Helen Hunt
Approval Rate: 84%
Reviews 0
by marcelina
Thu Aug 28 2008usually underwhelming
by sarnia234
Thu Apr 26 2007Just to let you all know - there is a "I strongly dislike Helen Hunt" myspace group out there...you are not alone.
by tunaa8ad
Sun Oct 08 2006She did a very good job in As Good as It Gets.
by limpin_trenchfoot
Thu Aug 31 2006I think she's hot, well sexy totty.At least she is in 'What women want' and 'Twister'. What else do you want?
by hellokitty09
Sun Apr 09 2006Is Helen Hunt in the witness protection program? I haven't seen her since Twister and Mad about you.
by tbellc28
Mon Oct 17 2005I, too, miss seeing her perform. Super actress!!
by ritacar
Sun Oct 16 2005I misse her so much. Great actress.
by lindamichelle
Tue Aug 02 2005amazing actress!!! Gorgeous!
by x_factor_z
Fri Apr 01 2005A good, but a terribly overregarded, actress.
by jimmy_m
Sun Feb 20 2005Absolutely beautiful actress, does good work,too. Her work in As Good As It Gets was as good as it gets
by theyrebothawfu_l
Mon Nov 01 2004Human debris - did you see Life (x)3? Absolutely painful to watch but I was impressed when she didn't flinch with John Turturro spitting all over her. Now that's acting.
by hotchick4chick_s
Mon Oct 25 2004Arrogant, overrated. Comes off like a real dyke.
by bboop2de
Tue Aug 10 2004Awesome talent. I wish she would do more in the movies!!!!
by opie_onion
Sat Jun 19 2004This is the prototype of what I used to want to bring home to mother. But she was born too late, and now I more than happy with who I did bring home. But Helen's a great actress and awfully easy on the eyes!
by marcm9999
Fri Jun 18 2004Highly overrated in everything she does. Always looks like she needs a bath.
by count_jacula
Tue May 11 2004This chick looks like she thinks her crap dont stink, and I just want her to know it DOES! Act more like a person and less like a stuck up snob and maybe you'll get some work. Until then, please stay home and off the big screen.
by blairwitch187
Wed Apr 14 2004She's ok. Though I do like that joke someone said about her...So we can go to hell n' hunt....
by guava_monkey
Fri Apr 02 2004Like Ellen Barkin she may not be a conventional beauty in the Hollywood sense but she has huge sex appeal. I cant keep my eyes off her when she's on screen. I liked her in 'Twister', 'What men want' and that one with Jack Nicolson. She can carry off average movies.
by archivist
Mon Oct 20 2003Truly a dream come true -- beauty, class, and intelligence
by jamestkirk
Wed Sep 24 2003Man, she is one of the very best actresses in Hollywood! How she is rated at this level by some on this poll and Reese Witherspoon is at the top along with a soap actress shows the high level of ignorance of too many who participate in this poll.
by kmg1171
Tue Aug 19 2003Helen Hunt is a wonderful actress. She was amazing in As Good as it Gets and Pay it Forward. The way she acts is just so natural and she never over-acts in any part she plays. There are too many actors and actresses who aren't believable because they over-act, but she doesn't. She chooses her movie roles wisely and is always playing a different type of character.
by marilynmili200_3
Wed Jul 23 2003Helen Hunt is an outstanding actress. I've loved all the movies I've seen her in, my favorite one was "What Women Want". As for the show "Mad About You" I watch it almost everyday and it is hilarious.
by malsy420
Sun Jul 06 2003Great Actress & loved her in What Women Want!!!!!
by redoedo
Sat Jun 07 2003Helen Hunt is just one of those actresses who I can't help but love. She has such a unique presence on screen, and she puts a 100% effort into her roles, and she always delivers a first class performance no matter what she is doing: comedy, drama, or romance. She fully deserved the 1997 Oscar for Best Actress for her amazing performance in "As Good As It Gets". She had such chemistry with Jack Nicholson, and there never was a dull moment. "As Good as It Gets" was probably one her best performances. She also had an equal chemistry with Mel Gibson in "What Women Want". And what an emotional performance in "Pay it Forward". Her character was so round and dynamic, and she played it perfectly. She was also good in "Twister" and "Cast Away". Helen Hunt is one hell of a talented actress with so much depth and range, and hopefully her career will experience success and longevity.
by philc01b
Wed Apr 02 2003As good as it gets!
by wildcoyote
Sun Jan 12 2003It is really weird to see that there are people capable of rating this excellent actress as terrible...I am sad with that, it is not fare! I give her the best rting possible, If I could vote 100 times, all 100 times I would vote GREAT ACTRESS, THE BEST!
by cammy4ec
Wed Dec 18 2002i have nothing to say, just go and see her movies. they speak for themselves.
by tomcat
Mon Dec 16 2002Quite possiblt the worst of all actresses. First of all she has the monotone voice the whole friggin time and has only 1 emotion. Like when Tom Hanks meet her in Cast Away after coming home she wasn't happy to see him at all. She said ''Oh, do you want some coffee?'' in her voice of hers. Quite dull.
by moocowmoo
Tue Nov 19 2002Ahhh, a perennial MooCow favorite, Helen Hunt nearly always manages to make it into the list of Top 20 Snugglebunnies. The MooCow thinks she is a marvelous actress who always commands the audience's sympathy. She is blessed with dazzling beauty, a sharp wit, and a professional moxie that has come from working many years in a rapacious business. The MooCow has nut'n but respect for Ms. Hunt, and the whole herd eagerly awaits her next creative venture. :=8)
by 37102002
Sat Nov 09 2002This will be a confusing rating. I think Helen Hunt is a very good actress. In Mad About You, and in the movies Twister and As Good As It Gets, she was awesome. BUT, I think she probably lacks range as an actress. Her voice is so unique that it wouldnt carry over to many other roles. She too has gotten better looking as she has reached her 30's.
by kyesbd0c
Sat Jul 20 2002I was debating between giving a 4 or a 5 but I guess I'll go with 5 cause I like her more than a few of the girls higher up on the list. The reason I was debating was cause she doesn't seem to have a lot of versatility. She seems like a really nice person and she can pull of dramatic scenes very well, and I love the way she always has such a unique and endearing way of saying her lines (as a fresh change from the stereotypical, overacting way of saying dramatic lines). I don't think she's one of the more finely-tuned actresses out there, but she seems down-to-earth and I really do enjoy watching her perform.
by loknudson
Sat Jan 12 2002Totally overrated.
by castlebee
Fri Jan 04 2002One of the few younger (more or less) actresses who is on the same par talent-wise as Meryl Streep. Helen has range and ability and her impressive work has covered a broad spectrum of both drama and comedy. I won’t say she was wasted on television’s “Mad About You”, but she did help make that show and it was evident that she could easily transcend the small screen. Which she obviously has done very successfully.
by darwin
Thu Jan 03 2002Helen Hunt is a great actess and can light up the screen without all the media hype, make up and braggadocio that most of the stars use today. I'd like to see her choose a role that is entirely different then what she's done to see if she still dazzles. In the mean time I'll settle for taking her out to dinner. :)
by rsouth10
Mon Jul 23 2001This is one actress who is not very convincing to me.
by hawk6c48
Tue Jun 26 2001I have been a fan of Helen Hunt for about 18 yrs now and I can tell you that after meeting her personally in New York last October that she is even more amazing in person than on film.I will definately keep shelling out the cash for her movies......she's one in a million.
by ewalka10
Thu Jun 21 2001I love Helen Hunt's work. My ultimate dream would be to meet her in person some day. She seems like a great person.I love her acting, the thing I have noticed about her is that she really does tend to stick to the parts where she is in a situation good and or bad with a male. She is good at it though, and if it is landing her more movie openings and giving me more chances to see her then it's fine with me. I need to see pay it forward, to see her paly the alcoholic role which is a change. I wish her luck and hope she continues to dominate the movie industry as the lead best female actress. No matter if she is not rated that way by Hollywood I still do.I would love to meet you some day Helen!
by poponyny
Tue May 22 2001Helen Hunt is very talented. I've seen many of her movies, including some of her older ones (loved Girls Just Want To Have Fun...). She was so great as Jamie Buchman in Mad About You! Also, she brought to life roles in As Good and Pay it Forward. Her acting seems "real" as does she, unlike a lot of actresses today!
by blushingbride
Tue May 01 2001Acting? She can get the job done. But her voice really starts to weigh heavy after a while- I think it's because she went from acting as a kid and as a teen right into acting in her adult years, so she never took a break to figure out how to let her voice come out- it just sounds whiny to me, and you'll notice that the more escalated a scene or situation gets the more whiny her voice gets. I think she is a good actress though, but a little dull- I can think of a handful of other actresses who could have also played the part of the lead in As Good As It Gets- and made the character stand out more. But by her it was not a bad performance- just the voice part bugs me.
by warectare
Fri Mar 23 2001Clone Helen Hunt's stereotyped character so males worldwide can have a wife just like Paul did in "Mad About You". She was perfect in that role, her character wan't perfect, didn't mind admitting it, and didn't hesitate in asking for forgiveness when she realized she had done something to hurt Paul. Hard to find a gal like that now-a-days. She looks awesome in jeans and a T-shirt too.
by nicolette
Sat Feb 17 2001I have always enjoyed the movies that she has appeared in. I would give her 5 stars, but I won't, simply because I am tired of seeing her in every big-budget movie that comes along.
by venus367
Thu Jan 25 2001I think she is a wonderful actress, Yes i do have to admit that her acting choses aren't as good as they can get... but the one's that she has been in has been spectactular. He's beautiful elegent and everything that i'd want to be when i'm her age.
by rascal1
Mon Jan 08 2001Helen Hunt is an extremely good actress who I admire. The movie "Twister" was one of the most thrilling movies I had seen. She did a very good job in my opinion. I do want to add; although everyone is intitled to their opinion I feel that if you can't say anything good about someone then you shouldn't say anything.
by iknowbest
Mon Jan 01 2001Helen Hunt is dazzling. I've seen almost all of her films, and she never ceases to impress me. She is an extremely beautiful woman who lights up the screen of every movie she is in. She has an amazing gift and talent for acting. My favorite Helen Hunt movie is Twister.
by rbraat
Thu Dec 28 2000She is a very mysterious and very intriguing. She is one of my favorite actresses and I enjoy all of her works. I think that "What Women Want" is her best yet. I have yet to see "Pay It Forward" and "Cast Away", but will soon.
by venusian
Tue Dec 26 2000She's perfomed all her roles incredibly well, and she deserves to be where she is right now. Really good in "Pay it Forward" (In which she acted as an alcoholic....very different from her other roles) and "What Women Want".
by kennyr
Mon Dec 18 2000Quite honestly, she has some "off" roles, but she bails the film out. Besides, each time she smiles, I forget even which movie or program she's in. No one is so pretty or has a smile like that . No one. Helen is simply awesome.
by firesign
Wed Dec 06 2000I think Helen Hunt is a wonderful actress! I just read an article on her and her husband Hank Azaria. Helen has several up coming movies with actors such as Kevin Spacey, Richard Gere, and Mel Gibson. Here is the link to the story enjoy! http://www.stariq.com/Main/Articles/P0001844.HTM
by siskelebert
Sun Nov 12 2000Earthy and attractive
by elizabethlies
Sat Nov 11 2000All Helen Hunt does is Helen Hunt - she juts out her chin, squints her eyes and wrinkles he forehead. Boring acting