Reviews 0
by pinklady100
Thu Sep 17 2009Loved the young Bogart in the gangster films. Didn't like him when he got older.
by lion_in_winter
Wed Oct 22 2008one of the best actors of all time- loved him in 'The Caine Mutiny'.
by spike65
Sun Apr 20 2008Humphrey Bogart waited a long time to be a star. And he didn't always play a tough guy but that happened to be what we most remember him for. Watch "Key Largo" with Edward G. Robinson for something a bit different. He was terrific in "The African Queen", "The Maltese Falcon", "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" and many others.
by virilevagabond
Sat Sep 23 2006Though Humphrey Bogart was featured in some of the greatest movies in history (e.g. "The Maltese Falcon" and "Casablanca"), he was never quite a 5-star actor in my book. "Falcon" is one of my favorite films due to the complexities of his character and I studied it in college, but Bogie's distinctive voice sometimes irritated me (hence the loss of a star). Humphrey DeForest Bogart was born December 25, 1899 in New York City and died January 14, 1957 of cancer in Los Angeles.
by adc103051
Wed Aug 02 2006One of the best ever.
by spankinitbaby
Sat Apr 15 2006his guy is a LOSER. I mean class a LOSER
by eliseb88
Fri Dec 30 2005He is the best actor ever!
by genghisthehun
Mon Dec 12 2005I liked him but looking back on his films, he always played the same tough guy type.
by frankswildyear_s
Fri Nov 25 2005Great, great everyman actor with a resume of excellent films. He wasn't leading man handsome but instead always brought a lived in feel to his characters, whether it was tough guy detective Sam Spade, world weary mercinary Rick Blaine or the aging, cynical, but ultimately caring agent in the Barefoot Contessa.
by celticprince
Sat Apr 30 2005A great man- and a great American actor. My fav- The Caine Mutiny- but most everything he did was incredible.
by molfan
Fri Apr 01 2005I have not seen too many of Humphrey Bogarts movies.He was great in The African Queen and won a much deserved oscar.I think that this was my favorite Bogart movie.He was also great in the The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.He is a very convincing actor. The only movie I have seen that I did not like to see him in was Sabrina. I got the feeling that he felt uncomfortable in this movie.
by edt4226d
Tue Jan 25 2005When I was growing up, I only saw Bogart as a sort of cultural stereotype. It was only as an adult that I watched his movies and realized what a truly great actor he was. If you doubt that, catch him in Treasure of Sierra Madre (his best, in my opinion) or African Queen. The best example I can think of as to why these actors from yesteryear were called Stars.
by noskcaj
Wed Nov 24 2004Greatest actor ever.
by owl1962
Wed Aug 25 2004One of the real greats
by poseidonfla
Thu Jul 29 2004By far an actor light years ahead of his time. One can't help but be glued to the TV when a Bogart film is on.
by bird808
Wed Apr 28 2004I've seen Humphrey in Sabrina with Audrey Hepburn and I just recently caught him in Casablanca with Ingrid Bergman. Humphrey possesses a swave, dimure, coolness about him on screen. He barely makes any effort with his facial expressions and his body language is not something that I would say speaks volumes and yet still he seems so effective and you can't seem to take your eyes off him, you feel your going to miss something if you do as he draws his viewers in. Hes definitely got the magic x-factor without a doubt as I don't know any actor today that can even be compared to Humphrey Bogart not even in their style of acting.
by levelburt
Wed Apr 21 2004One of the greatest actors in some of the greatest films ever.
by sfalconer
Thu Apr 15 2004You know people have accused other actors of not really acting but just playing the same character. Lets face it Bogart did play the same character in every picture. I don't really get Casablanca, but I did like We're No Angels. Some of the films he did with Jimmy Cagney were good but I can't see giving him 5*.
by alpepper
Wed Feb 25 2004A personal favorite. Not particularly handsome but one heck of an actor. While he was sensational in Casablanca, my favorite Bogey movie is The Caine Mutiny. Having read the book several times (its great), Borgart's portrayal of Captain Queeg is compelling and without flaw. I really can't name a Bogard movie where I wasn't impressed. Died too young.
by s_saletros
Mon Nov 17 2003We'll always have Bogart//
by archivist
Mon Oct 20 2003Here's looking at you, kid
by marjorieb
Fri Oct 17 2003Mostly a Bogey fan because of Casablanca, though I did see a couple of films he did with Lauren Bacall. The Reluctant Hero, which makes him a classic.
by ladyshark4534
Wed Sep 03 2003Yawn.....
by themoviefan
Sat Jul 12 2003humphrey bogart is an unbelievable actor. He is the ultimate representation of cynicism in film characters. Like in his line from Casablanca "I stick my neck out for nobody. Bogie would be the anti-thesis to my favorite actor Jimmy Stewert whose characters are well trusted and loved while his are hated and not trusting. His works in the 1930's were good when he was playing bad guys and the second banana characters to Bette Davis, James Cagney, and Edward G. Robinson in films like Dead End, Angel's with Dirty Faces, Dark Victory, Petrified Forrest, and Bullets on Barrots, but it wasn't until the 1940's when he was reaching middle-age Warner Brothers started to make him the top-billed actor in his films did he become the legend that he is and get the acclaim and roles that he deserved. His works in the 1940's are maybe the greatest decade any actor has had and the stuff that dreams are made of and his stuff from the 1950's aren't too shabby either. His best works from the 40's are High ... Read more
by help_me
Sat Jun 21 2003Bogart was the man! He was always great especially in the African Queen.
by ozzymaniac
Mon Jun 16 2003Named the #1 actor of all time by AFI, I can't say he didn't deserve it.
by moosekarloff
Tue Jun 03 2003He was one of the first Hollywood actors who was able to convey a modern feel. He was perfect was the world-weary, slightly downcast but independent hero of ethics and quiet bearing. He was not too swift at comedy in general, but that was not his metier. He was very convincing as the heavy, as well. He had the look and feel that was well suited to the noir tradition, and this is where he did his best work. Bogart aged well as an actor and was able to bring new color and valence to his roles as got older. Iconic figure in our popular culture: hangdog, silently suffering older man in the trenchcoat, smoking a cigarette and moodily gazing into the distance as he thinks or dreams of something/somewhere else...
by mickey61
Fri Apr 25 2003Duke Mantee in 'Petrified Forest". Unforgetable!
by diamond_1966
Fri Jan 17 2003To bad he smoked. Maybe he would still be around.
by jason1972
Thu Oct 31 2002A true legend in any sense of the word. African Queen and Casablanca's great!
by cosmo_renfro
Thu Sep 26 2002I don't understand how Bogart could even get terrible at all. He puts the class in classic. Who else could create the rat pack?
by hellgf
Sun Dec 30 2001Surprisingly versatile, and believable in every film I've seen with him.
by lord_of_the_waves
Sat Oct 20 2001Why isnt humphrey number one. He surpasses the skill of all clasic and contemporary actors. Sustained wound in a war which made half of his mouth paralyzed. casablanca is definitely his best. African queen is nowhere close. can play a lover or a tough guy and often both.
by kmercer
Tue Oct 09 2001He's by far one of the best actors. "It's a Wonderful Life" is an example of his superb acting.
by castlebee
Mon Oct 08 2001Something about him always reminded me of Huckleberry Hound. Okay, well, I did start to see him in movies at about the same time in my childhood that I was really into Hanna-Barbera cartoons. In spite of his hangdog look it was easy to see that Bogart was a good actor. Mostly cast in serious, dramatic parts, he could still be very funny at times. I especially enjoyed him paired with Katherine Hepburn in "The African Queen".
by ctfan7cf
Sat Sep 22 2001Bogie was the best.No one else comes close.He played villians,good guys and edgy anti-heros and did it all with his own style. He looked like the origional tough guy but even played comedy with flair and ease.There will never be another Bogie..he was one of a kind.
by janes_world
Tue Jul 10 2001Other than Cary Grant, no other actor compares with Bogart. Movies like The Big Sleep, Sabrina, Key Largo, and The African Queen demonstrate his range and talent as an actor.
by stooge
Sat Jun 30 2001Humphrey Bogart was truly an american original. Nobody looked like him, he wasn't a great looking man but he could still play a convincing romantic lead. Nobody sounded like him, just try and say "Play it again Sam" without using Bogart's voice. It just doesn't have the same meaning. Nobody could smoke a cigarette and make it seem so cool, even though we know it killed him. I have tried to watch all of his movies. There have been many great ones that he made better, and there are some that were not so great, but his performance was always superb.
by bob_falange
Fri May 18 2001Humphrey Bogart was a thoroughly entertaining actor who has left us a rich legacy of strong character parts.
by plumpbottom40
Fri May 04 2001Bogart commands your respect and attention on the same scale as Tracy and Cagney! Sure he was great in Casablanca (A film I think to be overrated!), but it was his portrayals of criminals (High Sierra) and detectives (The Big Sleep) that, to me, have proved to be his best. How can you not love a decent guy like his Philip Marlowe or Sam Spade or sympathize with his Roy "Mad Dog" Earle? Bogart is an icon of the American cinema and deserves all the reverence we can give him.
by simplus
Fri Mar 09 2001Timeless.
by dcol4063et
Thu Feb 01 2001What can you say, Boggy says it all!
by cindy_rhodes
Tue Jan 30 2001One of a kind.
by vanessa_valois
Mon Jan 22 2001Bogart in Casablanca is a very sexy older gent who has very cool lines to say like"Of all the gin joints in all the towns (woozy skull lolls into despairing hands) and she has to walk into mine"in reference to a stunning and much younger Ingrid Bergman he once loved in Paris. The only drag line in the whole show is the fabulous Ms.B refering to Dooley Wilson as a "boy".Bogey's performance in "The African Queen" is superlatives.He's dry-humor,droll and debonair who never had the benefit of the truth about tobacco. His legend is immutable.