Honey Nut Cheerios
Variation of Cheerios breakfast cereal, introduced in 1979 by Yandel Gonzalez, who was in the General Mills cereal company Website
Approval Rate: 88%
Reviews 0
by mrmiller
Sat Sep 06 2008good with chocolate milk
by meurg_at_n_m_at_c
Wed Aug 20 2008better than plain cheerios
by hunterschapelu_nlimited
Fri Aug 08 2008Apparently these are healthy too. Bonus!!
by scot9447om
Thu Jul 24 2008I have always found Cheerios of any kind to taste bland.
by ms_82578469
Wed Jul 23 2008iI ate waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many of these
by kristyn718
Tue Jul 22 2008greatness in a bowl!
by river2
Mon Jul 21 2008Okay this is healthy and taste great
by paladin_shin56
Sun Jul 20 2008So sick of these. SCOOTERS PSSHHHWWW
by crazy_beautifull_08
Sun Jul 20 2008their ok _ ad they help lower cholesterol!;)
by valkyrievoice
Sat Jul 19 2008They're alright. Kinda bland though.
by ibmadathim
Sat Jul 19 2008Excellent nutritional value and great for helping lower cholesterol.
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Sat Jul 12 2008When I eat Cheerios of any kind, I prefer plain, so I can add my own sugar, which is very little.
by blueorchid
Wed Jul 09 2008My all-time favorite, it will never get old! I love to put sugar or fruit on top of it.
by g8rhoo
Tue Jul 08 2008Do they really expect us to believe that Honey Nut Cheerios are somehow better than Plain Old Cheerios? Because they're not! They both suck!
by ginger
Mon Jul 07 2008By far one of my favorites- nutty, sweet, and stays crunchy.
by goldenmom7500
Sun Jul 06 2008yep, this is my all time favorite - although honestly these days I never eat cereal for breakfast.
by diana_3
Sun Jul 06 2008LOVE EM <<<<33333
by elaine681
Sat Jul 05 2008good cereal
by marid91c
Sat Jul 05 2008these i like!..idk y i gess cuz i like honey n this one tastes alot like honey..so yea..=]
by anna649
Fri Jul 04 2008These have turned into my fave nowadays
by mrtuner
Mon Mar 03 2008They are a great grab and go food. Very yummy stuff. I eat them every morning. Some times I even eat them late at night! Overall they are pretty healthy!
by trebon1038
Sun Feb 17 2008I love honeynut cheerios.....and they are good for me...unlike so many things I eat
by numbah16tdhaha
Sun Feb 17 2008numbah is strong today thanks to these little guys...
by vudija
Sun Feb 17 2008I could be set for life with these. I don't even need milk; these make an excellent dry snack too.
by xagent
Sun Feb 17 2008As much as I like the regular Cheerios these are just a little bit better.
by mochazina
Fri Sep 08 2006The best out there! All imitations of this cereal fall short.
by sarahxoxo
Sun Sep 04 2005They definitly have a great taste, as far as taste goes, these are a little better than regular Cheerios, but because of all the added sugar, I would just rather buy plain Cheerios because they taste really good as well.
by frick35cr
Thu Jun 30 2005I really enjoy these. Dry or in milk, the sugar level is just right, not too strong but not too low either, just a hint of sweetness.
by cutegurl
Mon Apr 18 2005My very most favorite cereal of all time. It has this nutty, sweet flavor that never gets old like some of the ultra-sugar cereals out there. Most definitly DA BOMB.
by stephenu1
Mon Apr 11 2005I became certain I was going to marry my current wife when I discovered we shared an undying love for Honey Nut Cheerios~ Unfortunately I think they can cause ectrodactyly in newborns
by alexg681
Sat Jan 08 2005Good honey cereal.
by seraph
Wed Sep 29 2004No idea why regular Cheerios rank higher than the Honey Nut kind. These are much better.
by kim_alibro_gelinas
Thu Jul 15 2004Dear Honey Nut Cheerios, My son, who is soon to be 8, my husband, and myself are daily consumers of your Honey Nut Cheerios cereal and products. We would all be available for any surveys that you would submit and we would love to be included in any special offers that you may have. Please contact us as soon as possible. Thank You-Kim Alibro - Gelinas
by faa07a17
Wed Jun 30 2004Thought it would be gross but despite a little oversweetness, not bad. a nice change from the regular kind.
by winoceros
Mon May 03 2004taste is fine, but 36% of calories come from sugar. nothing i would feed my toddler, although heavily marketed to kids, with the animated bee, etc.
by cocopaloma
Wed Feb 25 2004Delicious Honey coated little wheels of cardboard.
by arkroyal
Sun May 04 2003Much more tasty that regular Cheerios! Stays crunchy longer than plain Cheerios. And its still relatively nutritious compared to other cereals when you consider its moderate fiber and low sugar content. Great with or without milk.
by rebelyell1861
Thu Apr 24 2003These are so much better than regular Cheerios it ain't even funny.
by warmaid
Fri Jan 31 2003Sweeter, but not as tasty as the classic Cheerios. I find that they're a little sickening after awhile.
by classictvfan47
Tue Jul 02 2002Much better than the bland regular cherrios, this one tastes much better and, as a bonus, is as healthy as the others. Doesn't get soggy too fast either.
by pikachan
Fri Feb 22 2002I love this cereal. It has that sweetened honey and nut taste inside it. it is better than normal cherrios.
by callmetootie
Sat Apr 07 2001Honey Nut Cheerios have aged so badly in the last couple of years. They used this special honey during it's first run in the making, but they recently stopped doing that, so they taste so artificial.
by kitkats
Fri Dec 15 2000A good tasting cereal that kids enjoy because it has flavor. Easy and quick snack that is good for you. Easy to string for decorations.
by mindy3cc
Thu Dec 14 2000Great kid's cereal. It's a bit more nutritious than other kid's cereals, but still tastes sweet for the kid who won't eat a grown up cereal. Can be mixed with popcorn to give it a sweeter taste. Can be used for counting with kids. Kids like to try to make them sink.