Jerry Savelle

Approval Rate: 88%

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    Wed Dec 31 2008

    Yet another word-faith false prophet. First Timothy 6 says "from such withdraw thyself".

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    Tue Dec 09 2008

    I agree with FathersSon, we all have missed the mark many times in our lives and I'm especially grateful that the the Lord is my judge and not some of the people here, we are to judge fruits only, and not crucify each other, as the word states...get the log out of our own eyes before we speak of the splinter in someone elses, and when we see or hear of someone falling short....pray.....pray.....pray!!!...whether we know them or not...for only God knows their hearts!!! I pray for wisdom for all of us here, that God would reveal to us that greed comes in many forms...not just money..IJN..amen...but if you are living above your might want to ask this scriptual???...or are you actually living in greed....where is your heart, and where have you laid YOUR treasures???...may God give us wisdom!!!

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    Tue Jan 22 2008

    Life Lover, you don't have to support Jerry Savelle's ministry or any other ministry to be blessed in life. If you just listen to the teaching you will see that most of them aren't begging for you money. They tell you what their ministry is doing in the world and if you would like to support it that it would be used. Also, don't call a ministry a scam until you have spent time with the head of that ministry and know where that person's heart is.To be financially blessed you don't have to sow into any ministry. If you are believing for a new car, sow into someone elses life that is also believing for a car. Or the same with a house or anything else. It's called Seed, Time, and Harvest. It is biblical and it works. It's also natural, just ask any farmer.I hope you realize that God doesn't want us poor. Jesus wasn't poor by any means. How many poor people had their own treasurer (Judas). Plus Jesus also took care of 12 disciples, because they left their jobs to follow Him.

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    Fri Dec 28 2007

    Teaches stuff that appeals to the human side of our character (material goods, money, prestige, etc.). This "blessing" is bestowed on those who have the "faith" to support his scam ministry and ministries like his. This type of spiritual diet will eventually make one spiritually sick. These are my opinions only, I had to learn the hard way. Best to stay away from this guy and other "Word of Faith" preachers.

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    Thu Dec 20 2007

    Kenneth Copeland WOF cronie.  'nuff said.

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    Fri Nov 30 2007

    A prophet of God ! I have met him and spoke to him. Keep up the good work Jerry ! See ye soon Pops ( hillsong )

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    Mon Sep 10 2007

    Jerry Savelle is an awesome preacher and teacher of the Word and has definitely hit the nail on the head as far as prosperity is concerned. I gave to JSMI after he preached at my church and with in 6 months I received a personal check from Jerry Savelle amounting to over twice as much as I had given, and that was only the beginning!! One year after that I was offered a job which paid over fifty times as much as I had given Mr. Savelle. (I was thirteen years old when I gave to JSMI)

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    Thu Aug 16 2007

    Jerry Savelle is a man that seeks to do God's will first above all things. If you are mad about how God is blessing him, check out how he has blessed others. Much of what you see belongs to the ministry, not to Jerry Savelle personally. He does have a TON of money, don't misunderstand me. Check into what he has given out of his pocket against what he gets paid from the ministry. I think you will be surprised. Almost all of the Prosperity preachers have investments in business. That is where much of their money comes from, not all from tithes and offerings. Do some research before you start bad mouthing someone. On a side note, how often do you see the Faith preachers bad mouthing other preachers or their ministries?

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    Sat Jul 14 2007

    I often wonder on a site like this if the reviewers have met the man, or just looked from afar. I don't know what he is worth, but I know his kids do work, I'm sure it is by choice. His message and his integrity have helped to guide me.

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    Sat Mar 31 2007

    Jerry Savelle is president of Jerry Savelle Ministries International (JSMI), a ministry of many outreaches devoted to meeting the needs of believers all over the world."Dr." Savelle, as he often goes by, first established his ministry, Jerry Savelle Evangelistic Association, in 1974 as a traveling ministry with only one employee. His ministry has grown immensely since those beginning days and now encompasses the United States as well as locations abroad. "Dr." Savelle has no earned degrees from accredited Universities, or Theological schools, and worked as autobody repairman, before entering the ministry. SO MUCH FOR HIM TELLING THE TRUTH.

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    Sat Mar 31 2007

    Clone of little Kenny Copeland. So of course, bad.

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    Mon Mar 05 2007

    Unfortunately, another in the long line of name-it-and-claim-it, God wants me to be rich, and I'll-take your-money-gladly TV evangelists. When will it ever stop?

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    Fri Feb 02 2007

    You people who bash Word of Faith preachers have to remember at least one scripture.... The Bible does say in Hebrews 11:6 "But without FAITH it is imposible to please Him (GOD), for he who comes to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him." I wont deny that there are some bad seeds out there, but Faith is a necessary factor in your everyday relationship with the Lord. Evern faith for your finances!! God Bless you all!!

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    Thu Jun 02 2005

    Get the Tapes!Hear The Word of God According to Jerry!

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    Sat Apr 16 2005

    I like Jerry's preaching. He has great experiences and people can definately learn about walking with the Lord.

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    Sat Apr 16 2005

    A good teacher and an anointed man of God! And by the way, being a Word of Faith preacher is actually a compliment. If I'm not mistaken, the Bible says, Without faith it is impossible to please God.

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    Tue Nov 30 2004

    Jerry Savelle is a WOF Teacher that is more intrested in helping get rich rather than grow roch spiritually.