Illegal Immigration

Approval Rate: 27%

27%Approval ratio

Reviews 15

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    Tue May 11 2010

    Unemployment in border areas is very high. Last year it hit 33 percent in Imperial County, California and 29 percent in neighboring Yuma County, Arizona. Illegal immigration drives down wages, takes jobs away, and the problems with Drug Cartels across the border are more than enough reason to get control of the border. Ciudad Juarez in Chihuhua state (directly across from El Paso, Texas) has a higher violent crime rate than Baghdad, Iraq yet El Paso's crime rate on the US side is surprisingly low for a border city. Human smuggling, and car theft is a constant problem in southern border states as well. Phoenix,Arizona now ranks second only to Mexico City in car thefts in this hemisphere. That's right ahead of Chicago, New York and other bigger cities. Mexico is also hypocritical on this issue, as Mexico does not allow open borders with Guatemala, yet expects us to. Mexico is being very irresponsible in not wanting to take care of its citizens, but instead wanting to export its peop... Read more

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    Tue Sep 08 2009

    There have been immigrates arriving in the States, for quite awhile, and it's not going to stop, any time soon. Vesides, they are taking the jobs, that no one else wants, because they need the money, badly.

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    Mon Sep 07 2009

    This country was founded by immigrants,true enough.However,today it is over-crowded and there's a big shortage of jobs-even low paying ones.The line that they "do the jobs Americans don't want to do" is a LIE : The truth is they do Hard Labor CHEAPER,and THAT's why nothing has been done about their jumping the fence. Business owners can get away with low pay,no benefits and unsafe working conditions by hiring these poor people who are AFRAID to make a stink.Meanwhile,they reap profits and Americans either starve or collect dwindling unemployment funds that LEGAL workers are TAXED for. Another reason I'm against lax treatment of illegals is that they have NOT had their backgrounds checked: we have enough criminals of our own.Add to that the growing Mexican Drug Cartels and you have a REAL problem. We need Secure Borders and a cap on how many foreigners are given citizenship.We can't take in every refugee anymore,as much as I wish we could.My heart goes out to the ones only trying for a... Read more

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    Mon Sep 07 2009

    "What can brown do for you"? What if the indigenous figured out manifest destiny before feeding white people Thanksgiving dinner? There must be an answer more profound than lip service. Shoot to kill or shut up.

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    Mon Sep 07 2009

    If they want to join us on our handbag ride to hell, then I guess the more the merrier.

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    Sun Jul 12 2009

    Kinda scary. . . Serious issue no party wants to touch for fear of alienating a potential voting base. Truth hurts - Illegal Immigration hurts working people, taxes infrastructure, and contributes to crime. I get plenty of mean stares when I say that- but I can only go where the data tells me. . .

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    Sun Jul 12 2009

    Yes, illegal immigration in my opinion hurts the US. As others have said, nobody wants to touch the issue for fear of losing votes. I'm fine w/legal immigration but opposed to any kind of amnesty program. I would end birthright citizenship too.....the whole anchor baby! We do a lousy job of protecting our borders too. Nobody is going to do anything, so it's really a lost cause.

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    Sun Jul 12 2009

    I would like illegal immigration to be stopped. But I am not afraid of it. I think that it is something that we can handle. It has been going on for a long time. They have been trying to work on it in AZ. Unfortunately, the last bill did not pass. They were trying to stop the way they do things as a Sanctuary City. The police don't really want to get involved a lot of them. So it needs to be worked on. I think that if you do things out of fear it is hard to work on it. It is like someone trying to collect the signatures in the heat when you know there will not be enough. It is the way it was worded or I would put it yes, I want them out. I count on our country to do something about it. Surprisingly Obama is even having companies audited in Phoenix and other cities for hiring. He has also said that they can get in the back of the line. I would hope that he would keep that up and not give amnesty.

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    Sun Jul 12 2009

    There will never be a serious attempt by politicians on either side to solve this problem. (Goggle new border fence) Talk about political suicide.

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    Sat Jul 11 2009

    There is no doubt about it. Our country and culture are sinking out of sight and this is caused by this group. Try to translate "due process of law," "equal rights under the law," "equal protection under the law," and such other thousands of similar Anglo-American concepts that have slowly arisen over the last thousand years into a foreign language, have it read back, and see what you get.

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    Sat Jul 11 2009

    If they want to come to this country, work the Shit jobs that they are working and purchase stuff to Stimulate the economy then More power to them. If they want to come to this country and start problems, and not work and commit Crimes, then Deport their asses. I would be happy Weeding out the chaff and keeping those who Contribute.

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    Sat Jul 11 2009

    Technically speaking, the term "illegal immigration" is a misnomer. Immigration is a legal process. The people who flood across our southern border illeally are illigal migrants- in other words, they are common criminals. I cannot believe how many people fail and/ or refuse to see the negative impact of this, including the impact on healthcare costs and insurance. Let's just say that their heads are stuck....somewhere.

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    Thu May 29 2008

    The "threat" from illegal immigration is extremely overblown.  There are much bigger things to concern yourself over than this.  It doesn't help that some in the media perpetuate certain myths about illegal immigration:  that illegals are responsible for a crime wave in the US, that they consume a disproportionate among of government services, that they don't pay their taxes and even that Mexicans are somehow conspiring to take over parts of the Western US. Evidence actually suggests that  immigrants in general are less likely to commit crimes.  The Justice Department came out with some numbers recently suggesting that non-citizens account for only 6 percent of the prisoner population, significantly less than the 12 percent that actually came from another country.  On the allegation that illegals consume more social services then the rest of the population, more studies actually indicate that they contribute more to society than they cost.  The Congressional Budget Office in fact sa... Read more

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    Fri Nov 30 2007

    Considering most of the jobs done by illegals are the jobs, which most Americans won't do! You reap what you sow!!! Sorry but this fact is something you need to wave in front of the big fat cats of America. You could start with the current President!!!

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    Fri Nov 23 2007

    It's coming in like a flood, get used to it, your country is counting on you. God Bless America.