House Passes Health Care Overhaul

Approval Rate: 53%

53%Approval ratio

Reviews 49

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    Thu Dec 09 2010

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    Fri Sep 24 2010

    Hi RateItAll, Last chance! Just a reminder, drbhim would like to share approved contacts with you on Boxbe. Use this link: 206

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    Fri Jul 16 2010

    Americans will be paying for this folly for many decades.

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    Wed Jul 07 2010

    Hi RateItAll, I added you as a contact to my Plaxo address book. To accept this connection request, go to: &k=55257116&l=en&src=email&et=1& ;est=nolevels&etv=jun10d&el=en

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    Wed May 26 2010

    you know sometimes i think this is a very screwed up country. They are wrong about passing this law. and Obama  you need directions on how to run a country. Honestly the whole government dont know how much we as a whole  country hate them all. So learn . But wait till one day in the future when we all go against them and finally stand up to them. i want to be there when it happens.... just saying.

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    Fri May 21 2010

    Too little, 30 years too late. What's our bankrupt government gonna do? Our economy is going to implode long before any reasonable changes can be made.

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    Mon May 10 2010

    A waste of money, too little and too late. Does NOTHING to solve the problems with health care insurance. We need a public option so health care insurance is affordable to ALL.

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    Mon May 03 2010

    Wow! First I've heard of this! I'm so glad I'm a Libertarian.

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    Mon Apr 19 2010

    GET MAD? We had eight years of Bush and Cheney, but now you get mad? You didn't get mad when the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and appointed a President. You didn't get mad when Cheney allowed Energy company officials to dictate energy policy. You didn't get mad when a covert CIA operative got ousted. You didn't get mad when the Patriot Act got passed.. You didn't get mad when we illegally invaded a country that posed no threat to us. You didn't get mad when we spent over 600 billion(and counting) on said illegal war. You didn't get mad when over 10 billion dollars just disappeared in Iraq. You didn't get mad when you found out we were torturing people. You didn't get mad when the government was illegally wiretapping Americans. You didn't get mad when we didn't catch Bin Laden. You didn't get mad when you saw the horrible conditions at Walter Reed. You didn't get mad when we let a major US city drown. You didn't get mad w... Read more

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    Wed Apr 07 2010

    When it all comes down to it, the bottom line is that the American people spoke and the majority of them said NO. Some polls the majority was as low as 52% opposed, while the highest was near 70% opposition. Right or wrong the elected officials were told not to vote for it and they did it anyway, thus failing to do what they were elected to do. This is the second time the American people spoke (bailout) and they were put on mute. The House, Senate, and B. Hussein Obama all pushed it through anyway. There should be many consequences and repercussions come Nov. and hopefully in 2012!

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    Tue Apr 06 2010

    How anyone cannot and will not see this as being a significant step is beyond me. Having proper healthcare is not about having the "right" job or appropriate bank balance or what your social standing is, it's a basic human right. Someone just slagged off the NHS on here. They don't even live in the UK and clearly don't have an iota of common sense as to what this organisation has done...mainly saving lives and giving people access to free healthcare and most importantly a choice. I'm so glad healthcare is free over here.

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    Mon Apr 05 2010

    No details of 500 billion cut from existing Medicare or how much it cost to add 32million non insured Americans some unwilling to work for a living or pay taxes WRONG WRONG WRONG VERY irresponsible TOWARDS WORKing TAX PAYERS AND THOSE WHO HAVE PAID FOR MEDICARE FOR DECADES---- American Voter must get rid of liberal Democrats and Bought and Paid for Republicans, who get rich from BIG BUSINESS-- Get RID OF LIFETIME POLITICIANS by voting out INCUMBENTS and Take BAck our Government and restore AMERICA to the PEOPLE==your vote is very important There is strength in numbers PLEASE VOTE INFORMED TELL YOUR CONGRESSMAN WHAT YOU WANT

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    Mon Apr 05 2010

    For all of the people in every level of Government that has all of the health-care they will ever need and did not vote for this, shame on you. We have health-care now, but we know so many that do not and will never have it because private enterprises either have laid off so many people or just cannot afford to cover the ones they have. If we can afford the "conflicts" "wars" in Irac and Afganistan, why on earth can we not afford to take care of our own here. O.K., I want the healthcare that all of you have there at the federal level and at the same cost. Should be a no-brainer and which Congress, Senate people would want to join all of us voters on record, Democrats or Republicans in having something. You do not know how easy you have it. Get sick, go to the emergency room. Everything is taken care of, no cost to you, just us (we pay taxes). Allright, I am done with this, hope you all have a wonderful time on vacation while everyone else has to work.

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    Mon Apr 05 2010

    I think what is it the correct decision. Americans in fact too are ill.

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    Mon Apr 05 2010

    It goes right along with Obama's concentrated effort to screw America. Every single individual who voted for that horrid bill ought to live by it. Including the loser acting as our "President" and his entire family.

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    Sun Apr 04 2010

    The way the healthcare issue was before this bill was passed wasn't really too much better so i'm not going to choose between 2 evils here. The REAL problem with healthcare and i almost never see anyone bring this issue up is the lack of choice in healthcare freedom and being able to make your own choices in deciding how you should fight certain illness' instead of the greedy hospitals and HMOs' trying to force the most expensive treatments on you. Cancer treatment is a very good example of why no one can afford to pay for healthcare. I'm not talking about quack diet and other baloney alternative cancer treatments that you can get from many alternative health websites but REAL treatments that have real results such as the treatment Ronald Reagan received in Germany that raised his internal body temperature for several hours completley eliminating his cancer and allowing to live for another 20 years before passing away from Alzheimers. (he received this treatment after the chemo and s... Read more

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    Sun Apr 04 2010


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    Sun Apr 04 2010

    Share your Thoughts on the Health Care Reform BillStop all the spending

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    Sat Apr 03 2010

    Well, I don't argue that it's an "overhaul", and I don't argue that there needed to be one, but if I understand this correctly (and I seriously hope I'm not), then we're all forced to buy health insurance from private companies? Or else we get FINED? I don't think I'm the only one here who thinks that's a completely horrible idea.

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    Fri Apr 02 2010

    "THE SKY IS FALLING! - Tea Party People Actually, it looks like just another step along the road to the complete corporate takeover of the USA. It's as though the people who ran carnivals in the last couple of centuries have gone "legit". Instead of E PLURIBUS UNUM, our national motto should be A SUCKER BORN EVERY MINUTE. UPDATE: I suspect most emotional reactions (pro or con) come from folks who don't really know what the bill contains.

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    Tue Mar 30 2010

    This bill is simply horrible. The country is already bankrupt and this will send it over the edge. It also gives Obama and others like him who hate this country and want to change it all kinds of powers and controls on the citizens. Every person in Congress who voted for this should be voted out of office this November. Obama should be impeached. He is a Socialist Muslim hell bent on destroying the Constitution and all America has been about since 1776. Am I being clear enough?

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    Tue Mar 30 2010

    I'm glad it finally passed.

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    Tue Mar 30 2010

    Everything you need to know about our new  King Obama and his "Court of Cowardly Cronies" can be learned on the Glenn Beck show on (FNC #1 cable news) with "The TRUTH and nothing but the PROOF... so help me God!"     Yeah GOD! Remember him?

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    Tue Mar 30 2010

    I feel that the reason that many citizens of the U.S.A. were not in favour of such a Bill is because they can clearly see the state of the British N.H..S.   The N.H.S. is extremely inefficient, hugely over manned (mainly by socialist buraucrats, as opposed to front line medical and nursing staff), ridiculously expensive, and disgustingly filthy (thereby FRIGHTENING people who may need treatment in an N.H.S. hospital). Of course, the latter is undoubtedly caused by lack of discipline, something that is frowned on in todays politically correct society, and something that is the DIRECT cause of so much chaos and lawlessnessin the country today.   The N.H.S. is an admirable idea in theory, but I am afraid that it has become nothing more than a millstone around the necks of the taxpayers.

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    Mon Mar 29 2010

    It just seems that after a year of bickering people passed a bill they didn't read/knew little about/and didn't quite live up to the promises they said they would while bribing people to vote in favor, ignoring a seemingly large majority of unhappy constituents, and putting the country so much more in debt.  I question any government that forces people to buy something.  In the end, the children who were supposed to be covered, aren't and the people who can't afford health care will be penalized for not buying into it.  Sad thing is.. that the Republicans who voted against, probably won't do anything about it if they come into power because they'll say that it's too late and too costly and.... well, aren't politicians predictable and egocentric?

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    Mon Mar 29 2010

    it's better than the alternative would be.

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    Mon Mar 29 2010

    I  don`t think its wreckless spending. I think health is wealth and if thats the case, then health issues have to b given considerable priority in congress.

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    Mon Mar 29 2010

    I live in Australia so it is difficult to make a proper evaluation. Lets just say that I believe in a free and comprehensive health scheme for all. Whatis flabergasting id the hysterial reaction of the extreme right. Death threats over a health scheme!

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    Mon Mar 29 2010

    We do need health care reform.  Costs keep rising.  I believe everyone needs insurance because no matter what your age, things happen and we can no longer afford even simple care.  I believe Tort Reform is a major need for our country.  Also, there is too much paper work for the doctors, so they do not have enough time for their patients.  I am fortunate to have good insurance... but once I am retired, I fear what things will be like on Medicare.

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    Mon Mar 29 2010

    This has to be the most unconstitutional bill that our fair president has lied and cheated about to get passed. America was found on freedom, and this by all means ripps off freedom. I would never vote for this, nor will I vote my congressmen back into office after voting for this. Were democratic, not communists or socialists. Someone should tell Obama. Along with that, someone needs to give him a crash course on balanced budgets. He must have failed every math class he was in as a child... He is still a child in over 70% of America's eyes.

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    Mon Mar 29 2010


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    Mon Mar 29 2010

    THANK GOD, THANK GOD!! "Conservatives" have opposed as "communistic" or "socialistic" every major piece of legislation that helps to make this country the great place it is: National Parks, Social Security, Medicare, ..... Ten years from now most everyone will be eternally grateful for this move, likely DESPITE the omission, caused by "conservatives", of the nearly-essential "public option". I hope that can be tacked on some time in the future when the need arises. THANK YOU PRESIDENT OBAMA AND THE DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS!!

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    Sat Mar 27 2010

    It's a mixed thing. I am glad that our government is addressing this issue. Our current health care system is hurting my parents. Their rates are more than my mortgage per month. Its criminal is what it is. As much as I would like to support something that helps my parents, in the long run, this chains us, further enslaves us, to insurance and pharmaceutical companies. I just don't think requiring everyone to have health insurance will stop the insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies from plundering and pillaging the people. Our government is already in bed with big business. Though their intentions may be good now (I think that Obama is probably trying to do the right thing for the people) this makes the people that much more at mercy to their government and therefore at mercy to their bed partner big business. For the poor, it may be an improvement in their circumstances, but most likely it will hurt those with incomes that are in-between. How will they judge who gets subs... Read more

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    Sat Mar 27 2010

    This so-called health care reform bill is anything BUT; as a true progressive of many years and someone who hasn't used allopathic medicine in well over a decade, I have fought such health insurance mandates ever since they first reared their ugly heads in my soon-to-be former state of Massachusetts and will never, ever comply with this one - it is, without question, the most thoroughly DESPOTIC act in American history (requiring every resident to purchase a private product is INARGUABLY unconstitutional and inimical to a free society no matter HOW much this administration of lawyers attempts to rewrite established law) and it will NEVER be accepted by an overwhelming majority of people (prediction: 75-80%; the numbers will increase from the present 63% once more Americans learn just what kind of hell was just made for them) in this country......if my conscience allowed me to (and reasonable resources - i.e., viable employment, medical savings accounts - were made available without con... Read more

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    Sat Mar 27 2010

    I Support Health Care Reform! I believe the health care bill will help with reducing costs, lower insurance costs, and create an environment which is fair to its customers. The business approach to it has spiraled out of control and we cannot just sit back like we did with the financial sector.. We need to be proactive, take care of our citizens, and do what is right for the country! There are many examples of other countries that have succeeded with a single payer or similar system and we need to follow suit in order to remain competitive in the 21st century!

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    Fri Mar 26 2010

    Hate it. And don't like the way they went about it.

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    Fri Mar 26 2010

    THIS WILL RUIN THE COUNTRY. It is also against the constitution.

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    Fri Mar 26 2010

    Best thing ever get the money making companies out of the equation. You never need health care in good time or when your not sick but get sick once lose a job and you are dead. I have money will gladly pay my taxes just do not waste it. Health care is not waste.

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    Fri Mar 26 2010

    The manner in which this bill was presented and passed was not only reckless and unaffordable. It also shows the reckless behavior expansion of government and involvement in health care may turn out to be the final straw that broke the back of the hard working American people. The government's roll is to protect and serve the American people, not give 10% of the people something more at the expense of additional taxes. I'm proud to be an America however, I'm discussed with American politics and they have ruined my way of life along with millions of others. We must take back the constitution and remove government control in business and personal life. STOP THE MADNESS & BE THE PEOPLE....

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    Fri Mar 26 2010

    RIA: No!!! I believe this health care bill will be a disaster for our country by raising health care costs. The # 1 problem is not health insurance costs but health care costs. Health care insuance premiums are a relflection of heath care costs + the profit that an insurance company must make to provide health care to its customers. An example of ridiculus health care costs: In 2008 my PC doctor sent me to a derimotologist b/c I was concerned about spots on my head. The assitant dermistologist examined and diagnosed Actitinic Keratosis which is precancer growth and treated them with a styrofoam coffee cup half filled with liquid nitrogen and dabbed 14 spots on my head using a wooden stick swab. The charge to me was a copay of $50 and billed to my mediocare provider, Today's Options, was a bill of $800 (150 for office visit and 650 for cryosurgery). $650 dollars for a half cup of liquid nitrogen and cotton swab??? Today's Options paid them $167, alloyed by Medicare which I am on b/c w... Read more

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    Fri Mar 26 2010

    Finally..... I do have Very Important Responses to the Health Care Bill and these need to be taken very seriously. First-   Regardless of what Rep/Cons think about all Dems:  I am Not for Big Government.  But I do believe the gov't should be there when it is needed;  why we pay taxes (not for Senator trips to foreign lands as a vacation with their lover(s).   Second/Most Important (ready?) -   I Will Not Tolerate any kind of Government Telling Me what I should put into my body!  Seriously!!    I do not eat fast foods (except Bojangles - so worth it)  because they are cheaply made and poisonous.   AND, I do Not put Poison Pharm. Drugs into my body, EVER!!!!   I have not seen a General Prac. for over 10 years now and feel/look great!   The  only problem these days is the lack of monies extra for things like: Acupuncture, Organic Herbs, Massages, Exercise, Meditate and the like to keep my stress at it's lowest and the body free from any *dis-ease.  ( Less money is not due to anything I ha... Read more

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    Fri Mar 26 2010

    I believe the Health Care Reform Bill Passage is good for everyone in the long run because eventually it will reduce the costs of health care. It will ban preexisting conditions rejections from insurance companies. Health care itself will get better. And eventually a new health care system should work for every American. Yes, it will cost every citizen. In other countries it costs too. This is what we need now. If everyone is a partner in health care then we all share and bring down the costs so that every American can afford it. To say one does not want to invest in health care is to say one will never need health care. Then when one really needs health care, one will find health care to be too expensive and unaffordable and because of preexisting conditions wont have any health care when one really needs it. Who will help you then? A republican?

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    Thu Mar 25 2010

    I think it's about time someone tried to make the needed changes to better the health care industry. Now I hope they can keep making the changes to perfect the bill. It's not what it should or could be.

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    Thu Mar 25 2010

    It is the most ludicrous bill passed by congress yet. this nation is heading down a steep slope fast. more and more away from the constitution it was setup on. if obama, and the liberals keep this up, there will be a civil war.

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    Thu Mar 25 2010

    This was a VERY SAD moment in the US history. And UN-Constitutional! This Bill was not supported by the American public or the constitution and the members that shoved this bill thru will pay in the next election! If this bill is so good why did they make themselves exempt? I'll tell you why it's because they know it will be BAD care. Care that they don't want! But you will be forced to have. This was a big step towards Communism and a big step back for freedom!

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    Thu Mar 25 2010

    The Health Care Reform is a violation of every Americans constitutional rights. It forces all of us to submit to conventional medicine procedures that are deadly. Prescription drugs, injections, vaccines, and surgery do more damage than good. There are more than 2100 unintentional deaths caused by the medical profession every day. This number will escalate to horrendous levels with the health care reform. The only winners in this situation will be the Big Pharma companies, doctors who prescribe drugs, and surgeons. The freedom of choice is one more freedom that will be taken away from the American people.

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    Thu Mar 25 2010

    I am totally against this move. I see it as government control - a big step in the wrong direction. It certainly is "a reckless, unaffordable expansion of government". It is not what the majority of people want. It is being pushed onto the people who are the hard workers of the nation. My husband and I have worked hard all our lives to get where we are now and I resent having to support those who can't/don't/won't support themselves. It used to be said that in the USA it was "the majority rules" but it is no longer that way any more. Now it is the minority opinion making the loudest noise that rules. The majority of people lose out to the minority opinion (and I am not talking race here, I am talking opinions). I now fear for my future health. This has never been a concern of mine. I watched my parents have the best of care with their insurance and pension. My husband and I are both retired and I fear that the government will no longer see us as valuable people and will deny us ... Read more

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    Thu Mar 25 2010

    (I'm giving this a *1* as an indication of the kind of impact I believe it will have on the health of Americans.) I’m full of love today, so I’ll be gentle. Finally, something we can all be proud of: a huge, putrid, festering. steaming garbage scow being paraded around as groundbreaking legislation called ‘health care reform’. If this work of art was meant to be serious about ‘health’, then why did they choose to maneuver through the anus of the industry? Insurance? Merely providing insurance does not promote better health anymore than buying insurance prevents house fires or car accidents. The noose that the insurance industry has wrapped around the testicles of doctors in private practice over the years will only get tighter, more expensive and less accessible. One of the things that has upset me about this is the bad rub that doctors have taken, here. Aside from the usual subset of bad seeds, the doctors in the U.S. are among the best-trained, best-equipped and most dedicated phy... Read more

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    Thu Mar 25 2010

    While it is far from perfect, it is about time we addressed this issue. What upsets me the most is the malicious, unproductive, misinformed, salacious rhetoric among protesters. Most of it fueled by fear and political pundits. Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 19:14:19 -0400