Identity Theft Victims (CitiBank)

Approval Rate: 80%

80%Approval ratio

Reviews 47

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    Fri Jan 29 2010

    Ok, now I get the idea of identity theft being bad. However, the only funny thing in these commercials were the voice overs.

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    Fri Jan 29 2010

    Pulls of the very difficult trick of using fear to sell a product, and doing it with humour. Quite impressive.

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    Sun Dec 28 2008

    that was funny

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    Mon Dec 08 2008

    Very clever advertising.

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    Fri Dec 05 2008

    these are funny lol

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    Wed Dec 03 2008

    effin hilarios

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    Tue Nov 04 2008

    I don't think it got the point across. Unless you keep your money in your mattress, no one is safe.

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    Wed Oct 22 2008

    I always think these are for something else until the end.

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    Sun Oct 12 2008

    freaking great!

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    Sun Oct 12 2008

    OMG!! that cracked me up. I'll not forget that any time soon.

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    Thu Oct 09 2008

    Love these ones. can't get enough of the voiceovers!

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    Tue Sep 30 2008

    They certainly got the point across...

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    Wed Sep 24 2008

    they confused the heck out of me the first 50 or so times I watched them!! LOL I'm a blonde what can I say

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    Wed Sep 24 2008


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    Mon Sep 22 2008

    I think these were an ingenious way to get the message across and some were terribly funny as well, especially the one with the two old women who supposedly bought dirt bikes!

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    Sat Sep 20 2008

    Famous Comercial

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    Sat Sep 20 2008

    funny and unforgetable! a commercial you don't forget even if you wanted too! they did there job correctly!

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    Fri Sep 19 2008

    This campaign didn't leave much of an impression on me.

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    Sat Aug 04 2007

    Of the major ad campaigns that have recently ran, these CitiBank spots for identity theft are some of the best. The use of obviously misplaced voiced over lip-syncing actors adds humor with a mild shock that makes the viewer remember the message, if not the advertiser as well. Only time will tell if these become true classics and it's been some time since I've seen one, resulting in a loss of a star (for now).

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    Mon Jul 23 2007

    Well conceived, well executed and on point. One of the better campaigns of the past few years.

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    Wed Sep 27 2006

    These are some of the funniest comericals on tv.

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    Sun Mar 19 2006

    The ID theft effect is very direct and memorable. Next, pet-peeve is the phone-menu-cue. Anyone have comments about this Citibank current (Mar 2006) commercial?

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    Thu Oct 06 2005

    these got right to the point about identity theft. it is a major problem across this country but places are stepping up to the plate and making it harder for the low lifes to accomplish stealing your identity and profiting from it.

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    Thu Sep 08 2005

    I loved those commercials. My personal favorite was the girl on the lawn mower one. I can repeat this one word-for-word, and I can imitate her voice perfectly!I the prettiest the whole..development!

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    Tue Aug 09 2005

    The best one was the heavy dude on a lawnmower.

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    Mon Apr 25 2005

    Very clever and very effective. One of the most original advertisements I've seen in a long time. They certainly did a good job of showing you what exactly could happen if you identity was stolen, some girl could buy a leather corset with your name. Scary.

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    Fri Dec 10 2004

    They were clever but could get kinda spooky sometimes. So I guess it did do it's job of warning people on how dangerous identity theft is.

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    Fri Nov 05 2004

    Love these commercials! I wish they'd come out with more of them, even though I wish that identity theft was not such a problem that such ads are needed.

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    Thu Oct 07 2004

    I memorized the one with the young woman who stole the identity of a middle-aged man on his recliner. I can mimic it to a T. The other ones are almost as good as this one, but none of them get to say Fifteen-hundred dollars for a leatherrr bustier? I didn't care...It lifts and separates!

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    Wed Oct 06 2004

    kinda funny the first thousand times i saw it, they need to go somewhere else with it.

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    Mon Sep 13 2004

    I live for those commercials.

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    Thu Jul 29 2004

    Very inventive.

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    Tue Jul 06 2004

    I love that one about larry i think it is soooooooo funny. Freaky Deaky, i love that guys laugh

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    Mon Jun 28 2004

    These are hilarious!!! I especially like the one with the man on his lawnmower talking in the voice of some southern trailer park lady!

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    Tue Jun 22 2004

    these commercials are funny.. but answer me this: the person who is the victim sort of confuses me.. is it the person.. or the other person with the voice?

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    Sun Jun 20 2004

    I like the one with the pool cleaning lady. HILARIOUS!

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    Sun Jun 06 2004

    these commercials are some of the better ones ovn Tv right now. I find them very clever,and amusing. there are some new ones on now and they are just as good as the first ones. the actors they got are good as mouth to the voiceovers. Not to mention it has caused me to check my credit card statements to make sure I have not been a victim.

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    Mon May 03 2004

    They are all outstanding, the newest one with the oriental dentist talking as Larry a middle aged guy at the singles week in Tijuana and getting new hair plugs and a wax job on the old chassis. There's plenty of Larry to go around ladies and then the laugh at the end. Hilarious!

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    Fri Apr 30 2004

    those idenity theft commericals are so funny that you cant help but crack up when they come on

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    Tue Apr 13 2004

    I think the ads are great. I am doing study on voice over for a video class... can anyone tell me where I can get a clip of this ad. [email protected]

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    Tue Mar 30 2004

    Who is that actor doing the commercial about ID theft...?he's sitting in the chair popping open a can of beer...the female voice-over...HE is great! Perfect delivery- perfect body language - look. The BEST of the bunch. what's his name? I think I saw him on the LIRR last month.

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    Sat Mar 20 2004

    I have to give these people a thumbs up because they created a great and funny commercial! Funny commercials are the most memmorable. They are also the most effective. This one got its point across and added a little humor in it as well.

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    Mon Feb 09 2004

    Hilarious campaigns with the victims voice being dubbed by those who stoled their identity. A serious ad about idenity theft would have been forgotten but people notice these ads and are talking about them.

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    Mon Jan 12 2004

    Even though I do not think identity theft is funny in anyway...this advertising campaign is truly favorite is with the older woman cleaning the mouth fell open the first time I saw it..and I almost fell out of the chair laughing so hard...EXCELLENT !

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    Mon Jan 12 2004

    Very funny ads. They paired the bodies with the voices perfectly. Or rather.. so imperfectly that the result is hilarious.

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    Mon Jan 12 2004

    It takes a lot to get me to notice an ad, but these did the job. These are hilarious! The bustier ad is the best of the bunch.

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    Sun Jan 11 2004

    Simple yet funny commercials with a person sitting there with (obviously) someone else's voice over doing a monologue of how they got someone's credit card number and they're buying stuff left and right. Don't know why, but fat men talking about leather bustiers that they just HAD to get is just funny. Cute set of commercials.