Istanbul, Turkey Reviews | RateItAll

Istanbul, Turkey

Largest city in Turkey, serving as the country's economic, cultural and historic hub Website

Approval Rate: 100%

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Reviews 11

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    Wed Jun 28 2006

    Istambul is undeniably one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The most unique thing about it is being a bridge between european world (with its liberal and daring influence) and asian or rather middle-eastern world( with its cultural and deeply religious influence). It seems like Istambul is metropolis of the world since it contains many elements of western and eastern worlds. I like everything about Istambul. Normally, people bring the natives, or religion, or cultural aspects of Istambul, I'm judging just city itself. I don't know if there are other places as beautiful , breathtaking, and exquisite, as Istambul.If you see the sunset over Bosphorus that will be enough for you to last the lifetime. Blue Masque, Grand Bazaar, and Bosphorus(Bogazici) are three reasons alone to go and visit this unique creation of nature and people.

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    Thu Oct 20 2005

    Istanbul is a magical city that is too often overlooked by Americans traveling through Europe. Bridging East and West, Istanbul blends cultural, religious, and political traditions in a way that no other city in the world can. The Turkish people I encountered were warm and friendly and proved to be avid conversationalists with a curiosity for the world beyond their immediate borders. Not to be missed are visits to the Grand Bazaar, Topkapi Palace, and a boat trip on the Bosphorous.

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    Mon Aug 15 2005

    World's most beautiful city. I'd go there again and again.

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    Thu Apr 28 2005

    One of the great cities of the world. Istanbul (former Constantinople) was capital of the Eastern Roman Empire for many centuries, as well as the sucessor Empire, the Ottoman for nearly 500 years. The world is still feeling the ruptures of the fall of the Ottoman Empire and Istanbul was it's heart. So many things to see and do in Instanbul. Istanbul also grows and seems to get bigger all the time. Huge new bus station and a really nice new metro. You can take the new Metro from the new airport direct to the new Autogar (if you are moving on) or straight into Arkarsay. It is possible to walk from there to Sultan Ahmet. The area around the Blue Mosque and the Aya Sofia momument has been cleaned up and there is no traffic except the modern new streetcars that are now operating. Definatly worth a vist. An absolute must! Very reasonalbe and I personally promise that you will not be bored. Aya Sofia must be seen. They charge too much now to visit the Topkapi museum.

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    Fri Jul 02 2004

    An amazing city. Sailing up the Bosphorous is just magic. Loved it.

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    Tue May 04 2004

    Hi everyone, I'm back after spending a month with family in Turkey. While I was there I got to spend some quality time in Istanbul away from the usual tourist attractions as my husband was giving a seminar at a private university there. The one thing that knocks a star off for me is the horrendous traffic in Istanbul. Granted you will get this in any large city, but combine that with agressive drivers and no concept of staying in one's own lane or stopping at a stop sign and you will see some bad accidents. I saw three while I was there. The tourist area (mainly Eminonou neighborhood near the Blue Mosque) is fairly nice but be prepared for agressive shop owners ready to rip you off with their overpriced souveniers. The blue Mosque, also called the SultanAhmet mosque and the Hagia Sophia are right next to each other and are a must see for first time visitors to Istanbul. Both are breathtakingly beautiful. The Grand Bazaar is fun too, but don't buy anything there as the prices ar... Read more

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    Sun Apr 25 2004

    One of my favourite cities in the world. The best confluence of the Middle East & Europe. Besides checking out the typical tourist draws, you must shop at the Spice Bazaar, watch the Whirling Dervishes during their unique & dizzying form of prayer, and have a turkish bath. Also, the club and bar scene was unexpectedly liberal and cool for a Muslim country. I was surprised to see girls in mini-skirts and off-the-shoulder dresses, all drinking alcohol (which is banned by Islam) and smoking. If you can, see Turkey with a native. It will totally enhance your experience. Oh yeah, another plus? A lot of people speak English. Their best universities teach classes in English.

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    Thu Nov 21 2002

    If you are coming from the West, prepare for a serious culture shock. I happen to be someone who enjoy's culture shock, so it was a wonderful place for me. I have never felt so far from home yet so comfortable at the same time. The sound of the prayer call coming from the minarets 5x a day is something I will never forget as long as I live. The Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia are like nothing I had ever seen in my whole life. If you are feeling a little courageous, try going to a Turkish Bath, you will be glad you did. Take a trip to Istanbul and have your mind blown.

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    Wed Sep 04 2002

    What an amazing city. Istanbul is a bridge between East and West, Asia and Europe, and the Middle East and the Western world. The architecture is stunning. The Bosphorous is lined with beautiful palaces, mosques, cafes, and quaint little neighborhoods with winding little streets. Among the incredible must-see attractions are the Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace, the Grand Bazaar, and a Turkish Bath. Surprisingly, I didn't feel any anti-American sentiment while I was in Turkey (though there was plenty of anti-Bush sentiment). I did feel the influence of Islam however. The calls for prayer seemed constant, and fantastic mosques are visible from almost anywhere in the city. Also, my girlfriend, who could pass for Turkish, got the evil eye from a fundamentalist looking Muslim, most likely for walking hand in hand with an obvious gringo like myself. In her words: "It looked like he wanted to stone me." That being said, if you haven't had the chance to travel to this odd mix of the worl... Read more

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    Tue Jun 18 2002

    Here's the thing about Istanbul: other males that I know who have been there really enjoyed the place. Women I've talked to who have been there tend to have opposite opinions... and that's largely because of the Islamic majority to the city. Women don't go out at night. However, Turkish hospitality in MY experience was incredible. One really doesn't hear enough about Istanbul in the United States to appreciate it. The Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque are wonders to behold. The Bazaar and the Golden Horn were amazing. My trip to Istanbul is one of the highlights of my life.

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    Sat May 27 2000

    I was mugged in front of the Hyatt which caused enormous problems on my trip. I still give it a 5 rating and would love to back. Fantastic in every way.