Increasing obesity

Approval Rate: 60%

60%Approval ratio

Reviews 13

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    Tue Jun 01 2010

    Astro made a lot of sense when he was talking about fast food. People eat way too much of it, and a lot of times it stems from being too lazy to take the time to make something good and nutritious. I will admit at times I do eat fast food, but it is not very much at all. Only when I'm in an extreme hurry. A person can eat things that are very good and healthy. All they have to do is take the time out to fix it. Also, if a person does go overboard once in a while, it shouldn't hurt. It's the all the time crew that has the problem. Also, I have said this before. Backing away a little sooner from the table makes a huge difference.

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    Tue Jun 01 2010

    It's as simple as what others here have said. Strike a happy medium when it comes to eating habits. We don't need to go as far as "eating like a bird", but there's no reason to go overboard, either. The basic key is moderation, and that shouldn't be too hard to do. And for those who feel the need to take off a little weight, may I be the first to say it is a very admirable thing. But there is a way to blow that out of proportion, as well. It is not a matter of the narrow view of what might be considered "the ideal weight", a one-digit size number, or the number on the scale, but going for a basic goal that you know is right for you. These type of things vary from person to person.

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    Wed May 26 2010

    Ban the sale of spandex to anyone who takes "Thar She Blows" as a clothing size.

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    Wed May 26 2010

    We can't force people to eat right, but obesity levels have been on the increase over past 30 years or so in this country. Increases in the obesity rates can be traced back to the introduction of processed sugars like high fructose corn syrup. Restrict the use of these concentrated sugars and watch the obesity rates drop significantly. Up until recently obesity was a problem related only to the nobility, who were one of the few groups with the monetary resources to purchase vast quantities of food. Today modern farming techniques have allowed the lower classes to engage in similar excesses. It does beat dying of malnutrition and hunger, but not we have people who are both lacking in balanced diets AND are obese! Some balance needs to be brought back into the equation. Perhaps a ban on substances like aspartame, MSG and processed sugars can be a good start. Also bans on GMO foods along with the use of hormones in plant and animal products should be enacted as well.

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    Wed May 26 2010

    Ammend the municipal building code requiring narrower entrances to be installed at McDonald's and Burger King.

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    Wed May 26 2010

    We should make a law to only allow clothes of size 8 and below to be manufactured and sold in markets. Edit: Ok I wasn't thinking. We certainly don't want naked fat people taking over the fashion of NA.

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    Wed May 26 2010

    Eat less. Excercise more. Problem solved.

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    Wed May 26 2010

    Its common sense. Just drop the fast food you eat about 3 times a week and cook something at home more often, and get in at least 1 hour of exercise 3 times a week. For extreme measures you can starve yourself to lose weight more quickly but I highly discourage that.

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    Wed May 26 2010

    I'd say all city dress codes should be revised and make clothing illegal. Anyone with more chins than a Chinese phone book or that has to turn sideways to go through a door should be exiled to 24-hour fitness.

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    Wed May 26 2010

    Eat more. Exercise less. Die younger.

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    Sat Apr 19 2008

    That's up to all of us. I do pushups like a JARHEAD should and pass on deserts here and there and numbah is 165 lbs. For 5'8" thats within a couple pounds of what most publications call my target weight. As for the rest you, I'd like to see a revealing clothing license enacted to keep the truly unapealing under wraps...

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    Sat Apr 19 2008

    The solutions are already out there, and I'm not talking about the fad diets either.

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    Sat Apr 19 2008

    While the solution may be simple, imementing it and sticking to the plan is not. Human minds and bodies get used to having an abundent supply of fuel. The fun part is holding your new weight once you finish losing.