Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony

Approval Rate: 74%

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    Mon Mar 23 2009

    Perfect couple...... these two were meant to be together......

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    Sun Jan 04 2009

    They look right for one another!!

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    Mon Dec 15 2008

    They belong together

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    Mon Dec 15 2008

    Is this the Marc Anthony from Julius Caesar?  Does he ask J-Lo to lend him her ass instead of her ears?

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    Thu Dec 04 2008

    they dont look like a good couple. and she doesnt look happy

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    Sat Nov 15 2008

    considering some of the stupid marriages she was in this one seems to be the one.

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    Tue Nov 04 2008

    We all know the J-Lo goes out w/Marc Anthony because he wears Reebok Pumps.

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    Tue Nov 04 2008

    I hope I don't puke before I finish writing this.  She looks like a female impersonator, and a quite unattractive one at that.  Weak, dirty-looking hair, mannish face, pathetic flapjack titties and a butt the size of Oklahoma.  In addition, she can't sing, dance or act, so the subtotal is less than zero.  He's a drawfy, oily, no-talent who squanks out blasting, irritating attempts at music, needing a 20 piece band, chorus, choreographer, etc. to try to shield the fact that he can't hold up an act on his own.  Not even close.  Can you imagine what the limo smells like after these two exit it?  Whew...

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    Mon Nov 03 2008

    Don't really have an opinion, except I hope he's better in bed than he is good lookin

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    Mon Nov 03 2008

    I like that she's dating another latin american.

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    Fri Nov 09 2007

    i think that marc was not a man to tell dayanara about hes feelings for jlo. ever since the video no me ames there was a abvious attraction between them. i just feel jlo got into that beautiful marriage that marc and dayanara had. i hope he dont do her the same. what goes around comes around.

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    Wed Oct 10 2007

    Love them and loved the concert. Best concert I've been to and I have seen many.

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    Wed Apr 04 2007

    I love them both Marc is a great singer and Jenniffer is wanderful! I was Jennifer's premier of her new record in NY sharing some Casa Noble Tequila with both of them and she was incredible in her presentation!!!

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    Mon Dec 18 2006

    finally a rican

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    Fri Mar 24 2006

    The way he looks into her eyes and the way she looks back says it all. I just love these lovebirds.

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    Thu Mar 23 2006

    No one but Marc & Jen know the truth in their relationship-to post a negative comment without FACTUAL information is cruel and uncalled for. If they are truely happy(and they certainly seem to be) then as REAL Fans-we should be happy for the love they have. WE LOVE U MARC!!! Jan

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    Thu Mar 23 2006

    Usually I avoid these debates but, after reading the remarks, I'll make a comment or two. Those who are so negative need to re-learn to express and organize thoughts logically. For instance, you can't praise the virtues of religious living and, at the same time, be judgemental and lacking in charity. Divorces are never happy, but they do happen. Mistakes are made. Unless you've been purposely infected, it's manipulative and ridiculous to accuse an ex-spouse of making you ill. Children don't benefit from a home with miserable parents. Just ask an adult who's been there. When I saw Anthony and Lopez at the Academy Awards, I didn't envy the ruckus going on around them, but I did sense a positive connection.

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    Wed Mar 22 2006

    He is disgusting. JLo is disgusting. They broke up a family and recently the two were partying it up at the Oscars while Dayanara was almost dead of intestinal blockage in NYC. I don't care how he justifys it. He is a horrible parent.

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    Sun Mar 19 2006

    wo0ow there are so happy together!!!!!!!!!! marc is better than ben with his big head!

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    Sat Mar 18 2006

    They are always happy .. i think they are a cute couple ..

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    Tue Jan 24 2006

    they belong together ... 4 ever i hope ....the best of luck guys

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    Thu Jan 05 2006

    I think they have been thru a lot to get where they are and being happy. It took them a lot of years. they desirved the happinest.

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    Thu Jan 05 2006

    For all you that have nothing but nasty comments to say and who do not know the truth even though many of u here think you do. As if you were there or something.I just thought I would share a message Marc Anthony had left on his old website. I think it is very kind and sweet of him to do this for his fans, friends and family. That deserves alot of respect to me. 3.24.04 - A Personal Message from Marc Anthony Let me start by saying that even having to write this letter goes against everything that I believe in, for I have always cherished and protected my privacy. That being said I find it nauseating sitting here having to address allegations and accusations at the hands of people I know. It is hard for me to accept this morbid fascination with public figures personal lives. However, in light of the recent outbreak of sensational accusations and slanderous statements I feel compelled to address certain issues in an attempt to clear things up for those I care about. This will be the... Read more

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    Tue Jan 03 2006


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    Tue Jan 03 2006

    A no good couple of philanderers who ultimately, deserve eachother. Yet since neither of them possesses and ounce of character or has the faintest idea what it is to truly be committed to another human being, I highly doubt they will make it past the 3 year mark.

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    Tue Jan 03 2006

    Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony are great together. For the people who think that they have a right to judge them are wrong. Only Marc and Jennifer know what is going on in their relationship past or present. People are only making them being together such a big deal because they are famous. If they were just two regular people no one would care becuase it's "normal" and it happens in the "real world" all the time. They have a right to live their lives the way they want becuase it's a free country and there normal people like you and me. Love you Jen and Marc!

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    Mon Jan 02 2006

    The point, there, is, should Marc, have, not cheated first, I guess, Yari, will not file, first, for divorce. He has a behavorial, pattern, of, perennially disloyal to his women. First, to, his live-in partner, Debbie, whom, he fathered a daughter. He left them, right. Observe it, it's the same, situation, in Yari. Only, he married her, in, a Catholic rite, I understand, Yari, is, practicing that religion. And so, Marc has two children boys, with her, again, he left them, in favor, of, fat butt, J-lo, who, had cheated, on, her two ex-husbands, as well. Fact! May I suggest, Marc, needs, to see, a therapist, for, Christ's sake, the man, has, weakness of beautiful women. I just wonder, he gets those gorgeous women, when, in fact, he is so ugly, no offense, please. This, bizarre-love-triangle, is, one, of the most, talk of town, in Hollywood. You know, people love to gossip. I think, Marc, is, just, like a poor dog, who honors fat butt J-lo, since, J-lo, has more money, than him. ... Read more

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    Mon Jan 02 2006

    for the record, at that time, marc was dating, j-lo, it was, j-lo, whose, always, running after marc, even, though, j-lo, was not, marc's fiancee. yari, came, into the picture, as said, by marc, in his interviews, when, he, and, his, then, ex-fiancee, referring to veronica rasquin, it was, yari, at that time, whom he always ask/help for advice/help, proving, that, it was, j-lo, who stole marc, not yari. to quote, veronica rasquin, "she can't understand, why, j-lo, is, always, around, in marc's concert, when, the truth to the matter is, she was not marc's fiancee, at that time", enquote. IT SEEMS, TO ME, MARC, HAS A RECORD OF, BEING, UNFAITHFUL, DOESN'T KNOW, WHERE HIS HEART IS FOR. what's that, 3 ladies, at the same time? MARC, PLEASE, BE SATISFIED. what you are doing, is, terrible? please, zipper up, your, pants, and, control yourself, please. FOR YOUR INFORMATION, YARI DOESN'T NEED, EXPOSURE/PUBLICITY. REMEMBER, SHE, IS ALREADY FAMOUS, BEFORE, MEETING MARC. DON'T FORGET, THE M... Read more

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    Sun Jan 01 2006

    Love them as a couple and believe this is one very happy couple and they are very much in love!!

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    Sun Jan 01 2006

    It doesn't matter if Dayanara filed for divorce because Marc cheated, or she was this or that, or Marc use to like J-LO, or whatever those two USE to do back in the day, the bottom line is that it is still pathetic when a woman marries a man 4 days after he hops on a plane and divorces his wife, leaving behind his OWN 10-month old baby and a 2 year old. He humiliated and disrespected the mother of his children, and abandoned the family that HE created for a woman who was just in love with another man! So what does Marc do - marries Dayanara twice, gets her pregnant, decides he doesn't want her, and just dumps his family because Lopez is available? There is a way to do things! No REAL man would ever do his family like that, and no REAL woman would ever want to be involved in a situation like that, especially when it concerns such young children! And if it were the right thing for Marc Anthony to do, why has his appearance deteriorated since he has been with Jennifer Lopez? Devote... Read more

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    Sun Jan 01 2006

    ok here is my take. I too, like many of you were "upset" when I first heard about this marriage. I had the same reason you all did, plus I am not the biggest JLO fan. I am, however, a huge Marc fan! I know that this man has loved this woman for some time now. I know that he married Dayanara on the rebound, I know that these two people belong together. I hope they are together for a while, cause I really believe that he is happy. I wish Dayanara the best, but honestly I think this is the best thing that could of happened to her. Before she married Marc, I did not know who she was, now she is on the cover of People! I wish you guys the best. Now go make some baby's!!!

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    Sun Jan 01 2006

    i love j.lo ! i think she is happy with marc

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    Sat Dec 31 2005

    Do not forget that when Marc Anthony met Dayanara Torres, he was dating Jennifer Lopez. If we are going to talk about stealing men, Dayanara stole Marc from Jennifer. Do not forget that Dayanara Torres filed for divorce on January 21, 2004. That means that on June 1, this divorce was sitting there for over four months. Marc Anthony just made the divorce final. Let's talk about Dayanara Torres: She loved Marc Anthony so so much, but in no time dating some French guy. She turns around and starts about talking about Frankie J's wonderful kisses and the next day, they are talking about his wife. Get a life, leave Marc & Jen alone. Love you Marc & Jen.

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    Fri Dec 30 2005

    Who died and made all these people relationship experts? The only people that know what really happened is Marc, Yari and Jen. The only people who know what they feel about each other are Marc and Jen. NOONE ELSE!!! Last I checked a marriage consisted of two adults not millions talking blabber like they slept w/ them in there bed or something. Give them a break. No relationship is perfect and it's even more difficult to maintain a good one when you have millions of people scrutinizing your every move. Trying to act like there psychic or professional love therapists. So please people, stop butting into everyone's else's relationship and mind your own.

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    Fri Dec 30 2005

    I think Marc And Jennifer make a very cute couple.

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    Fri Dec 30 2005

    They will be together forever!

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    Tue Dec 27 2005

    I'd like to take exception to the harsh comments about Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez, with a different take on their relationship. From what I've read and heard (on an E! True Hollywood Story e.g.), they have known each other as friends for a long time and dated briefly around 1999. After they parted, Marc reportedly realized that he was in love with Jennifer, but she was with Diddy (aka Puff Daddy).. BTW, I don't approve if Jennifer cheated on brief husband #2 with no-so-innocent Ben Alleck. I understand that Jen was really dumped by Ben, so maybe that's appropriate karma. Anyway, Marc co-wrote and recorded his critically acclaimed and popular English album "MarcAnthony" with Jennifer in mind. It includes "You Sang to Me," "I Need to Know" and "When I Dream at Night." If you read the end of this 1999 album's Liner notes, Marc wrote a thank-you to Jennifer: "Lola: Thanks for the good times. You made for a great album. I love you." Marc again wrote a dedication to "Lola" in his 2004... Read more

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    Tue May 17 2005

    she needs a list all to her self to cover all those we the public know who shes had . i think they dont look together and i also think its only a matter of time before this one ends too

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    Fri Nov 19 2004

    When are these men going to learn that a seemingly big butt and a smile can't be trusted?

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    Wed Jul 28 2004

    Explain to me why he had a gorgeous wife and cheats on her then within a week of divore papers being finalized gets married to Lopez...Those 2 deserve each other...His first wife is better off with out him

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    Wed Jul 21 2004

    Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez' marriage is NOT legal. He divorced Dayanara Torres in late 2000. Marc married Maria Lopez in early 2001, after she had their son christian now that Dayanara and him share custody of. So that means that Jennifer and Marc are not Legal.

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    Tue Jun 08 2004

    I have lost all respect for Jennifer Lopez. I just feel so sorry for a guy that gets involved with her. Marc Anthony will be her play toy.

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    Mon Jun 07 2004
