Holy Ghost Ministries

Approval Rate: 79%

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    Wed Nov 24 2010

    My family & I were controlled by this church for over 4 years. The best way that I can describe it is for you to watch the CNN Special called "Escape from Jonestown" (look on YouTube). This will describe how this place operates under a sinners' dictatorship with lies to lure you in. Notice that there are only 1 star & 5 star reviews? This is because the, so called, church is deceptive! The 5 stars are from those who are still deceived, the 1 stars are from those who have had their eyes opened to the truth of this place. Don't be blind....ask for references and watch the members squirm and back-pedal. Check court records, check public records of the leadership, ask LVMetro Police, talk to ex-members, read reviews (and share them with your family/friends) with an open mind....you will learn of illegal and immoral activities done in secret. Just be honest and look into the eyes of this group and ask yourself if the members have been brain-washed. You will know the answer if you'r... Read more

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    Wed Jan 13 2010

    Me and my family have attended this church since it open at this location, June 2010 will make it five years. If you are looking for a church who is rich in the Word, helps you with your Spiritual Growth, helps you obtain a closer personal relationship with Jesus, teaches you how to fight so you will be able to withstand the fire darts of satan, this is your church! The Bible says, that my people parish for a lack of knowledge, God has blessed this Church with his Revelation Knowledge. There is no denying this Church is filled with the Holy Ghost! I have read these reviews and it saddens me to see how satan has gotten ahold of Gods people. In Matthew 12:36-37 it says that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give an account thereof in the day of judgement. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. Luke 6:37 says, Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven. Pr... Read more

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    Sun Oct 25 2009

    I am from Ohio and the Lord lead me there...Pastor has a different agenda...Every House of God that represents the Lord...are run differently...No two houses are the same but that does not make them not people of God or that is not His House... Just like anyone or any place...your not going to fully agree but it does not mean it's not of the Almighty God...Test the spirits and what does the Almighty Lord say about this place...

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    Tue Sep 22 2009

    i went to this church 3 times a week for 2 years gave money worked devoted my everything to it and they took advantage of my situation they told me to stop talking to my family and they contolled who i talked to and saw elonzy and his wife kelly , paul and jamella they all deceive .......just beware of this place

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    Sat Aug 29 2009

    I have read alot of commennt written by people who used to go to the church , that got mad about this or that. but I know for a fact the pastor has never preached on tithing nor do they pass anyhing around for tithes or offerings. also i know that the pastor has payed alot of peoples rent that were in need several times. among other things. and he did this for men and women! as far as the pastor making advances to any women other then his wife is obserd and a lie. i pray for myself for even listening to any type of garbage , and i pray for the people that have made false accusations reguarding the church , the pastor or his family!!!!! and as far as the person who said the pastor has a double life and says they have witnessed it with their own eyes , wow enlighten us because his sermons are 2 hours usually he has church 3 times a week and gives free counceling.

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    Fri Jan 09 2009

    Holy Ghost Ministries is a wonderful place to worship God and Jesus Christ. I have seen some awful remarks regarding this church. Elonzy Haulcy is an amazing pastor. His church been open only three years, so I don't understand where the 15 years come into play, when discussing this church or Pastor. I have been a Christian my entire life and I have never experienced a teaching quite like this. This church donot beg you for money like Mountain Top Faith Ministries. He truly care about all of his members. He's a very, very respectable leader in the Christian community. He feeds every single person after every service, and don't ask for one penny. He let every person pay their tithes, like they should. He never asks for one penny. I have seen churches like MountainTop, beg people for money over and over again, when the pastor knows these people work hard every single day for their money. He asks for more than just their weekly tithes, and I see no one complaining about this ch... Read more

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    Fri Sep 14 2007

    the pastor wouldnt even make apointments with greiving members i was ignored he wouldn't return my call kicks other member out of the church who disagrees with him and threatens to do a sweep in the wednesday services by kicking more out said lots more will be leaving by instilling fear God is love not confusion , i was lied to by alot of his members in there he tells people who leave his church they're soul is on the line only god has the power to send people to heaven or hell not man no order in that church alot of screaming so loud u cant even hear whats being said sometimes. fridays are a good day for that follow god not man not recommend this church

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    Fri Sep 14 2007

    After being a member for a year and a half , after being loving ,kind, generous, giving to all of the members in the church I was made to feel abandon , used , left all alone after experiencing a tramatic experience that the pastor cared a less about me or any other members that were in need of food, sheter, rent money , council ect ,I would not recommend any person to tithe to this church as I tithed faithfully in obediance to the lord or be a member there . the name holy ghost in this minisrty doesn't seem to apply to this pastor follow god not men BEWARE OF THIS CHURCH A WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING.

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    Fri Sep 14 2007

    out of order preacher treats people differntly never felt welcomend or loved by the pastor or his wife not in my opinion a good place of worship

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    Fri Sep 14 2007