JC Penney

Approval Rate: 49%

49%Approval ratio

Reviews 47

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    Tue Dec 13 2011

    Does anyone at JCpenny have any idea when these will arrive. This is the 4th time I’ve seen dates with this order change. I will make sure I give the appropriate reviews and tell everybody how horrible this service (lack of service) has been. Especially during Christmas. When will companies stop taking advantage of people and be honest up front. Your site indicated everything on this order was in stock when I ordered it. Then when I receive conformations after payment things change. This sounds like a good story for the fifth largest city consumer assistance media program News channel 12, 12 on your side. This is seems to be yet another example of say anything to get peoples money! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Backorder Notification [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 5:03 AM TO: ********************** Subject: jcpenney.com Backorder Notification, ... Read more

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    Mon Dec 05 2011

    I am a JCPenney Salon Employee....and I could possibly be fired very soon for this or if this is read by another Associate or Management. As a Salon Employee I am constantly being told NOT to sell certain Salon Retail Products or Limit the Amount that can be Purchased by Certain Ethic Groups. I think this is Discrimination and a Contradiction to Their "Customer First" Policies. I Recently Sold 6 Gift Sets to a young Man who was labeled by the Store as a "DIVERTER" by the Color of His Skin. I was Written up before for "OverSelling" and now I am afraid this will come Back to Bite me Again. JCPenney Discriminates, Labels, And Dictates whom and How Much you can Sell to Any Individual. This, in my opinion, is Illegal and will probably Cost me my Job right Before Xmas. I am Disgusted and will Sue this Stinking Company To Death if I lose my Job over this Kind of Discriminatory Action. WARNING: JCPENNEY LABELS THEIR CUSTOMER AND WILL FIRE ANY EMPLOYEE WHO DOESN'T FOLLOW THIS UNLAWFUL RULE OF T... Read more

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    Fri Dec 02 2011

    I won't even give a single star. I will give maximum negative star. This is very worst of all stores I have seen. The customer service is very poor. They will make the customers to wait even more than 30 minutes. Very very poor service. The staff members are very arrogant with the customers. They are not respecting the customers. Very worst service. I dont recommend this store to any one. I will recommend Macys, Which has the best customer service. And all other stores except this. I hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Fri Dec 02 2011

    Okay so first off I do work at JCPenney and am concerned with how much of our merchandise is produced in sweatshops. I know that Liz Claiborne's merchandise is sewn in sweatshops for pennies, and the same goes with Levis. JCP use to provide very valuable, efficient service, but with the privatization of the whole company something seems to get lost from producer to the consumer. When people come into the store they are often frustrated with the number of people there during busy times, especially around Christmas. They have cut back workers and registers while trying to push online services. But who can blame them, online is much cheaper then providing quality insurance to customers who just want a cheap buy.

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    Sun Oct 09 2011

    We made one internet purchase from JCP and were unknowingly signed up for some program called SB Savings solutions after the purchase. JCP said that we signed up for a ten dollar off coupon and were automatically signed up for a ten dollar reoccurring monthly fee as a result. We never signed up for this program and I never received any membership or coupon information. I tried to resolve this with both JCP and SB with no success. The SB Savings Solution site doesn't even have an email address to contact them. I asked both SB and JCP to provide me with proof I signed up or that they had sent me any membership materials. SB sent me only the date of my JCP purchase and JCP escalated the problem all the way to their corporate office but despite my 3 follow up calls always told me they were looking into it and never did anything to resolve the issue. Now I have an unknown company (SB) with that has all of my credit card info that has already used it without my permission to make unauthorize... Read more

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    Mon Aug 08 2011

    I really do like this store; however, there are a lot of things that bother me about it at the same time. Because I don't want to be fired I don't want to say too much but here's the deal: 1-Customer Service! At jcp we're trained to be as amazingly helpful for the customer as possible. This is good and bad; it makes us clingly and overly sweet sometimes, but it's also helpful at times too and makes sure you're not stealing from us. Because we know you are. 2-Credit Apps. Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry that we keep asking you to apply, I really am, I don't believe you should have a credit card and I am fully aware that you probably won't qualify for the card and this will probably put a dent in your credit. However, our jobs are on the line if we don't get a minimum amount of new credit clients. Seriously, stores are given perks (and also money to function properly) depending on how high their credit app scores are. So while I know you're probably not interested in saving a measly 10% (... Read more

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    Sat Aug 06 2011

    I felt I was ripped off at JCP when I ordered NFL bedding for my son the S & H was very expensive and after I received the items I could have ordered these items my self throught sports coverage in Dallas,Tx at about 30% less with no S&H.

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    Fri May 27 2011

    Never, I repeat never have a credit card through this horrible company. I paid my account off of over six hundred dollars, at the beginning of the month and closed my account. Three weeks later they take the money out of my account again. When I call they tell me it is my fault. I talk to a manager about crediting my account and he says they are not allowed to do this, even thought they take it out. He agrees to fed ex me a check over night. That was three days ago. I call again today, they deny this and say they can only mail out a check which can take 10 to 14 days. In the mean time I have a negative bank balance and $180 in bank fees, and a CLOSED JC Penney account with a negative $656.00 balance. I will never step foot in this store again.

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    Sat May 07 2011

    Awful. April 15th I ordered a ring for my fiancée. Their status page originally told me it would not ship until the 25th. Come early May I began to wonder where the ring actually was, and after 2 phone calls got the Fed-X tracking number, that told me it was delivered on the 20th of April. As that never happened, I became concerned, as my ring had apparently been missing for 2 weeks. Upon calling customer service again, I was told that my bank account would be credited the cost of the ring, and then I would be recharged as the ring was reordered. I was assured that no money would be coming out of my account until after I was credited for the original ring that never made it. Surprise surprise, the very next day I can see that my account has a pending transaction for the exact same amount as the ring, and I have been credited nothing. Upon making my 4th call to customer service I am told that my money is being "held" (It is a pending transaction, not past, after all) until the warehou... Read more

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    Sat Apr 09 2011

    I'm not even sure where to start. I'll just start and I commend you if you stay with me until the end of this... I guess I'll give JCPenney's 3 stars for the sheer entertainment value this order has given me. I tried for well over 2 months to order a bed, it consistently stating "Currently Unavailable". I called to inquire as to what exactly that meant, since if it might never come back into stock, I should look for a bed elsewhere. The Customer Service rep stated "we don't know how much of anything is in stock, but if it says currently unavailable, it should come back into stock in maybe a week or so". (The 'or so' should have set off a red flag with me -- or held much more meaning, such as.. if you get this item, you should consider that you've hit the lottery). I LOVE this bed and every day would check in the A.M., while reading emails and late at night before shutting down for the night. One Sunday afternoon, the bed magically appeared in my bag and I don't think I could h... Read more

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    Tue Mar 22 2011

    This company is horrible to work for. I worked for them for a few weeks. I had to quit. I started off in the photo department, and the manager there yelled about everything. Then I was moved to the accessories department. I was in high school at the time, and they wanted me to work during the day. They basically told me if I wanted to keep my job, I would have to drop out of high school.

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    Sat Mar 12 2011

    A zero. If you deal with this company long enough, you clearly will see the incompetence shine through. The catalog ordering system has become an ultimate, flat zero. From incorrectly filled orders, to cheaply-made imports, to exceptionally poor customer service. The associates there no longer care. It is no wonder that the catalog/online ordering is in such financial shambles. We often will place an order and receive an order confirmation that the merchandise is in stock. Then, we later will check the status of our order by logging onto the JCP system only to find that much of our merchandise has been removed from the orders -- without notification. Even worse, we have logged on to find that our merchandise total has been increased without notification. Even further, some of our orders have vanished into thin air never to be heard about again. So what is up with all of the JCP online confusion and lack of respect for the customer? It is clear that the customer is not valued. And the... Read more

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    Thu Feb 17 2011

    Good for some things - mostly bed linens IMO. The addition of a large Sephora section in the one closest to my home was also a decent addition. Otherwise, thoughts of them seem to fade easily.

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    Tue Feb 15 2011

    Can I give it a zero? I ordered several items online for my husband. Got a great value and decided in order to keep the cost down I would pick it up from the store. First they gave me some of my order at the customer service desk and then they told me to go to the pick up area downstairs for the rest. The only thing that was missing was a sport coat. Why was I driving my car around to the pick up area? I waited for the gentleman who took my slip for about 30 minutes. He came out to say that he didn't know where the rest of my order was. He went back and came back 15 minutes later with the jacket and said that the lady upstairs could have given it to me 45 minutes ago as it was upstairs the whole time. Get home to find three items were wrong. I called up customer service and told them that there was no way I was making another trip to the mall because of their mistake. Austin the customer rep said that he would email me a prepaid label. I still wanted the items so I asked him... Read more

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    Fri Feb 11 2011

    Ordered 3 shirts, 1 pair of pants & a skirt on Feb 3/11, checked where my shipment was & said it was delivered, this is now Feb 11/11. I was talking to my husband on the phone as I was driving home, he said he got his order (from another place) delivered via UPS but no sign of mine. I called UPS when I got home, on hold for 1/2 hr, finally got ahold of a rep & he said it was delivered to a different address (on the delivery confirmation it said "left on porch" - I do not have a porch)...the address was the local Post Office! I called JC Penney, got a rep, she said they have an agreement with FedEx & UPS that some shipments will be dropped off at the local Post Office & then the mail carriers deliver within 2 - 3 days! So it's gonna take what 10 - 11 days to get my order??!! That is the most ridiculous thing I've heard! Along with UPS already dropping packages at my house to start with, on the same day! Is anyone doing their job anymore?? I most definitely will NOT be ordering o... Read more

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    Wed Jan 26 2011

    I have shopped at JCPenney since the 1970's, and that store has always been my favorite place to get all items for the home. Unfortunately, the service and quality of product has fallen off sharply within the past few years. I have even noticed an extremely sharp decline in service within the past six months. Order tracking online used to be a fantastic online feature, but now orders just disappear never to be heard about again ... and the backorders on those order just dissolve into thin air. Now everything that I order is "backordered" for months though the status reads "instock." I recevie multiple emails pushing the ship dates even farther into the future. If they don't want to fill a backorder, they just remove it from the system without even telling us. Customer service personnel basically are useless and could care less about finding out what happened to the disappearing orders. Order fulfillment also is now horrible. Every one of my past four orders has had wrong fill merc... Read more

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    Sun Jan 23 2011

    I had excellent service over the 2010 holidays dealing with JCP online shopping. I always shop online because I live in a remote area. I just finished reading some other reviews where people said they had trouble receiving the product they ordered. I have never had a problem with JCP but just wanted to point out to JCP and other US Department stores that they need to take these reviews seriously. I shop a lot on ebay, purchasing from sellers located in China as well as in the US. I have to say 99% of all of my purchases of product on ebay has been shipped in a timely manner. I recently had a problem with boots from China, when I complained I received a credit within 24 hours. US retailers should be paying attention before online shopper just go to China to get the type of pricing and customer service they want. I hate to see this happen, but if you can't deliver then don't claim you can.

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    Tue Jan 18 2011

    Hi! TCU is conducting research and would love your input! Please click the link to our survey. Thanks! http://tcucommunication.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_aX 0z4M5Guf3FY9K

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    Fri Dec 24 2010

    not a regular jcpenney shopper (am i glad!) but decided to try their online ordering. when it came time to pick-up my orders, we were told that one of the toys (for christmas) was left out/lost! then we were presented 2 options: cancel or reorder! what a nightmare! my (special needs) son will not have a present to open on christmas day! never again!

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    Wed Dec 22 2010

    Custom Decoration Boise Idaho! So very unprofessional is how I have to start. I decided to give them a shot to do one room, and if that turned out nice I would have them do the rest of my 6 bedroom house in town and my large cabin home in garden valley. So at first the only issue i had was with my decorator Cheryl, she just didn't seem like she knew what she was doing. Some weeks later it was time to have my drapes installed and I was excited. The set up seemed to be going well the installer was very nice and professional and very mindful of not damaging my walls, things seemed to be going without a hitch until the drapes seemed to be the incorrect size! Immediately the Installer says oh this isn't right they are to small, to my Decorator Cheryl. He said nothing more, he was not accusing her in any way, as I had assumed it was a manufacturing error. Then as he came down from the ladder she starts blaming him for the drapes being to small. It was awful, I was so uncomfortable, the male... Read more

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    Wed Dec 15 2010

    When I had clothes shopping to do, I use to always think of JCP as a good choice. I have several dresses from there that I've had for several years. But in recent years JCP has gone so down hill in every area. Mostly their friendliness & customer service is gone and that is key to where I shop. No more is the customer right. I actually dread going there now. If I get those $10 off $10 or more coupons in the mail I sometimes even throw them away because it just isn't worth the hassle of trying to deal with an associate when I try to use it. JCP management needs to wake up and see the customers or what customers they do have left.. I know it would take a lot for me to want to go back & shop there.

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    Tue Dec 07 2010

    I ordered a baby bed sheet/comforter set from JCP in November 2009 on my Visa credit card. They apparently decided I needed to join SB Fun Family Rewards and each month have charged my card $9.95 and they must have gotten the "rewards" and I got the scam. Never will I order from JCP again. I have requested a refund to my credit card numerous times and have been ignored. There is no way I'm giving up on this rip-off/scam until I get my money refunded. The elderly are subjected to such scams every day and it is deplorable. I'm going on Facebook and Twitter to do all I can, wherever I can, to let the public be aware of such scams. RATE IS ZERO!!!! Linda Webber

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    Mon Nov 01 2010

    Been waiting for 6 weeks for a bedroom set and nobody seems to know when I will get it. Never get a call back as promised and nobody seems to be steering the ship, complete chaos. Never will I buy again from them.

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    Tue Sep 28 2010

    If you are a woman age 25-34 and you have an opinion of JCPeneny we need your help! Please take a minute to complete our quick 10 question survey on shopping habits and experiences. It is completely confidential and will help us out a lot, thanks! http://shoppingsurvey.questionpro.com/

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    Thu Sep 16 2010

    Less than 1 year ago I bought an Extreme Bedframe from Penney's. It broke. It took 3 months for their manufacturer's warranty guy to come out and take pictures. He told me Penney's makes the decision whether to warrant or not. Today I got a call from Penney's telling me that the warranty guy decided it was due to customer abuse and they would not warrant the frame. What? It has never been misused, especially since it is in a lightly used guest bedroom. The manufacturer of said bedframe is Mantua Manufacturing. I will never buy another thing from Penney's and would counsel anyone who even thinks about buying furniture from them to look elsewhere. They don't stand behind, service, or warrant what they sell. If you're expecting Nordstrom like customer service - you're not going to get it. AVOID at all costs!

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    Mon Aug 23 2010

    I shopped online at JCP and the clothing material was poor. Not only do they charge taxes, they even tax your shipping!!!!! I regularly shop online and I've never come across a company charging taxes on shipping!

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    Mon Aug 09 2010

    I started at JCP Christmas help in Dec 2009. At first, I really enjoyed the job because I was getting 40 hrs a week. After January they kept me on and gave me a 35 cent raise which wasnt bad but then they cut my hours to 16 per week. Now I live 42 miles from the job and they want you to work 4 hours a day so do the math on what it was costing me for gas. I was in the hole and having to use credit cards to buy gas. There break system is terrible. I worked in the men's department and would work 6.5 hours without a bathroom break at all, because we worked with a skeleton crew and no one could relieve me. And at closing, since I was the only male, I had to wait around off the clock to lock up and walk out with the female supervisors. The last straw for me was on July 4th of this year. One of my favorite co workers wanted to be with his family for the 4th of July and since my family lives in New York, I told him I would work for him; benefiting both of use, because I would get anot... Read more

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    Fri Aug 06 2010

    JcPenney is ok when you can catch a good sale on something. I recently found a dress for my daughter to wear to a wedding that was originally $60 that was on clearance for $12. It was a nice dress but there's no way it was worth $60 and I never would have paid that much for it. Their regular prices on clothing are outrageous. I got a nice top 50% off for $20 that was originally $40. There's no way I would have paid $40 for it. It was just a simple short sleeved dress casual top. $20 is all I'd pay for something like that. Their dress pants were about $40-$50 as well. I found a pair that was almost identical and good quality at Sam's Club for $16. My husband and I decided to get some better pillows instead of replacing them every 4-6 months like we were having to do with regular fiber filled pillows and decided after a lot of research on getting latex pillows. Penney's regular price on them were about $65 each. However, they were having a buy one, get one for a penny deal ... Read more

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    Thu Jul 08 2010

    I used to like shopping at JCPenneys -- but NO MORE! I still like the store, but unfortunately due to someone's decision at the top, I will no longer be shopping at JCPenney. Please, don't let this happen to you! I was told while shopping there that for every $50 I spent I would receive $10 reward certificate back if I register my credit cards with them. So because of this special deal, I decided to purchase new wooden blinds and new draperies. I spent over $700, I registered my credit cards and then waited to receive my reward coupons. I kept checking JCPenneyrewards.com and could not gain access to my account. I would hit the button to get my password, and I never received an email from them. After 3 attempts I finally called them asking them why I couldn't get in. The customer service rep gave me a new password and waited on the phone with me until I got in. Unfortunately, by this time, my rewards had expired!!! And I had over $100 worth of rewards!!! I pleaded my case a... Read more

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    Sat Jun 19 2010

    I have shopped at Penney's since I was a child, bought anything from clothing to furniture and have put many a dint in my Penney card. But frankly at my local store in Boise Idaho the past few months I have been very turned off by the whole company. Products are still fine with me, but its their treatment of their STAFF. I could have forgotten it if it wasn't so frequent seeing staff mistreated in that store while I was right there and could hear. One instance was in the men's dep as I looked for a dress shirt for my father, as one very helpful little lady showed me where to look, and she tried to find the size I needed, another sales person pulled her away rather rudely and proceeded to yell at her. After the scene was over the very nice lady proceeded to help me and said she wasn't supposed to leave the cash wrapp that what it was about, she looked as if she was going to cry, her name was Carol and she was AWESOME. Later I asked another salesperson who the women who had yelled at th... Read more

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    Wed May 19 2010

    jc pennys = child abuse i was in the elevater at jc pennys and i seen a mom banging her 20 month old sons head into the wall (I knew the mom) so i yelled at her. she threatened me-- anyways she took off quick--- so i asked to speak to the security and the security was already mad because they were on lunch. and they even were rude enough to tell me that. but i asked them to look at their cameras and they told me there is no cameras in the store. and they said there was nothing they could do even if they caught her. and so they walked away. Of course they lied and said they had no cameras. i had to call the cps and just give my word because jc pennys wouldnt give me the actual video proof. i will never shop there ever again! Don't send me a rude message over my review of the store. This is my opinion. I don't like the store because of the rude workers. I've already gotten a few rude emails from some jc pennys workers over this review. Which is just another example of why I don't... Read more

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    Sat May 15 2010

    I Honestly don't like most of the clothes and brand's that JCPenney caries but i have to say that thheir stores are very nice and have good and bad associates, i have had 2 bad experiences there but that does not mean i'm going to stop going there. My bad experience was with the associate i had to deal with not the company a a whole for people who have one bad experience and then say well im not shopping there again are usually going to deal with the same bad experiences in other places because its usually their ignorrance and impatience

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    Sun May 09 2010

    I just love this store. The prices are Great! Wayyyy Better then Macy's.

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    Sat May 08 2010

    My husband took my daughter to get a special dress for a mother’s day dinner. My daughter is 7 years of age. The sale people would not allow my husband to go into the dressing rooms with my daughter OR allow my daughter to go into the men’s/boy’s dressing room with him. A sales person stated that this was their policy because they were worried about sex offenders... My daughter came out into the store to show off the dress, when she went back into the dressing rooms someone had taken her room. She tried to tell them that her stuff was in the room but the girl (20ish) did not want to understand the issue. The girl yelled at my daughter and refused to give her the dress that she wore to the store! A woman ended up getting my daughters stuff from the changing room after the other person left. I don’t know why a 20ish year old girl was in the girl’s dressing room without a child, this makes me worry since not all “crimes” against children occur by adults of the opposes sex JC Penny you ... Read more

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    Tue Apr 27 2010

    This is actually for the shipping service that goes along with buying furniture on line. Ive been waiting for my baby furniture for a month now... which im understanding.. it takes time... but, I havent even recieved a delivery date call from shipping and they have had my items since April 8th. Noone can tell me what the hold up is.. and Ive called "customer service " 4 times. The last lady I believe her name was Lakisha was so rude to my boyfriend.. talking over him and when he asked for a manager she just stuck him on hold for like 20 min. Really nice "customer service". Our baby is due in the next month and were just hoping nothing is wrong with the furniture because now there wont be anytime to return or exchange it before her arrival. Its unfortunate.... I was really looking forward to this part of my pregnancy (first child) and JCPenny has now made it a hassle and dissapointing. I will NEVER but any furtiture from JCPenny again. Due to the lack of assistance and answers aft... Read more

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    Mon Apr 19 2010

    I had placed an order for 5 curtain panels. Picked them up and smelled like cigarette smoke HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!! I put in washing machine and still could not get out odor. Four out of the 5 panels matched, one panel lighter in color. I called customer service and had to be transferred to 3 people before I spoke to who I needed. I placed an order for the lighter panel to be replaced. Picked up panel and again lighter color. Panels are supposed to be Chocolate color but 1 panel was much lighter. This time I have requested for ALL Five panels to be replaced. This is the first time I have ever placed an order through JC penny and DO NOT ever planning on placing an order in the future. I cannot believe that they would ship out panels that do not match and worse stink HORRIBLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Thu Apr 08 2010

    This review is specifically for their JC Penny photography studio that is located inside of our local jcpenny. Prior to arriving i had told the staff we were getting family photos done and that our daughter was one year old. When i arrived at the establishment i ended up waiting for aprrox. 20 minutes and being called back to what seemed to be a storage closet. The photographer seemed as if she had never photographed a baby before and depend solely on me to position her correctly and make her smile (which i didnt mind). Also i noticed the staff have a problem with vulgar language. She swore several times when we were getting our pictures done and also when we came to pick our pictures up. upon leaving the photography sudio we were told our pictures would be done thursday it was currently saturday and we assumed that they meant the upcoming thursday. needless to say we were wrong. we went to pick up our pictures and they said it would be another whole week. There are definitely simila... Read more

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    Mon Apr 05 2010

    Great job, nice trunks

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    Mon Apr 05 2010

    I used to but all my shirts at JCP and ordered some back in Jan 2009. They came in and were fine. I didn't notice that a never got an invoice for them until I received a call from a credit collection company saying I owed $108 for the shirts. I told them I would pay for them and did. I checked my credit report the other day and see that JCP / GEMB had written it off as a bad debit against my credit rating. In checking into it JCP had been sending the bill to an address I lived at 15 years ago. They admitted that they had gotten all the statements back from the old address and when I asked why they didn't try sending one to the place the shirts where shipped they said it was easier to write off the small debt than pursue it. Now I have a charge off on my credit report and all I get is a run around from them that once GEMB puts it on there they will not take it off, even though they admitted it was there fault they sent the statement to the wrong address. Got to love the 1800 no service.... Read more

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    Thu Mar 18 2010

    J. C. Penney is a store I have shopped in since the sixties. I always thought, and still do think, that their clothing is a good buy. However, their customer service, especially the credit department, is lacking. There are rarely any sales people on the floor to assist. Anyone working seems to be on a register, and there is often a dirth of assistance there. Recently, I was two days late on my card and went on line to pay the balance. There was a problem on line, so I called customer service only to be treated like a deadbeat and constantly told I had to pay my minimum. Even though I tried to explain that I was trying to do just that, on line, I was stopped and told to pay them over the phone... for a fee. I waited for the bill because I knew that I'd pay it way before the deadline this time and paid the balance. When I complained about the treatment, I got a nice form email that reeked of insincerety. It will be a long time before I return. And then it will be for the $10 g... Read more

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    Thu Mar 04 2010

    I shop at JCPenney at the Natick Collections in Massachusetts. The employees are very friendly and knowledgeable. They always stop what they are doing to give you the best service. I recently stopped by the Lingerie department during their Bra Fit Event. The employee was experienced in fitting and devoted all her time for me. I purchased 4 new bras that day because of her. Fitting rooms were clean and comfortable. Great Store. Great Service. More stores should be like this.

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    Thu Feb 25 2010

    Very bad experience in the jewelry department. My fiance and I ordered my wedding ring from JC Penney in November, Thanksgiving week. We were told it would be shipped to the store in about 6-8 weeks. In January, we called to check on the ring order status, and were told that it could only be checked by a manager since it was a special order (I had to have it sized especially small), and that I would have to call back when the manager was in the store. It took three more phone calls over the next week to finally be connected to this person, and she checked the order and said it had shipped and was on its way. Two weeks later, the ring still had not arrived. My fiance called and was given the same runaround about the manager not being in the store. Finally in early February (more than twelve weeks after we ordered it) the ring comes in, my fiance pick it up, and it is the wrong size (I ordered a 4, and it is a 5). The woman working there says she can ship it back to the manufacturer and ... Read more

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    Tue Feb 23 2010

    Dreadful. I placed a simple order online to be delivered to a PO Box. First they miss out the PO Box number entirely, so I email to correct their error. Then I try to correct this, repeatedly: they email me three separate times with the wrong PO Box number (even though I wrote the correct address in every communication). Are these guys literate? The latest correspondence was a 'copy' of my original order, stating the PO Box number I had given was wrong... despite the original email confirmation from them with all the correct information on. If it wasn't such a waste of my time, it'd be laughable. How they're still in business I don't know. I will NEVER shop there again. I wish I'd read this site before placing an order with such an incredibly incompetent company, who seem quite happy to accuse their customers of lying.

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    Thu Feb 18 2010

    After ordering a bedspread online, jcpennys decided to enter me into some 'fun family rewards' bs and charge me 9.95/month for this. I never checked the box. So I never actively agreed or accepted doing anything like this. I finally had to call my bank, report it as an unauthorized charge, and send me a new debit card.

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    Sun Feb 14 2010

    Eight months pregnant I waited at the jewerly counter for 30 minutes for someone to help me.One of the sales reps finally came by,but never returned to give me anymore help whatsoever.The worst customer care I have ever received anywhere.Will never shop there again.

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    Thu Dec 24 2009

    This rating is specific to Penney's furniture department's practice of adding a $30 shipping charge to the price on the tag on their furniture. My wife and I found a Lane recliner at the NE Mall store in Hurst, TX, that had been advertised at $399 the past three weeks. Yesterday (Dec. 23) I went to see if the price had dropped any. Sure enough the tag said $349. The salesman (I'll call him Mr. Congeniality) checked the computer and said the price tag was wrong and the price should be $399 (it showed $399 a week ago so I know somebody purposely lowered it to $349). He agreed to sell it for $349. I was ready to pay cash and asked him when it would be ready to pick up. He said about 10 days if delivered to my home for a $60 fee. I asked him when it would be available if I pick it up at the store. He said January 11 (19 days). Then he added there will be a $30 delivery charge to get it from Atlanta to the store in Hurst. I couldn't believe it. There was nothing on the tag that s... Read more

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    Tue Dec 22 2009

    I had a bad experience with JC Penney. It was a simple matter and I have to admit it really took me by surprise. Believe it or not, I had bought some of those Stafford brand underwear but wasnt paying attention and grabbed xtra large size. So, after work in the evening, my wife and I thought I could just get it over with and go exchange them. The lady cleaning windows greeted me friendly, and I asked, where can I exchange something. She pointed to the first booth there and said, that will be fine right there. There were about 4 ladies working the booth and they had things moving right along. I didnt realize at first, they must have had some policy for forming a line. I had walked right up to the booth and stood behind a person. Once I realized there were a couple people in line, I stepped back politely out of there way and waited for my turn. Then, there was nobody in line. So, I just stayed where I was waiting. Then, a couple ladies came a few minutes later and stood where this inform... Read more