Jackie Chan

Approval Rate: 75%

75%Approval ratio

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    Wed Feb 24 2010

    An incredible Martial Artist as well as stuntman. He trains about 8 hours a day! It really shows in his performance. He is also a very dedicated actor who constantly works on self improvement.

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    Thu Jun 19 2008

    I respect the fact that he does his own stunts. Otherwise...

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    Wed Apr 02 2008

    ughhh are u kidding me

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    Fri Feb 16 2007

    Very inventive screenwriter and movie director. Unparalleled in his martial arts choreography with his improvisation abilities and athletic abilities. I got into Jackie Chan in the mid '80s. At that time he was pretty much unheard of in this country (I didn't know of anyone, friends or otherwise that had ever heard of him), I was into martial art movies at the time (particularly the smorgasbord of '70s Chinese movies [sometimes really cheesy or bad movies] that were spawned or influenced by Chan and Bruce Lee), and when I first came across a Jackie Chan movie I immediately related to and loved his personality and fighting style -more so than any other actor of kung fu movies I had ever seen. In his older '70s films -and even still today- he was always playing roles of a good person intent on doing the right thing and taking on bad guys and villains for the cause of justice. Very charismatic, likeable personality. It's very difficult to determine which era of his was the greatest:... Read more

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    Mon Mar 13 2006

    He used to be great. Now he does too many uneccessary stunts and flips. Mr. Nice Guy was awful.

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    Wed Feb 01 2006

    Can't understand what he is saying.

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    Sun May 29 2005

    This is about acting, not karate chopping, jumping off buildings and beating up 10 guys at once. Stunt man yes, acting NO.

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    Sat Apr 02 2005

    One of the few performers I would give the highest rating to, I have always thought of him as one of the world's greatest entertainers. I had rarely seen him starring in any movie that I did not thoroughly enjoy. Maybe not technically the best actor around but most of us watch films for entertainment, don't we?

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    Thu Dec 16 2004

    Makes Jet Li look like a panty waist, stages most and does all of his own stunts. This guy can do things that most people can't even imagine.

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    Sat Dec 11 2004

    I really like all his movies, i feel bad though, that he has such a horrible accent.

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    Thu Dec 09 2004

    You know this is a great country when a one-trick pony who speaks passable English can become a movie star in America. Makes junevile movies.

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    Sun Sep 26 2004

    Awesome stuntman, he's probably broken every bone in his body 3 times over. He could probably destroy Jet Li because his pain receptors are dead. His most amazing movie is Legend of Drunken Master.

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    Fri Aug 27 2004


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    Wed Aug 25 2004

    Great stunt dude but cant beat Bruce, Seagal or Tyson in their primes

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    Tue Aug 10 2004

    who cares that you can hardly understand the man? his moves and energy are amazing and extremely entertaining.

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    Sat Aug 09 2003

    Funny in his more recent films, like The Tuxedo, and Rush Hour 1 & 2, but he's previous work seems kinda boring, sometimes his films have dull parts. But on the whole, I'd never turn a Jackie Chan film & a bowl of ice cream down!

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    Mon Jul 21 2003

    Unbelieveably daring and skillful stuntman, but that's about it. The rest is about as appealing as Chun King Frozen Egg Rolls.

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    Sun May 25 2003

    This guy seriously gets on my nerves.

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    Fri May 16 2003

    With the exception of a few embarrasing flops (i.e. "The Tuxedo"), Jackie Chan has had a great reputation for action flicks. I respect that he does all his own stunts (except for in the above mentioned movie, but hey, everyone makes mistakes), and how well choreographed the kung fu sequences are. It's a shame that he can't really pursue a true "acting" career at the moment, due to his reputation as a comedic stunt guy who does kung fu. A very amiable guy who seems as much as a nice guy in real life as the characters he plays in his movies.

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    Mon Feb 03 2003

    His movies have the best choreagraphed fighting scences out of any martial arts movies I've seen. They consistently amaze me with their moves. And those outakes are extremely crucial!

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    Mon Jun 17 2002

    if you think this guy has talent because he knows karate and shows it on the screen and makes stupid movies there id somthing wrong with you ! thats not even acting just getting a camera and pretending to beat the crap out of movie! all thumbs down

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    Mon May 06 2002

    Jackie Chan, in my view, is amazing. He somehow can fit the skill of a great actor, a hilarious one at that, a writer, director, the language of English to Chinese, something very difficult, and the skill of martial arts even better than Brusce Lee. I can't wait for Rush Hour 3, two years!

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    Mon Feb 18 2002

    he is so funny in all of his movies. but most of all, he is very good in his roles.

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    Wed Jan 09 2002

    oh, yeah, and this guy is ranked higher than Willem Dafoe. Chan is goofy...not much else.

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    Tue Jul 24 2001

    Jackie chan is a good actor he always puts 100% in hes movies.

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    Fri Jun 15 2001

    Jackie Chan is an outstanding actor! He is 1 of mi favorite actors...I would think it would be a lil hard 4 him to act because he is from a different country and he has another language, but it doesnt seem like it for him. He speaks English very well.... He is one of the best fighters in televiosion..I think it is awesome to c this man fight. He really can kick @$$..hehe...He was soo hilarious is Rush Hour and I cant wait 4 the next 1 to come out!! ;) and well...I own Shanghai Noon and I watch that at least once a week when I find time....He and Owen Wilson are great 2getha...Jackie was histerical in Shanghai Noon...as being well the "Shanghai Kid"..! After the movie they show the bloopers and I noticed that he seems like a really sweet person...He is so cute wen he smiles....He looks so young n..awwww..hehe! I luved it wen he n Owen were in the bathtub and they were playing the "drinking game" awww did yall c him and Owen...they were so precious...Especially wen they got into the same... Read more

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    Thu Apr 26 2001

    i think jackie chan is a very good actor, i can't wait to see him in rush hour 2!

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    Mon Feb 05 2001

    simply an entertaining character. and since this is the entertainment industry, i must give him a four

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    Sun Jan 21 2001

    He's a pretty good actor, and it's always nice to see a change in the movie biz. I mean. Rumble in the Bronx and Rush hour.. how could you not like those. they're funny as Heck.

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    Mon Nov 13 2000

    Jackies is not the best. But certainly he is WELL above average actor. He brings laughs and emotions to simple action - he IS SMART.

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    Sat Sep 30 2000

    Most all-around entertainment

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    Wed Oct 27 1999

    Just because you can holler, make bizarre noises and know Karate doesn't mean you can act...