Jenny Jones
Approval Rate: 43%
Reviews 0
by jimorama
Mon Oct 27 2008Currently residing in the Canadian "Where Are They Now" file...
by moosekarloff
Mon Oct 27 2008Wasn't this bitch responsible for some threatened closet case killing another fruitcake because macho man was set up and embarassed on this idiot's program? You know, "You have a secret lover wannabe" who turns out to be your own sex? This bag of sh*t has blood on her hands. I hope she sleeps soundly at night.
by margaret414
Tue Sep 09 2008jenny jones is a grate ladyi loved her show when i watch it
by marlane
Sat Jul 01 2006How could she still be at it after one of her guests/freaks killed another guest following her cruel show stunt?
by edt4226d
Tue Jan 25 2005With her deflated breasts and shark's grin, she's still one of the blander, more nondescript carnivores populating the TV-crap circuit. A repulsive human being.
by coleslough
Fri May 28 2004should have kept her implants
by jglscd35
Mon Dec 22 2003wasn't she responsible for someone's death?
by bolp70cb
Fri Aug 15 2003I think Jenny Jones is funny but sometimes obnoxious! Sometimes her shows are just lame but most of them are very entertaining and funny! Jenny Jone's is cool!!!
by kolby1973
Fri Aug 15 2003I think Jenny Jones herself is alot worse than her actual show. These people need a place to vent, and why not her show? But I never really thought that Jenny was very interested, and she certainly never acted like it. She NEVER defended her guests, let alone made them feel welcome on her show. After 12 years, her show was finally cancelled, and only then did I see tears on her face. Her show went thru a real murder, and numerous other atrocities, and not once did I ever see any emotion come out of her. A very odd woman, who I suspect will probably write a book to explain everything. I think it would be interesting personally. The rest of you will probably whine and call me stupid, but as I care...NOT ! lol. Her shows will continue to air until September, and then we probably won't ever see it on TV again. :(
by mikeholly93
Thu Aug 14 2003another horrible talk show host who seems to bring bad luck to her guests. Think of the gay man who was killed by the young man he had a crush on when they were on the show. her show must be cancelled immediately.
by shimmers340500
Fri Jul 18 2003This woman has the worst show-topics ever. "Wild and Out-Of-Control Sexy-dressing 12 to 9 year olds"?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I guess the audience enjoys watching toddlers wearing halter tops and bragging about their sexual partners. There's a name for people like that. It's called Pedophile.
by angelsofine
Wed Jun 25 2003You murdering bitch! You killed a man! Have you no remorse? You got away with murder! Did you ever stop rolling around in your billion-dollar mansion and bother to think about the man's family, friends, and other people who knew him? Did you ever think that they're suffering and in pain? Of course not! As long as you and Rude Jude get the money rolling in, It doesn't matter a man is dead! I cannot believe that you are still on the air!
by jimmyinatlanta
Sat Jun 21 2003Whenever I was unemployed or played hookie, this was the show to watch stoned. Noone on the show would try and perpetrate that it was worth a damn, but man, was it entertaining. Jenny is a hottie, in a wierd, waspy Martha Stewart sort of way. I loved the sound effects. They had a white comedian on there who'd snap off some hilarious one-liners against the guests, too. A guilty pleasure.
by china101
Fri Jan 03 2003Hate her,hate her,hate her! That vapid look, that stupid grin,no matter what question she is asking: "So how big are your breasts?" or "So you have AIDS?" Stupid waste of space.
by averagejoe54
Fri Nov 01 2002Just watch the "show". No words can really describe this turd.
by alexandra_paris
Fri Oct 04 2002First and foremost, before I was a guest on her show I bought into the fluff and the BS of her being one of the most wonderful people around. Now that my experience as a guest has opened my eyes to a few things, I see her for what she really is. A lying shady wench who only cares about ratings and money. After that experience I no longer watch her trashy show and even to see her for even a few seconds now makes my stomach turn. She is revolting in my eyes. Now I know you're wondering why I was on there in the first place, it was to confront one of the people who made my life miserable back in high school. The producers told me that I would get my day, instead when the cameras started rolling, I was made to look like the bad guy and the audience starts booing me without even giving me a chance to speak, making my bully look good and me looking like and idiot when it should have been the other way around. After the taping I had never felt so violated in my whole life. I ended up crying ... Read more
by buzzc1a9
Fri May 24 2002Jenny is hot, sexy, and a good speaker. To bad I now work when she airs in this area of North Florida...
by norelle
Thu Apr 04 2002go head gurl. i think I need a makeover..(sike)
by loneusfullhous_efan
Thu Mar 07 2002Female Jerry Springer, her show is probably staged too. I was so glad when she lost to that guy in court. Finally one of these idiots was forced to take responsibility for their lousy show.
by psychoelvis
Mon Mar 04 2002Queen LeTrailer
by molfan
Tue Jan 15 2002I did not pay a lot of attention to her show when it was here. From what I could see it was just another example of smut television. I lost any respect I had for her when someone on her show ended up being killed. When she was brought to trial she played dumb and claimed she did not recall what happened on that particular show.Oh please!
by castlebee
Thu Jul 19 2001I didn't really think she was still around. I should have known better; it's pretty hard to get rid of baked on oven grease, soap scum, and lowbrow opportunists like Jenny. More amazing than Jenny, Jerry, and the others though is that people continue to agree to appear on their shows. Do you suppose these people, when asked back in grade school "What do you want to do when you grow up"? - actually answered - "Oh, oh, I want to go on the Jenny Jones show and make a complete idiot and public spectacle of myself!" Hey, maybe if they did we could isolate and treat this mental disease early and put an end to trash TV!
by callmetootie
Sat Apr 07 2001Jenny Jones may not have the best show in the world, but she tried extremly hard to carry it off as one. She knows how to talk to these people that need her help. She can be pretty humorus too. She is one of the lesser talk show hosts but, still good.
by dorkavitch_chamalsky
Fri Feb 02 2001Can't stand this woman!! She makes me so sick that I cannot tolerate 5 seconds of her or her stupid talk show. I don't even really know why, but she is sooooo annoying!!
by johnny_roulette
Tue Jan 09 2001SamIAm says she's a fool(Jenny Jones that is, not Sam) so I guess she is. I've agreed with almost everything else she's had to say on this subject. As for the postee who complains that the show's subject matter is too light...well, I guess so! After all, how many hosts have had one of their guests kill another one? That probably didn't go quite as planned!
by tad_pole7
Tue Jan 09 2001I say to Jenny Jones you and Jerry Springer should get together. You both have trash on your shows. Is money really that important, that you would sink to the pit you have sunk to? Low class show, with a low class host.
by metromommy
Mon Dec 11 2000Jenny's topics are light and airy--like her mental abilities. She usually does not listen to her guests, and her commentary is meaningless. Her show is good to watch while you load the dishwasher or cut your tonails.
by samiam
Wed Mar 29 2000What is she thinking? First of all, let's start with her Trashy, hooker-like wardrobe and her teeny-bopper hairstyles, she LOOKS like an idiot. She has nothing intelligent to contributions to make to the problems of the people on her panel(not that these are highly intelligent people)..Basically she is a fool..I am not sure that I have ever sat through an entire show, maybe I have too many brain cells to relate (and I'm not that smart).
by emer2737om
Sat Dec 18 1999Rabble-rouser.
by loca674om
Mon Nov 01 1999the Jenny Jones show is horrible, at least Jerry Springer is funny!