Approval Rate: 56%
Reviews 0
by manosjim
Mon Mar 12 2012Msn and hotmail are a great way to connect with other people. Hotmail offers you a complete e-mail account without limits. You can sign up easily and there is no problem if you forget your password. I use it all the time and have any problems or bugs. :))
by lordt42b
Sat Mar 19 2011Hotmail is the free e-mail service of Microsoft. They are on the internet since a long time but they got outdated in the beginning of the 2000s. Actually the service was terrible in 2004 when Gmail was launched by Google. Since then they try to keep it up and copy functionality from other sites. Their spam filter is especially bad, I have an account where I receive 1-2 e-mails a week plus 20 spam into my inbox. I would expect to have spam moved to my spam folder...
by hieunh
Mon Dec 27 2010I have no problem with my hotmail. But after using Yahoo Mail, Gmail, i think Hotmail should be changed the User Interface. I feels not convenient sometimes, because it's difficult to find reply button, compose,...etc. The UI makes me feel it loading slow!
by jake_armitage
Tue Nov 30 2010I've never had a huge problem with my Hotmail. I think it got a bad rep for sticking too many real emails in the 'spam' section but I honestly had that issue only a few times. Fairly fast, lots of space, not a bad free email provider, what do you want for free anyways?
by sharapile
Tue Nov 17 2009I used Hotmail years ago, and I don't really mind that Microsoft owns them. You won't find a free email provider that is not wedded to a major corporation. But you can at least be mostly certain that they are not in bed with the government. I have recently started using them again, and report no problems on any front. I recommend them along with Yahoo. Just don't expect miracles and you won't be disappointed.
by jedi58
Wed Sep 02 2009It's amazing that an email provider could actually be worse than AOL Mail, but there is at least one which is worse, and that is Hotmail. The problem I have with Hotmail is that they don't even attempt to make the interface work the same in Firefox as it does in IE and there are so many faux pas' in their UI it's unbelievable - if you have a long email and then want to perform an action such as delete or reply you have to scroll back to the top instead of them being duplicated at the bottom like in Gmail. Their next problem is the spam filter, it's so bad at filtering spam (not that I get much on this account) that I've seen more spam hit the inbox than the spam folder. It's management of contacts is about as bad as you can have different types of contacts based on whether they exist on your Windows Live Messenger account or not. I'd recommend people try Gmail instead.
by fitman
Wed Sep 02 2009Although they once had the bad habit of closing accounts that weren't accessed regularly, they don't do that anymore, so I'm quite satisfied with my free service.
by zorohem
Wed Sep 02 2009Not that great of a service. I was on vacation for a month one time without any internet connection and they truned off my account...I lost contact from years before...I was mad. But I still have an account with them, most likely for my XBox so that the junk emails have somewhere to go.
by canadasucks
Tue Aug 05 2008Was headed for the toilet but crawled back into 3-star territory the last few years. About 2-3 years ago they finally increased their storage space to compete with their competitors. Their upgraded system does offer a few bells and whistles- but all that means they were behind the times to begin with.
by mitch70
Sat May 31 2008When Hotmail went to Microsoft all went to hell. They were my first, sad to see them go to the dark side.
by twansalem
Tue Feb 05 2008Hotmail does everything that I need it to do. Yes gmail is probably better, but I already have a hotmail account, and that's where everyone sends me stuff, so I see no need to switch to gmail for my primary email account. Hotmail used to be fairly bad for spam, but lately I've noticed a significant reduction in the amount of junk emails I receive, so I have no complaints.
by objective
Tue Feb 05 2008I am surprised no one is mentioning the GLACIER speed of Hotmail. (I have DSL)
by ozziraterbillb_ob
Wed Jul 04 2007very informative. great site. highly recommended. --- home of great coffee all organic, fair trade and shade grown
by egmondo21
Mon Jan 08 2007It seems not many people like hotmail due to the spam and viruses they seem to be getting, but if you do not sign up to stupid things you would not get things such as spam, i have use hot mail since 2001 and i have never had a problem with it, i get the odd bit of spam from things ive signed up to before, but other than that it is clean and easy to use, also now they give you alot more space than before when you got 2mb you now get like 100mb and can send 10mb attatchments, also the spam filters have got better as they don't over filter things like before. All in all hotmail is good for a free service, g-mail is better if your lucky enough to get an invite. But hotmail is the probably one of the best free e-mails you're gonna get your hands on.
by sheila37
Thu Dec 28 2006i love hotmail
by bell017
Tue Dec 05 2006I used Hotmail for a long time (several years) before I switched to Google's free Gmail service. Hotmail left a lot to be desired in terms of interface (clunky) and ease of use (I don't like MS Outlook, but that was the only option until recently); however, it did the job I needed it to do, and it was free, so I can't complain about it *too* much.
by zappafied
Sat Nov 18 2006Hotmail? Don't bother...all my junkmail goes there now. Ever get the notion it's a spy window for the Microsoft people?
by tke240
Fri Oct 06 2006Simply awful. Bombarded with ads, inundated with spam (even with super high security filters and custom spam filters). I finally gave up on it after years of having an account when they began requiring a fee to use it with various pop mail programs like Outlook. I've since switched over to gmail, and while not as polished looking, I've been much happier with the spam filters, lack of obnoxious flashing ads and overall simplicity. Hotmail now is my designated junk mail address.
by kendavies
Thu Jun 01 2006After my bad experience with (formerly iName), I tried Hotmail and found it OK. However, there is a serious security problem: I started receiving very confidential messages for someone with a slightly similar name and wondered how many of my own personal messages were being read by other people to whom they had been randomly sent. I have never knowingly experienced this problem with Yahoo!, which continues to perform well.
by mattshizzle
Tue May 23 2006Haven't used it much, it's my 3rd e mail address, and the 2nd free one. No problems, though.
by rebecca_reid
Wed Mar 01 2006It's okay, but at times it's slower and I get more Spam in hotmail email than I do in yahoo.
by lockbox
Sat Feb 04 2006paying for extra memory is NOT worth it,
by blueorchid
Sun Jan 08 2006It's okay...
by utlimatedoomse_lf
Sun Dec 04 2005Hotmail. More like Crapmail. I got my first account ages ago and never felt a difference until the day I hit solid gold and got a Gmail invite for Gmail Beta. Yes I've heard that a new version of Hotmail is coming out, but guess what? You're never gonna beat the whole concept of marking your e-mail and archiving it. The MSN interface is old, and the extreme makeover email edition is coming somewhat late, because i have tasted Gmail and nearly die of fright when i go onto my MSN account. Of course MSN will live. They have MSN Messenger. Most people don't know what Gmail is. That is what Microsoft is truly capatilizing on, because when the majority of people realize that MSN stincks and all they need is a .NET Passport, Guess what? Bye MSN!
by dragonman
Thu Sep 22 2005I'm changing my rating to 1. I get tons of spam, even when I mark it as spam I still get spam from the same people! is pissing me off. Hotmail sucks.
by husker16
Sat Jun 11 2005I like it. It is very easy to use and I have never had a problem with it.
by mtiger_87
Tue Jun 07 2005Just another email provider that gathers up a lot of spammers and turns them loose on the rest of us.
by texasyankee
Wed Mar 30 2005don't like it for one, it puts spyware on your pc everytime you go there. for another I have to have cookies enabled to be able to use it which is really annoying
by miss_magoo
Tue Feb 08 2005I have used Hotmail before, and although it is useful and free, it does bring in spam and a tiny MB space which I didn't like. I like Yahoo and GMail mail much better because they are free and HAVE MORE SPACE. :)
by fezzador
Thu Feb 03 2005Cannot hold a candle to most FREE email service providers out there today. Terrible storage space, frequent down time, and don't get me started on the spam. Many online services refuse to accept Hotmail accounts since people have used multiple accounts to register online aliases. Yahoo! is marginally better, and if you can get your hands on a Gmail invitation you have struck gold.
by caliswimguy
Mon Jan 10 2005OMG, the worst eMail provider there is, I'll never get another hotmail account, I'm better off using a passport account for MSN.
by aratsir
Tue Dec 21 2004I have had to open new hotmail accounts on a regular basis because the spam and junk become unbearable once again. And now hotmail has stopped working altogether, haven't been able to open my inbox for weeks and I have opened new accounts but they also will not work. People I know are starting to experience the same problem everyday a hotmail stops working! TIP: save all your addresses before hotmail blocks you from your inbox and other folders and get a new email some place else. Don't bother contacting microsoft once you encounter the hotmail problem either, because ofcourse they dont even care to answer let alone solve the problem.
by jontheman
Thu Nov 18 2004Sadly about 80% of mail I receive in my account seems to concern penile enlargement of some sort. Are they trying to tell me something?
by alpepper
Thu Nov 18 2004I have had the same account since 1998. I still have e-mails that are 7 years old. For awhile, Hotmail was truly horrid due to limited file space and more Spam than Hormel. One dude bombarded me with the same spam-mail every 10 seconds (and I was on vacation for 3 days and it took me 2 weeks to clear out my account). Since then, Hotmail has more file space, excellent spam controls, and a more Outlook-like interface.
by valvejob
Thu Nov 18 2004I have had a hotmail account for four years now. In the beginning it seemed o.k. mainly because of the right? Well today with so many others trying to get you to use their services to obtain add revenue, it's a new day. In general, I try to stay clear of microsoft web based products in due to high targets for spammers and hackers. Also, in the past they have tried to gouge people for reasonable storage space and even charging for a calendar !? Now I see it's free....thanks Gmail ! Here's to a free market society.
by winter_spirit
Fri Aug 27 2004Hotmail is a mediocre email provider. The attractive interface is a bit disorganized, but on the whole clean and easy to use. The features are improving, from the calendar, contacts, address book, storage organization (it can be broken down into folders), and junk mail filters (which are either too effective and block all incoming mail from unknown addresses, including people you know who've never written you before, or are too weak and allow junk such as pornography and advertisements into your inbox). Hotmail offers very limited space, only 2 MBs, while most other e-mail providers offer a much more decent amount of space that won't force you to continually empty you account, or else you'll be sent the famous You're approaching your account size limit e-mail from hotmail, which only takes more space from your account. And for the people who are new to hotmail and wish to create an account, good luck creating an e-mail address that hasn't already been taken! Of course hotmail can be im... Read more
by rainer21
Tue Jul 27 2004I have had a hotmail account for 4 years now, and all I can say is that it's decent and it does it's job. It's not overly impressive, it's not incredible, it's just okay. I have never had any problems with it, other than the storage space, but once Gmail comes out who knows how many hotmail users will be deactivating their accounts.
by beatlesfanstev_eo
Mon Jul 12 2004I serves its point well. although my favorite is yahoo.
by bigbaby
Sun Jul 11 2004This is what I have. I don't really care too much about email. I didn't get any junk mail until I strated filling out forms for free tickets, and such. Its free and it does its job.
by minkey
Wed May 05 2004Nice to have a free e-mail account that is not work related. I do tend to get annoyed with the frequent landscape changes however. Just as I get used to one style they change it.
by bird808
Tue May 04 2004What do we expect people ITS FREE!!! Who honestly wants to invest in improving a service thats free, we can complain from now to kingdom come people are still going to use it and those big wigs at the top know that.
by remixedcat
Tue May 04 2004Actually thnak you very much MSN for giving us 10 megs of space on our accounts... That was nice of you! also the attachments have imporved... htey block lots of them and thats good! keeps those nasty viruses away and also prevents others from getting your address. that's true.. if you let an image load from an HTML email, or follow a link for that matter... even those unsubscribe links... all you are doing is letting spammers know that your email address is valid and thats really how spam spreads... and also, please disallow all possible email scripting within your email application if you decide to use one to read your hotmail, or any other email account system for that matter! follow these security mesures and you wont get spam or visues!! and of course!! KEEP YOUR ANYTIVIRUS SOFTWARE UP TO DATE!!! nuff said....
by virilevagabond
Mon May 03 2004Hotmail pales in comparison with Yahoo! Mail. The biggest problem (as other comments have noted) is the spam. With the limited amount of space for a free account and the preponderance of spam hitting the account, it takes no time at all before your legitimate messages get bounced for lack of capacity. Moreover, it is just a pain to hack through the spam that doesn't get filtered to the bulk folder. Being free, Hotmail gets one star more than it should.
by solenoid_dh
Tue Apr 13 2004This is the one I choose, because it seems the easiest and most fun to use. But it isn't perfect. For one thing, they constantly limit your storage and send you messages pestering you to buy more space. And the junk mail is incessant, much of it pornographic in nature. The block sender feature is totally worthless, because the dirty advertisers just keep sending the exact same ads from different addresses.
by irishgit
Sat Apr 03 2004Oh yeah, this is just great, as long as you want a hundred spam e-mails a day selling you pictures of women corrupting the morals of donkeys.
by redoedo
Sat Apr 03 2004Junk Mail Central.
by pennyroyalty
Fri Apr 02 2004i feel like in the last little while HotMail has been squeezing me and squeezing me more and more. it started on the premise that it was free, web based email. now it's free web-based temporary letter storage. i say this because you can't keep anything there for extended periods of time because your space fills up every six emails or so....that's what it seems like anyway.
by yankee_doodle
Tue Dec 16 2003If you like spam, this is the place to be.