India Reviews | RateItAll


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    Mon Jun 01 2009

    India is great country.If you thinking about crime- my dear crime is everywhere.India has many places to see.One of them is Taj mahel. Talking about poverty,illness etc this is not in every part of country.Yeah India is progressing and you can see the Forbes list More rich people are in and from India like Ambani family,Tata,Mittals,and many more to come. Over all India is good country for visiting.

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    Tue Jul 22 2008


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    Fri Feb 02 2007

    Disease, poverty, flies, dirt, overpopulation, crime--what more could you want? It has lots of people, the atomic bomb and is a flash point to start a nuclear confrontation with its neighbors. Just the place you want to visit.

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    Sun Nov 13 2005

    Indians only care about becoming a doctor, making money and having a luxurious life. Least of all their priorities is managing anything properly. Seriously. I'm half East Indian and boy, I'm telling you, these people will destroy anything they run. It's just their culture. Of course, it can be unlearned, but still. It's a very backwards mentality. I've visited one Indian run country in the Caribbean and my dad is from Guyana, another Indian run nation. Both of them are hellholes. I wouldn't recommend visiting, if it's worse than what I already expect. I believe they could do better over there, given the high value placed on education and the amount of money they make over there. It's just that slovenly mentality that contributes to the ugliness of the nation.

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    Sun Oct 23 2005

    I'm Indian, and absolutely love it there. Such a rich culture, values, diveristy, friendliness- everything you name can be found there.

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    Thu Jul 21 2005

    the most senic country in the world. every land type known to man (except maybe tundra, but i think you can find that in the himalayas) exists in india. some of the freindliest people ive met in my 27 years on this planet where from india. yea, india has problems, but nothing they cant eventually overcome. thats what separates india from countries like pakistan and saudi arabia, countries that will never progress and join the 1st world.

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    Mon Sep 13 2004

    The world's largest democracy it may be, but what good can be said of a country that sends rockets to space and develops nuclear bombs while the vast majority of its people live in abject poverty? I am Indian. I was born there. Glad I left.

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    Tue May 04 2004

    Agree completely with StanUzbeck (just one correction-most affluent states of India are Punjab and Haryana, which are in North) and MC1966, a great place with fantastic sights, wonderful culture, rich heritage, stong moral and ethical values, generally well informed people, diversity beyond comparison in everything - language, climate and religion, less chances of being mugged in a city. Still, considering its pollution, dirt, disorganization, heat and crowds, not for a casual tourist. Could be a wonderful experience however if you know somebody there.

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    Wed Feb 18 2004

    It is one of those countries that polarizes people. Either you love it or you have it. If you want more of the comfort and cleanliness - not your cup of tea. Not your average one week holiday. It is very historic land, with lots of culture. More than 20 different written languages. You need to understand the rythm of the place and then you just LOVE IT. It took me 3-4 days to stop frowning at everything. Then it was FANTASTIC. People are friendly in a FAMILIAR sort of way. They are helpful and most of them are very knowledgable about the world. Loads of spirituality and very sophisticated ethical and moral systems. Village people are innocent but not naive. City people have adopted Western thinking to a limited extend. Very conservative values. Best part is - PEOPLE ARE HAPPY. Amazing to see happy people in the villages, slums, living in abject poverty. It is impressive.

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    Thu Jan 01 2004

    My best friend in the whole world is from this country. If a country can produce somebody as great as him, then the country has to be great too. I love you Beau.

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    Thu Aug 28 2003

    My ex-girlfriend is from there, so I was thoroughly introduced to the culture. The music and cuisine are terrific, and the country is pretty safe. Even with the millions of people everywhere you look, you won't be robbed. They will, however, pester you for money at every turn. It's no use pretending you don't have money, since any white people in the country are presumed to have a lot of money. You're probably in more danger of dying in a bomb blast than you are of being robbed. Don't joke about eating beef, they will fail to see the humour. Also, don't joke about Gandhi, the muslims, the plethora of strange-looking gods, or Pakistan. Feel free to make fun of Bollywood movies though, as they are well aware of how ridiculous some of these films are, with ten-minute song and dance numbers that have absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the movie and romances straight from the sixth grade. Keep in mind that southern India is more affluent than northern India, and the people i... Read more

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    Mon Aug 18 2003

    An incredibly rich, sophisticated culture, fascinating history and some of the best food/cuisine anywhere. Both rural and urban violent crime is also very low when compared to almost all industrialized democracies and third-world countries. Obviously India does have some serious challenges facing it (poverty, pollution, over-population, etc), however in stating this, one must not neglect to balance those factors with what remains truly distinct and great about this nation of one billion people.

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    Sun Mar 23 2003

    A very over populated country. Disease is everywhere, as you can't kill rats. The heat, added to the over populated cities, produces much pollution. Every year they almsot start a nuclear war with Pakistan. Suicide bombings happen every day in Kashmir.

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    Fri Mar 14 2003

    If u want to get away from the usual cliches... this place is a must visit... A place which has got 13 different official languages excluding English, great spritiual land with the likes of guatuam buddha etc etc But also it's one of the poorest nation of the world....But you can see a mass of Humanity flowing , people living in desperate poverty but seeks happiness in that..., that's something u can't see in the western world.

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    Wed Mar 12 2003

    A great country to be in, taj mahal is awesome! A country full of sprituality, the more you try to unravel the more u get into. great coustoms & traditions. One of the best climate. best places to visit are goa, rajastan, orissa & bodh gaya(the birth place of buddha). Kerala is a must visit place with its exotic back waters & don't leave bangalore," the silicon valley of the country", the place from where your calls get answered for citi, chase cards etc. Very friendly people but it's good to get a "guide" so that u can understand the stuff well. What u want more!

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    Sat Feb 08 2003

    I could go to any of our local cheap motels and experince Indian culture, without the poverty, stench,pollution that I'd find in the actual country.

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    Sat Jan 04 2003

    Northern India is pretty rough. Everyone is trying to rip you off, and it's the first country I've ever been where I could say that people were generally unfriendly. The food isn't very great and will permanently screw up your digestive system. On the flip side, India gets 5 stars for being "exotic" and unlike the USA. But if you want nice weather, nice people, interesting culture, and good food that won't make you sick-- head for Southeast Asia.

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    Sat Dec 07 2002

    Fully agreed with the comment about Yahoo Chat. Spend an hour or two chatting with Indians (they'll ALWAYS come to you faster than you can say boo) - this will put you off going to India ever.

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    Thu Dec 27 2001

    The southern Indians(Dravidians) are very nice, but the Northern Indians are arrogant as hell. Nice food and curry though. I'll give it a 4.

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    Mon Oct 29 2001

    I don't know why, but Indians appears to be dumb, they doesn't seem to understand English, they annoys very much especially in Yahoo!chat. Ive never been to their country, but I guess its much more worse than I expected. .

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    Tue Nov 30 1999

    No country in the world has a larger population of hungry people than this. You only need to visit The Hunger Site to understand that! A visit to this country will probably change your personality! More travel will also increase the speed of this poor country's economy! So: Please use your holidays in India! :o)

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    Sun Nov 21 1999

    My home country - always the best.

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    Tue Oct 26 1999

    beautiful country; Taj Mahal is great to visit, but its a poor country (cheap also)

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    Tue Oct 26 1999

    The best place to go in order to forget the instabilities of the Western World. One of the most mind-blowing countries & friendliest culture.

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    Tue Oct 26 1999

    One of the most exciting & interesting & diverse countries I have visited.