Jane Fonda

Approval Rate: 41%

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    Wed Oct 20 2010

    Not much of an actress, although she looked pretty stunning. She was at her best in the credit sequence for Barbarella, taking her clothes off. After that it was all downhill.

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    Wed Oct 20 2010

    She had basic acting skill and managed to leverage a solid gold Hollywood pedigree into a decent run at the box-office. The rest of the stuff is just grist for the rumour mill. Her activism against the Viet Nam war was just as over-the-top as her advocacy toward leading a generation of women to wear spandex. Is odd that she ultimately gave it all up to become a trophy wife.

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    Wed Jul 15 2009

    The only good movie that she was in was 9 to 5!

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    Sun Mar 04 2007

    I like her movies she always plays very striking characters. Klute, They Shoot Horses Dont They, The China Syndrome and Hurry Sundown are some of my favorites.

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    Tue Nov 08 2005

    Mention the name Jane Fonda and you stir up a hornet's nest of controversy. Her political views have offended millions. Ms. Fonda is first and formost an actress. That's how I choose to see her. she is a very talented oscar winning actress. I always find her performances believable and satisfying. I admire the fact that she is so versatile. Whether it's a comedy or drama, this lady gives it her all and it shows in her performances. That's good enough for me!

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    Tue Nov 08 2005

    As an actress, better than average, I suppose. As for the Vietnam stuff- disgraceful. I'm left-leaning in most ways, and would have been opposed to this war, which was utter nonsense brought to the American public by the rich, conservative whack jobs, John Birch types, bluebloods that live in fantasy land, ignorant and proud of it hardhats, good old boys, bow tie wearing heartland ministers,etc. A war where mostly non-whites, kids with no other options, working class kids etc, went. A lot of them didn't come back, or came back messed up on drugs, or had difficulty adjusting to life in some form or fashion. I'd have been opposed to this flimsiest of wars, but in no way, shape, or form, do I find this silly person admirable. It's one thing to be opposed to this war, but quite another for some ivory tower entertainer to pull the cruel sh** that she did.

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    Wed Oct 05 2005

    NOT a classic film actress

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    Mon Jun 13 2005

    A good actress and beautiful too, however I guess I'm still a little upset with her about the vietnam war. Let me explain....I don't mind that she was agaisnt the war and spoke out about it...however she tried to get us servicemen to go along with her....she did'nt seem to understand that we did'nt have a choice, had I refused to return to my ship I would have been thrown out on a dishonorable discharge. I guess this is'nt the proper forum for this...sorry if I upset anyone.

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    Mon Jun 06 2005

    I can't even both debating with you right wing conservative, close minded dumb a sses. GET OVER IT. Jane Fonda did nothing but support troops...that is why she did not want to be in Vietnam, she knew we would not win, and didn't want them sent there to just be killed. JANE DID NOT SEND OUT MEN TO WAR...THE GOVERNMENT DID. So stop using Jane Fonda as yor scapegoat and get the Fcuk over it, b/c it's wicked sad and pathetic that you still think it' cool and funny to say Hanoi Jane it just makes you look like an even bigger loser than you already are.

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    Tue May 31 2005

    My wife made me watch Barbarella last night, and Jane Fonda was awesome. And gorgeous. I had no idea.

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    Thu May 19 2005

    Jane may be old, but she was NOT from the classic (pre-1960) film era!

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    Wed May 18 2005

    Really. Tequilafied, when did she apologize, to whom and what did she say. I have not read or seen an apology from her. She has said she regrets going to North Vietnam, that she regrets the hurt it caused, etc., etc. But, an apology for insulting the memory of those who died? An apology for accusing POW's of killing babies? To their faces? While in captivity? An apology for the pain she caused to the families of soldiers missing or killed? An apology for giving aid and comfort to the enemy of the United States? Ahh, no. No such thing to my knowledge. And, to be fair, if she were to apologize, after all these years of denial and rationalization, it would have to be pretty contrite and specific to do her any good with those who have resented her actions and cavalier, traitorous statements and actions for so long. UPDATE: In fairness, this isn't a political list, and she has turned in some outstanding performances, and is an outstanding classical actress. When you're in the en... Read more

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    Wed Apr 06 2005

    Jane Fonda is an inspiration. She doesn't strike me as a particularly shrewd woman...she plays it as it lays...and she knows to lay low when her situation gets too complicated. She's raw, her performances communicate a soul deep sadness without actually 'performing' sadness (see 'They Shoot Horses Don't They?'). Her reputation as 'Hanoi Jane' is the result of more right-wing hyperbole than anything. In short, she's my favorite Christian.

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    Thu Jan 27 2005

    How does Jane Fonda get on this list of classic stars? She's ok but doesn't compare with actress' from the golden years of film.

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    Tue Jan 18 2005

    I don't really want to get into the politics of it all. I always thought she was beautiful and very sexy as a kid but didn't understand what all the fuss was about in terms of her acting until I recently saw Klute. She's actually a very talented actress.

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    Wed Jan 05 2005

    I'd love to get this to Jane Fonda.... Just A Guy... That's Me Just a guy, one ordinary man I guess, that's me Standing at the water's edge and looking out to sea Remembering the nights we crawled ashore upon the sand Fighting someone's wars in somewhere's far off distant land. We'd hear the voices of unseen, unknown foes hiding there We'd hunker down and shoot our bullets high into the air. And wait for a return, so we could pinpoint where they were And murder them with bombs or shells or something similar. On many a quiet night we'd sit and total up the score Of enemies we'd killed or badly maimed the day before. It never worked to try and drive the numbers from our minds; For every battle found us leaving many friends behind. The shooting we could tolerate, the stench of death at night Was not so bad, just memories of unimportant fights. So why then are there nightmares that stay with us till we die? I cannot shake the pictures of dead buddies, though I try. They... Read more

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    Wed Dec 01 2004

    Ah, Hanoi Jane. My favorite traitor. Why can't she just move to the moon?

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    Mon Oct 18 2004


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    Wed Aug 25 2004

    Politics aside, I just don't see the talent.

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    Thu Jul 29 2004

    This is for all the kids born in the 70's that do not remember this, and >> >>didn't have to bear the burden, that our fathers, mothers, and older >>brothers and sisters had to bear. Jane Fonda is being honored as one of >>the >>100 Women of the Century. Unfortunately, many have forgotten and still >> >>countless others have never known how Ms. Fonda betrayed not only the >>idea >>of our country but specific men who served and sacrificed during >>Vietnam. >> >>The first part of this is from an F-4E pilot. The pilot's name is Jerry >>Driscoll, a River Rat. In 1968, the former Commandant of the USAF >>Survival >>School was a POW in Ho Lo Prison-the Hanoi Hilton. Dragged from a >>stinking >>cesspit of a cell, cleaned, fed, and dressed in clean PJ's, he was >>ordered >>to describe for a visiting American Peace Activist the lenient and >>humane >>treatment he'd received. He spat at Ms. Fonda, was clubbed, and >>dragged >>away. >> >>During the subsequent beating, he fell forward upon the c... Read more

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    Thu Jul 22 2004

    She is an OK actress, but a bad person, or rather a stupid person, ie: her Vietnam stunt. I'm not fonda Hanoi Jane! I'm not fonda Hanoi Jane!

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    Tue Jul 13 2004

    Traitor!!!! She has horrible exercise videos though.

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    Thu May 27 2004

    Very little talent.

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    Thu May 20 2004

    A fine example of feminine pulchritude (Supposedly, Bob Seger's They Love to Watch Her Strut is a homage to Jane). Overrated actress. A good actress; but nothing she's done is particularly memorable. My favority Fonda moment was watching her take a pee while berating George Segal in Fun With Dick and Jane. Her legacy may be her workout videos. She loses a star for her seditious role during the Vietnam War. I have a theory about Hollywood people: No matter how stupid or wrong the cause, a movie star will champion it to the point of notoriety.

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    Tue Apr 20 2004

    How could anyone get past her anti-American stunt in Vietnam. Wouldn't walk across the street to see her.

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    Sun Apr 11 2004

    Jane Fonda would have been a successful actress even if she were not Henry Fonda's daughter. She was a talented actress with a great deal of range-from comedies like Barefoot in the Park to tear-jerkers like Coming Home. I don't condone her actions during the Vietnam War, but I believe she eventually apologized for sitting in that Hanoi gun.

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    Sun Apr 11 2004

    If Henry Fonda had not been her father, I doubt that she would have gotten very far. As far as her Vietnam era record goes, it's probably not germane to the issue of her as an actress, but I'm always intrigued by how easily liberals seem to be faced facts and come up with alternative theories as to what actually happened or was said.

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    Mon Mar 22 2004

    Only seen Barbarella. She's definately got sex appeal and stock body parts. To play that role, she gets a 4.

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    Sun Mar 21 2004

    Outside of Nine to Five and On Golden Pond I really can't get into her work.

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    Sat Feb 28 2004

    Good point. Why is John Walker in prision and Jane Fonda isn't. That really seems unfair. I have to laugh as she has been rated last in this category forever until recently. She must of had someone go in and just keep signing up new names and rating her great without any comment. Jane Fonda really needs mental help!

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    Tue Nov 18 2003

    The only thing classic about Jane Fonda is her treason!!!!!!!

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    Fri Nov 14 2003

    Barberalla (I believe it was called) and Cat Ballou were favorites of mine as a kid. I think most actors are idiots politically. Ron Reagan is more than enough proof of that.

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    Fri Oct 03 2003

    I'm not Fonda Hanoi Jane

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    Thu Oct 02 2003

    As a political activist Fonda was misguided. Not having the intelligence to recognize the fact that the soldiers were as much victims as anyone else was a terrible mistake. What value does a pampered Hollywood kids opinion have anyway? To blame soldiers for a war is crazy. To blame soldiers in a war they were forced to participate in, is pure ignorance. As an actress I will give her 3 stars. I give her three stars because she was in some cool movies. As a person I think Jane would be a self righteous asshole.

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    Fri Aug 29 2003

    When I was a child, I watched the movie 9 to 5 that she starred in, and I really liked that movie. But mostly because of Dolly Parton, not Jane Fonda. I really don't understand what Jane Fonda did during the Vietnam War, as I was just a young kid during that time, and even today I don't really understand anything about that war. I heard she was a traitor to the country, and one day if I feel like finding the time, I will do research on what she supposedly did and decide for myself. In the meantime, I am only rating her on her acting skills. She is ok. Not superb however.

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    Thu Aug 28 2003

    When are you rightwingers going to lay off the Hanoi Jane nonsense already? Change the record. This dimbulb was totally within her rights as an American to speak out against that illegal, unjust, immoral, unnecessary and totally useless mistake known as the Viet Nam War. She didn't dishonor our country at that time, rather it was our government, our retarded elected officials in Washington, the Pentagon idiot warmongers, the Archie Bunker-type hawks and U.S. corporate interests who were pulling the strings behind the scenes that were the true sources of this major national disgrace. Fonda, whether you like it or not, was on the right side of this issue: history has proven this. The North Vietnamese were only our enemies because the hawks declared them to be so, because our government decided to try to impose our questionable values and way of life on people who lived on the other side of the planet, thereby denying those folks their right of self-determination and their choice of ... Read more

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    Wed Aug 27 2003

    How did she get on this list?

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    Tue Aug 26 2003

    she's ok. nothing extrodinary. but i can't

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    Tue Jul 08 2003

    Jane Fonda is just plain terrible.

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    Tue Jul 08 2003

    Do I even have to elaborate on the gruesome deaths upon our soldiers caused by her actions? Nah....You'll read Bradon0823's story. It isn't even just that! Jane Fonda is a fake, floozy excuse for an actress! C'mon! 60 % of her body is reeking of plastic surgery! And she calls herself a fitness guru! I call her a fraud!

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    Wed Jun 25 2003

    Hanoi Jane. She never really sincerely apologized did she?

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    Wed Jun 25 2003

    Most people dont realize that Fonda was right about the Vietnam war since then Secretary of Defense McNamara acknowledged that the war was needless. I would have to seek reliable verification of the paper slips story. All that merciless bombing of civilians did not really accomplish its goal since we lost and they won. Same old story of the fat cat old men sending young men to die. What those poor American soldiers lived through over there and I abhor their unfair and vicious treatment when they got back here. It took courage on Jane's part to express her beliefs. Of course, she could freely express any belief she wanted to as she comes from a very wealthy family. Now she's born again - maybe after Ted Turner she needed to be. I believe he was the love of her life. She still hasn't left the South and who can blame her as Southerners are sooooo nice. Ted Turner, a patriot, didn't seem to mind her political beliefs.

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    Tue Jun 24 2003

    She should have been tried and jailed during the vietnam war. From a Vet

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    Tue Jun 24 2003

    I'm rating her five just to get peoples attention. I was wondering if anyone can verify the story relayed by Brandon0823? If it's true then she is absolutely awful, or just awfully ignorant, but no one other then Brandon0823 corroborates it, they only comment on it as presupposed fact. Write me if you can help me out.

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    Tue Jun 24 2003

    As a Iraqi War veteran I am utterly disgusted that a person like this is chosen as a "great Woman" I fell she is worse than the ememy I was fighting along with my fellow marines and soldiers. At least they let us know they hated us. She quietly slipps to North Vietnam and collaberates with the enemy. It makes me disgusted I defend trash like her. I'm sorry for all the Vietnam Vets that put up with her ANTI-AMERICAN CRAP!

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    Mon Jun 23 2003

    I just saw a great bumper sticker this morning at work. It said: I'M NOT "FONDA" THE DIXIE CHICKS. ha. If anyone on here knows where I can buy one, leave me a message.....

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    Mon Jun 23 2003

    I hate to be nasty, but....Jane Fonda is only famous because she slept her way to the top. She also posed nude for a few 'zines and got every guy drooling over her shaved muff. If she wasn't attractive, She wouldn't be so popular. Don't even get me started on her Vietnam thing!