Jim Beam

American brand of bourbon whiskey produced in Clermont, Kentucky, by Beam Suntory Website

Approval Rate: 69%

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    Fri Aug 03 2012

    Soild bourbon, all around. I would give it a five if not for the price. Evan Williams is a better entry level bourbon at a better price. Jim Beam still holds a soft-spot with me as my first bourbon.

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    Wed Mar 09 2011

    I think old James Beam gets a bad rap. This is a good drink. When I was young my Dad used to like it and so do I. The black label might be a little smoother, but for the money, this ain't bad.

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    Wed Sep 22 2010

    Jim Beam in my opinion is the staple of American bourbon. It tastes of a crisp deep complexity that always is the same quality no matter where or when you buy the bottle. Don't get me wrong I love 18 yo Bushmills as much as the next, but if the Master distillers of Jim Beam decided to double the price of thier bourbon, alot of the snobs that like to drink shitty whiskey just because its expensive would be all over this stuff.

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    Wed Sep 22 2010

    Cheap tavern swill. There are worse bourbons, but there are a hell of a lot of better ones.

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    Sat May 08 2010

    Jim Bean is a lovely drink. The whole thing is kind of confusing to me with the whiskey. I guess it is more smooth to me.

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    Sat May 08 2010

    Not to big on the white label, but the Jim Beam Black Label is wonderful stuff. Affordable, I can pick up a bottle for under $20 here in Texas. And these taste, oh the taste. It certinly does not lack. Great whiskey for the price.

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    Fri May 07 2010

    It is OK mixed with something, but if you want a good bourbon go with Knob Creek, Woodford Reserve, or even Maker's Mark. A good inexpensive alternative would be Evan Williams. I thought I would go cheap tonight, but now I regret it.

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    Thu Jan 21 2010

    $19.99 for 1.75 liter at Costco. After years of having it with water I now drink it on the rocks and about 2 fingers twice is just fine for me for happy hour at home. Wife says it is just fine for her also. Costco probably stocks it as it is a good quality at a real fine price. We have always liked Kentuck straight bourbon and my wife's people still on the same farm near Perryville after 200 years. Said her Daddy would not drink anything else. Being a 25 year Kentucky Squire I should still be drinking Jack, but a bit strong and pricey for me now in my old age. Still go for it at times though.

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    Wed Jan 20 2010

    This is for me a good weekday bourbon. I smell very much liquorice and raisins. Very much alike the smell of a cheap brandy. The taste is quite mild and round, not as sharp and strong as jack daniels. Give this one a try since its very cheap. If you don´t like it you may try to add it as an ingredient to your hamburgers or meatballs. Im serious!

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    Sun Jan 03 2010

    Okay.....Jack Daniels is NOT Bourbon, so comparing these two spirits is really kind of asinine.....and did I catch a guy saying Jim Beam makes a great RUM and coke?!?!?!? What?!?!? Regardless, I think Jim Beam is an excellent product for the price. It is my go-to liquor at almost all times. It's not the best bourbon ever, but at $13/750mL it shouldn't be. Jim Beam is friggin' great. It is great as a shot. It is great in mixed drinks. It is great on the wallet. Winner.

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    Tue Sep 29 2009

    A middle of the road bourbon. Strong flavor and a good mixer. I'm talking about the white label version. The green label version is listed as a five year old bourbon and in Oregon it is only a buck more than the white label version which has no age claim at all! Spend the dollar more and get a very tasty bourbon.

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    Sun Aug 09 2009

    Tastes how you imagine bourbon tasted in the past. Slightly rough, leathery, oakey, with a sweet caramel taste lurking behind that and a aromatic quality that hits your nose when you quaff it. That doesnt sound incredibly appealing but then fine cheeses have a rough edge to them also. The finish is what one is after. The finish of Beam, aka how it makes you feel, surpasses the taste of the drink. Take Makers Mark for instance it has a golden taste and is more enjoyable to drink but tastes one dimensional and the finish isnt as good as Jim Beam. Sometimes I prefer Makers Mark and sometimes I prefer Jim Beam. However people who think theres something wrong with Beam white label and its not a complete drink are incorrect. It stands on its own.

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    Tue Aug 04 2009

    good with sprite hehe

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    Sun Jul 19 2009

    Best bourbon better than jack

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    Fri Jun 05 2009

    Very harsh. It burns my lips, tongue, throat and everything else in the vicinity. The taste does absolutely nothing to redeem it. Probably the worst bourbon I've had, certainly extremely overrated.

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    Thu Mar 05 2009

    Not a bad bourbon in my book just not for me. Good price but a little harsh on the finish and not as good with cola. But still overall decent.

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    Mon Feb 23 2009

    As a Kentucky native I have easy access anywhere to something that some parts of the world and even some parts of the U.S. have a hard time getting ahold of. The sad thing about Jim Beam White Label is that it so greatly outsells other bourbons that many people think this is all bourbon is. The smell is fairly smooth but a little on the parfumy and sweet caramel side for me. The tast follows parfume, caramel, alcoholic "heat". For the money Evan Williams Black Label seems a much better buy to me. If you must drink Jim go with the black label the alcohol is more mellowed out and the sweetness has mellowed with the charred oak a bit better. Not bad, but there are much better bourbons out there.

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    Tue Feb 10 2009

    Ol' Jimmy Beam aint a bad drink but there is better for cheaper: Evan Williams Black and Ancient Ancient Age 10

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    Mon Dec 15 2008

    Honestly i believe that the title Whisky for bourbons is a crime. I am a Scotch fun,esp single malts. Rarely i like to drink a glass of Jack Daniels Single Barrel,so i decide to give a try to Jim Beam.    Jim Beam was the worst drink i ever taste, very cheap taste,hush. Don't buy it.

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    Thu Oct 30 2008

    Jimbo has been a friend of mine for many-o-years, I usually drink it mixed with a cola. But once in a blue moon ill have him straight. Ive drank JACK for a long time and Jim seems to be fairly the same and less hars to me than jack. And also a better bang for your buck.

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    Thu Mar 27 2008

    Decent but not my whiskey of choice.

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    Sun Feb 24 2008

    A fair bourbon, but nothing to get excited about.  The flavor seems a bit off (can't really explalin why), and the Beam family does make some decent bourbon so I don't understand why this one isn't a better representative the of the family name.

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    Sat Jan 12 2008

    A good bourbon.  There are certainly better tasting and smoother bourbons, but you really can't go wrong with the price of a while label Jim Beam.  Considering the cheap price ($12-13) this is a very good choice.

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    Sat Dec 29 2007

    Jim Beam is true bourbon. Yes there are smoother bourbons, and yes there are even cheaper bourbons, but this is the best overall. Black label is ok, but i prefer white label. Why ruin it with coke, fill a glass with ice and enjoy! If you want a drink that is so smooth you don't even know what you are drinking, then drink vodka and cranberry or something, not bourbon. This bourbon tastes great, is not expensive, has a wonderful aroma, and is the best around. Jim Beam white for life!!!

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    Mon Nov 12 2007

    less than average. has after taste

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    Sat Nov 10 2007

    Hmmm.... i'm a scotsman so Hmmmm

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    Sun Apr 01 2007

    I enjoy Jim Beam. It's pretty cheap and it's pretty easy to drink, especially mixed with coke. It gets me drunk without having to wince each time I take a sip, and that is quite nice.

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    Fri Feb 09 2007

    THE American whiskey. Sold quality and price. A classic worthy of its reputation.

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    Mon Jun 19 2006

    Jim is about perfect in the fact that it is not anything great nor anything horrible which makes it about right for a bourbon

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    Tue Mar 07 2006

    I don't detect any chemical taste to it, to me it tastes like butter. not bad overall.

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    Sun Mar 06 2005

    A good bourbon for the price.Next to Jim Beam,a lot of other bourbons taste like rotgut.

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    Sun Jan 16 2005

    Good, affordable whiskey.

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    Sat Dec 11 2004

    Fantastic with diet coke. Its harsh character actually works great with a little cola. Straight up is a different story; I have to agree with the critics. I too detect that chemical aroma. A little pricey considering it is a bourbon best mixed.

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    Thu Oct 07 2004

    Just began trying bourbons (see Wild Turkey review); dunno why people say this is so harsh. I'm a liquor NOVICE and this one was okay to me... but just okay. Did I detect some cough syrup twang (i.e. chemical tint)? Yeah (guess I'm used to cough syrup)... but if you really want nasty, chemically, harsh turpentine, try drinking port, my friend...

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    Wed Sep 22 2004

    Great for the price. Smooth with a good solid taste. Recommand Beam eight if you have an extra three bucks. Not bad but price is really considered.

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    Sun Aug 08 2004

    It's just bad. A bad bourbon, a bad whiskey, a bad spirit. There are much better bourbons available, I honestly can't see why anyone would voluntarily drink this swill.

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    Sun Mar 21 2004

    This is honestly a bad tasting bourbon. I am not a bourbon snob but when the taste is sharp and has the aroma of some undefined chemical then it is bad. I don't know how they sell so much of it. It is not that inexpensive. For information on bourbons go to. http://www.straightbourbon.com/

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    Wed Jan 21 2004

    I like the Jim Beam Black....Taste pretty good and it's cheaper than most.

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    Wed Dec 17 2003

    In the mean time, its Jimmy I Beam time

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    Fri Nov 28 2003

    One of several guys that I love spending time with on a lonely, cold night...

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    Fri Nov 28 2003

    Cheap, nasty, tastes like Drano going down, and even worse when it comes back up.

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    Tue Nov 04 2003

    Underaged. Uninspired. Uggh! There are so many MUCH better (lesser known) bourbons in this lower price range... Discover them.

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    Tue Oct 07 2003

    Reject Jack.

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    Fri Jul 25 2003

    A decent imitation of Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey

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    Mon Jun 09 2003


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    Sun Dec 29 2002

    Jim Beam and Coke makes you loose and happy and ready to party. It will also give you a colossal hangover. JB's a fair standby for unexpected parties, I suppose, although I wouldn't serve it to my guests.