out a page asking a bunch of personal questions and uploaded my resume. While I have been looking for a new job, I couldn't believe that someone would have found my resume online, "reviewed it", and then emailed me a generic email that didn't indicate they knew what profession I was even in or what type of work I was looking for, and then direct me to a page that wanted me to fill out personal information and upload my resume (I thought it had already been reviewed?!) so that they then could "pass on" the information to the right people. Then I googled it and instantly came to this website where I saw the exact same email had been (and still is) emailed to numerous people. I'm not sure what type of scam it is: it could be an identity theft issue, or more likely, they might coax you into paying them to help you find a job (and then take the money and run)... Read more
by karen112374320_81
Wed Nov 10 20101 stars I too received that form email from Michael Parker. I replied back but received no response. Yes, we must remain vigilant—especially when it comes to predators such as this! I will definitely share this with my daughter. We need to spread the word to family and friends when we encounter these type scams!
by jhnevn
Sun Oct 24 2010Call me a cynic but the fact that I get the email on a Sunday afternoon just screamed out "Scam"! So I google "scam jobsniper" and I come here to find out that it sure enough is :)
by datagurl
Mon Oct 18 2010I was contacted by Chandler Hill Partners who told me I met their stringent selection criteria and that they could help me transition into a lucrative position in a new industry. I did my research and uncovered mixed reviews, however everything I read seemed to be countered by some kind of research and insight explaining it away. I met went through the interviewing process which consisted of an initial meeting and a Myers-Briggs assessment and a follow up meeting where I was asked to bring my spouse. The sales consultants do a good job of making you feel like they can really help. Mine even addressed my concerns about the review I read on the Internet head on. That being said, I felt that so long as I was willing to put the work into it I would get the result I was looking for. Well, I put the work into it and receive nothing - not even the professional written resume I was promised. My campaign manager basically took what I had written in the 'homework' I was assigned and put it in... Read more
by tmbutler
Wed Sep 01 2010Please see below for an UPDATE regarding these Companies.... I received the following email: Hi, I have reviewed your resume and would like to forward it but I need you to complete our online career evaluation so that I have complete information for our job search partner, Chandler Hill. Once you have completed the evaluation you may be contacted to schedule a meeting. Their schedules fill quickly so please complete the evaluation form today. To complete the career evaluation, click here: 1058346 Thank you, Michael Parker Executive Recruiter JobSniper; Search Less, Find More (TM) If you go to ... there are no phone numbers under the contact us tab, only emails. If you go to the ChandlerHill website and click on contact us, you will find the following numbers; General Inquiries: 1.800.391.4051 Technical Support: 1.800.391.3652 So, why does Chandler Hill have phone numbers, and jobsniper does not? And if Chandl... Read more
by luckya_vara_lakshmi
Wed Aug 25 2010Really useful site for everyone! There are various faculties,courses and many more things to find! For unemployed youth it is a great boon .
by gkadam
Thu Aug 19 201008/19/2010 Hi, I have reviewed your resume and would like to forward it but I need you to complete our online career evaluation so that I have complete information for our job search partner, Chandler Hill. Once you have completed the evaluation you may be contacted to schedule a meeting. Their schedules fill quickly so please complete the evaluation form today. To complete the career evaluation, click here: 1044771 Thank you, Michael Parker Executive Recruiter JobSniper; Search Less, Find More (TM)
by happylady
Mon Jul 19 2010----I got this email on 7/19/10 so they are still at it. Hi, I have reviewed your resume and would like to forward it but I need you to complete our online career evaluation so that I have complete information for our job search partner, Chandler Hill. Once you have completed the evaluation you may be contacted to schedule a meeting. Their schedules fill quickly so please complete the evaluation form today. To complete the career evaluation, click here: 1009680 Thank you, Michael Parker Executive Recruiter JobSniper; Search Less, Find More (TM) ----I didnt reply to it. I feel its a scam. I'm so glad I found this website. Thanks for all the info.
by handtherapist
Tue Jan 26 2010Any e-mail that is so vague as to not even mention your general field of work should receive a red flag automatically. If you get an e-mail that is an exact copy of one you find on the web, another red flag. Red flags also go up with any embedded website address (URL) that is typed out as one address in the e-mail but shows a different domain when you hover over it with the mouse (though I didn't see that with this JobSniper e-mail that brought me here in my research). Keep in mind that the scams are getting increasingly complex and convincing. You must be extremely vigilant. Just to illustrate how detailed they can get, I came across one scam claiming to be recruiting for AT&T and requiring your SSN, explaining that's how AT&T files applicants in their system. They even provided a local phone number supposedly owned by AT&T with a recorded message saying how legitimate it was. The "recruiter" even had a fairly slick website. I looked at forums like this one and found people an... Read more
by jjaokaen
Mon Dec 21 2009I received this email today: Hi, I have reviewed your resume and would like to forward it but I need you to complete our online career evaluation so that I have complete information for our job search partner, Chandler Hill. Once you have completed the evaluation you may be contacted to schedule a meeting. Their schedules fill quickly so please complete the evaluation form today. To complete the career evaluation, click here: 0733645 Thank you, Michael Parker Executive Recruiter JobSniper; Search Less, Find More (TM) This transmission is CONFIDENTIAL and intended solely for the recipient. Be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this transmission is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and then delete this transmission immediately. Thank you. =================================================== ================== * To remove yourself f... Read more
by rtmd30
Mon Dec 14 2009As was stated in several other comments, there was no contact phone number or email address available. ANY legitimate company would provide both at a minimum, and often would include a way to contact their main website and/or receptionist for further information. The recruiters I know personally would do that as I've seen their letterheads and email templates. JobSniper walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, unfortunately that particular duck is a ripoff.
by chandlerhillpa_rtners
Tue Oct 20 2009Actually Carter Evans is a real person and a real recruiter. He most likely came across your resume on a job board and felt that you needed help beyond what a recruiter can offer so he sent you to Chandler Hill Partners. Chandler Hill Partners is an executive job search and corporate outplacement firm. generally the employer pays all fees, but in your case Carter believed you needed more help and sent you to Chandler Hill Partners free online career evaluation site. If you had taken the time to complete this free assessment you would have learned about the issues you are facing and received tips to improve your resume so you would be more attractive to recruiters and employers. It’s amazing how people can jump to conclusions based on zero knowledge. Instead of getting the help you needed you decided to go online and post fraudulent claims against a company who’s sole purpose is to assist the American unemployed and has been doing so for more than 30 years. Chances are that you are no... Read more
by temitaco
Fri Oct 16 2009They seem to be in cahoots with a company called Chandler Hill - I googled them: 3200 N Central Ave Phoenix, AZ 85012-2444 (602) 248-8893 1-800-391-4051 (toll free) I called and asked the operator to allow me to speak with a supervisor, so I can determine how they got my work e-mail address. Placed me on hold, then returned to tell me that they'll remove me from the mailing listing. I'm going to file a complaint with the BBB - I would heartily recommend you do the same.
by rukidding
Fri Oct 16 2009I received this email today. Sure looks like a scam -- and not even a smart one -- they don't even bother to identify me by name. I have been in the workforce for over 20 years, and I've never dealt with a legitimate recruiter who would contact someone with such a generic email. Look familiar? Hi, I have reviewed your resume and would like to forward it but I need you to complete our online career evaluation so that I have complete information for our job search partner, Chandler Hill. Once you have completed the evaluation you may be contacted to schedule a meeting. Their schedules fill quickly so please complete the evaluation form today. To complete the career evaluation, click here: 0625154 Thank you, Carter Evans Executive Recruiter JobSniper; Search Less, Find More (TM)
by gel204f9
Wed Sep 30 2009So glad that you guys agree with what I was thinking. When I got the email, I was like WTF? Seriously? Lot's of us have done well looking for work...we don't need these scammers to take advantage of people. Will this shameful abuse ever end!!!
by hanginthere
Wed Sep 23 2009Yup, its a scam. Same Carter Evans. Same text, no telephone number. My resume is out on Monster and these guys just troll thru looking for cheap bucks from desperate unemployed people like myself (and you !) Stay clear. Good luck on the job hunt guys. The economy is coming back (slowly), but with our cohort retiring all hell will break loose in Q1 2010. Ask for what you know you're worth. Cheers.
by fcurra12
Tue Apr 28 2009This is a scam to take advantage of the unemployed during this bad economy.. If you receive this email, or any other suspicious email that is probably a scam to steal your Identity, send it to the FTC at [email protected] Hopefully they will make all these scammers pay ! more info here : SPREAD THE WORD------ Let everyone you know to forward scam emails to that email address ( [email protected] ) so they can shut all these spam operations down.
by mch1126
Mon Mar 09 2009I got the same email - sounded 'a little too easy'. Glad I checked here first. Thanks for the posts. I checked and found that there is no real Carter Evans.
by joecoffee
Mon Jan 12 2009Ditto the previous comments. I hit reply to advise "Carter" to "Bite me," but it came back undeliverable. Glad I checked beyond their site's pages before clicking the link. Wonder which job site pimped me out? I've had some bogus responses from Career Builder before, and have seen several complaints similar to my experiences, but no doubt there are others.
by rjeric3565
Tue Dec 16 2008I got the same email! And right off the bat something didn't seem right. So I googled it and saw all of your comments! Thank goodness. Kamlin98 is shouldn't pay a recruiter/head hunter a fee when there are so many recruiters out there that don't charge because the hiring company incurs the fee. I'm so sick of these scams. They are everywhere and now I can't even job search without having to deal with this crap. Best of luck job hunting everyone!
by johndoe123321
Wed Dec 03 2008I got a weird email like the one described by Jessica (text included below) and it seemed fishy to me. Did a quick search and found this site. Thanks for the heads up! I will not be filling out their form as it does seem like a scam to me! I have reviewed your resume and would like to forward it but I need you to complete our online career evaluation so that I have complete information for our job search partner, Chandler Hill. Once you have completed the evaluation you may be contacted to schedule a meeting. Their schedules fill quickly so please complete the evaluation form today.
by jessica2656
Wed Dec 03 2008The 2-3 people who commented that Jobsniper is "great" are obviously in on the Scam. I concur with all other comments. They send you an email indicating they have "a job" in mind for you but don't tell you WHAT job or WHAT industry. It says you can reply to the email but if you do, it comes back undeliverable. They ask you to click on a link to complete a "Career Profile" so they can get all your personal information. This fictitious Carter Evans recruiter person provides no address, no phone number, no location. Legitimate recruiters always include contact information. The Jobsniper site has a few email addresses to contact (customer service, media, technical questions) but NONE of them work and they ALL come back undeliverable. ID theft SCAM--don't give them your information!
by jobsniperisbul_l
Thu Nov 06 2008I think this is a scam as well. The two positive feedback posts that you see are probably connected as well. Stay clear!!!!
by ribby972
Mon Nov 03 2008i think this is an ID theft scam. Beware of inputting your information on this site. NONE of their email address work: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
by kamlin98
Fri Jun 06 2008Its a scam, they charge you 5,000-10,000 telling you that you can't find a job on your own and that they will assist you. Don't ever pay a recruiter or head-hunter a fee! You'll never even see an interview!
by rick001
Wed Oct 31 2007This seems to be a front for Chandler Hill.
by ozziraterbillb_ob
Wed Jul 04 2007great service. very informative. great site. highly recommended. --- home of great coffee all organic, fair trade and shade grown
by splint142
Tue Apr 27 2004Great Tools, lots of sites. The best place I've found to get my job search in high gear.