
Approval Rate: 49%

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    Sun Jan 09 2011

    It depends on the situation and how high up. When I worked on aerial lifts, boom lifts and scissor lifts, the lowest lift height was 12 feet and the tallest I worked on was a 130 feet working height. Inside, or next to, a building I was ok but in the middle of a parking lot I was a little more nervous. I always pictured myself hanging by the end of my harness and spinning after some failure (I had to test the units during check-in and field repairs). Plus I worked with some clowns who would shut off the main power and leave me stuck in the air, as a joke, while they went on break.

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    Tue Nov 16 2010

    i used to be scarde of heights but then i started to climb trees :)

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    Tue Feb 23 2010

    Acrophobia (fear of heights) and claustrophobia are both largely mental. Through intense concentration and focus, you can eliminate those fears. At least that's how I do it. Take control of your mind, don't let it control you. Dizziness, nausea, sweating, etc. are all caused by the "fight or flight" trigger zones in the brain. The symptoms are a result of the adrenaline being pumped into the system. This is the same in all anxiety-related disorders. Most of the time, there is absolutely nothing to fear.

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    Tue Feb 23 2010

    Shaq and the guy who played Jaws in the Roger Moore Bond films frighten me, if that's what you are asking.

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    Tue Feb 23 2010

    It wierd that the older I get the more scared I get. I dont get sick on my stomach,but if I look around while Im high up i get dizzy.

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    Tue Jan 05 2010

    It's all fun and games until someone pushes you off the observation deck.

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    Tue Jan 05 2010

    I get suicidel thoughts when I'm at the top of the stairs looking down, I want to fall forward......... weird, right?

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    Fri Sep 25 2009

    I only like it if I know I won't fall.

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    Sat Sep 12 2009

    It's not the height that scares me, but the fall. I can handle them and I will be the first to volunteer to climb to the top of a construction area (I do this part time) so long as I know there is someway I can catch myself if I fall.

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    Mon Aug 10 2009

    It really depends what posisiton I am in. If I am in a posistion where I feel like I might fall, I get a little scared. When I was younger I didn't like stairs that weren't covered around the edges [like if you look down you can see through the stairs] but I am fine with it now. heights aren't a huge deal to me, but sometimes I may feel a little uncomfortable.

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    Sun Aug 09 2009

    i like heights to a certain point

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    Thu Aug 06 2009

    i have a phobia about height. very scary

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    Mon Mar 23 2009

    It's not so much the height as it is the potential to fall. Seriously. I can look out the window in a tall building or out the window of an airplane and I'm fine. I get past the third step on a ladder and my knees start shaking.

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    Mon Mar 23 2009

    Yes! Especially if its way high up and their is no guard or hand railing ect. Gives me the willies.

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    Mon Mar 23 2009

    i used to be, not anymore

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    Fri Jan 30 2009

    heights are cool

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    Tue Jan 13 2009

    I have a fear of heights to the point of gettting vertigo. When climbing a mountain this has proven to be a bit of a problem (I managed to cling to the ledge with my face to the wall long enough for it to pass - then didn't look down anymore). I nearly toppled off the second story when building my house (a friend pulled me away from the edge). And for all the slams against the movie "Titanic"... that shot off the bow of the boat when she was clinging on backwards and threatening to jump... also gave me vertigo. Basically, what we have here is a fatal combination of passing out at high altitude... the outcome does not look promising. (I also avoid high heels... there's no sense in taking any chances)

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    Sat Jan 10 2009

    Scared shitless.

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    Wed Dec 17 2008

    i fell when i was little

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    Fri Dec 12 2008

    I do have a slight problem with heights. I not sure if it's the possiblity of falling, or that one day I will list to that little voice that says, "Go on, jump!!!"

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    Thu Dec 11 2008

    yea i never really liked hights

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    Wed Dec 03 2008

    Suspecting that sudden STOP!

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    Wed Oct 22 2008

    Sometimes I realize that I am scared of heights and the rest of the time I live in denial that I'm not scared, which really helps when I'm faced with them.

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    Mon Oct 13 2008

    love rollor coasters the higher the better

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    Sat Oct 11 2008

    I like roller coasters and stuff but anything else high freaks me out!

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    Fri Oct 03 2008

    yeah its scares me unfortinately

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    Sat Sep 27 2008

    not rly

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    Mon Sep 22 2008

    I never used to be afraid of heights, but once I went on this hot air balloon that goes over Singapore and once we cleared the tops of the buildings around us it did get a little scary. It was more the fun kind of scary, like being on a rollercoaster.

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    Mon Sep 22 2008

    Nope.  Used to climb scaffolding for a contractor while working underage when I was 14- I never 'learned' to be scared of heights.  But I must admit that was only the experience of being 3-4 stories above ground looking straight down- I don't have the experience of window-washing outside of a skyscraper. . .

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    Mon Sep 08 2008

    is there a wall or railing?

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    Mon Aug 18 2008

    I'm particularly terrified of them. I let my wife have the window seat when we fly, which isn't often.

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    Thu Aug 14 2008

    i don't want to get out of my comfort zone not high enough that if I jump I can feel the pressure all the way up my body

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    Mon Aug 11 2008


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    Mon Aug 11 2008

    Lil' bit...

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    Fri Aug 08 2008

    not really the height, but the fear of falling from it.

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    Fri Aug 01 2008

    I am not a fan of heights.  I fly in planes frequently and that is no problem to me, however littler things like open mall escalators or glass siding on a second floor sometimes get to me.  I dont go bonkers, but I still get a bit antsy.

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    Sun Jul 20 2008


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    Sun Jul 13 2008

    As long as i have a railing thats strong, or a sense of control over the situation, than heights are great, its when I feel not protected or out of my element that heights are scary

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    Sun Jul 13 2008

    LOVE EM!!

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    Sat Jul 12 2008


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    Thu Jul 10 2008

    not scary, I have a good sense of balance and I don't throw myself over the edge of things.

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    Wed Jul 09 2008

    how high?

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    Wed Jul 09 2008

    I'm not scared on roller coasters, just when i'm climbing something high up.

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    Tue Jul 08 2008

    I don't like heights!

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    Tue Jul 08 2008


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    Sun Jul 06 2008
