Approval Rate: 40%
Reviews 0
by wiseguy
Thu Feb 03 2011Never did it...Don't wanna do it...Never will have to do it...Hopefully.
by littledragon
Wed Feb 02 2011I enjoy hunting. I don't do it to "feel like a man". I do it because I like tracking prey and for the thrill of it. You may think I'm psycho because of it, but guess what? I don't care! I kill animals that I eat, most people whining about hunting pay other people to kill animals that they eat, then they feel they have a carte blanche to be indignant towards hunters because they don't kill the animals themselves. I like venison, so I go out and shoot deer. I probably still would go out even if they packaged it at the local supermarket. I also hunt coyotes for sport, occasionally taking the pelt or skull. Hunting coyote is essential to keep the population in check, though they have been growing exponentially around these parts. I don't care if one chooses to demean it by stating it's not a sport or that hunters are compensating for something by trying to be manly, I'll continue to do it because I think it's a damn good time.
by irishgit
Mon Aug 16 2010I don't do it, although I have a few times in the distant past. As far as I'm concerned, if you eat what you kill, I have no problem with it. If it's for trophies or sport, I think you're an asshole, unless you're hunting them with a knife or a blowpipe while dressed in a loincloth.
by numbah16tdhaha
Mon Aug 16 2010All the talk I've heard over time of arming deer or shooting "sport hunters" is idiotic at best. I don't consider hunting a sport. I know I can take a deer with a high powered, scoped rifle. Too easy. This being said, I'm not a hunter. Never have and who knows if I ever will, but I believe that population control is best achieved by allowing hunting and as long as these animals are eaten by those hunting them, I have zero problem with such a practice. I'd kinda like to go after a bear with a blackpowder weapon, myself. That way if I screw up and don't get a clean hit he can maul me. (numbah has a warped sense of adventure)
by gris2575
Mon Aug 16 2010Not for me and I never understood this 'Sport.' When I lived in Kentucky, I saw rednecks out there every Hunting season bragging about the size of the Deer and the points of the antlers. For them, hunting was not about survival, they got off on it. Now, I realize that hunting is more humane than Buying meat Pre-wrapped at a Grocery Store. But killing anything should never be in the hands of people who enjoy it.
by frankswildyear_s
Sat Oct 24 2009I think it's worth pointing out that hunting happens in the non-human segment of the animal world too. And not only do they hunt just like humans, they share their kill with their friends and nieghbours by setting a nice dinner out for others to join in. Of course lions and tigers don't don festive hats and coats adorned with leaf and branch patterns, nor do they drive around on miniature 4 wheel vehicles to get to the hunting grounds.
by fadeout
Mon Dec 22 2008A good thing it wasn't illegal when the white man came to America, or the Native Americans would have died off long before.
by lorifreakinlor_i
Mon Nov 03 2008Don't kill bambi but kill a million babies in the womb each people AMAZE me!
by jbardrof
Wed Oct 15 2008Hunting is murdering. How is killing an innocent animal any different than killing a human being? It's a heinous crime. People don't require meat, especially in today's society with so many alternatives. When we think of the people that lived many years ago, the hunters and gatherers, we mainly recognize the hunters. However, what people often don't realize is these people only went hunting about once a week. They needed to eat animals because it was difficult to find sources of high protein. If they had alternatives, they probably would not have hunted, since the process of hunting burned many valuable calories. Today, people eat meat because we are selfish, idiotic slobs that think poor, suffering animals taste good. Anyone disagree?
by shellyvanvalke_nburg
Mon Sep 22 2008hunting is very wrong i disagree because that is killing alot of animals and animals are a part of nature too just like us.using hunting for a sport is very wrong . just why would someone want to kill an animal,so innocent and helpless. hunting is not a sport ,its called a sport to justify its way of survival when you are killing and consuming the animal
by aleashac
Wed Sep 17 2008Although it was a crucial part of humans survival 100,000 years ago, hunting is now nothing more than a violent form of recreation that the vast majority of hunters does not need for subsistence.
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Sat May 03 2008If you're a hunter, it's a good thing. But as for me, I'll get my meat in the store, thank you very much.
by angryjed
Thu Dec 27 2007nothing better than the thrill of the hunt, and the taste of an animal you stalked and killed yourself. however hunting should only be allowed among animal populations than can sustain it or in the case of population control.
by genghisthehun
Thu Dec 27 2007Oh, well, I see the provision to arm the animals surfaces again. Sigh--this is always, expensive, my compadres in the RIA. Often, the PETA, the tree-huggers, the bleeding-hearts and the lefto anti-hunting crowd manage to slip a bill through some legislature arming the animals. The governor soon holds a press conference so that the Joan Baez and Judy Collins types, the Richard Simmons devotees, and various Hollywood starlets and harlots can fawn over him for signing the bill. Soon the guv has acquired the necessary hardware and hires a few thousand new employees to pass out the Model 70's and AK-47's to Bambi and his pals. Then the fun begins when hunting season starts. The problem usually surfaces that Bambi and his ilk don't have an opposable thumb and prehensile fingers to grab the stock properly. Also sticking those little hoofs in the trigger-guard does not allow them to be able to squeeze the trigger and consequently, the deer wind up shooting way high. After they have ... Read more
by x_factor_z
Thu Dec 27 2007neccesary to cull overpopulations of deer and other wildlife, if wildlife is managed properly, plus it gives rednecks a good excuse to hang out and drink and party at hunting leases, et cetera.
by tigerseye402
Sun Aug 12 2007I don't have a problem hunting for food (not solely for sport... that is sick). Primarily deer hunting, it keeps the population in check. I personally don't hunt because I don't think I could handle it, but if you can stomach it, more power to you. I'd feel better about eating meat from an animal that somebody went out and shot as opposed to the meat you buy in a store (it's easy to just not think about the animals that went into that chicken soup or hamburger or the pepperoni on your pizza, but that doesn't change where it comes from..)
by mariusqeldroma
Thu Aug 02 2007How else did you think we humans got our food back in the bad old days before the supermarket was invented? We hunted and gathered. Hunting for sport I'm not keen on, but hunting for food is a natural thing. Just be sure to cook it properly (fire was a very handy invention).
by twansalem
Thu Aug 02 2007UPDATE: People can be so hypocritical sometimes. As of the time I'm writing this, the average rating for hunting is a 2.85, while the average rating for meat (mammals) is a 4.14. And for those who say there is a difference between killing it yourself and a slaughterhouse doing it for you, you're right, but maybe not in the way you think. I'd rather do it myself. If I shoot a deer, I know if the animal looked healthy, and if I butcher it myself I know that the conditions were relatively sanitary. I have no knowledge of such things when I buy some pork or beef from the grocery store.ORIGINAL: As long as you eat what you shoot. Nothing like a good venison steak. And if you're a good enough hunter, it's cheaper than buying meat in the grocery store.
by polina
Thu Aug 02 2007When you fill your guts with dead flesh you are heading for bowel cancer. That is as it should be.
by pugwash01
Thu Aug 02 2007Hunting has been going on for years and as long as there is excess amount of game then that’s fine!!! But if the hunting is in the guise of torture to an animal, then a big fat NO. It is one thing to hunt for game and to eat, but to tease and torture an animal, No!!!
by wirescb3
Mon Jun 04 2007It's true our ancestors did hunt for food. Hunting for food now is totally unneccessary unless you live no where near civilization! Take a look at the meat section of the supermarkets! Wake up!! As for saying hunting is a sport, your saying murder is a sport. Plus to be a sport don't you have to have equal sides etc...humans are making animals extinct...Give me a gun and I'll be on the animals side shooting all the sporting hunters! It's only fair.
by decalod85
Mon May 28 2007I eat what I kill, and only kill what I can eat. Like 99% of hunters, I respect the animals I hunt, and want to conserve them so that future generations may see them. I hate cruelty, and would never want an animal to suffer. A quick death from my rifle is much better than weeks of slow starvation, due to overcrowding caused by the destruction of habitat. That meat will feed my children (and meat is good for you). Science now believes that the addition of meat to our ancestors diets lead to the brains we have now.Your ancestors hunted. Maybe not your parents, or grandparents, but you do not have to go back to far to find hunters. It is as human as breathing or having sex. Agriculture is just a really easy form of hunting/gathering (if you know where the animals/plants are, it is easy to find them and kill them). Our modern, disconnected world hides many inconvenient facts from you, such as the facts that cattle are slaughtered in the millions in very cruel ways, or that chicken... Read more
by puppyloverkb
Thu Mar 08 2007Most of my realatives live in Minnesota and they frequentlt go hunting for food/sport. Unlike most people out there, they actually eat what they kill. However I know there are a whole lot of other horrible people out there who hunt soley for the sport of it and that makes me sick. Why kill an animal if you aren't going to do anything with it except to put its head up on your wall. If you want to go hunting for sport there are a whole lot of realistic arcade games out there that involve the killing of computer generated animals. Not real ones!!!
by drentropy
Wed Dec 13 2006The 'cage and kill' type of hunting patronized by the likes of Dick Cheney is repulsive and ought to be outlawed; but I don't see anything wrong with hunting for food and as a test of skill. The sociability and organization of the paleolithic hunting band is the ultimate basis of human civilization, and while one can make an argument that we have outgrown all that, there is something to be said for keeping up tradition. Hunting also seems to be the best way of keeping populations of large herbivores (deer, moose in Alaska) in check, as their numbers have multiplied to dangerous levels with the decline of hunting. It would be rather less harmful (at least to humans) than limiting their numbers by hitting them with cars, as we do now. We could also bring back wolves, though this solution might be unpopular with the inhabitants of suburban New Jersey, however anti-hunting they may be.
by edt4226d
Thu Dec 07 2006I do eat meat from time to time, so I don't want to be a hypocrite here, but I also know far too many angry middle-aged white guys who seem to take some sort of cathartic pleasure in blowing the s**t out of defenseless animals in the woods. I currently live in the Somerset County area of NJ, much of which is still rural, and during deer-hunting season, the woods are infested with these guys stomping through the underbrush, rifles at the ready. If I had kids, I'd have a lot of fear about letting them play outside. The upper-crust types out this way have their own peculiar customs when it comes to the "sport" of hunting...namely, there's the annual "fox hunt", an event they advertise with great fanfare. Sounds like a lot of "fun"...obscenely-rich dandies in silly caps barreling down on horseback after a tiny, terrified animal. I used to fish, but haven't engaged in it for several years, as I always felt a bit guilty about my catch thrashing about in the cooler and suffocating to death. I... Read more
by vudija
Thu Dec 07 2006I'm all for hunting for food, but to hunt in the name of sport isn't something I tolerate well. I cannot tell you how many homes I have walked into and found "trophies" on the walls. It's disgusting and tacky that these people hunt innocent animals for fun, and then have the nerve to hang them from their living room walls...
by limpin_trenchfoot
Thu Dec 07 2006sustainable hunting for people who live in tribal societies is fine as they havent got shops. however, viz the retarded cretins across the globe who do it in the name of 'sport' like that utter f*ckwit Ted Nugent (the second biggest cretin in the US after Dubya and also a sh*t guitar player) it's beyond the pale.
by blue47
Thu Dec 07 2006One word "DISGUSTING." And it is not a sport. I have no use for it. I wish the rating was lover than a one. I sometimes think it is an activity for those who have no other way to ( i can't think of the term...) prove their manhood. ,
by kevin_t
Fri Aug 04 2006I hate the fact that people can call this a sport. You have a fatass just sitting their until an animal walks by and they shoot it. It's even worse when you see it on TV and after the animal is shot they're all sitting around it out of breath and bragging about how hard of a kill it was. Also it's not always a quick death, a lot of shots hit in the wrong place and the animal has to be tracked by it's blood until it can be shot again. In Africa where the only way they can seem to raise money is by organizing canned hunts they're killing animals like rhinos and elephants. I saw one of those hunts on TV where one of those dumbasses missed and hit the rhino in the leg, shattering it. It was found a while later laying on the ground still alive.
by ashleyanne56
Fri Jun 23 2006If you use what you kill, then ok, go ahead. If your just having fun killing animals, then get a psychological evaluation, before you turn into a serial killer. If it's just to hang an animal head on your wood paneled living room wall, beside your rubber fish that wiggles and sings a song, then take a decorating class.And if it is one of those "canned" hunts, well, maybe we should put you in a restricted area, breed you just so we can kill you and your offspring, and watch as you dodge the bullets that redneck deer are shooting at you.
by my_rates
Fri Mar 03 2006I wouldn't have the guts to hunt. I'll feel too sorry for the animal. And anyway I think it's horrible to kill an animal. I think that hunting should be restricted. Many animals are becoming endangered.
by rhapsody22
Sat Jan 14 2006The rating I give it is for me. For me I could never kill anything, much less something with big, brown eyes but many in my family hunt so I've learned to live with it. However I don't approve when some call it a sport, set a bait pile and wait a couple feet away to blow its brains out. That's not a sport, its practically a drive-thru. I'm also pretty grossed out by the animal carcasses for living decor. If you're doing it fairly and for food, then I don't have a problem with it.
by butyubchubstub
Sat Jan 14 2006I apologize for my bluntness, but I feel that hunting is obviously not for the weak stomached. If you can't handle killing an animal for food, I'm sorry. When we eventually ruin all of the farming land and have to hunt for food, the less that can handle hunting, the more for me.
by recreation
Fri Dec 16 2005I am a hunter. I always will be. The more I read people seem to have dramatically differing opinions. One thing that seems to be consistent is the thought that hunters actually kill and do not eat their harvest. I have never seen or even heard of this unthinkable phenomenon. I know personally before I regard my opinions as fact I feel the need to be educated. I am sure it must be difficult for some of you to imagine a small peckered hillbilly with an education.
by wilprosser
Mon Nov 28 2005every one goes up in arms over hunting and; yet you know nothing but an animal dies. i do not rate anything on this page except topics that i know. does anyone know anything about the cattle bussiness? male feeder bulls are castrated in a method called burdizzo, the clamping of the testicles without any means of pain relief. when was the last time you went to burger king? pigs are done in the same manner. had a sausage biscut lately? in the livestock bussiness there are shoots, a two walled funnel used to coral live stock into a desired area. if an animal refuses to go threw the shoot properly how do you think your local leather or meat provider getS them to cooperate? do you really think the give them gentle nudges and words of encouragement? have you ever herd of prods? every animal grown and harvested will recieve someting that most of you will consider cruel. so if you eat meat, wear leather, makeup, use medicine, etc. dont share your problems with hunting. i have many deer heads ... Read more
by birdegal202
Sun Nov 13 2005If the only thing you can find to do for fun is shoot animals... that's a tad disturbing.
by gheotio
Thu Nov 03 2005Best use of a dog aside from target prctice.
by classictvfan47
Sun Aug 28 2005I remember when I was about 8, my Big Brother tried to get me to shoot his rifle. I tried, but I couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger. I am proud of the fact that still today, at least 12 years later, I have never fired a projectile weapon at all. I understand that in rare situations, even these days, that a human may need to kill an animal for food. That in itself is fine, every other living creature does the same thing. The reason I give hunting such a low rating is how it's seen as merely a sport to some. Killing a living creature, even if it isn't sentient, for pleasure and a wall decoration is completely unappealing in my eyes.
by djahuti
Sun Aug 28 2005There's nothing wrong with hunting for food-as long as the hunters honor and respect the land they hunt on and the animals they hunt.However,if you want to call it a sport-stop using laser sights,scent masking,bait,decoys,ATVs and all the other products that take all the skill and hard work out of it.
by planetarygear
Sun Aug 28 2005The hunting instinct is important to man and is something we must never lose touch with in our modern, and convienience laden world. I am however, opposed to sport/trophy hunting as it serves no purpose other than to give small peckered hillbillies a power trip.
by kamylienne
Sat Aug 27 2005I'm not a big fan of it. But, so long as you eat your kill, then I'll back off. I don't approve of killing something just for trophies. And I'd prefer that they'd kill the animal in such a way that the death is as quick as possible, rather than slow and painful just for the sake of keeping a trophy intact.
by tjgypsy2
Fri Aug 26 2005My biggest hypocritical failing is that, while I eat meat, I could not bring myself to kill an animal, and I cannot take any pleasure from those that do. (Though I have taken a few steaks and whatnot.) I don't oppose hunting, per se, because most of the people that I know that hunt have lousy luck, but I don't really think of it as a sport, either. To my mind, in a sport, the opponent has a chance to win, and in the case of deer/elk/grouse/whathaveyou vs. rifle....they don't really have a chance. That being said, I'm not about to start campaigning against hunting season since I do enjoy my venison. Coward though I am.
by 93century
Thu Aug 25 2005I am from Wisconsin, and i think that our annual hunting season is a great thing to help bring down the deer population. The meat is also great. If we did not have a deer hunting season, vehicle deer crashes would be a big problem. I am glad governor Doyle helped turned down the hunting of feral cats in Wisconsin. What would this teach the hunters of tomarrow? All it would take would be some cocky idiot. Oh, lets go hunt the neighbors cat son.
by earthbound
Thu Aug 25 2005Clearly, I am not a hunter, more of a gatherer, if the truth be told. Hunting holds no appeal to me. However, I do not think that hunting represents the worst abuse of animals by any stretch. In certain limited circumstances, it is necessary, and even when it is not necessary, it often results simply in the relatively pain-free termination of an otherwise good and natural life for an animal, as opposed to industrialized farming, which can mean a lifetime of suffering for an animal. However, the popular argument of population control through hunting is flawed. Take the example of deer: To Daccorys point, when food is scarce, deer population decreases, due to a higher mortality rate coupled with a decline in reproductive abilities due to malnutrition. This is natures way of adjusting the herd size to the available food supplies. Under normal circumsstances, the number of births the next spring will be correspondingly lower, in a 50-50 buck/doe scenario. As I understand, hunters typica... Read more
by daccory
Thu Aug 25 2005Why? Numbers of animals manage themselves naturally, herds grow or die off according to natural cycles which we humans might not understand and mess about with. There is never any use for hunting of any sort. When are we just going to place a ban on killing animals full stop? I suppose if we are content killing each other, that answers that one.
by texasyankee
Wed Aug 24 2005I enjoy hunting, but I know of plenty of people who abuse their privileges to do so. So I give it a 4. As for people thinking it's not right, that it puts the animals at an unfair advantage, is it a fair advantage to buy meat all nicely packaged, in the store?
by eschewobfuscat_ion
Wed Aug 24 2005I'm not clear on the rating, so I'll start at 3 and see how the number meanders. Hunting is not sick, it isn't heinous, it happens in nearly every state, if you don't happen to participate, that's fine. Some people think NASCAR is dumb, never having seen a race. Some people think baseball is dumb, never having been to a game. Some people think soap operas are dumb, never having sat down to see what it's all about. Everyone's right, but everyone's wrong, too. My viewpoint is this: go and experience it, with zeal. Try to understand why some (mostly men) are smitten with an addiction to hunting (my crazy younger brother is an avid deer hunter) in the same way some people are similarly smitten with a love of golf. Why? I dunno. But, to call them stupid, or their activity heinous from without, seems condescending. Is everything you don't do, or have interest in, stupid? Because you don't happen to do it? I tried to figure out hunting's attraction to him, can't get into it. But,... Read more
by mrpolitical
Wed Aug 24 2005As previously stated, hunting is occasionally necessary to satisfy dietary purposes but hunting for sport truly is unnecessary and just sick.
by graymalkin
Tue Aug 23 2005After reading over again the description for this topic of hunting animals I had to change my stance. Even though I do not hunt, care to hunt or know too many who do, I prefer using a camera to shoot animals. I agree with numbah, if you are going to eat what you hunt for and not waste it then fine. Seems a bit fairer than the ones that are lead to slaughter. However, the practice of hunting as merely a sport, whether it is big game hunting for a trophy to hang over your fireplace or fox hunting which is form of blood sport, the killing of animals for entertainment only. These latter practices are cruel and barbaric. As for the hunting of animals for a profit from their tusk or hides only, so someone can wear the latest fashions in jewelry or clothing, this is heinous.
by andrewscott
Fri May 13 2005Well put by Mr. Political. Unless Bambi gets her own rifle, there's nothing sporting about this sport.