Jar Jar Binks

Approval Rate: 42%

42%Approval ratio

Reviews 38

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    Tue Oct 06 2009

    All three of the movies would have been much better if it was simply a 7.5 hour trilogy of this character being drawn and quartered in super slow motion. We all know that. Of greater importance is just what the fuck was the reviewer thinking when he named himself after this? It's uncanny how one of the most annoying old school reviewer's reviews, and this hideous joke of a character in the film, have sooooooo much in common!

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    Tue Sep 22 2009

    His name should be Jar Jar Stinks instead of Jar Jar Binks. He isn't my favorite Star Wars Character. He is very annoying.

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    Wed Jan 14 2009

    Not that bad really, we have to remember that Star Wars is primarily aimed at kids. Those who are complaining about the character now do so because they're no longer kids.

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    Tue Nov 25 2008

    Considering how awful this movie is, what exactly would you expect of its characters?

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    Thu Sep 18 2008

    Jar-Jar runs the geek section of Hell...UPDATE: I just put my proof up in this item's desription. Enjoy...

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    Thu Sep 18 2008


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    Fri Aug 08 2008

    worst character

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    Tue Jul 01 2008

    Why are you even asking?

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    Mon Jun 09 2008

    Ruined movie.

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    Sun Jun 08 2008

    noone like him

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    Tue Jun 03 2008

    Someone please shoot this retard.

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    Sat Mar 29 2008

    He is so funny! He is a loveble character.

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    Wed Mar 26 2008

    I never paid enough attention to the I, II and III, except to realize that this character is annoying.

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    Wed Mar 26 2008

    Oh my, I think I saw this guy at the bar last night...

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    Mon Jan 28 2008

    Kids like him, that's why he wasn't killed. I like him, even though he's the prototypical geek. He wouldn't know cool from Jessica Simpson video....

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    Fri May 11 2007

    A character best left forgotten.

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    Tue Mar 06 2007


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    Fri Nov 24 2006

    OK... Most people hate him, and I can understand why, yet many people love him and I can also understand that too. He is hilarious (to laugh AT) yet irritating at the same time. I suppose he appeals to the kids though.

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    Sat Oct 08 2005

    alright so Jar Jar was pretty stupid, but hey, without him you couldnt have had that sweet battle with the Gungans and the Battle Droids. Even tho, the Gungans had no chance of winning without the battle station being detroyed, it still would have been a sweet massicure, or however you spell it...

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    Sat Aug 06 2005

    Why couldn't Lucas have that miserable bastard killed?

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    Tue May 24 2005

    Stupid Gungan who talks like a baby. He says weesa and meesa all the time.

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    Tue May 24 2005

    I believe everyone can agree this was the worst character ever created. His annoying and mindless babble just ruined episode 1. What in blazes was George Lucas thinking, was he trying to appeal to a younger audience? Well he failed and ended up not appealing to anybody, I've talked to many who abandoned Star Wars because of how poor episode 1 was. They should've replaced episode 1 with episode 2. In fact, George Lucas should have publicly stated that he failed as a director when it came to episode 1 and either threw it out or completely re-done it. Star Wars as a whole could have been so much better, they expected the audience to know too much and didn't take the time to develop each character.

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    Mon May 23 2005

    times are tough for the good hearted Jar Jar when is rated lower than Sarlaac!

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    Wed May 18 2005

    I found Jar-Jar to be more of an irritating addition than anything else. His dialect was not a native tongue like the other creatures, but rather some odd form of reptile ebonics that really got under my skin. Luckily he had a much smaller role in the second.

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    Tue Dec 21 2004

    This character was one of the most disappointing parts of Episode 1. The movie would have been 10 times better with out him. He was not killed in Episode 2 which was also very disappointing but my hopes are up for 3. George or any one at Lucas film if you are reading this don't go for cute and/or annoying just go for the standard you set in the first 3 films and it will be great.

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    Thu Aug 05 2004


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    Tue Jun 08 2004

    Gollum could kick his butt.

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    Sat Apr 17 2004

    What's with all the mesa and meso?

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    Fri Apr 16 2004

    meeeeeso ssuuucck

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    Thu Jan 15 2004

    I really never could stand this guy. He looks like a duck and spits a lot.

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    Tue Sep 16 2003

    This character sucks. He was supposed to add comic relief, but nothing he did was funny. Any serious group of heroes would have ditched this clown at the nearest spaceport. What precisely were his talents? Was he a good fighter? No. Was he good at fixing things? No, I wouldn't trust him around a broken vacuum cleaner much less a space ship. Was he good at thinking up inventive solutions to seemingly intractable problems? No, he was borderline retarded. I suppose he's a good role model for American audiences. We seem to like it when completely inept morons succeed in life because it makes it seem as if the rest of us normal people have a chance. I am so glad that the whole merchandising thing flopped. People thought the Ewoks were a cynical ploy to sell more toys, but they were nothing compared with Jar Jar. The whole time he was onscreen I kept hoping someone would grab his ears and tie them to the back of a departing speeder bike. That'd have been cool.

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    Tue Sep 16 2003

    I think the fact that anyone can spend over 5 minutes complaining about a movie character that doesn't even exist in real life definately needs to get out of their house more often. (or possibly even get a life..) Jar Jar Binks was a character, and he was more than likely aimed at the children of the fan base of Star Wars. It is almost as bad as someone carrying on forever about how horrible Barney is. How selfish....just let children be children and quit whining already. It isn't all about "YOU".....sighs.....

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    Mon Aug 18 2003

    Made a bad movie worse. The most annoying film character of all time. To put him in episode I was a mistake I don't know how the producers didn't see, but even after all the hate talk of him, they still put him in episode II.

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    Fri Jul 18 2003

    A waste of space. I can understand that this character was made for younger audience members because the character itself was a joke but why would Lucas make a character to please the younger viewers when the majority of fans were the people that waited over a decade for the next installment of the Star Wars saga. All of the die hard Star Wars fans are over the age of twelve anyway.

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    Sat Jun 21 2003

    blow him to straight f*cking hell

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    Sat Jun 07 2003

    The definition of a commericalized character, I'm glad that Lucas realized that when he practically erased Jar-Jar from the second movie. Funny how, in a way, Jar-Jar's role in the second movie sums up his existance: he ruined EVERYTHING.

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    Sat Jun 07 2003

    The more times I watch the Phantom Menace, the more I dislike this character. Comic relief is not needed in a Star Wars movie.

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    Wed May 28 2003

    Jar Jar Binks was a useless, annoying character that should have been left out of the Star Wars series all together.