Jeanne D'arc
Approval Rate: 100%
Reviews 0
by mhagan
Tue Oct 13 2009Bought this game when Circuit City was closing- and knew nothing about it. What a pleasant surprise! Very fun turn based battle system, awesome weapon / spell creation skill binding feature. Perfect length, great graphics and sound- a sleeper hit! Don't miss out on this one!
by ivan5248
Mon Sep 07 2009Jeanne d'Arc is a great game. There, I said it. Let me start off by saying I am a Level 5 fan. I own several of their games (Dragon Quest VIII, Dark Chronicle (aka Dark Cloud 2), Rogue Galaxy, Professor Layton, ...) and I love their attention to detail and all the little tweaks they put into their games. They always manage to put in a little extra that doesn't really add a lot to the gameplay, but it gives the game a soul and makes you, the gamer, feel like they gave their all just to make it the best game ever. With that out of the way, Jeanne d'Arc revolves around the historical character of Joan of Arc, a young girl that lead the French to some victories during the 100-year War against the English. The game however does another take on these historical facts. Turns out previous to that great war, there was another war, the War of the Reapers, where humankind defeated a fiend and hordes of underlings. Five legendary knights, each with a holy armlet, lead mankind to victory. N... Read more
by arisrocks
Fri Jun 19 2009This was my first introduction into the RPG world, and i loved every minute of it. The game came highly recommended and it didn't disappoint considering the only type of games i had previously played were action (God of War), shooters (Syphon Filter) and platformers (Daxter, Ratchet & Clank). I never spent more than 100 hours on my other games combined! The Turn-based strategy will stimulate your mind so that you feel like you are sometimes playing a game of chess. Beating it feels like a great accomplishment. The graphics are tremendous (way better than FF Tactics, and Disgaeia), and the story line is creative. For $20, this was a great investment. If you own a PSP, and never played this game, do yourself a favor and try it.
by usrpguk
Thu Jun 04 2009Jeanne D'Arc is a very good tactical rpg. I am not gonna go one about every detail like others do, there are a 'few' flaws, but all games have them. But, what I can say is, this game has an engrosing storyline, together with very addictive gameplay and is just very well put together. To all those pointy-hat rpg fans out there (like me!) considering buying this game; you know when you play an rpg and you are left with that 'oh i so want more!' or 'when's the sequel?!' feeling when you complete it, well thats what Jeanne D'Arc gives you.
by alexjoujou
Sun May 31 2009Jeanne D'Arc is a fabulous game. Everything about it just shines. It is true it doesn't stretch the genre (Tactical RPG) or provide anything really new or innovative. That's o.k. with me because I just wanted to have loads of fun with a game and not with figuring out a new idea or concept. After Avalon Code for the DS (which was very new, unique, and innovative although not a tactical game) I was ready for some good old fashioned tactical gameplay. Jeanne delivers in spades. The graphics are excellent. The cut scenes were extremely well done to include the voice acting (not so much common in RPG's). The story was interesting--it started off more historical but then threw a bunch of fantasy components in--so those who want a true historical game will be disappointed. Killing trolls, ogres, and mages? Count me in as I'm all sorts of good with that. Gameplay is truly where this beauty of a game shines--the controls are exceptionally tight. The menu and battle systems are top notch... Read more