His 20 year ties to the Rev. Wright

Approval Rate: 41%

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    Fri Oct 31 2008

    I'm kind of sick about hearing about Reverend Wright...Fonzie had 20yr ties to his leather jacket (but he was cool) 'hey'

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    Fri Oct 10 2008

    Apparently Barry doesn't know him either.

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    Fri Oct 10 2008

    Amazing how the left continues to insist that this is a "non-issue". Imangine if McCain had been a 20 year member of an Aryan Nations church. LOL....hell, if he had attended one sermon 20 years ago, the libs would be calling him a racist and saying that this disqualifies him. Ahhhh...the hypocrisy.

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    Thu Oct 09 2008

    Now matter how you slice it, Moses wasn't kidding when he said something like "Thou shalt not kill".... I wish they would let me in that church! Looks more fun than any of the god's houses I've ever been to...

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    Mon Sep 08 2008

    I'm amazed that people fall for this guilt by association stuff. As if comments by Wright somehow brainwashed Obama. Remember, Obama is one of the brightest guys in our country, an Ivy Leaguer who graduated from Columbia and went on to become Harvard U. Law School's first black president of its law review. He taught constitutional law at the U. of Chicago Law School for twelve years, while working at a law firm specializing in civil rights litigation and neighborhood economic development. A bright guy like Obama isn't likely to have been swayed by Wright's diatribes; in fact, they caused Obama to leave that church. Obama, who came from a non-religious home, before law school became a community organizer in Chicago with a church-based group seeking to improve living conditions in poor neighborhoods plagued with crime and high unemployment. Working with black churches led him to understand "the power of the African-American religious tradition to spur social change." Obama joined Chi... Read more

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    Tue Aug 26 2008

    ...not his fault;he was on crack for 20 years...

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    Fri Aug 01 2008

    Remember this. Barack Obama at least repudiated his former pastor, specifically his more angrier and hostile rhetoric. John McCain actually sought an endorsement from the Zionazi John Hagee.

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    Fri Jul 25 2008

    Although the average politician condemns what Wright says, there's no denying that he gives voice to a genuine sentiment among his community.  It so happens that a member of his congregation was moved to enter public life and try to make a difference in the world.  Cynicism aside 95% of politicians truly believe they are doing that for the right reason  inspite of all the grease they must endure in the process.  I think it would be more eggregious if Obama sold Wright out and damned him for speaking the truth as he sees it just to get to the White House.

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    Fri Jul 25 2008

    This is ludicrous. Who cares what church the man went to? And does anyone actually think he should have muzzled Wright, telling him, "Sorry, but you just have to shut up. You see, I'm thinking about running for President someday....."

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    Fri Jul 25 2008

    Guilty by association.  Rev Wright said some NASTY things.  I'de like to know what else was said during some of his "sermons" during that 20 year period Obama attended that America hating church?

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    Thu Jun 19 2008

    Yes, for me it is a big one. I do not want to discuss the public perception of the "remarks of hatered" by the rev. Wright, and what life guidance was given to him by his spirtual teachers over these years. It is quite scarry by itself. If you listen for 20 years this BS, you cannot just disregard that. If you do not like that, you just leave. Obama did not. But, even worse, when guy started spoiling his public campaign, Obama condemned him. He would probably drop his wife as well, if there is a danger she is ruining his image...

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    Wed May 21 2008

    One of the over-sights in Barack's strategery, but now that it has quieted down a bit, I've heard that Hillary is going after his tailor. His barber has, mysteriously, disappeared...

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    Wed May 21 2008

    I'm not crazy about this idea, but I wasn't crazy about the likes of Jerry Falwell (who preached that racial segregation was the Lord's will) hanging out in the White House with Nixon, Reagan, and Bush I either. It does seem like some folks getting worked up about this have elastic standards.....

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    Wed May 21 2008

    He should have definitely cut his ties with this guy several years before he started his campaign.

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    Tue May 20 2008

    Obama says Wright is his spiritual advisor and mentor. Jeremiah Wright is CEO of Trumpeter Magazine and chose Louis Farakkahn as the "Man of Distinction" for last year. The saying "Birds of a feather flock together" is true. Or perhaps "Racist, anti-Semitic Pigs wallow together"

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    Tue May 20 2008

    He took way too long to distance himself with the reverand.

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    Tue May 20 2008

    From what I know of the man, Obama, he rarely if ever went to Trinity UCC on the South Side. He was a "shake and howdy" type political member who used the church whenever he needed the congregation to elect him to something.  In other words he didn't put much wear and tear on the church furniture.That being said, he claimed the church when he announced, so he is stuck with the pastor's statements.I understand pastor Wright's anger at Obama for now jumping ship, to save his political skin.  "You leave with the girl you brung to the dance."

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    Sun May 18 2008

    This might be the only legitimate reason on this list not to vote for Obama. (There are certainly other possible reasons having to do with specific policy positions, but they do not appear on this list.) I do wonder about how the nutty reverend's sermons came to be videotaped in the first place ...

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    Sun May 18 2008

    This is not a reason "not" to vote for the man.  This is a reason to question the man's circle of trusted friends and advisors.  The opportunity Obama was offered to define himself went wasted as he stumbled and fumbled his way to not decry the racist and anti-American sentiments screeched by Rev. Wright over the years.  Tell me that if there were a Rev Wright in Colin Powell's past he could not have have articulated an appropriate role for such a minor influence in his life to nearly everyone's satisfaction.  The man simply is no Colin Powell.

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    Sun May 18 2008

    This alone is not a reason to not vote for Barack Obama, although I do believe that it did cause him some political damage and it slowed his momentum towards winning the Democratic nomination. It was actually very fortuitous for Obama that this came out in March, rather than October. This issue in a close race can make the difference. Now that it's out, it won't cause as much damage in the long haul, since the damage has already been absorbed. The reality of the matter is that this whole thing was a cheap political gimmick--guilt by association. Obama was given a choice, either denounce Wright's views or if you don't, you implicitly accept that you agree with him. Wright is not a part of Obama's campaign, doesn't speak for him, nor does he write his speeches. Obama should have just told the media, "look, I have no connection with Wright except a personal one. I told you that I don't agree with all of his views, but I greatly value his friendship, and if you don't like that, t... Read more

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    Sun May 18 2008

    You can't sit there and tell me that Obama doesn't harbor similar feelings as his "mentor." This is the man who married Obama and his wife!  You do not sit in a church for 20 years and listen to a man you do not agree with!!!  Is this the kind of radicalism we want leading our nation?

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    Sun May 18 2008

    To what degree was the Obama's influenced by the Rev. Wight? Lets just say...somewhat influenced, thats enough to lose me.

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    Sun May 18 2008

    20 years in a certain environment must necessarily cause some influence. And the influence doesn't look good or promising.

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    Sun May 18 2008

    This is a bigger story than what I originally thought. As Automatt says, Obama should have cut ties with this guy years ago, despite how unpleasant it would have been. I am pleased that the best the dirt diggers have been able to dig up is stuff about acquaintances of Obama - as opposed to Obama himself. I think we have two honest, ethical men running for President this year.