Holistic Blend

Approval Rate: 75%

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    Wed Jan 12 2011

    We adopted a lab X from the States, and were told she was 2years old. A closer look told us differently. She had very loose stool, so I went and got a puppy formula. She continued to have loose stool, we thought she might have "kennel fever" as we found out she had spent up to 3 weeks in a crate. A friend suggested I try this new food she had put her dog on. Wow!!!!!!!!!!! is all I can say, stools became firm almost immediately, and she loved it. A couple months later we adopt another lab x, he is 3 years old, every time he went outside he had a movement ( the second day he was with us I counted 8), I inquired what he was eating, cheap and way to much, ( worked out to 61/2 cups a day), it took about four days for the new food to start to work it's magic and again WOW!!. His nice dark coat became beautiful, shiny. Now I wish the place that I buy this food ( only one place here) would carry the cat food, because I would love to try it on my cats as well. Sincerely Tammy Jackson

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    Fri Nov 05 2010

    This dog food has been INCREDIBLE for our pug. He was on very expensive Royal Canin puppy food at over 50 dollars per bag and we just found that we had to hand feed it to him...he'd avoid it and then eat only when starving. He also had a few hot spots and was itching his tail area a LOT. I mentioned it to them at my pet store and they suggested he might have a food allergy (my vet had also said that this could be a possibility to test for in the future). I decided to go for a non-poultry based food without wheat, dairy, corn or fillers since these are the most allergen-producing ingredients commonly found in pet foods. I chose Holistic Blend because of the natural ingredients and because it was one of the only choices without poultry and eggs. This literally changed our puppy's life. We got the Lamb and brown rice blend for all ages, and though the pieces were a tad big for his baby teeth, we chopped them up at first. Results were insane. Within the first week he stopped itch... Read more

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    Mon Nov 01 2010

    About 6 weeks ago I switched my 6 month-old Shepherd mix to HB and what a difference it has made! The fact that HB is Canadian and uses high quality ingredients was an important factor in making the switch but the most important was, of course, our dog's health and well-being. Prior to the switch, our dog had consistently loose stools, he would go to the bathroom within minutes of eating his meal because the fillers in the food just went right through him, and he had lots of 'gunk' in his eyes when he woke up in the mornings. Even though we weren't able to transition between the two different types of food as we would have liked (we ran low on his old food and didn't want to buy another bag just to dilute the new food, so we could only mix them over three days), his stools were immeadiately solid and have stayed that way since :) In addition, the 'gunk' in his eyes has completely disappeared, and although he has always had shiny fur, his coat has gone to a whole new level of silkiness.... Read more

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    Wed Oct 06 2010

    My dog is 4 years old. When she was a puppy she had a real good solid turd, her next food was to be Solid gold hundenflocken as I fed my previous dog for years and he did wonderfully on it. This dog did ok, weight was fine, coat too but the turds were a little loose. I tried Canadae supposed to be one of the best foods out there, after the gradual change she still had diarhea. So I went back to Solid Gold because hey I could handle a little soft opposed to diarhea. A lady in NFLD who had been feeding Holistic Blend to her dogs ( the same breed as mine) suggested the food to the breeder of my dog because (my dog's mom) she was having loose stools to on Solid gold. She switched then I did too and all I can say is now we have the turds we have been looking for! Her coat and weight are great too. I wouldn't go back to any other food, for me its what it doesn't have that I like. No amimal by-products, poultry fat, BHT, BHA, beet pulp, salt, sugar need I go on! Plus when you open up the ... Read more

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    Wed May 12 2010

    This company is not one I will ever buy from again. My cats would rather lose weight than eat the $30 bag of grain-free food. And yes, they were very gradually weaned onto it. When this food is their only option in the dish, they'd rather not eat, and lost weight avoiding eating entirely. Their coats became dull and they drank copious amounts of water. When I phoned the company to tell them this, they sent me coupons - ones that would save me $10 if I spent a further $55 on their dry food products (can't even be used for canned food). They seem to be content with me being completely unsatisfied, and having wasted my money on inedible crap. In this tough market, a small company should care about fixing customer concerns when they happen - those coupons were like a slap in the face. Boo Holistic Blend!

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    Fri Mar 19 2010

    When my 8 year dog was diagnosed with Arthritis and I started researching the dog food industry I IMMEDIATELY switched her to a home made diet and WHAT a difference it has made! She is almost like a pup again and her fur has filled in and is shining and soft. It does take a bit of work and you have to be VERY careful to avoid any food that may be toxic chief of which are things like onions, grapes, chocolate, some nuts, etc etc. But occassionally I do need to use a commercial food and Holistic Blend seems to fill the bill as a good quality food. I've actually submitted it to a dog food review site for their opinion and I'll let you know the results. They rate it on a 0 to 5 scoop rating. 3 and above is good.

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    Thu Mar 04 2010

    HOLISTIC BLEND - YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEED i say more, the majority of these comments are 5 stars. I buy NOTHING other than GREAT food for my animals and HB is one of these foods. Keep up the awesome work and service.

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    Sun Feb 21 2010

    My Ragdoll cat loves this stuff. Breeder had been feeding him low end grocery store brand. We switched immediately and tried several very good brands before settling on Holistic Blend. He prefers it above all others, has developed into an absolutely beautiful kitty with long, glossy fur, bright eyes, and tremendous energy. Would I prefer grain-free? From what I know, the answer is a definite yes, but ultimately my cat has to eat and he refused the grain free varieties we tried.

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    Tue Dec 22 2009

    Its a pretty good food especially for what you pay for! They also make a grain free food that looks decent. I actually found out that the canadian super store is now carrying this food which is even more awesome! Great for those on a budget!

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    Wed Nov 25 2009

    Hey folks. I've never used this product, but my 9 yr old toy poodle has developed chronic pancreatitis. Last summer he had an acute attack that nearly killed him. I hope none of you ever have to see that much blood come out your dog's back-side. He had been eating Innova Evo for many years and although I don't blame the food, it was probably not helping his condition because of the hight fat and protein. Now the vet wants me to put him on Medi-cal Gastro food which has such mixed reviews on the net, but does contain some digestive aids in the ingredients which most non-prescribed foods don't have. I was considering Holistic Blend as an option to maintain him once he's over this bout. Most reviews I've read think this is quality food, but maybe a bit low on the protein and fat. This could be good for my dog, no? Can anyone give me some advice that have some experience with pancreatitis. Thanks!

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    Wed Aug 26 2009

    One of the few pet foods I haven't actually been hands-on with, and judging this one solely on the quality of their formula... Holistic Blend (NOT Solid Gold Holistique Blendz, a sub-par weight control formula by a completely different company, OR Eagle Pack Holistic, another food by a completely different company) is a better than average food. It's got more carbohydrates listed than I like to see (three out of the first five ingredients are grains, and only one of the top five is meat), but doesn't use any of the undigestible common allergens (corn, wheat, and soy are all absent from this food). Also, no byproducts and no beet pulp or other common filler crap. Holistic Blend doesn't meet my criteria for a superior food, but it IS far above average, according to the ingredients list.

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    Fri Apr 24 2009

    Nice to see someone who agrees! Perhaps you could post it on Eagle Pet site too!LOOKS LIKE YOU DID A REPEAT AND CHANGED THE DATE????BUYER BEWARE-READ THE INGREDIENTS-EAGLE PAC COULD NOT STAND ON THEIR OWN NAME, THEY HAD TO ADD THE HOLISTIC TO DRESS IT UP!After reading the most recent comment, I called the company 1-800-954-1117, they have assured me the Holistic Blend is made in Canada, not at Menu foods and is not involved in the recall. The salmon comes from BC and there is a statement on the home page as to where their ingredients come from. www.holisticblend.comThey have distribution in Asia, but not a manufacture. I know I should be working for this company! I just know how well my guys have done on the product and I too am afraid to find out anything bad.

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    Sat Feb 07 2009

    I have been feeding Holistic Blend to my Yorkie mix since I got her when she was 8 weeks old. She is now almost 4. We have never had any problems. We got a cat alittle over 2 years ago and she does not like anything but Holistic Blend. And ther are no problems with Hair Balls.

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    Mon Jan 26 2009

    I think alot of you have this food confused with one of a similiar name by Wellness or Eagle Pack. HOLISTIC BLEND IS different from 'holistic blendz". Corn is not the 1st ingredient and although it may be a little low on the protein-meat content side , are you all aware that too much meat protein is just as bad as not enough? Too much protein can be a little hard on the kidneys in smaller breeds or older dogs. If you compare the ingredients of this versus other high quality dog foods , Holistic Blend has less unnnecessary ingredients. Not every food is best for every dog. They are indivisual just like us humans. I hate tomatoes because they make me throw-up and give me rash, does that happen to all of you? I think not. Because it did not work for your pet does not make it a bad food. I've tried my dog on alot of so-called high quality foods and this works best for him. He is 4 years old and has been in great health. His muscle tone is exceptional and his waste minimal, fi... Read more

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    Sat Dec 20 2008

    I have been using the real Hollistic Blend for over 4 years with my German Sheppard. I have to admit that the food is truly exceptional. We had many issues with many other very expensive foods, We trusted a breeder  who sugguested an Holistic alternative to regular dog foods. We have found that the coat is great as well no tartar buildup on the teeth. We did however have an issue with the Chicken and had to switch to the Lamb. Taste is great our dog had no issue with the change. Just mmake sure change is transitional and use small amounts of new food mixed with the type you use; this will help with the digestive system of your pet. Even when just changiong from chicken to lamb we found this very helpful. It prevents those accidents that our pets really hate to make Yet they truly can't help themselves. I have recommended to many others and all have had good results as well. Lowered the itchy skin, ears, etc..

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    Mon Dec 08 2008

    Thank you for your comments, concerns and interest inHolistic Blend.As the owner of Holistic Blend I would like to  provide accurate information and clarification in regrads to some of the ratings.I am a pet owner, they are my children. Just like you I am concerned with what I feed. I would never give my pets anything I would not eat myself. It is my belief pets can live longer and healthier lives when fed good food and supplements, and I have proven this to be true.There is some confusion with another brand with whom consumers believe is  Holistic Blend, but it is not, and these reviews are inaccurate and misleading.Please be a label reader, make sure before you post your rating you are or have been feeding Holistic Blend.I do appreciate all feed back, negative or postive. I  am available to speak with anyone wishing to discuss their pets or my products.The hypo allergenic foods are made with 42% meat inclusion.We do not use corn, beet pulp or artificial preservatives, colors or flavo... Read more

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    Tue Oct 28 2008

    Awful food and when I had a concern about ingredients, the owner of the company was very rude. Would NEVER buy this food again.

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    Sun Sep 14 2008

    I read the ingredients on this bag and I was appalled. My dog wouldn't touch it. Holistic Blend also gave him terrible diarrhea. His coat became terribly dull and he was very itchy all of the time. He hardly ate any of it because he hated it so much.

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    Sat Mar 22 2008

    Hi.  I used Eagle Pack Holistic chicken and rice formula  for a year with my 4 lb. Chihuahua, and I was Not pleased or Impressed with there product at all!          It actually has inconsistant meat content (low meat content) and also has beet pulp in it which they feel may lead to yeast infections in animals. (?)   It never put any weight on my dog, didn't do anything for her coat or eyes, energy level.   Did Not do much for my Siamese either. (holistic cat food).   I would Not recommend this dog/or cat food.  There has to be better.  It may do well for your animal, I am just stating it did Not for mine.       God Bless.

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    Sat Oct 20 2007

    I've had my chi on this food for the last 2 yrs. of his 3. He loves it! He had a real bad shedding problem and we found after much testing and omitting of certain ingredients that this was the best for him. Canidae was a runner-up but it does contain white rice which is one of his allergy foods. Since he has been on holistic blend, no more shedding or footlicking. We just had a check-up @ the vet and I was very happy and proud to hear that he is in the best physical shape for a chihuhua that she has seen outside of a show ring. His muscle tone is exceptional and his body fat is minimal. Iguess you would say he is very "buffed and cut". I truly recommend Holistic Blend.

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    Tue Sep 18 2007

    My greyhounds have been on this food for a few years and have been doing well until recently. They've started getting dandruff and my male is dropping weight and just looks poorly. They're also both getting bouts of diarrhea. I think possibly the company has reduced the quality of the food. Perhaps they were bought out or are having finacial problems, who knows? I know their packaging changed a while back and that's when my dogs started having these health issues. I'm taking them off this food and trying a higher protein, top quality kibble.

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    Thu Jun 21 2007

    Lamb is the first ingredient with the water removed. They do not want to call it meal because it is pure meat. The company is at odds with AAFCO about calling this meal. So it is not grain heavy but infact a compnay looking to change the way things are done and perceived. They were also the first to use Rosemary as a preservative, the rest have followed.

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    Tue May 08 2007

    Just registered to "Rate It All" and was reading comments re. Holistic Blend.  I too have been feeding it for a couple of yrs. to my 4 animals. Was reading "Jakesire's" site and realized he had done a lot or research. I too have been asking many questions with all the Dog Food Scare. I came upon this site out of Japan called Jetro (http.//www3.jetro.go.jp/ttppoas/anken/0001058000/1 058877_e.html) who claim to be the supplier of Holistic Blend (they were looking for someone to market in Asia.) I see Pet Food Direct (USA) also carry under alphabetic listing on their site.  Always worried me they say, above AAFA standards but do not actually carry the seal itself. But, now-a-days, it seems not to matter 'cus a lot did and they proved not adequate.  Anyway, just voicing my concern, because, if Japan, they say Thailand as a supplier, and I remember that Sardines for human consumption were banned and some other fish (Salmon???). Whatever, I only wish someone would do some research with me an... Read more

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    Sun Mar 11 2007

    I have olny had good experiances from this food, so my rating says it all.

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    Sun Mar 04 2007

    Good ingredients.Lamb is the 1st ingredient but once you take out the water content, it would probably be about 4th on the list,With three grains ahead of the meat, it is therefore a heavy grain content food.The ingredients are high quality but low in meat protein, therfore only 3 stars.

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    Wed Feb 14 2007

    This is the type of dog food I give my two dogs 90% of the time so I only hope its a 5 star dog food

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    Wed Feb 07 2007

    There is no debate that this food is definitely on the low side on the protien scale. This food could almost be considered a reduced calarie formula, with its lower fat and protien contents. As far as ingredients go, not bad, not great. A lot of grains, but also high quality meat. (No by-products) a lamb meal would be better than their lamb, but as long as its not a by-product, this food is ok in my book. Therefor, my rating..OK. They definitely have the right idea in mind, they just used the cheaper way of doing it. I would actually compare this food more to the Nutro Ultra. Except this one is much more expensive. In other words, there isn't much bang for your buck. If you want to spend your money on a really good food, try Nature's Variety or Innova. Much higher quality and about the same price as this stuff.

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    Wed Oct 11 2006

    Not oily one of the best i ever try but is abit expensive in Singapore and only 1 shop sell it

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    Mon Aug 21 2006

    I have been feeding to my dogs and cats since 2004 and they love it. I find since they started eating it , they are having less problems , health wise. I have 5 cats and 1 dog so nice to find a brand they all like.

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    Thu Jul 27 2006

    Normally my dog eats O&M; dog food, however, when I went to my pet store, they were out. I purchaced Holistic Blend dog food, purely on the recommendations that I had seen on this website. I am rating this dog food based on my dogs reaction to this food. She absolutely hated it !!! She would not eat it until she was starving..

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    Sun Jul 16 2006

    I was introduced to this food from a friend and my dog loved it immediately. As my dog has food allergies I was very critical of the ingredients but after some research my dog was on if for 3 months. I feel that they have a really good quality dog food, but it did not agree with what my dog's skin and coat requirements were. Within the 3 months I noticed amount of dry skin flakes increased greatly and the shine in her coat was decreasing. I have switched her back to the previous food I was using and the skin and coat have improved greatly.

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    Tue Jul 11 2006

    I work in a pet store and have spent a lot of time reading over the ingredients in different dog food. I can say whole heartedly that this Holistic Blend dog food has no fillers and all natural ingredients. Other companies use soy mill ends, peanut hulls, corn and loads of rice. Yummy isn't it? Read labels, then try this product. I feed this dog food to my shar pei and will never change. I recommend it to all my customers and friends as well.

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    Fri Jun 09 2006

    I have used Holistic Blend in the past and have found it to be a very good food, especially when they replaced the synthetic vitamin k supplement with the more natural k1.I am using another food now just because I don't have to mail order it as I did Holistic Blend. The real concern should be providing the best nutrition possible for your dog and for me, it's not feeding just kibble. I feed mainly a raw frozen diet and mix some kibble in for the crunch and as a backup for any vitamins that the raw frozen lacks. I don't find that mixing kibble with raw frozen meats is a problem and my 1 year old loves it. I know that this is primarily a kibble board but the interest should be in overall good nutrition, not arguing about what kibble has more meat or may give a shiny coat.

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    Wed Jun 07 2006

    Gee...it looks like some people on here are just putting good ratings to keep this product number one as listed on their site...and by the way, you cannot eliminate shedding with a food. This food is OK, but it is not that great...it has way more grains/starches than it does animal protein--it only has two meats, one of which contains around 78% water (salmon, not salmon meal)!?! Plus, 22% protein is way too low for normal dogs to thrive on. Also, 42% meat composition means nothing on a dry matter basis which is the crude protein your dog digests...the crude protein is what matters, not the composition (most foods have a higher concentration than 42% anyways). Not as great as the price suggests. **mega B---I am not a vet, but I am a DOCTORATE student studying companion animal nutrition at NCSU, with a bachelor's degree in Animal Science...I know a little more than the average person. Also, recent metabolism studies done at the NCSU vet school have shown that dogs metabolize g... Read more

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    Thu Jun 01 2006

    I'm quite angry at gentle1(among other people posting LAME comments about this great company!) Do you even know which food you are rating? Probably not! There is NO CORN and NO FILLERS in this food. Where on earth are you getting that idea? ITS WRITTEN CLEARLY IN LIKE 5 PLACES ON THEIR WEBSITE! http://www.holisticblend.com/foods_lrdf.html NO CORN! I'm willing to bet that Holistic Blend is of higher quality than most the food you consume. You're an idiot And Shepherd1 Just so you know... I was worried about Vitamin K before.. so I emailed the company. They use Vitamin K1 which is a Natural form of Vitamin K (it comes from plants) I even asked my Vet about it and he told me that K1 is fine as it is not synthetic like K2 and 3. My 3 Cats have not thrown up once since I switched them to this food 2 years ago. Their litter box doesnt even smell like it used to when i fed them other cat foods. I have only had my Great Dane for 6 months now but I have nothing to comp... Read more

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    Thu Jun 01 2006

    Not sure what the problem is with some peolple! The food clearly list 2 meat proteins? 42% meat compostion. Just call the company I did. The food may not eliminate shedding, but it certainly reduced it by 90% in my dogs. The company also told me they were introducing a grain free product this summer.

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    Fri May 26 2006

    Waste of money.Company is is deceitful.They use vitamin K supplement.Site always says number one with competitors and links to rateitall even when they are number two,three etc.Clear marketing ploy.

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    Sun May 21 2006

    my rating says it all. i bought this for my dog a while back, and all i can say is this is TERRIBLE food. cheap fillers, and corn is the main ingredient. stay away from this stuff- trust me.

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    Tue May 16 2006

    I've noticed that Holistic Blend sells an "Herbal Blend Calmer" to help calm dogs in stressful situations, i.e. thunderstorms. It's a bit expensive and wondered if anyone has had any luck with this product. Thanks.

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    Wed May 10 2006

    Holistic Blend needs no explanation, there greattt my dogs have never been so healthy.

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    Wed May 10 2006

    This food is awesome, i have never seen my dog more healthier in his life. Thanks to Holistic Blend my dog as never been so happy!

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    Wed May 03 2006

    when I fed this to my dog he unfortuently ate it. After 2 bags of this sawdust his coat went to hell and he had major gas - table scraps would be better - and to add insult to injury I paid good money for this stuff!

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    Wed Apr 19 2006

    Finally I have found a Pet Food company that actually took the time to research Pet allergies before making their foods! They even carry Vitamin supplements that don't contain drugs to help reduce or eliminate all sorts of health problems. HOLISTIC BLEND Gets a 5 PAWS from this family!

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    Fri Apr 07 2006

    decent ingredients...much better than industry average...but still has room for improvements. heard from my local pet store owner that the company tends to make changes to many things (e.g. formula, shipping arrangements etc.) without prior notice...which can be a real pain in the butt. 2 stars for the ingredients and quality 1 star for the fact that my picky eater actually ate it for about TWO weeks. lol

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    Sat Apr 01 2006

    As the owner and breeder of Golden's I would like to say, I feed and recommend Holistic Blend. After nine years of using Holistic Blend Lamb & Rice, I am grateful for no shedding, no hot spots and less clean up in my yard. My oldest 2 girls act like they are 1 year old puppies. I have and will continue to do my own research. It never stops with just one source or website. I also look at the whole product ingredient list, not just one and when I compare Holistic Blend to any other higher end product I am happy! They are the ONLY pet food company that supplies products you can sit down and eat! Any other food will say "NOT FIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION" if other foods are such high quality, then why?

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    Wed Mar 29 2006

    I noticed my dogs fur became extra shiny and she seemed to shed less too.

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    Tue Feb 07 2006

    Six months ago I rescued 2 cats in horrible condition. They had bald spots, digestive problems and watery eyes. After seeing the vet I decided to start them on the Holistic Blend, recommended to me for its organic crulety free benefits. Withing 2 weeks my cats fur started growing in shiny and thick. Their energy level increased and their digestive problems stopped. Six months later they are incredibly healthy and everyone comments on how healthy full and shiny their fur is. Thanks for the good quality cat food!

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    Mon Feb 06 2006

    Good food, my dogs like it. I notice their coat is extra shiny when they eat this.

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    Tue Jan 24 2006

    Great food. I have tried several "high end foods over the years and determined this food is best for my Goldens. Shedding is dramaticly reduced, coat is full and beautiful, stool is perfect. I switched a 16 year old Golden to the food and is energy has increased, less shedding, and loves the food, especially with the Seagreen supplement. NO complaints here. I will continue to use and recommend