Jessica Alba
Approval Rate: 69%
Reviews 0
by arnokurniawan
Wed Oct 05 2011I often saw her in the movie. I think he's one of the most beautiful artist in Hollywood who I know.
by alanlovesdevon
Sun Aug 07 2011Too young looking. Too "apple-y cheeked".
by b0rk1557
Fri Jul 22 2011Having her in my vicinity and/or bedroom and/or bed would likely be a pleasant experience.
by anniesmile
Sun Jun 19 2011She's so beautiful! I'm impressed everytime I see her. But the movies she does always make her look a bit stupid. She should play some serious movies!
by magneticd
Sun Jun 19 2011She'd get 5 stars if she wasn't such a dirty, stupid turd. This is Dark Angel, right? Yeah, a turd. EDIT: The explanation= While working on the show 'Dark Angel, she was engaged to her co-star, Michael Weatherly. She started getting noticed in a major way and dumped him on the grounds of 'he made me do things a Christian shouldn't' and now she's engaged to a producer named [get this] Cash Warren. I think that about sums it up. She's expecting her first child with him as well, so good-bye fame!
by ripplebypebble
Fri Jun 17 2011Oh buddy...The things I would do. Suck a fart out of that. She is "otherworldly" hott. Steamin hott. dangerous hott. sooooooooo........hotttttt hmmmm
by triplehsd
Mon Nov 29 2010I think Jessica Alba is one of the most underrated women in the industry. She gets less credit than to those who are getting the most these days who are her age. She has the combination of beauty and talent which should be recognized. What kills her recognition is these so-called reality stars. From television like Dark Angel to movies like the The Fantastic Four series, Jessica shows that she can be one of the best action female stars if they would only give her more movie roles these days. I would love to see more of her, whether it's the big or small screen.
by ryeguy123
Sat Nov 27 2010she has perfect everything belly tits ass pussy legs eyes aw i wish i could have her
by safsdfsdfs
Tue Nov 16 2010where's megen fox
by lisaarraz
Thu Oct 21 2010She is the hottest woman celebrity in Hollywood. She has the best body too.
by mrisla
Mon Jul 26 2010Ok, she is def not ugly, but come on ppl, there is so much out there that i can name better. Get Real! Most of her admirers are either teenagers/ pedofiles or hollywood scumbags.
by timmyc1678
Thu Jul 22 2010Shes definetly up there my no. 2 to jessica biel of course.
by layzienme
Wed May 26 2010Cute girl...but horrible actress!
by jamie_mcbain
Wed Apr 14 2010I would have to say, that I first noticed her (along probably along with other male Sci-Fi fans), in the TV series, Dark Angel, which regrettably didn't last very long. Although, it was pointless to have her in the Fantastic Four films, as the Invisible Woman, when she is supposed to invisible, even if she looked great, in the outfit.
by girlinthegreen_scarf
Tue Mar 30 2010Yeah she is pretty:)
by jester002
Sun Mar 07 2010In my book, she's a hottie with the body. Oh sure, there's hotter ones in this list, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Even a blind man using the braille system would have more in his shorts than fruit of loom after feeling just her face.
by derek_snyder
Sun Feb 28 2010Definitely one of the hottest women out there.
by djahuti
Sun Feb 28 2010Nothing outstanding.I've seen prettier girls working at convenience stores.
by jnaveen
Wed Feb 17 2010Hugely over rated
by irishgit
Tue Oct 27 2009She'd be a lot more attractive to me if she didn't look like she was made by Mattel, and gave the impression of having more than six brain cells.
by donnoble
Fri Sep 18 2009She's celestial. I don't know if she's got an Asian or Hispanic heritage, but being asian myself, she is without a shadow of a doubt the hottest girl in Hollywood.
by drwoowoocl
Sun Aug 30 2009No.2 on my list of hottest actresses!
by gris2575
Thu Aug 06 2009Not the hottest girl on the Planet, or even the Hottest girl in some Rooms. She is Kinda cute and I wouldn't Kick her outta Bed, And to be honest, she Likely wouldn't find me much to look at either. She is the type of Woman that would be fun for a stand, but Nothing else. She doesn't seem particularly smart. I can't rate her personality, having never met her, But she doesn't seem To have much of one. Cute, but nothing Special.
by ampman52
Sun Jul 26 2009yeah - I think she is the sexiest....
by llanes323
Fri Jun 19 2009Ive seen better
by elisav
Mon May 04 2009Es muy mala actriz, no me gusta que la gente triunfe únicmente por su belleza.
by the_drug_czar_slave
Thu Apr 23 2009Shes not that great. Small tits.
by edt4226d
Tue Apr 21 2009Very cute, and were I once again a hormonal 15-year old, I suspect I'd be infatuated, but, since I'm long (very long) past 15, she's nothing extraordinary to me, and not someone blessed with an overabundance of talent, based on everything I've read about her (which, admittedly, isn't all that much). Without the necessary talent to sustain the transition of her "career" into middle age and beyond (like not-quite-as-cute-but-far-more-sexy Susan Sarandon), I suspect that once the bloom of youth has passed, Jessica will go the way of Leif Garrett and Erin Moran, and 20 or 30 years from now, people will talk about her...if they talk about her at the same way that people now talk...if they talk at all...about Lila Leeds (....who?).
by astromike
Mon Mar 23 2009A lil over rated. I dont see the big deal. Shes allright.
by thatoneguy220
Mon Mar 23 2009as i recall she was in good luck chuck and that sence where her skirt get ripped off by the door and u see her panties*ahh* amzing overall she isnt worth a 5 star rating cuz she aint perfect
by idrep1
Tue Feb 03 2009She's hot but loses two stars for not understanding that celebrities need to keep their mouths shut in regard to politics. Celebrities using their fame to promote partisan politics is stupid (no matter left or right)
by nlc4351
Sat Jan 17 2009apparently one of the more popular "hottie" selections on this site, Jessica is adored worldwide and fits into many men's #1 slot....not mine, however. I'll take an Isla Fisher or Maria Kanellis anytime.
by dan3048
Mon Sep 29 2008the sexiest person in the god damn world everything about this chick is a 10
by michael3722
Sun Sep 21 2008Alba was raised as a Roman Catholic and still considers herself "spiritual".
by mcchido
Sat Sep 20 2008HAHA SHE HAS STDS
by paladin_shin56
Sun Jul 20 2008Good in Dark Angel. Also, hot. But kind of a shitty actress.
by monkey11611
Fri Jul 11 2008niiiiceee
by crazy_good
Mon Jul 07 2008so sexy!!!!!
by jennifer
Fri Jun 20 2008She is very pretty and funny! She seems down-to-earth.
by 6356a10b
Sun Jun 08 2008You forgot as 'The invisible Woman" in Fantastic four
by myspace_383048825
Mon Jun 02 2008looks fade
by kotton_mouth_princess
Mon Jun 02 2008she hawtt
by april671
Sun Jun 01 2008bad actress....
by myspace_13517044
Sat May 31 2008terrific great actress
by myspace_30849171
Wed May 07 2008Not sure yet...hasn't had a lot of roles, kinda hit (Sin City) or miss (that Dane Cook crappy movie...)
by victor571
Thu Apr 24 2008Aw cutie she looks cuddly
by dishwallafied
Sun Apr 13 2008I'm hoping now that she'll be a mother, she'll possibly choose a film where she keeps her clothes on....But I still won't see it.
by myspace_214272930
Sat Apr 12 2008i love this woman!!!
by twansalem
Mon Apr 07 2008Sorry, numbah, but I just can't justify five stars.
by trebon1038
Sun Apr 06 2008Sorry Numbuh...she is beautiful but still has a ways to go as an actress. I don't think she is that bad, but hopefully she can get some better parts and really prove herself.