Honor your mother and father
Approval Rate: 72%
Reviews 9
by bru_hed
Fri Aug 07 2009I think it comes down to intent and semantics. There's a big difference between "honor" and "love" or even "like". Just like a boss or a President, I can respect the position but not the person if they don't earn that respect. Just like children all start out innocent and can go in any direction, so too with parents. I am fortunate and thankful to have had great parents, even though my Dad passed away when I was a teenager. However, none of my friends or relatives had abusive "monster" parents like we see on Springer and other shows, or read/hear about in the "news", so I think the media seems a bit one-sided by presenting so many horrible parents (even giving them their own TV shows). For anyone who DID have one or both decent parents and would like to honor them (even if anonymously), there's a great new site called www.honormomanddad.com. You can post tributes to your (or others') folks and also and online community where you can respond and post questions or offer support to th... Read more
by moosekarloff
Thu Jan 15 2009What if your father continually raped you, and your mother, as punishment, regularly scalded you with boiling water after whipping your ass with an appliance chord? Honor them then? What if your father was Joe Stalin or John Gotti, stone, remorseless killers? Honor them? What if they left you an emotional and psychological wreck following years of abuse, neglect and hostility? Honor them then? A better option would be to put a bullet through each of their heads. The Bible should read, "Honor thy children." This is a lesson of which mankind is sorely in need. Just shows you that the roll of toiletpaper known as The Bible is nothing but a control text designed to keep daddy in charge, with mommy as the mere helper. What parochial and sick notions these Jews and so-called Christians operate under.
by irishgit
Wed Apr 09 2008I'm more enthusiastic about this one now that I have kids, than I was when I was one.
by lmorovan
Sat Apr 05 2008Another utterly offensive statement which has to be hidden from the eyes of the public. And then, when kids murder their parents, we protect them with all kinds of legalisms and find something else to place the blame on. And down we go...
by vudija
Thu Feb 08 2007Stark said it well enough when she talks of parents needing to teach their children respect early on in life. There's no room for disrespect in any relationship.
by lastmessenger3
Thu Nov 23 2006They gave you life - the greatest gift of all! I am very blessed to have my parents, in particularly my mom. She is the epitome of nurturer, she is caring, loving, forgiving. Beautiful in and out. I would be lost without her.
by historyfan
Mon Nov 20 2006To paraphrase my pastor.....honor your mother AND your father. God doesn't say "Honor them if they're honorable." You MUST honor your parents, PERIOD!
by djahuti
Sun Nov 19 2006That's fine provided they are not abusive,but I've seen too much in this world to think this applies to everyone.Personally,I am lucky and can honestly honor the people who raised me,but I do not see the merit of someone honoring a parent who molests,beats or burns them with ciggarettes.
by sharonparry
Sun Nov 19 2006I did not have the ideal childhood, but, now that I'm an adult, I realize, my parents did the best they knew how. I love my parents and wouldn't trade them for anything. I was not a respectful teen and very rebelious. Even if you don't like your parents, be thankful they brought you into this world. All family members have good and bad points. Everyone deserves respect, especially your parents.