Hunger Site

Approval Rate: 99%

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    Sun Apr 25 2010

    I know it is common for people to decry charity and the abuses that often occur with it but... I believe that is the price doing good always pays. Even if there are those that take advantage of generosity, be generous anyway.

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    Mon Aug 18 2008

    Wikipedia has a little on this too and it seems that although it started off non-profit it no longer is, also, the site has not given out any report or breakdown of where the funds are actually going, because as the website says, it is not actually a charity, it gives 100% to other charities, no reports are telling what charities and how generous these charities actually are, I personally dont mind hand outs, its not a solution but it is better than nothing (if its not ging into the hands of greedy dictators of course), at first i thought that this was the best site i had ever seen and wanted to go to it everyday but then logic reared its ugly head and said look deeper into what your actually doing, although it externally seems like a nice gesture, think twice, as you should with all charities no offence but im only 18 and i seem to have figured this out and it is sad how many here have easily had the wool pulled over their eyes, also, i guess the fact that is easy is a nice idea but ... Read more

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    Wed Jun 23 2004

    Although this was obviously a good idea at the time of creating the site, and I'm sure the creator(s) had good intentions, to me this will just keep Third World countries dependent on handouts. The money should be spent on developing the countries in question in terms of infrastructure, economy etc. Although I agree there is an immediate problem of hunger, organisations like the World Health Organisation and the World Bank should be helping solve this problem anyway, so any extra money should be used to actually develop these countries. It seems to me to have become little more than a mechanism to keep Third World countries poor so they can produce cheap consumer goods for developed countries, whilst allowing the same people in developed countries to feel good about themselves without actually getting off their butts to do something worthwhile. Oh I'll just click once a day on this site and that's me doing my bit! Sorry to bust your bubble, but you're not. Do a fundraiser and send it t... Read more

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    Fri Jun 08 2001

    The international food contribution campaigns are a well meaning but ineffective way to help people in need. The organizations are so corrupt. All of the money goes to local beaurocrats who line their pockets with foreign money while their own people go hungry. The food that is received is sold not given away. It is a disgusting and outrageous scam. Why not have local level programs to help the local population grow crops and raise animals? Most importantly, third world citizens need to be taught to have zero population growth. I know this comment sounds negative and cynical. I wish the world was not like this but it is. Americans are basically trusting and good willed people. Third world cultures take advantage of the good intentioned, naive Europeans and Americans.

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    Wed Jun 06 2001

    Okay, I get to be unpopular and snide. 24,000 die daily. How many are born? Quite frankly, I am burned out on "you should feel guilty" pleas to solve world hunger. Has anyone seen a breakdown on exactly where the donations go? How much is spent on overhead (personnel, site management, bandwidth) The basic IDEA is good, but I have to agree with Ruby...prove to me it works.

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    Mon Mar 26 2001

    I like the idea of the site, and the map on top

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    Sat Jun 24 2000

    Congratulations on undermining the incentives for a local agriculture industry to develop! Dumping free food into corrupt and impoverished nations is a sure way to keep them dependent on handouts. And some of your proceeds will let UN bureaucrats pay off their corrupt cronies too! Horray!

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    Wed Jun 14 2000

    A wonderful gift from/for us all and ut takes only a few seconds to add another share

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    Tue Jun 06 2000

    I agree with previous review on the worthiness of The Hunger Site. I also like to visit its sponsors. Often they are sites I don't find elsewhere. I visit every day.

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    Thu Mar 16 2000

    It's amazing to think that just by clicking on your mouse you can make a very real difference in someone's life. My heartfelt admiration goes out to the sponsors of this wonderful site.

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    Thu Mar 16 2000

    There is hope for mankind yet. I try to "click" everyday here in Melbourne, Australia. Isn't it fantastic that ordinary people all over the world can join in this wonderfully humane civilized effort. Salutations to the unique human being who started it and to the generous caring sponsors. More power to the civilized of this world. I intend to make sure that anytime I can be a customer I will be.

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    Thu Mar 16 2000

    Very worthwhile cause, and lots of great links.

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    Thu Mar 16 2000

    thanks for helping!

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    There should be more sites like this on the Web. I have sent this to everyone. It is a chance to contribute. Really needed.

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    it rocks! it's a really easy way to help people...

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    Wonderful site!

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    Wed Mar 15 2000


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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    What a wonderful idea!

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    I think that it's great!

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    This is the world's greatest idea!

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    a brilliant idea, a simple way of helping

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    What a wonderful, easy way to help those in need!

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    Its fast, its easy, and it connects to groovy sites!

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    I think this web site is the best web site on the web!

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    I was an orphan and appreaciated what was done for me. Well done

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    Makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside when I visit this site most days

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    What a great thing to do! Hurray for the sponsors and the web site!! :-)

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    To think you can end hunger with a click of a button! I visit it every day!

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    Hunger Site got me to this site. A worthy cause--do something for someone else.

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    Wonderful approach to a persistent important problem. I try to get to it as often as possible. I also find the sponsors to be good sites.

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    A wonderful worthwhile site, well worth a visit, since finding it in Sept 99 I have only missed a few days. It is a practical and easy way of donating food to hungry people, I often find it too distressing to watch or read about world hunger, but this is amazing and so easy to do! I am a happier person for finding it, and I have found a lot of great sites and bought their products after clicking on the sponsors buttons.

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    this is a great chance to help feed the hungry without even spending any money or time. all you have to do is click on a little square once a day and sponsors send about 2 cups of food to starving people. you don't even have to register or receive email from them. it's a win win situation.

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    Great site for a great cause. I was born in Bangladesh (left almost 20 years back) where countless kids and people die of hunger everyday. So I made a habit to click the DONATE button regularly. Together we can make a difference. The Hunger Site and the Sponcers are doing a great job!

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    This is such a great idea. It feels great to help others who need help from us. Thank you sponsers for making this possible. We sure know who you are and will remember you when it comes to online shopping. We will support you so that this great fund raising site will continue.

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    A wonderful site where you can donate food at no cost to yourself. I always support the sponsors (it's how I found this site) because they are doing such a wonderful thing. AND 100% of the proceeds go towards fighting hunger!

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    No doubt one of the greatest sites out there. Really a great idea that should be used to the worlds advantage like this more often. More sites of this type should really be created. Pierre.

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    I've checked out these guys and they send 100% of what they get in sponsorship to a legit organization donates food all over the world. It's easy to do and a wonderful way to help the world.

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    This is a great way to keep the extremely important issue of hunger in the public eye, and to give ordinary people a way to do something about it.

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    This site is the model after which many other sites have fashioned themselves. It's a wonderful concept and I do hope it becomes widespread!

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    Such a worthy cause and so easy! Those who advertise are interesting sites,too.

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    This is a wonderful service to the world and something anyone can do. Hats off to the sponsors who pay for it all. We need more like it.

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    You can 'donate' money to hungry people without having to pay! They get the money from advertising banners that you see when you 'donate'.

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    This is a truly noble use of the internet. I only wish that it was easier to convince my e-mail friends that this site is not a hoax.

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    This is a wonderful concept! I try to donate every day. It's great knowing that I can make a difference with such a small gesture.

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    This site is a great idea! The more people visit this site, the closer we will be to eliminating the problem of world hunger

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    I have been donating food through this site since October 1999. It's so easy to donate. Why isn't everybody doing it?

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    One of the BEST things you can do on the Web is to put a shortcut on your desktop and visit this site EVERY DAY!!

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    I make certain to hit this site every day...and only hope it works as well as it claims.

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    One click and someone gets to eat. Amazing we are not here every day doing this.