History Channel
Approval Rate: 59%
Reviews 0
by chalky
Mon Jul 18 2011Like MTV playing no music, the History Channel shows no history. As others have mentioned below, History is filled with shows about swamp people, truckers, junk collecting, restoration projects, and a pawn shop thrown in for good measure. While I can see that some of the shows could be entertaining for about 4 minutes, I think they should seriously change the name of the network.....especially now that Larry the Cable Guy is on there.
by ddoyle1054
Sun Jul 03 2011The History Channel needs to balance the historians they use for their broadcasts. The historians they use are nothing more than historic revisionists. They paint George Washington as a charlatan and imply that he pretentiously acted humble to get his peers to put him in the position he has in our history. I am sick and tired of people who call themselves historians writing history for their own political purposes. They are so cynical that they can't believe that the father of our country was an honorable man. He is not and was not a liar. These people are despicable. Shame on them.
by imanilove
Fri Jun 03 2011They are okay because they give clues, but they surley don't tell the truth! If that is peoples only source of education then that is sad. People, go do your own research!!!
by warsaursat
Tue May 31 2011They should be calling this We Know Nothing About History Channel, how is a bunch of people in the swamp history? Swamp People. How is two guys going to rummage sales history? American Pickers. American Restoration? Not history, what happened to the History channel, And for their Memorial Day programs was just shameful. The only history they showed was Gettysburg. I don't know why I even check to see what's on this Non-History Channel!
by dynaswordii
Wed Mar 16 2011I enjoy the history channel, I must rate this 5 because it is worth watching. Though mornings shows are more historic, and the evenings shows are more present lol.
by woodrow_re
Thu Dec 30 2010I've watched your series and always wondered , when and by who was it done. It can be confusing to review outdated and/or long since corrected material,I'd even suggest a VIEWERS WARNING ! .
by delta357
Mon Oct 25 2010American Restoration: I was looking forward to watching this series as I like antiques and enjoy fixing old things. I was disappointed after the first 3 minutes into the program. Not because of the program theme, but because of the crud language that was promoted. The word "crap" was used 3 times in the first 2 minutes of the show and when the word "bastard" was used in the third minute of the show I turned the channel and deleted future episodes from my DVR. I was so looking forward to it. Jerry/CA
by jamie_mcbain
Mon Apr 05 2010If it's anything like the one up here, we get Pawn Stars, The Nostradamus Effect, and some 2012 Mayan stuff. That's history? All though, there are some interesting shows on too.
by geosyriot
Sun Mar 28 2010It's sad to think that those who do the programming for The History Channel don't understand the difference between factual history and mythology. Presenting the bible as history is one example of this lack of understanding. I assumed one of the main goals of The History Channel was to educate, but, as it turns out, what the producers produce is very slick misinformation packaged in a bubblewrap of boredom. Whoever finances The History Channel would be better off giving their money to a more worthy cause like the Fund to Replace History Channel Pseudo History with Real History.
by rlsain
Sun Mar 07 2010I enjoy "The History Channel", ( war, guns, biography"s , natural history, inventions, space, music, etc. etc.) I don"t enjoy , historical subjects dealing with too much fiction, add infinitum-nausiatum. A few days ago . "Werewolve" was released,on DVD. It"s been on TV all day , which is why Im writing . I"d like to see a factual history about our Allied POW"s in the Pacific theatre. With focus on individuals in why they were there, who were there and follow them thru prison , and on after the war, with focus on the hundreds of thousands of attrocities commited by The Japanese...and point out that even after the " Warcrimes Tribunal" convicted many Japanese to death, these same criminals are inshrined as heroes , by the Japanese.
by fgalvan
Sat Jan 09 2010Almost entirely garbage--Nostradamus and Mayan calendar crap. Also, feeds a right-wing fetish for weaponry and the military. How about showing some real history stuff? History of Britain? History of China and India? History of Islam? History of Judiasm? The Protestant Reformation? History of western music? Magna Carta and the Constitution. Instead, we get Lumberjacks and Pawnbrokers, tanks, and UFOs.
by annoyed1
Fri Jan 08 2010I disagree with the contributor who said, "[The History Channel] is for nerds." The channel is perfect for him; it's for absolute idiots.
by irishgit
Thu Dec 17 2009It has its occasional moments, but there's way too much of the "Da Vinci, Knights Templar, Mayan Calendar End of Times" mumbo jumbo on there, to take it very seriously. Its not exactly the abode of scholarly historical research.
by jtmiddleton
Fri Jul 31 2009The information on the military channel division is very educational and informative. I've especially enjoyed the "Hitler's Generals" episodes. Information on Ernst Udet immediately rung my memory bells on "The Great Waldo Pepper" movie. And, I confirmed he was the model for Ernst Kessel character in the movie. I am concerned about the Military channel's survival--I don't see any commercials. How are you surviving? I hope you can continue to present this very important--to me and others--history. My wife and I cruised from Santiago, Chile to Buenos Aires this Feb., and took an excursion of the Falklands/Malvenias--I was so very glad I had seen your feature of the Falkland war earlier. It's still on my DVR. Jim T. Middleton, Houston, TX
by pcpeter774
Wed Jul 01 2009Keeps me entertained.
by jrichardma
Fri Jan 09 2009There's always something good on
by paunoseucu
Wed Jan 07 2009I like some programmes, but it talks WAY TOO MUCH about World War 2 (80% of the time). There is more to History than just WW2.
by guy_dc1b
Sat Aug 02 2008I used to love this channel, but the appeal is fading more and more.
by susan99
Fri Jul 18 2008Has in-depth documentaries on SO MANY topics! Especially like the ones about inventions and how things we take for granted today came into being, and ideas that seems outrageous but are now commonly accepted. A lot more interesting than history class in school...
by ms_38828911
Mon Jul 14 2008Sometimes it's boring
by monkey11611
Sun Jul 13 2008rare
by ms_236812311
Fri Jul 11 2008Boring...never watch it
by ms_367111443
Fri Jul 11 2008Some of the programs are ok.
by abichara
Sun Jun 01 2008I enjoy the History Channel, however I'd like to see more documentaries, not this living history stuff that they put on a lot of the time.
by drentropy
Mon May 26 2008Peaked around 2002, heading downhill fast since; mostly re-runs and pseudo-history now. Still worth taking a look now and then.
by donovan
Mon Apr 21 2008I enjoy the History Channel. This is my favorite of all educational TV networks.
by genghisthehun
Mon Mar 03 2008This used to be great television, but now with all the UFO, Knight Templar, da Vinci Code, ghost, Nazi occult, and other such popular cult shows, it is in fast decline.
by jenniferim
Mon Mar 03 2008The history channel is another fav of mine. I enjoy their outlook and many of their programs on history. If they would do less repeats, I would have rated them 5 stars, but what can you do :)
by drkseph
Sun Jan 13 2008Its ok to watch but usually their history is more about legends and myth than factual history, then again if it was the same stuff they show in documentaries in my history class then it'd be boring.
by kamylienne
Sun Jan 13 2008Updated Comment, 1/3/08: Well, it's almost five years later and I have to say that I've become increasingly dissapointed with the quality of programming content. They still have Modern Marvels on, which is great, but then it's often the only show worth watching (well, I do like The Universe, which is pretty interesting). But what are shows like Monster Quest and Gangland doing on there? Calling either of them history-oriented is a stretch (sure, any topic has a historical context to it, but it should be more of a Discovery Channel thing. Well, not Monster Quest, that's just plain ridiculous). History Channel is still one of the better channels out, but sadly that's not saying too much. Original Comment, 3/23/03: I admit, a few years ago me and my friends jokingly called it the "Hitler Channel" because every time we turned it on, Hitler was on there. But, I have to say, this is one of my favorite channels (next to Discovery Channel); they do have a wide range of programming, an... Read more
by georges11
Thu Oct 11 2007This channel does offer quite a variety of shows related to history. It is usually very well written entertaining. The one drawback I think is when they show a movie pertaining to history. This leaves me with a kind of jaded feeling as though they are not really portraying history per se.
by disgust4pcness
Mon Sep 24 2007I still enjoy this channel, however, I have noticed a liberal slant in some of the newer programming...which, to me, means re-writing actual history. I still watch the channel (one of the few that I do watch besides sports programming), but I watch cautiously at times.
by keving98
Wed Jul 04 2007It's sad to think that anyone would use this channel to educate themselves. UFO's; Da Vanci Code; history of sex; mega-things; etc... What's especially disturbing is this channels determination to implant themselves in our children's classrooms.
by canadasucks
Wed Jun 20 2007In college, we used to call it the Hitler channel because it seemed to run the same tape loops of der fuher giving angry speeches during WWII. . .it would seem that the History channel has grown up. . .good specials on historical topics domestic and abroad. . .some good (but not great) programming. . .the documentaries still are not up to par with the better PBS productions. . .
by elijah
Fri Apr 20 2007Il ove the History Channel!!! But they need to take off Modern Marvels, Digging the Truth, & put on movies & documentaries such as Boudicca, Spartacus, the 300, & Barbarians. I love those shows, but they always show boring ones. But, therefore, I give them a five, but they can do much better.
by conservatism
Mon Mar 12 2007Great channel, but they need more stuff on the Civil War and World War 1. Oh yes, enough of the UFO stuff.
by coltseries70
Thu Feb 22 2007Awesome and Addicting
by aenzhru
Wed Feb 07 2007If it wasn't for The History Channel, The Travel Channel, Discovery, National Geographic (and of course ESPN), I'd have absolutely nothing, ever, to watch. 99% of everything else on every other channel is pure, unadulterated schlock. Even in the '90s there were still good shows on television and still signs of intelligent life in this country. Based on disturbing current trends of stupidity and sleaziness supplanting intellectuality in every facet of society, one wonders how much longer intelligent channels like the History Channel will be extant.
by bassman44113
Tue Dec 05 2006I LOVE the History Channel. I do find WWII history to be quite fascinating. So therefore, I'm not usually bored by it. I do watch it every night. I would get rid of my cable if my provider ever got rid of the History Channel, I watch it that much....sad but true.
by trebon1038
Mon Oct 16 2006Sometimes there is some really interesting things on History, I will be channel surfing and find something on here that makes me stop and watch the whole show.
by samjung23
Thu Mar 23 2006It needs an overhaul. Quit focusing on the Bible and UFOs, and focus more on historical events and warfare. I agree that this channel obsessed a tad bit much about Hitler for my tastes. Also, they tend to run through the same wars and historical events too much, it could try to cover original material and little-known conflicts.
by cwilliams194
Mon Feb 06 2006its because sometimes the TV gets "taken over" by this channel and I dont personally like it
by pzkpfw_vi_e
Thu Feb 02 2006The fact that most of their content on the Second World War is terrible has kind of turned my off to this channel. History International seems to show a lot more shows run and produced by the BBC. These shows are a lot more effective in conveying what really occured in the Second World War, especially the Eastern Front. Much of their programs on the Eastern Front are outdated, and thus are biased due to lack of information during the Cold War and inherent biases in the media. All in all, their programing is sufficent enough to warrant it a grade of 'Okay', as there is a lot of good programs, but just as many bad ones. I would hope people would read as much as they watched, but that won't happen.
by ta_raas
Thu Feb 02 2006Should be renamed "The Bible Channel".
by underspin
Sat Dec 03 2005This is one excellent channel; consistent top quality documentaries with an emphasis on military history, something I never received in formal education. What's more, the channel is relatively free of ideological bias which I find extraordinarily refreshing (especially after my stint at Univ. of California). Candidly, I've learned far more watching many of these programs than I ever could listening to some stuffy Ivy-League wannbe wax self-righteous over the evil state of U.S. imperialism in Iraq. Let's hope this channel sticks around for a good long while.
by drummond
Fri Dec 02 2005Quite good when they cover something besides WWII.