Home Improvement
Approval Rate: 80%
Reviews 0
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Thu Apr 22 2010One of the few comedies that I actually enjoyed. Good show, excellent cast.
by rjohnson71
Wed Dec 16 2009While this show was originally airing, the three boys(Zachery Ty Bryan, Jonathon Taylor Thomas, and Taran Noah Smith) demanded more money. After making their demands, they learned that the producers were on the telephone trying to get three other boys to replace them. When those boys heard about this, they shut their mouths real fast about getting more money.
by falcnuts
Thu Jul 30 2009Ok I used to watch this show every night when I went to bed and I loved it. Recently I caught an episode and was horrified. It's a god damn train wreck of a television show. Tim literally just grunts the entire time, Al is a pussy, Tim's kids are annoying shitheads who FUCK UP EVERY SINGLE EPISODE, Wilson is basically the worst character ever. A guy whose face we can't even see. That's not even a joke, it's just a really bad idea. But the worst offender on the show is Jill. I can't figure out why Tim married her. Seriously. She is always pissy about something (usually something allegedly funny TIm did), she never cooks, and when she does I bet it tastes like shit. And she has the most annoying tone of voice ever. But she's not even hot. Not by a long shot. The only saving grace this show has/had was Heidi the Tool Time girl. I jacked off to her a lot.
by suzza_nuzza
Thu Jul 30 2009Amazing show. Super funny and clever. One of my favorites of all time.
by szar101
Sat Feb 21 2009When this show first aired I was not sure about it until my brother begged my parents and I to watch it. We watched the seconded epiosde and were hooked from then on. My brother got sick of the show fast, but not the rest of the family. My parents would laugh really hard each week. The last two seasons were the worst. The last season my parents and I did not watch. I am so glad this show is still in reruins because I watch it on TBS and Nick at Nite.
by spike65
Thu Jul 03 2008Formulaic, predictable, and well done. May have run too long. But funny! As an occasional viewing pretty good.
by mileycyrusrox
Tue Jul 01 2008i luvd this show. It wuz and still is 1 of my faves
by hollie853
Tue Jun 17 2008i love that show
by dishwallafied
Sat Apr 12 2008I wish there were still shows like this around. A good family show. I loved watching this with my family, when I was growing up, and I still enjoy the reruns.
by adamsacres
Tue Sep 25 2007I like the tool man and really love his wife. Don't we wish we all had a husband who could be trained as well as the tool man. Her simple way of sharing her incite with the toolman was the most enjoyable part of the show. I don't mind the reruns. It was a nice fairly wholesome show with a good message that I am not afraid to let the kids watch. More home improvement information
by v4nd06
Sat Jun 02 2007This show was great. I still tivo it.
by dafonze0820
Mon Jan 29 2007I liked this show when J.T.T was still on it....after he left i feel the show went down hill.
by kissofangel2
Sat Jan 27 2007It had a good run.
by virilevagabond
Thu Dec 14 2006While "Home Improvement" wasn't truly a "bad" television series, I'm rounding down since slapstick comedy isn't my preference. With that said, Tim Allen does it relatively well. As others have stated in prior comments, this show was originally based on Allen's standup routine, and I (like others) doubted that this limited concept would last. Nevertheless, the addition of Tim's alter egos in the form of Al (Richard Karn) and Wilson (Earl Hindman) added some flair. (Of course an only partially seen character was not a new TV trick.) Jill (Patricia Richardson) was believable enough; however, the family scenes were made by Jonathan Taylor Thomas. Nevertheless, the slapstick and the repetitive gags and plotlines ultimately weighed down the series in my eyes.
by twansalem
Sun Aug 06 2006This was probably one of the funniest sitcoms on TV until its last couple of seasons, when it just got stupid with the youngest son going goth, the middle son being written out by going to the peace corps, the oldest son becoming a stereotypical jock, and the mom going back to school.
by crispee74
Tue Jul 11 2006i married tim the tool man...a boring version though
by frankswildyear_s
Fri May 26 2006Some funny writing and good characters but over-all a pretty by-the-numbers sit-com.
by badbearduke
Tue May 16 2006Who the hell told that washed-up actor Tim Allen that hes funny? Giving him the boot off the show would've been a huge Improvement!
by kattwoman
Sun Oct 02 2005after the kids grew up it really lost my interest. it just wasn't as funny.
by disgust4pcness
Fri Sep 23 2005Tim Allen = Not Funny. I got stuck watching this show more than a couple times because the reruns come on frequently after Cub games on WGN. What a worthless, overrated show. So many viewers were duped into thinking this show was something...when it wasn't. People would tell me, Oh, you just don't get that style of humor. WRONG. It sucks. I get the style, it just isn't humorous. ***upd 9/22/05*** Saw it again today, and I have to confirm that I was correct when I first rated this show...it sucks...there is absolutely nothing funny about it at all. Terrible writing, horrific acting, ugly cast (not that that matters, but when a show has nothing else going for it, you better at least have a good looking cast), etc. Lame...lame...lame. What are these people who rate it above a one thinking? They must live very boring lives.
by rjy22751
Tue Aug 30 2005This was a great show, especally when Tim nearly get killed, blown up, gets set on fire, ect. and Al bails him out.
by cherrysoda99
Wed Jun 08 2005Another pretty good show. Had a lot of funny stories. I lost interest after awhile, but it's still fun to watch time and again.
by groggnicole
Thu May 05 2005I love tim the tool man
by texasyankee
Tue Mar 29 2005This show was really funny, I could relate a lot to this show, but at the same time it was a little over the top which made it better only because it wasn't toooo realistic as some shows can be.
by louiethe20th
Sat Mar 26 2005Very funny show.Hey, Tim Allen is a Lions fan what can I say.
by molfan
Sat Mar 26 2005A funny show. I like the way Timthe toolman taylor and his wife Jill interact with each other. This show gives a good example of husband and wife.the battle of the sexes. They quarrel but clearly love each other. The boys who play the sons are all good. I like when Tim and Al are taping the show,Tim screws up and Al has more of the answers to home improvement I don't think so tim I like how Wilson has all the common sense and answers for his neighbors. You never see all of his face. A good show.Sometimes even great.
by hpluba
Sat Feb 12 2005This show was ok. Not bad, not excellent. I occasionally watch it.
by sharon3802
Thu Feb 10 2005The funny thing about Home Improvement is that I never watched the show when it was originally on. I caught it one day at my sister's house (my nephew had it on) so I watched it and was immediately hooked. The cast is wonderful and the chemistry amongst them is great. I love wise-cracking son Randy, played by Jonathan Taylor Thomas. Richard Karn did a great job as Al, the person who really knew what he was doing. Whenever Tim wanted more power, you knew that a disaster was about to take place. I read that when the show ended originally, Wilson showed his entire face. So far, the reruns have not shown that particular episode. I'm glad that Home Improvement is out on DVD. I would like to get that someday. Kudos to Tim Allen!
by fruit_juicy_re_d
Mon Jan 17 2005This is just family humor. I love it!!!
by sfalconer
Thu Dec 30 2004One of the funniest sitcoms of the 90's. Some people are naturally funny and Tim Allen is one those people. The show was based on Tim's stand up act so he was very comfortable with the material, which came across in his performance. The rest of the cast was highlighted with memorable characters such as Al Borland and Wilson. The Taylors are not the Bradys so you could actually relate to some of the situations they got into.
by alpepper
Tue Oct 19 2004I didn't find it all that funny. I relate more to Seinfeld-type humor where Jerry and George would qvetch all day about the plumber's butt crack while he fixed the leaky toilet in Jerry's apartment, as opposed to Tim Taylor's hijinx while ripping out the entire bathroom as a result of the leaky toilet. I did find Jill hot (It's a close contest between her and Patricia Heaton from Raymond as hottest TV wife). I also got a kick out of only seeing half of Wilson's head over the fence (I have the same set-up at my house with the elderly neighbor adjacent to me. I have to stop myself from laughing every time I talk to him). I also remember drooling over the first Tool Time girl, who happened to be Pamela Anderson.
by matt78
Wed Jul 21 2004I never thought this show was very funny. I laughed once in a while. But every episode was pretty much the same. Tim has a problem, goes to his neigbor and they talk about it and then he learned his lesson. It was not the worst show of the 90 but certainly not great.
by classictvqueen
Tue Jul 13 2004This show was one of the greatest! The whole cast was awesome! I'd watch every episode all in a row if they ever had a marathon! Tim Allen at his best!
by smackdowner
Thu Apr 15 2004Tim Allen is great. For those who don't like the show, look at Tims salary and rating, apparently he was better than you thought!
by redoedo
Mon Jan 05 2004This was certainly one of the better sitcoms of the 1990s. Tim Allen is absolutely natural as a comedian, and a pretty good actor as well. Home Improvement had some very funny moments, and yet still managed to deal with serious issues that every parent (and every teen who has to put up with his parents) has to deal with. The kids all have something to contribute to the show, but Tim Allen and Patricia Richardson make the show. Although Tim Taylor is your sort of stereotypical dad (macho-man who has a special relationship with his toolbox), he still is a clear authority figure and role model to his kids. And although his wife Jill (Patricia Richardson) gives him a hard time, it is clear that they have a very loving and committed relationship as husband and wife. Allen and Richardson have an amazing on-screen chemistry that is a key element of the show. Of course, no review of Home Improvement would be complete without mentioning my favorite character, Wilson, the wise neighbor who alway... Read more
by dassr56
Sun Nov 09 2003One of the best family shows of the 90's
by kahfess
Fri Jul 11 2003I really liked this show as some of the antics that Tim would do reminded me of people I know. LOL The rest of the cast was good too, and the next door neighbor was wonderful.
by ashleydee33
Sat Jul 05 2003It's an okay show. Cute guys, but it gets so annoying how Jill is constantly being a know-it-all and telling Tim how to be. It is pretty funny, but it seems as though every episode is the same.
by kolby1973
Mon Jun 30 2003I always enjoyed this show alot. It was cute, and very entertaining. There was always at least one good moral to each episode it seemed like, and that is what is so great about American television, normally. This particular TV family had good chemistry on screen as well.
by cheffyss45
Thu Jun 12 2003A really great show!!!
by blackmagicwoma_n
Fri May 23 2003I hate this show. Don't know why for sure but it just makes me sick to watch it. Tim isn't funny & Jill needs to be on something much stronger than Prozac & hey, I have 3 boys & 3 boys do NOT behave that well & are not that quiet & the house does not stay that clean when they live inside your house. Please! Get real...
by tvbuff
Sun May 18 2003I watch this every time it is on.
by cat_mom03
Fri May 16 2003Um...a tool guy..what else?
by president_x_d
Tue Mar 18 2003This show should have been called "Tool Time" and they should have thrown out the whole family sitcom stuff. Tim and Al doing the Tool Time show was excellent, sharp humor most of the time; the rest was average at best. The show was overproduced, with far too many slick camera angles trying to make up for poor, overdone scripts. Once they decided to have the one youngest kid act all "goth" or WHATEVER they were trying to do, the show was toast. I think Tim Allen can be very funny again in the right circumstances; his movies have been decent. Home Improvement made me laugh a few times but ultimately it's a stinker.
by volunteer
Mon Mar 17 2003Not the best, by no means the worst either!
by chunkylover53
Mon Feb 10 2003Home Improvement was another generic "dumb husband with sexy and/or smart wife" show. The plots were the same in every episode. Tim does something stupid, Jill gets pissed, Tim talks to Wilson, Tim and Jill made up, Tim does stupid things and makes that stupid grunting noise. Ughhhh!!! How this show lasted for as long as it did is beyond me.
by heidleehope
Sun Feb 09 2003Loved it....Tim Allen was a riot and his wife was great too, the show was awesome!
by bigbaby
Sun Feb 09 2003This show was really really lame. The humor was the same in every episode. Actually, all episodes were really the same thing happening. Tim Allen is annoying.