
Approval Rate: 52%

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    Wed Jul 25 2007

    The IQ of a house plant!

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    Tue Jul 24 2007

    He's no genius, and he's not a candidate for a chair at Oxford, but he's not even close to being as dumb as his detractors suggest. Frankly, I think his dumb ass act is exactly that, an act, and disguises a mind full of animal cunning.

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    Mon Mar 12 2007

    He's not as stupid as some suggest, but he isn't a great intllect either.

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    Wed Sep 06 2006

    "Hooked on Phonics" comes to mind.

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    Wed Sep 06 2006

    I don't believe for a minute that this numbskull graduated from College on his own steam.He has a mind like a steel trap,alright:CLOSED! He can barely speak his OWN language,or put together a simple sentence on his own.If not for teleprompters,endless coaching,and speech writers,he'd never get away with being president.

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    Wed Sep 06 2006

    I don't know anything of his IQ, so I'll steer clear of calling him out on a lack of intelligence. What I WILL call into question, is his level of common sense on certain things. I don't believe him to be stupid; I just think that common sense goes a long way on it's own and can be damaging (especially in his position) if he chooses to go against it.

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    Sat Apr 29 2006

    1. "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004 (Watch video: hismvideo.htm) 2. "Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country." Poplar Bluff, Mo., Sept. 6, 2004 (Watch video: hismobgyn.htm) 3. "There's an old saying in Tennessee I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee that says, fool me once, shame on shame on you. Fool me you can't get fooled again." Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002 (Watch video: hfoolme.htm)

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    Sat Apr 22 2006

    To coin a phrase, a village in Texas is missing its idiot.

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    Sat Feb 18 2006

    I dissagree. I do not think that Bush is smart. It seems that to him land is more important than people. He's out there killing lots of innocent people. Is that smart?

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    Sat Feb 04 2006

    Sure, Bush is not nearly the moron he is often portrayed, but he is far from brilliant. He is constantly fumbling with his words in speeches, has some kind of aversion to reading the newspaper, avoids speaking in front of audiences unfriendly to his policies (in fear of having to answer unscripted questions) and shows a general lack of intellectual curiosity.

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    Thu Oct 06 2005

    The man isn't eintstein nor does he have the IQ of an ameba, he's just the president of the u.s. a public service job that doesn't require a IQ of 180. He rarely has to use his intellect anyways, he has a plethora of advisors to do the thinking for him. His most perplexing problem is to decide who has the best idea for him to convey to the public.

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    Fri Jun 17 2005


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    Tue Jun 14 2005

    Oh boy...what an opening...sorry, let me behave...He got into college because of nepotism and affirmative action for the rich, in the same way he got out of serving in the military. Unsuccessful businessman, horrible Governor, even worse President. Did seem to thrive somewhat in the frat-house environment, with a beer in one hand, his cheerleading megaphone in the other. Is he an idiot? Probably not. Some of the most successful businessmen are those with average IQ's, and some of the brightest politicians are also the most corrupt. It's glib to say he's an idiot, and I truthfully don't think he is, but he's not very bright either. Indeed, whatever intellectual gifts he may possess are modest at best and mediocre at worst. Of course, nothing is helped by his pronounced lack of intellectual curiosity, a lack that he himself has mentioned with a perverse sort of pride.

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    Tue May 03 2005

    Bush, while he isn't an outstanding genius, he is absolutly not dumb, all of you people that say he is just think so because he's from Texas and has a different accent than you. sure he says nucular, but that doesn't mean he's dumb, would you call a japanese business man dumb if he mispronounces some english words? NO! youd chalk it up to it being an issue of accent. so stop being hypocritical and stop calling bush stupid

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    Sun Apr 10 2005

    Though Dubya is no academic in the sense of the word his intellect (along with many other politicians) is greatly underestimated. Sure his grades weren't great in college but some geniuses never went to college at all nor did very well in school when they did. He butchers the english language on occasion but so does everyone- including intellectuals who I have heard mangle answers during debates on numerous occasions. What this panning boils down to is an over-zealous liberal press looking to paint him in an unfavorable light and the gullible American public buying it hook line and sinker. Bush actually got better grades than Gore at Yale but you never heard how Gore was a dunce. Bush scored higher on IQ tests than Kerry but whew that Kerry was such a genius. The reality is most politicians on the national stage are pretty damn bright. Most of us have difficulty keeping it together for an interview- they're on a non-stop interview for years on end. I suggest the next time you man... Read more

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    Thu Mar 03 2005

    I'm a die-hard Republican Conservative and because George W. Bush is Republican and during both of his terms I didn't care for the other candidates, I voted for Bush each time. That being said I will readily admit that he is hands-down the stupidest president I've ever known of. He has trouble pronouncing words and he just doesn't seem very succinct or bright. But, in my opinion, he has it where it counts: Even if he is a little stubborn I agree with his moral convictions and I think he's truly sincere and means well. I think he's a pretty good leader notwithstanding his lack of judgment or expertise in many areas and I don't think that either Gore or Kerry would be doing a better job as Gore seems to lack a personality and seems a liberal puppet and Kerry seems to lack leadership abilities where it counts.

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    Thu Jan 13 2005

    Although he sounds like a complete dumbass when he talks (Don't give that crap about not judging him because of the way he speaks, because I am refering to the content of his policies), he is smart enough to manipulate the masses.

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    Sat Dec 04 2004

    One of the earlier respondents said that if he were a regular Joe (without the family-money connections)he'd have a modest job. My question is Doing what?...sacking groceries?

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    Wed Sep 01 2004

    Right, Bush is dumb. So all you geniuses who rated him two or lower, get out your degree(s) from wherever and submit your strategic plan to become the most powerful man (or woman) in the world. If he can do it then, with your superior intellect, certainly you can at least put together such a plan. Right. Where's Hillary? How's her plan working out?

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    Wed Aug 25 2004

    he has only instincts

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    Mon Jul 19 2004

    He could relate to the one guy in the Wizard Of Oz who wanted a brain.

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    Fri May 28 2004

    A friend of mine had a great saying: 'If you can't dazzle'em w/ brilliance, then baffle 'em w/ bullchit.' But lets not 'misunderestimate' him.

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    Tue May 04 2004

    This is a trick question right??!!!?

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    Sun Feb 15 2004

    Bush is a very politically savvy person. Partisans out there either claim that he is a pure organizational genius or a total dimbulb, but I don't take either view of him. Bush is great at political strategy, he knows how to appeal to those soccer moms in suburban New Jersey. He knows how to put together the right electoral coalitions needed to win elections. He's a tough pol to beat. However, it's not all about politics. The act of governing itself consist of a lot more than simply this. Any executive at one point or another has to ask the right questions from his advisors taking all sides into account. An honest inventory of available options must be taken into account by way of cost-benefit analysis. The president has to be able to synthesize, clarify and provide order to the ship of state. The act of political engineering necessitates the production of a public persona, but this is by no means a substitute for making sound policy. Bush simply doesn't care about analytical rigor or b... Read more

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    Thu Jan 29 2004

    Let's take turns with the Electron Microscope and try to find Dubya's intellect.

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    Tue Nov 18 2003

    The worst of any president in recent history.

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    Fri Nov 14 2003


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    Thu Oct 30 2003

    Probably the least intelligent president since Warren G. Harding. I will grant that he knows a few words, can probably find the U.S.A. on a map and likely can go to the bathroom by himself.

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    Tue Oct 21 2003

    He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. He's gotten ahead because of family connections. If he were a regular Joe, he'd probably have a relatively modest job.

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    Thu Aug 21 2003

    I don't care if you have a PHD in quantum physics. If you can't pronounce words in your own language, it's really hard to take you seriously. It's nuclear, not nucular; codify is pronounced code-ify, not cod-ify. Etc.

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    Sun Jun 15 2003

    I think many of you are confusing the importance of and discrepancy between intelligence and wisdom. And anyway of course everyone who disagrees with a president will bash his intellect. Adding attributes of GW to this site is kinda pointless anyway....

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    Sun Jun 15 2003

    So he went to Yale on 1100 SAT scores and got C's. Got busted for DUI and pleads the fifth on snorting coke. Horribly failed at every business he started and can hardly speak a coherent sentence. Why are we even rating this?

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    Tue Jun 10 2003

    You've got to be kidding. Doesn't even merit a comment.

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    Tue May 20 2003

    What college did most of you people attend? Bush has been to both Yale and Harvard. Idiots don't go to the best colleges around, make thier own oil business, sell it, then become the President of the most powerful country ever.

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    Tue May 20 2003

    It's time for all of us to get honest: EVERY President is brainy and shrewd, or he would never be able to attain the highest office in the land. In my lifetime, I feel like I've seen the best and the worst of men in office, as far as integrity goes. But even when I'm looking down on a bad leader, I have to admit that he's incredibly smart, much more than I am. He may be good or terrible morally, but he's always bright.

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    Sun May 18 2003

    A C Average student with a mediocre SAT score who got into Yale because his daddy went there. Just because he attended Yale and Harvard doesn't mean that he's the sharpest knife in the drawer. Listen to him speak for two seconds and you'll understand what I'm talking about.

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    Fri May 16 2003

    The whole of Europe thinks the fact that the U.S. has elected someone of Bush's intelligence as their president is both tragic, comical and hopefully not an indication of general IQ levels. I realise my time spent in South Carolina may not be a fair reflection on the nation's general level of intelligence so I will reserve judgement on the wider issue.

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    Fri May 09 2003

    He's not the sharpest tool in the shed.

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    Wed Mar 26 2003

    i think he's great AND smart. He allows all ages to understand him and does not speech a bunch of "big" words just to SOUND smart.He is real and its about time we had that in the white house.

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    Tue Mar 25 2003

    Do not underestimate this man. It takes a keen intillect to fool an entire nation so effectively. "I'm a uniter not a divider." I've never seen a nation so divided in my life on anything. Have we ever had Protesters out prior to a war?

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    Sun Mar 23 2003

    i dont know...would not pick him to be on my team when i play trivial pursuit, mabe snakes and ladders.

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    Thu Mar 06 2003

    Are jou joking. He is speaking as if he is addressing kids. He may be a nice uncle, but as President of USA? If he wasn´t so scary I would be laughing.

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    Sat Mar 01 2003

    Did any of you see or hear Bush's speech after the 9/11 attacks? I understood it. To me, that proves he's pretty smart.

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    Wed Feb 26 2003

    What is up with that guy talking about Quayle? Anyway, Bush is a moron who cut the defense budget to put money back in the hands of the people and spur the economy (although most tax cuts went to investors and speculators). Then our underfunded intelligence dropped the ball on 9/11, now he's pullin' money out of our collective asses to wage war on the world.

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    Mon Feb 24 2003

    ON A SCALE OF 1-10 A 5

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    Sat Feb 22 2003

    I think most of us are willing to believe that he's not the brightest box in the crayon (deliberate screw-up). I hate to think of that poor student he kept out of Yale simply because of family alumni...I'm sorry, but a 1206 SAT score and a C-D average are just not what should be expected of a Yale student. And yes, I know book smarts aren't everything, but he's totally lacking in common sense! If he truly believes, as would appear that, all of america is going to sit back and let him carry on this war with Iraq business "because he's the President", he's got another think comin'.

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    Thu Feb 20 2003

    Easilly the dumbest man ever to hold the office. He's Dan Quale with a front row seat.

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    Tue Feb 11 2003

    Check out those C's and C-pluses on his transcripts. . .you'd think that being from money would have bought him B's. . .The man is a good politician but an intellectual lightweight. He couldn't find Korea on a map and had never been to Europe until his presidency. He's out of his league but his handlers are doing a good job.

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    Tue Feb 11 2003

    Since Bush is essentially incoherent, it's rather difficult to make a solid assessment of his intellect.