Howard Stern
Approval Rate: 53%
Reviews 0
by yourmomchoseli_fe
Sun Jul 24 2011He's vulgar & disgusting.
by ihatebullies
Sat Feb 26 2011Not so much a bully but a pervert.... don't know. I haven't listened to him in years.
by apollyonferre
Wed Jul 07 2010This is a disappointment. In his heyday Howard was easily the best radio show in the country, but now...? Maybe age is starting to take its toll.
by assets34
Thu Mar 18 2010All you people who don't "get it" then that is your fault. The guy is hilarious and is the best interviewer BAR NONE in the industry. He gets celebrities to say things no one could ever get out of them. He's very low key in real life so just understand his show is a show, it's schtick, it's entertainment. If he gets a rise out of you then he's doing it right. F Jackie.
by rickytickytapp_y
Sat Dec 12 2009Used to be a huge fan and listen to him daily when he was on FM syndication. He has certainly jumped the shark probably not due to his own talent but the failure of satellite radio.
by frankswildyear_s
Fri Oct 23 2009Truly, in Howard's case the ugly comes from within, so much so that you can see it on the radio. Still there's something compellingly watchable/listenable about his form of ugly. It has to do with his utter lack of remorse over it.
by another_average_joe
Tue Aug 25 2009Big mouth, pompous, arrogant, not to mention a womanizer supreme!
by wolfmantip
Sun Aug 23 2009I saw his tv show ONCE, He had one of his studio guys EAT a marshmellow out of another guys Butt,with the promise he'd get to have sex with some slut. As Crude as he is, The TRASH that watch him are far Worse.
by tincup2005
Tue Jul 14 2009I'm a highly-educated middle aged white male professional who is a good family man, employee and member of my community. I am also a Howard Stern listener. Why? Because his show is hilarious. I listen to Howard on my way to a very stressful job where for the next 10-12 hours I will be involved in high-pressure business matters that often challenge my sanity. Howard Stern is my lifeline. He makes me laugh so hard sometimes I've actually pulled my car over so as to not risk and accident. I need that. Laughter is indeed good medicine in a fast and crazy world. Some people call his brand of humor "bathroom type," but I've always laughed at a good joke, a funny prank or just silliness that gives balance to a life too often tilted in the direction of seriousness. I need that balance. Sure, Howard has interviewed strippers and porn stars in the most banal ways (and I laughed), but he has also interviewed major personalities like Paul McCartney and asked pointed, valid questions no ... Read more
by bluestatevoter
Tue Jun 30 2009He will forever be "THE KING OF ALL MEDIA!"
by truegolfnut
Fri Apr 24 2009I do NOT support the earthiness of this person.
by roberthausman
Mon Feb 23 2009people need tostop talking about how the whole show is about toilet humor. for one, yeah there is toilet humor in the show but it hardly can classify as the whole show. second if everyone wood just stop being pretentious asses who think theyre above it youd probably realize that even his fart humor ends up being pretty funny. another obnoxious stereotype about his show is that the whole thing is about strippers, once again this may make up a portion of the show but the majority of the show is intelligent commentary on current events, insightful interesting interviews and other funny intelligent bits. and although their is a very obvious sexual side of the show, it is often interwoven into the show in fun, funny ways.
by spike65
Tue Jan 13 2009A bright guy who wastes his talent and is stuck in some kind of a permanent adolescence. Seems quite popular with a certain age group. How old does Howard have to get before he is just another "dirty old man"?
by drivingimpaire_d
Fri Dec 26 2008Howard says what he wants and isn't ashamed of it. From having girls play anal ring toss to all the prank calls, his show it the ultimate in entertainment... If you don't want to hear it, DON'T LISTEN!!
by letsplaytwo08
Fri Nov 07 2008Yeah porn radio....not.
by lynxsquadron45
by oufan4life
Mon Oct 20 2008I think Howard Stern is normally too vulgar for my taste, but recently he did something that actually earned some of my respect. He sent some people into Harlem posing as survey takers or reporters to find out what people in that area were thinking regarding the upcoming presidential election. It appears Mr. Stern wanted to test a theory on voters in Harlem. And he was right. They don't know anything about what Mr. Obama or Mr. McCain stand for politically and they obviously haven't been paying attention. So why are these people really voting for Mr. Obama? It's obviously not his politics because they don't know jack-squat about either candidate. What does that leave? Skin color perhaps? You be the judge. Go to You Tube for yourself and search for Harlem voters. Listen to the sound bite and see for yourself how uninformed these people are. It's absolutely scary!!!!!!!!!! Howard, you get 5 stars for this one.
by huekucket
Sun Oct 19 2008He looks and acts like a slob. No integrity from my viewpoint.
by moosekarloff
Wed Sep 17 2008How many times can you listen to fart jokes and obsessive small penis reflections and still think it's funny? That is, if you ever thought it was funny in the first place. This talentless a-hole will always have an audience, however, because there's a new class of incoming junior high school boys every September, and evidently legions of so-called adult men out there suffering from extreme arrested development.
by xsuperbowlxbre_ndax
Tue Aug 19 2008I will probably get flamed for this, but I happen to think he delivers what his listeners/viewers are expecting. He may have a wicked sense of humor but I find him and his producer Robin a very funny team. cheers
by jolou1
Fri Apr 04 2008Stern -- radio for the depraved? Bet he's a hit among the prison-lifer crowd. If I should ever run across a Stern listener, I must remember not to notice where they have their hands.
by lunamix
Thu Feb 07 2008Total lowlife!
by rocktrain69
Thu Jan 17 2008This perv still around?
by gumshoedetecti_ve
Tue Oct 02 2007I was on a long road trip and the only clear channel I could get was this character stern; so it was a good time to turn off the radio; and listen to traffic noise, the rushing wind, or your traveling companion.
by skinneydip
Mon Oct 01 2007Small mind - small show - small person
by oaxm9999
Thu Sep 20 2007hoo hoo
by silverfox
Thu Sep 13 2007I don't consider myself prudish, but Stern brings out whatever prudishness I have. He makes me feel uncomfortable, and not in any enlightening way. I don't care for his huge preoccupation with sexual matters.
by ma_duron
Sat Aug 18 2007Maybe if someone gave Stern a testimonial as heir to the Lenny Bruce legacy (the adolescent variety), he would pack up and go away.
by numbah16tdhaha
Wed Aug 15 2007Stern is one ugly mofo and how he swings hot women is all about a bulge in his pants. In this case its his wallet...
by claudebawls
Tue Aug 14 2007I used to love howard, but he seems to have gotten lazy at Sirius. It's a lot of the same things over and over again, 4 days a week, with weeklong vacations on the regular. Howard used to be really, really funny, but I am afraid I listen now out of habit rather than to be entertained. There are still little nuggets of comedy gold in there, but it takes a lot of listening to find them. I just don't know if it's worth it anymore.
by victor83
Tue Jul 31 2007His little schtick is up...good riddance.
by starcell7
Sat Jun 09 2007In short doses, Howard is ok!. He is honest and brash and very very unique most times i love too hate him.
by vudija
Thu May 03 2007I haven't paid a lot of attention the the man, but from what I caught - he's an idiot, plain and simple. I'm not quite sure why people are so entertained by this guy.
by dddave
Mon Apr 23 2007Absolutely ridiculous. It amazes me he actually makes money doing his show.
by rexhandsom
Wed Mar 28 2007a real school boy jerk
by elsupremo
Sat Mar 17 2007Stern is simply the most consistent and hardworking entertainer of our generation. His output and consistency is unmatched. Since he's been on Sirius his show has been on fire!. All of you who loved his stuff in the 80's and 90's would love Sirius. If those of you so called fans cant afford .47c a day i wish you better luck soon. Recent guests Chris Rock Raw! Roseanne Barr, Muhammed al Fayed, George Takay, Bam, Joan Rivers,
by portecrayon
Tue Jan 30 2007If you do not like Howard turn the radio dial or change the channel but do not whine and attempt to change what you do not like when other people enjoy it. Don't want your kids to hear it? Then be a more vigilant parent! With that said Howard is not the force he once was.
by howbiganoleboy_areya
Sun Jan 21 2007Probably the single most detramental force in our society today. When will our nation wake up and realize we don't need this kind of scum entertainment. He's a self proclaimed"good father"???? What a load of BS. He shouldn't be allowed near his own children. Totally disgusting with no redeeming value. Let's face it Howard, you are a has been loser. Enjoy the fruits of your vulger attack on society, because you will pay dearly in the afterlife.
by greggorange
Fri Jan 05 2007Yesterday's rebels are tomorrow's establishment. Stern's show today is boring, sexist, pandering and unfunny. I can't sit through even 5 minutes of it without flipping the dial. The truly amusing material is just not there, I am not sure that it ever really was unless you classify fart jokes and adolescent sex humor as genius. The vast majority of what seems to take place on his show is uninteresting self-congratulatory banter between him and the other 2 or 3 people on there. Oh yes, that and inane interviews of semi-naked wannabee starlets. Gong!
by lastmessenger3
Fri Dec 01 2006Sick, twisted, and demanted individual who has nothing better to do but to be explicit.
by cmhartsock
Tue Nov 14 2006Who cares. I'm not offended at all, but neither is he funny or interesting. He is just so freakin average these days.
by tpalmer
Wed Nov 01 2006People hear one clip from Howard and assume they know the show. Sure he is vulgar and sure the show involves some toilet humor, but he is a true radio genius, an innovator, and is simply entertaining as hell!
by bassman44113
Thu Oct 26 2006Here's a grown man whos whole show is based on Jr High school toilet humor. Its too bad, I think hes really more intelligent than that, but he knows there's a lot of money if you try to appeal to the lowest trailerpark intellect. He's the Jerry Springer of radio. Both good examples of what happens when freedom of speech is allowed to run rampant.
by michaelschippa_ni
Sun Sep 24 2006Since at Sirus, better then ever..hated Howard years ago but after listening more, I realized what a truly good person he is and what a great radio show (now satellite) he provides every day for 5 hours! His show is not all T & A rather is crosses so many levels! He makes fun of everyone and every group there is and this includes himself and there is no malice in his humor at all! Check him out!!!
by nolapro
Sun Sep 17 2006This dude sucks! This is just proof that you can still sell your soul to the devil. I seriously hate this guy, and I believe in peace. I hate his voice and I hate his face, and I hate his "I'm better than you" attitude. He is a hippocrit and a jackass. If I saw him on the street, me and my boys would car jack him, then sell his car for a round of 40s and a pack of smokes, then we would tie him up to a tree, piss on him, then cover his face with syrup, then watch ants eat his face, then we would put the video of it on the net, then with the money we made off the video, we would hire Howard Stern impersonators and beat them up too, just for wanting to be like the biggest ass on the planet!
by grtflmark
Thu Aug 31 2006He should be publically set on fire and doused with alcohol.
by virilevagabond
Mon Aug 21 2006They say that some people have a "face for radio", and I believe they had Howard Stern in mind. Though Stern does sound rather smooth on the air, he has that a la Todd Rundgren ugliness but with an added crude persona. Personally, I don't appreciate Stern's radio show, as it relies much too heavily on sex and shock, and that doesn't make him any prettier in my analysis. (His success must be a Yankee thing, which is (of course) just fine.) Howard Allen Stern was born January 12, 1954 in Roosevelt, New York.
by thesilentmajor_ity
Mon Jul 24 2006Those people who comment on the show who have not heard the sirius shows have no right to comment. The sirius shows are amazing everything from the roasts,crazy alice, sal's racism, artie being 10000000 times funnier on the show. People bitch about 4 shows a week. yeah 4 shows that are 5-6 hrs long with about 15 mins of commercial during the whole show plus a wrap up show which is funny with the show's personalities in a more laid back setting. That Oral and Anthony fan making comments...they are about as relevant as an eight track. All that I am saying is that If you are a howard fan, come check out the new shows they are less politics and more of the fun antics that we all love......okwa tanzian wan bitches
by lookzrdeceivin
Sat Jun 24 2006Someone should tell Hoo-Hoo that it over for him and he should retire now! Use to love his show back in the 90's. Now he should just turn in his microphone, walk away and not look back.
by edt4226d
Fri Jun 16 2006Joey Ramone's uglier, younger brother.