Jack Hayford

Approval Rate: 69%

69%Approval ratio

Reviews 28

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    Thu May 06 2010

    Jack Hayford is a cool dude. Fabulous preacher

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    Thu May 06 2010

    As a person Jack Hayford doesn't actually make himself available to anyone. He's a product of mega church pastor syndrome; too afraid of the crazies that might meet him in the parking lot after service to stick around (in fact he stopped parking in the general parking lot and reserved a special spot on the street for easy access). I'm actually speaking as someone who attended Church on the Way since I was 7 and worked there as slave labor for 6 years. His congregation is cold and those on the church staff petty and judgmental. I can't believe I wasted so much of my life in such a spiritually rotten environment! It's caused me to seriously doubt my own sanity. As a President of the Foursquare denomination his major flaw was that he neglected any personal oversight of the denominations financial situation. Instead he over delegated this crucial job to inadequate middle managers who were (are) more concerned with someday filling his roll as president. And since he's exhibited an utter la... Read more

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    Mon Jun 02 2008

    Jack Hayford, t.v. personality, megachurch founder. Seems a nice guy, but keeps distant from his congregation. Whisks in and out through side doors, fun to watch him do it after making people close their eyes to pray. Guest celebrities appear frequently, sometimes perform their secular top hits. Major focus on increasing whopping membership, buying more real estate. Church staff polite, but cold. Congregation polite, but slow to extend friendship. Have departed after 6 years, going to smaller and friendlier church.

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    Sat May 24 2008

    I attended The Church On the Way for a good number of years. They are Pentecostal which means they believe in tongues, prophecy and other manifestations of the Spirit. Simply because this is controversial to non-Pentecostals does not automaticly make their leaders false teachers. They weren't spiritually goofey (although I admit the Elders tended to be). J. Hayford taught a well-balanced theology with a few minor exceptions. There was a definate pecking order of heirarchy that felt painful but it was nothing cultish. They taught 10% tithing but did not beat the congregation over the head about it. Fund raising was kept low key rather than high pressure. I found that refreshing. A few of the Pastors entrusted to the position of helping members were unkind to parishoners who fell on hard times. This was wrong and unbiblical but not heresy. The church did promote an openly pro-Republican stance during both teaching and prayer, and did indeed offer leaflets by a certain Chri... Read more

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    Thu May 15 2008

    Jack Hayford is a signer of the Evangelical Manifesto. I read this post by leeza24 and was so shocked I checked it out to see if it is true. It is. I had loved the Bible she talks about, and Jack Hayford is the general editor of it. Now I can't stand to read it. I have bought a plain old American Standard Version instead. "It's an agenda, not a Manifesto. Trying to pretend it is what it isn't. Typical. Reminds me of the fiasco surrounding the much-hooplad Spirit Filled Life Bible and the back peddling spin accompanying the embarrassing disclosure of exactly WHO had been the theologian assigned as its Old Testament editor. Turns out Dr. Judy Brown got 30 years in prison for Attempted Murder when caught for the botched bludgeoning of her lesbian lover's husband."

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    Mon Mar 17 2008

    Pastor Jack Hayford is a man GOD has greatly used. The Bible says you will know them by there fruit. Its tough being all things to all men. Everyone who thinks its easy to get up and deliver a sermon should get up and give one, and if they think Churchs are made up of perfect people, jump in and start one. It`s not about the Church or the leader, it`s about the work of the SPIRIT in that pastor and in that Church. Yes judgement begins in the Church, but to many people are focusing on "He is boring" or "I dont like the issues the Church is standing for". JESUS is coming back very soon, we should focus on people who are teaching another CHRIST and promoting false doctrine. Remember what JESUS says "You will know them by their love" The question is how will people see you?

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    Fri Feb 08 2008

    Pastors endorsing Huckabee warned by the IRS. This kind of politicking at churches is pretty common. They did the same thing every election time at my former church, The Church on the Way. Jack Hayford was usually careful, but many of the other pastors on staff there weren't. I was there when one of them actually publicly stated from the platform during a service that he didn't see how anyone could call themself a Christian and be a Democrat! People were upset and some even got up and left the service. Wednesday Night prayer meetings were more of a political campaign than a spiritual gathering. Prayers were invoked for certain politicians in the running but not for others. I was there the night we were all told to hold hands across the aisles to pray for all those in the running, but when we did the pastor asked God to let so-in-so win. That was the night I walked out. I was disgusted at being manipulated and lied to to make me pray for a certain candidate to win! It was pretty obvious... Read more

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    Sun Jan 06 2008

    He's above average but not above reproach. His church is clique-ish. His church leaders are openly political and very Republican biased. His college and seminary are more Jack based than Jesus based. Some unethical things have gone on at both but less than at other mega churches and charismatic bible schools. I rate him as a cautious OK if you keep your eyes WIDE open.

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    Thu Apr 05 2007

    I always liked him and his sermons are very nice yes a little boring but always nice.

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    Fri Mar 30 2007

    Better than any sleeping pill, his sermons are so dry and boring they could be used to put people under for surgery.

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    Sat Feb 10 2007

    I had an easier time following my trigonometry teacher in high school than I do this guy. My gosh he's drier than a piece of burnt toast. Can't say much about his beliefs either.

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    Sun Jan 14 2007

    This guy is boring and hard to follow and stay awake! I think he's better than the average TV preacher though, President Reagan's son, Michael Reagan goes to his church.

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    Fri Jan 12 2007

    I think he has helped many. Like some on this post, I listen to him set up the point so long in a message that I want to say "land the plane", but the spirit in which he teaches and the points he makes are good. I notice alot of people in the charismatic world go to him when their integrity runs low because he seems to supply that which is a good thing.

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    Sun Nov 12 2006

    I like his denomination, his teachings, and he's a sincere man. My problem with his sermons, forgive me, but he is dull.

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    Sun Oct 22 2006

    His theology is sound and he has always been a good pastor as far as I know. As far as watching him on TV, his personality is very boring, but that's the way it is.

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    Thu Aug 17 2006

    Sincere, intelligent, driven, yet still very human. Jack Hayford is not above reproach. As much as we all would like superman to exist, we must be careful of the bizarre stardom that can develop around well broadcast personalities. As a long standing acquaintance of mine, I can attest to just how these words, though attempting to seem noble, are actually damaging to an individuals psyche after years of repetition. The truth is, there are two Jack Hayfords: The one I want to believe in, (as a young boy looking proudly up at his father would), and the one who's over fanned type-a personality crushes the lives of any standing in it's way. I'm obviously writing this with a certain angst. But I do hope it does not blur the truth I'm trying to communicate. We are each extraordinary people in God's image, brothers and sisters in Christ, but never beyond reproach. It is our humanity in this life that makes God's mercy so sweet every morning. Pastor Jack Hayford is truly a man after God's own h... Read more

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    Tue Jun 20 2006

    Dr. Hayford is above reproach.

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    Fri Apr 28 2006

    I don't rate preachers based on their theology, hell, nobody agrees on theology. I rate them on their sincerity, and I believe Mr Hayford is a sincere man. He doesn't abuse the pulpit to promote pet political ideals, he doesn't beg for money, and he doesn't resort to the hollywood parody screaming and hollering that guys like Rod Parsley thrive on to maintain a following. He simply teaches what he believes to be accurate theology. He is what a preacher outta be, whether you agree with his theoloical opinions or not.

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    Thu Jan 26 2006

    It is my understaning that Jack Hayford believe in the Kingdom Now Theology. Does anyone know anything about this?

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    Sat Dec 10 2005

    "In the essentials - Unity. In the non-essentials, Liberty. In all things- Charity." Peter Meiderlin aka RUPERTUS MELDENIUS during the Restoration Movement Pastor Hayford personifies this principal, teaching solidly the essential precepts of Christianity, while carefully differentiating and instructing about the non-essentials. Moreover, his teachings are resplendent with the love of Christ.

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    Fri Jul 22 2005

    Good Teacher of the Word.

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    Wed Jan 05 2005

    Sorry bu Jack is just boring!!!!!

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    Mon Oct 04 2004

    Jack Hayford is Pro Israel like I am however Jack is a a Spokesmouth with IFCJ which is known for it's Hatred towards Messianic Jews and Hayford is bad considering his close friendship with known False teacher Paul Crouch who covered up the death of Richard Eby for financial gain and covered up the lies the so-called Prophet of God named Aquilla Nash was promoting when it became evident that Aquilla Nash was nothing more than a False Prophet.

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    Sun May 09 2004

    Why is it that so many enjoy tearing down a minister of God? Do you believe the Lord honors your insults towards His chosen teachers? Jack Hayford is an incredible preacher and an on-fire man of God. Whatever happened to judging a man by his fruit? Instead, we chose to judge men by man's standards instead of Christ's. Lord, please forgive us of our ruthless, judgmental hearts.

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    Thu May 06 2004

    He makes the Word come alive.

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    Sat May 01 2004

    Kind, sincere, for real Christian!

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    Fri Apr 02 2004

    Biblically sound and not a screamer or beggar for money. I have always liked his teachings and felt that he was sincere. I only wish that he was not associated with TBN.

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    Tue Nov 25 2003

    Jack Hayford is very balanced, in his teaching. I highly recommend him.