Jesus Christ

Approval Rate: 70%

70%Approval ratio

Reviews 122

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    Mon Jan 17 2011

    Influential and powerful and the founder of an incredibly effective organization. As much as he is the main guy, you have to give at least some of the credit to the work of his marketing department.

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    Fri Jan 07 2011

    His book has incoorect information. He is Not terrible ONLY in the sense of FALSE HOOD!

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    Tue Dec 21 2010

    I love this man, everyday when I think about what He has done for the human kind my heart want me to love Him more. We always first think that He died because He just wanted to reviel the love of God in our lives, yes this is very much true. That was love to save the human kind from being destroyed, killed by the enermy. The human kind is going to a place of not just death by a place of pain, tears etc but He died to save us from all of that to give us not just life but eternal life.

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    Sun Dec 19 2010

    Paul created christianity and knew nothing of a man named Jesus. Paul was a con artist and liar. He was just a tad lower than the real disciples whom he hated. He was the one mentioned in Revelation as those who say they are jews but lie and are of the synogogue of satan. He and his band of crooks were the only ones who presented themselves to the church at Ephesus with a new doctrine and the church ran them out of town. Do any of you freaks ever read YOUR holy book???

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    Sun Dec 19 2010

    3 stars Replace this text with your review. Wait a minute. Jesus was not the founder of Christianity because nowhere in the bible did he said so. Moreover, the word Christain came from his name. .

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    Wed Dec 15 2010

    Founder of Christianity, and an inspiration to billions of people, most notably Harry Houdini.

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    Sun Dec 05 2010

    Christ most definitely had more influence over a greater number of people in the world by far than any other person. He claimed divinity, something no other person mentioned did. He is believed on by a far broader cross section of cultures, peoples and time spans than anyone else mentioned. He came with love, forgiveness and to show the presence of God to mankind. Many of the others mentioned came with a sword (Muhammad), philosophy and superstition but little heart (Buddha), scientific theory but little direct affect on everyday lives (Einstein and other scientists), or evil (Hitler). Presidents merely influence the people they govern (for the most part). Christ alone had the ability to affect people who would follow Him in His teachings and even die unwilling to deny Him, yet unlike Islam not try to perpetrate harm on those around them. Only later with the unbiblical rule of certain church groups would harm be carried out by those wishing to take power when Christ came as a se... Read more

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    Wed Nov 10 2010

    3 He was one of the greatest prophets of God. However it was mainly the church that twisted his message and spread it throughout Europe 300 years after his death. During his time, not much was accomplished, that is why He will come back one day to fight the anti Christ and finish his job ;).

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    Sat Oct 23 2010

    Sheriff of Suck indeed! This bozo spent his time hanging around prostitutes and losers, criticizing anyone that didn't agree with him. He ripped off the teachings of the other rabbis, taking credit for them as his own. The only students he was able to attract were "illiterate idiots" such as Peter and John (Acts 4:13), and when he tried to lead a rebellion against the Roman puppets (the Sadducees) he failed miserably. Later, more stupid bozos created this pagan gnostic religion about him, resulting in nearly two thousand years of war, murder, and persecution. The world would have been a much better place had he not been born.

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    Fri Oct 08 2010

    I think the guy has one hell of a marketing department w/that dashboard Jesus, and that failed musical group:'Jesus Jones.' Personally, I don't believe in Jesus (I do believe that there is a god, though). Whether real or not, I do realize Jesus' importance to millions and millions of people.

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    Wed Oct 06 2010

    I can’t think of anyone who’s made a greater impact on the world or the individual lives of so many. However, the institutions that have sprung up in his name can be a little confusing and often conflicting to say the least - which is not to say they have no value at all. Let’s just say that after I pass through the light I hope I’ll have a chance to go over my list of questions with Him before the up or down button is selected.

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    Mon Oct 04 2010

    Jesus of Nazareth is the most influential figure of the last two millennia, as most of the world has been influenced by Christianity. However ... most Christian beliefs originate in Zoroastrianism or messianic Judaism before Jesus' time, and their repackaging was largely the work of Paul of Tarsus. Many of the fundamental ideas of Christianity and subsequent religions -- judgment and apocalypse, bodily resurrection and salvation, an evil deity and a divine Messiah, the necessity of faith -- are in many ways less rational than the Stoic religious beliefs of the "pagan" world they replaced. The Catholic Church rescued this apocalyptic cult by melding it with Roman ethics and Platonic idealism; but other figures such as St Augustine are responsible for that synthesis.

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    Tue Aug 24 2010

    Firstly there's is no proof that the gospels are historically accurate so we don't really know the Jesus of the gospel was real. Second the Jesus that is worship today is light years away from what the Jesus of the 1 century AD was like. Thirdly Paul not Jesus was the true founder of christianity and Constantine the 1st put Christinaity on the map. The Jesus of today is mostly myth. So Jesus the Myth was/is very influential. However there is so many different version of Jesus the Myth we really don't know which mythical Jesus has had the most influence.

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    Tue Aug 24 2010

    Jesus Christ has had an enormous influence on history, both good and bad. The Good: His influence has helped a lot of people get out of bad situations through religion. He has been a role model to many people seeking meaning to life. He has been portrayed as the embodiment of peace. Billions have worshiped him and have tried to follow his examples and teachings. The Bad: His influence on society has lead to the creation of organized religion (some call it mass hysteria) that has the potential to shoot right past the line of fanaticism and continue light years beyond it. A lot of these people truly act more insane than people in the nut house. When you have children screaming for Jesus and speaking in tongues, you know you have a problem. When you have adults ripping Satan out of each other in the name of Jesus and fainting shortly thereafter because they've been "blessed", you know you have an even bigger problem. When those kinds of people are allowed to vote on political issu... Read more

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    Mon Jul 26 2010

    He walked on water, i mean even if he didn't, who the heck comes up with that.... he must had done it, regardless, he is a BAMP x quadrillion, did multiple miricales, healed the deaf and blind, died for you and me. and on top of that he loves you how cool is that? does muhammed love you? yeah after he does your friggin wife and puts a sword up your ass! Go Jesus ftw! woot!

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    Mon Jul 26 2010

    From non-biblical sources he wasn't crucified, had a human father and tried to heal a man who ended up dying anyway. In the Talmud he is hanged for sorcery and "leading Israel astray". His father died at 62 and was buried in what is now Germany. From this, I have to say he's alright.

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    Sat Jun 19 2010

    He is the most influential person in my life!

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    Sun May 16 2010

    He's everywhere, his influence is everywhere, and his followers are everywhere. He split the calendar in two, and drew people closer to God. He's definitely the most influential.

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    Sat May 15 2010

    What year is it?? Jesus made such an impact that he split history in two. He wasn't the founder of Christianity, he is the Son of God. He died to pay the price for our sins so we could know God too. He rose from the dead, and only through faith and a personal relationship with him can we know God. Oh and by the way lose the picture. The Son God can't be contained by some silly religious icon! Religion is man trying to reach out to God, but Jesus' life and death is God reaching out to man. "And you shall know the Truth and the Truth will set you free." - John 8:32

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    Sat Apr 24 2010

    He's as cool as a catholic priest on his way to a boy scouts meeting.

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    Wed Apr 21 2010

    Let's remember that he was poor and homeless, how could a homeless person 2 thousand years ago in a no where place have this incredible impact in the world if he wasn't who he said he was. The true son of the almighty GOD. All glory and power to the king of the universe.

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    Thu Mar 11 2010

    Yeshua, the Master Teacher was definitely hip. Unfortunately, an extremely high percentage of those who claim to be his followers pay little or no attention to his lessons. UPDATE:

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    Mon Mar 08 2010


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    Sun Nov 22 2009

    Jesus gave his life so that we would be saved. His teachings are only of love and peace. The Bible says that He loves all of us, and we only need to accept Him in our heart to be saved. No one is turned away that believes.

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    Wed Nov 18 2009

    The best time to buy life insurance is BEFORE you die!!! The best time to by medical insurance is BEFORE you get sick! The best time to acquire an informed decision about the one and only Son of God is BEFORE you meet him!!!! A CARICATURE is a cartoonish resemblence of a real person. You can detect and recognize the person; but it doesn't really portray the real image of that person! Most of what passes for knowledge of this one unique man Jesus Christ are CARACITURES; mere impressions passed down by skeptics or the biblically illterate; not the true image protrayed in the divinely inspired Word of God. My friend... if you haven't studied for Bible for yourself; you owe it to yourself to START today! Start in 1 John, or Mark, John. Pursue relentlelessly to determine it's veracity - it's life or death! Painters and decorators can enhance the beauty of a building..... News media can and reporters and increase it's popularity; But..... with out a builder there is no building!!!! ... Read more

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    Sun Nov 15 2009

    The most influential people in the world.

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    Thu Nov 05 2009

    Iam a Submitter(Muslim) he is also one of the role model in my life.I believe that he is one of the prophet of God.And I also firmly believe in God, the One and Only! God, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.

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    Tue Oct 06 2009

    True God and True Man. To Christians he is God and Savior To Muslims he is still alive prophet So you have two largest factions in world believing in him. That should be reason enough!!

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    Sun Oct 04 2009

    Looks like I'll have to resurrect my previous review: No street cred. If he rolls into LQ with a Glock...

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    Sat Oct 03 2009

    Cooler than any superhero - and he's real!

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    Sat Oct 03 2009

    Since Samuel L Jackson is number two,maybe he should play Jesus in the next Hollywood Biblical Epic ! THAT would be cool.

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    Sat Oct 03 2009

    Sorry, but the idea of using "cool" as a descriptor for figures like Christ, Mohammed, Buddha, God etc just seems bizarre to me. I get the impression of the apostles sitting around with shades on, listening to Jesus lay down some rap, snapping their fingers and going "Cool, man!"

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    Thu Sep 10 2009

    Very great prophet and messenger of God. Is only a step below Prophet Muhammed in greatness, in that Jesus Christ was sent to preach to the 12 Tribes of Israel, while Prophet Muhammed was sent to preach to the whole world. AMong all prophets Jesus Christ holds the record for making the most miracles. His miracle in bringing people back from the dead was simply amazing!

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    Thu Jul 09 2009

    I hate religion, ok! Ok! However there is historical evidence of him being a real person. However I don't really believe he thought he was the son of god or the messiah. I think he was just a very kind hearted and very lucky man that had a diehard following. Being extraordinarly kind and lucky back in his day, could of easily given primative people the impression that he was their savior. Great guy. However don't believe the misconceptions of easily mislead people from thousands of years ago. P.S. there is no God.

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    Tue Jun 16 2009

    Jesus gets double the votes cuz Christians and Muslims would both vote for him. the reason Muhammad should be 1 is because first of all the entire world has his name being pronounced and praised upon 24-7 literally, 5 times a day, in every single time zone. His teachings are followed WAY more than Jesus's. That's ifjesus's teachings are even authentically saved. People literally step by step try to be like Muhammad, even in the way they sleep, dress, eat, use the bathroom and to the last details. EVEN in bed with their spouses. read the book by Michael Hart, a man who did his research. He's Christian himself, so why'd he place Muhammad first. I could understand that if he placed him 23, there could have been a mistake in his research or his ordering system, and maybe instead of 23 he really could be 24 or 25 or even lower. But he placed him number ONE, and didn't even put Jesus as second. Because he knows his facts and did his proper research. There'... Read more

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    Sun Apr 12 2009

    hes awsome!

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    Fri Apr 10 2009

    Jesus Christ is someone the whole world should know about. He not only gave us a few pointers but he saved many lives! If you believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins because he loves us and that he and only he created us, YOU will go to heaven just like me! You will spend eternity with Jesus and praise him and lay your crowns at his feet, and be happy for eternity! Or you can go to hell and spend eternity burning and burning. FOR ETERNITY!!! do you see that BURNING FOR ETERNITY!!!!!!!!!!! That's not a happy way to spend eternity let me tell you. Anyway that's why I rate this as 5 stars! I hope you decide to accept Jesus into your heart so he can live in you! I'm praying for you my friend. May God bless you and keep you all of your days!:) SMILE JESUS LOVES YOU!!!!!!

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    Sat Feb 07 2009

    jesus belongs to christians only.i think he is not a great person.

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    Sun Jan 04 2009

    Jesus was certainly influential, but you have to admit that his impact was not always positive. I would definitely say the Christianity in Europe was overwhelmingly characterized by corruption, and the bible was one of the most expensive books until Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press. In fact, science and philosophy evolved as almost a counterculture movement during the enlightenment period and so on. Christianity hindered progression, and I therefore find Jesus deserves 1 star.

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    Tue Dec 23 2008

    It's pretty hard to underestimate the impact that Jesus has had on the world, and I don't think anyone who has thought about it more than a second is going to argue with that...

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    Wed Dec 10 2008

    Well the fact that He is the son of God, God himself, lives in Heaven, is my best mate, always looks out for me, died on a cross with nails through his hands and feet for me, and is gonna be who i live with in Heaven for the rest of eternity with, i'm gonna have to say Jesus is the coolest guy in the world. PS - All the cool stuff He does for me - He does for you too!

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    Wed Nov 26 2008

    Changed the calandar, changed the face of the Entire Roman Empire, Europe, North and South America, Russia now and Russia a hundred years ago. Influenced Science (both positively and negatively) influenced academia.Many Ivy League Universities would not exist if not for the Church. Influenced wars, art, culture and advancement of civilization.  The Historical Jesus is the Single Most Influential Person in the entire History of the World. Whether you believe he was the Christ or think he was merely man, his impact can not be overstated.

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    Tue Nov 25 2008

    Whether you believe he was/is the son of God or not. Whether you even believe he existed. Whether he is understood even by his followers. His person or mythical figure is the most influential in history, felt all over the globe in one form or another.

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    Tue Nov 25 2008

    he helped this world be what it is so I think that he definetly deserves five stars!

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    Mon Nov 24 2008

    A man who historians (even atheistic historians) are nearly unanimous that he at least existed in human form. Has secular sources such as Josephus, Tacitus, Pliny the younger, Lucian, that either alludes to or mentions his name that he was crucified by Pontius Pilate and that his following was a minority for the first few centuries. The letters of Paul (whom 7 every historian says is authentic) mentions Jesus's crucifixion as well. Even though a man who never hurt anyone , it is ironic that he is the most divisive character that someone could bring up. Bring it up on your next picnic and you'll find out you'll either get gushing enthuism or people that treat you in a cold hostile manner.

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    Wed Nov 12 2008

    he invented christianity

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    Mon Nov 10 2008

    Jesus Christ was is and always will be the fenomeno and famous person in the world.

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    Sat Oct 18 2008

    Christianity is the most widespread religion in the world, so Jesus must be more influential than Muhammad.

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    Wed Sep 17 2008

    He is the past the present and the future...

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    Thu Aug 14 2008

    How can you hate JC? He was all about love baby! Regardless of if you believe in Christianity he was a very peaceful individual that encouraged others to be self-sacrificing and kind. Can't go wrong with that!