Jerry Springer

Approval Rate: 39%

39%Approval ratio

Reviews 50

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    Sun Aug 23 2009

    About as Low as the Idiots who watch him.

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    Thu Jun 11 2009

    I can not stand the show. I do not find pleasure in hearing people screaming at each other. I can find other things to do to enjoy my time. The thing is that we are not rating the show on this list we are rating hosts and in that case I think Jerry Springer is a likable host and he rode the success of his show as long as he could.

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    Mon Oct 27 2008


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    Mon Oct 27 2008

    Until they curtailed the fistfights, this program was the best one on the air, and quite possibly the finest program in the history of television.  This show, more than any other, held a mirror up to redneck society and exposed to the world what losers, clowns, slobs, pyschos, slackers and pig vomit reside in the trailer parks out in the American heartland.  What a Roman spectacle!!!  Red state home movies!!!  A cavalcade of white trash real-life soap opera!!!  Hysterically, the audience was just as swinish as the guests.  And, apparently, there was such a demand to go on the show as a guest, that the program's producers had to turn away countless self-debasement wannabes.  Of course, as ringmaster, Jerry was the quintessential instigator, really whipping these rubes and hicks into a frenzy.  It was no surprise that once the on-air fistfights were banned, people stopped tuning in.

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    Mon Oct 27 2008

    I can't rightfully judge Jerry Springer because I don't know him. But I do know that there was never a denial when the comment was made that his show was staged. If other people want to watch talk shows, that's their perogative, but I think it's a complete waste of time to watch any talk show.

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    Wed Sep 10 2008

    This show is so horrible and fake!  The acting is bad and plotlines are so predictable.  Let me guess, you had sex with your cousin and now you want to get married.  Who could've possibly foreseen that!  The show has no morals and it's not doing anything to help anyone.  It's just pure 100% "entertaining" trash.  This show should be banned.

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    Tue Sep 09 2008

    i love to watch his showithink it is grate it is very original i no alot of people that would be good for his show

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    Tue Jul 08 2008

    Just look at the audience, not a person doesn't have a smile on his or her face. give him credit for being original......jerry is a guilty pleasure at times.

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    Mon Mar 03 2008

    Springer's show is more like a side show than a talk show. Pro wrestling has more credibility.

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    Tue May 29 2007

    Jerry Springer has proved to be the ultimate ethics challenger in talk show world. He is the ultimate king of originality. Despite his guests and their unusual and abnormal personalities and overall behavior, as well as, unique individualisms, Jerry has made it known that his show is his show. He does not care what people think of his show, as it is his show. When you see two people fighting on stage or three people, ETC, you know it's the "Jerry Springer" show. There are many things we can say about this man and how allowing what he does, could be quite unacceptable and well, extreme to the majority of status quo, but inspite of this fact, Jerry has proved to be not only original, but a risk taker who managed to pull it off, as a result, hence why the Jerry Springer show has been around for over 16 years.

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    Sat May 26 2007

    Psst, this was a circus...

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    Thu May 03 2007

    I watched it when I was a teen and was too stupid to know real entertainment. The people who subject themselves to being a guest on this show need serious help, which a talk show host can never give them (especially one who taunts them and eggs them on). It's complete and total garbage - real or not real makes no difference (it's still crap).

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    Fri Feb 09 2007

    Freak show! He's laughing all the way to the bank.

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    Sun Aug 27 2006

    This ass is a great example of whats wrong with America today. His TV show is broadcast in god knows how many countries around the world..... no wonder why folks around the world no longer respect Americans. They cant help but think we're all perverted, uneducated trailer trash.

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    Sat Jul 01 2006

    The lowest form of life in the galaxy. I hope the fates reward him appropriately for his disservice to all humanity.

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    Sun Mar 26 2006

    What a load of cow dung!! Act or no act, his shows are gross and filled with the lowest of the low trailer trash.

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    Thu Feb 02 2006

    I'm tired of seeing brothers and sisters sleeping with each other. This guy also slept with an escort when he was a mayor. Stick with your hillbilly shows and don't run for Congress.

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    Wed Dec 07 2005

    Although, his radio show isn't so bad.

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    Mon Nov 07 2005

    Double seriously?

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    Thu Oct 20 2005


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    Mon Oct 10 2005

    Excellent ringmaster. I feel is people are that down on themselves that they need to exploit themselves, then somebody should be smart enough to get rich from it. Jerry's show is purely for enertainment...not knowledge! LOL

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    Wed Aug 17 2005

    The only good thing about Springer's show is that no matter how crappy you're feeling about yourself, you can turn this on and know you're doing better than his guests.

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    Wed Aug 17 2005

    Would National Disgrace be too strong a term?

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    Tue Jun 07 2005

    Ringmaster of a freakfest.

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    Sat May 14 2005

    Total gutter trash. Meaningless mess. Same old crap after all these years. And for his show to last this long tells alot about the american people.

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    Fri Apr 22 2005

    this is entertainment at its most twisted

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    Sat Apr 16 2005

    a one if there ever was one

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    Fri Jan 21 2005

    He's laughing all the way to the bank, I know, but his popularity is very distressing in what it says about our human condition. Poor, pathetic black and white trash brawling on stage for the entertainment of his ravenous, blood-thirsty audience. Sort of recalls the days of Imperial Rome, Nero, and the Coliseum. Although Springer makes a very poor Nero.

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    Thu Oct 14 2004

    Capitalizes on the worst dirty laundry and almost singlehandedly lowered the standards of bad taste.

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    Sat Sep 25 2004

    I really think that Jerry Springer's show has gotten worse lately. The guests still continue to destruct, disrepect and deconstruct each other to a pulp! They're still going after each other on the stage, though it has to take FIVE security men to break up TWO guests?! It's no doubt that most of the guests have had bad relationships. And it's not young guests, there have been people who were in their 40s on the show confronting each other. And something is wrong when Steve Wilkos' own shows when Jerry isn't hosting are better than the host ITSELF! Springer has let the fame and #1 peak in 1998 go to his head and his arrogance is beginning to show as of late. The shows start strong, then later drags for the next 25 to 44 minutes into the show's hour as the conflicts, screaming and arguing becomes worse. There have been some positive shows he's done, but they are few and far between all the carnage. These guests have a right to be angry about being cheated or betrayed, but SIT DOWN ... Read more

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    Wed Jul 28 2004

    I cannot actully physically sit through this show for more then 60 seconds (believe me,I would never see this show myself but I was tortured in a doctor's office waiting room one morning)PURE GARBAGE this is a depressing would actually be losing IQ points as each minute passed in which you were subject to How my trailer trash transexual lesbian girlfriend had a baby with whoever and needs a paternity test to find out who her pimp daddy is

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    Mon Jun 21 2004

    I think Jerry Springer is a big instagater! He lets people start big fights and everything and I think it's disgusting the way they show themselves! GROW UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Wed May 12 2004

    Jerry has dummyied down America to new lows. If the show is legitimate, how come he never chastises the audience for clapping and laughing and cheering when someone is crying onstage. The show is purely disgusting and his little morality speech at the end is so phony just to make him look good, like he's the only voice of reason.

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    Sun Sep 28 2003

    Jerry Springer is a pretty good talk show host overall. I think he needs to move his show in a different direction, but then again he may lose most of his hardcore fans if he makes a move like that. I don't think there is anything wrong with Jerry at all. He doesn't lie or mix words. He knows his show is nothing but trash tv, he has said this so many times. I cannot disrespect him for being honest, and I do like the shows sometimes. There are times I think it goes a little overboard, but it is entertaining.

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    Thu Sep 11 2003

    This 'show' and all the other shit for TV shows are just another reminder that our morals have been plummeting down the drain. Every show out there is just making a spectacle out of all sleazebags. The toilet won't stop flushing, it makes me so sick.

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    Fri Aug 15 2003

    I think Jerry Springer's show is a dissapointment to our society. I think it is horrible and disgusting and his topics are not appropriate for television. Please stop the shows!!! They're just sad and lame. I have one thing to say to people who watch this show.- "GET A LIFE!!!!!"

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    Thu Aug 14 2003

    pervert, pedophile, and sex fiend.

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    Wed Jul 30 2003

    I think the show is too far fetched. Time to bring in something new. I am sick of seeing the same old thing. But I'll rate Steve and 5* stars. He's the only good thing that the show has.

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    Thu Jul 10 2003

    At least his guests don't die like they do on Jenny Jones!

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    Mon Jun 09 2003

    Gotta love the guy, he brings lesbians to us each and every day,

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    Fri May 30 2003

    His show is a forum for people with IQs of 20 and below... no make that 10. A bunch of trailor park trash running around and getting in each other's faces. I've seen better fights at school for Heaven's sake. Jerry seems to be a man who is capable of so much more than the filth that he produces. What happened?

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    Sat Apr 19 2003

    His show may be trashy, but at least he's got the balls to admit his show is what it is. Ricki Lake, hosts of the View and Oprah all have terribly biased and man-hating shows but nobody notices that. Springer is meant as trash entertainment and nothing more. The fact that Jerry has a Final Thought is an intentional farce to make fun of himself. Those of you who have children obviously need to keep your children away from this show, it is meant for adults. I think of this show as a dramatic soap opera gone mad! That's all it is and Jerry knows that. Why wouldn't he want to make money off of it? All of you haters please stop being uptight, and may I suggest you keep your children away from not only this show, but the feminazi, man-hating drivel that is the Ricki Lake Show too. That show will hurt your sons more than the Jerry Springer show ever could.

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    Tue Mar 18 2003

    HE ought to be taken off tv. His show is awful.

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    Thu Feb 20 2003

    I've never been able to bear watching this horrible show for more than a minute or so while I'm searching for something else to watch. I can't understand why anyone would fill their mind with this display of human sewage. Even if you get off on the freak-show aspect of it or the soft porn, what's the point when every other word is beeped out and every "naughty" display of flesh is blanked out? Is that supposed to be titillating? I find it merely annoying and nauseating.

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    Wed Feb 12 2003

    this man doesnt even deserve one star. hes a horrible disgusting pervert. no wonder hes running for senate he'll fit right in.

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    Fri Jan 03 2003

    I saw that show once. It didn't annoy me moderately as much as the Rush Limbaugh show.

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    Tue Nov 19 2002

    Show is entertaining but is also complete trash. Only contributes to the demoralization of this society.

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    Thu Jul 25 2002

    i don't personally like him, but i do like his show

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    Tue Jul 16 2002

    What a dork!! I do not know how ANYONE can watch his show!! It is so dumb!

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    Wed Jun 26 2002

    His guests are KKK, porn stars, animal abusers, men who dressed in diapers, cheaters, etc. To make this show interesting, the producers would give them some alcohol.So these low life will bicker more or throw chairs at each other. Than Jerry Springer would lecture his guests about their lack of morals. Marriage is a sacred thing. Blah Blah. This guy is a big hypocrite. Springer knows that his show is trash. Yet, he insist on shoving his phony morals down people's throats. Yuck!