Health Care Reform
Approval Rate: 71%
Reviews 13
by raygun
Tue Mar 23 2010ACLJ's Comprehensive Legal Strategy Challenging Health Care With the stroke of a pen, President Obama signed into law the pro-abortion health care legislation that most Americans don't want but will be forced to purchase. We have a comprehensive litigation strategy that we're employing to challenge the constitutionality of this flawed measure. Numerous states - including Virginia and Florida - are going to court immediately filing lawsuits against this new law. We will be filing amicus briefs on behalf of thousands of our supporters in the lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of the health care law by numerous states. We appreciate the hundreds of thousands who stood with us in the legislative fight over this health care bill. Now that it is law, the battle moves to the courts. Join with us and add your name to our Constitutional Committee to Challenge the President & Congress on Health Care. The fact is that this health care law is a constitutionally-flawed measure t... Read more
by genghisthehun
Wed Jan 20 2010The Dumbocrats want to name this bill the Edward Kennedy Health Care Act. Considering what shape both are in on Janaury 20, 2010, one year after Barack Hussein was crowned, this seems so appropriate.
by chalky
Wed Dec 16 2009Update: I feel like 'Unsolved Mysteries.' I would probably kill this importation of prescription drugs from Canada, no public option, no medicare buy-in.....nobody even brought up single's just a fucking sham and makes me realize even more, how both parties are just the same....most of those Senators just care about themselves and their stupid earmarks, and their stupid trade missions to tropical climates. What a bunch of stupid fuckers. This bill isn't going to do much to improve our already shitty healthcare system. Update: It's more on the Congress but now the medicare buy-in is gone....the health care bill is a sham. I hate the Democrats for having the ability to make big changes but there isn't going to be because it's the same fucking bullshit system we've had all along but w/little change. Democrats are a fucking sham, and those who buy into them are crazy. They just wanted to look like they wanted to do a public option just to look good. Anyway, I h... Read more
by victor83
Tue Dec 15 2009If I were a leftist who didn't understand or didn't care about the US Constitution, I'd give Obama an A here. After all, he has busted a gut trying to nationalize one-sixth of the US economy on the road to socialist utopia. Problem is, the government can't do it better, and this whole notion of universal healthcare is in fact unconstitutional.
by ridgewalker
Tue Dec 15 2009Calling this legislation Health Care Reform is like calling Cash for Clunkers "Bowling Rules Reform". This Health Care fiasco has little to do with health in making the system better for the care of peoples' health and reducing the causes of ill health. It's about shaking up the insurance industry. It's hard to convince people that 1 + 1 = 3. Right?
by abichara
Fri Dec 04 2009I'm willing to give Obama an incomplete grade on this account, given only because, in all fairness, the final bill hasn't passed yet and likely won't until sometime next year. The Baucus legislation with the health care mandates remains the most likely bill to pass. This is bad legislation that represents a massive giveaway to favored health care companies, all at the expense of the American public. I still need to see the final legislation though before deeming final judgement.
by fitman
Fri Dec 04 2009Looks like we're about to be scammed again. As if W's Medicare Part D swindle wasn't enough (it increased prescription costs for those least able to pay and gave the rich drug discounts they didn't need), we're now going to see major wealth re-distribution from the working classes and indigent poor to major insurance companies and the "health care" industry disguised as "Health Care Reform". Meanwhile, the nation's in dire need of a single payer system focused on prevention of disease, but we're not going to get it from these frauds. Note: It should go without saying that the Guardians Of Privilege are not a viable alternative to the Decomrats. If they had their way, only the wealthy would have access to medicine.
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Tue Dec 01 2009It is quite evident that there has to be something done in the United States regarding the health care. I do understand that there are a lot of people who need something, so many without any kind of health insurance at all, through no fault of their own. Either the company they work for don't offer any kind of insurance or insurance is so high that one cannot afford it. I have been following this health care issue for quite a while, and it does concern me greatly. I do believe some of Obama's policy is good while there is still a lot that needs to be ironed out.
by misspackrat4je_sus
Tue Dec 01 2009Mostly everyone knows that this United States is long overdue for some kind of workable program when it comes to taking care of the health of our own. I mean one that nearly everyone can basically agree on, regardless of party, class, or background. I can understand that there are many that wouldn't need to use this program, and therefore, shouldn't be penalized if they prefer to stay with their insurance of choice. But at the same time, I can see the need for something for the many in this country who have absolutely no way out, some of who already are suffering with pre-existing conditions, and taking care of themselves with the little means that they can muster, and hitting dead ends. All I know is, it's only been a year, with three left until the next term. This country is in a big mess, and it's going to take a long time to clean up. But we will get nowhere unless Democrats, Republicans, and the few "third parties" in Congress work together. And those who are of the Christi... Read more
by louiethe20th
Mon Nov 30 2009What ever happened to listening to the majority? This plan does not decrease costs it increases them and it does not improve quality, it lowers it. We begin paying for it 3 years before it is implemented? Are you kidding me? I can just see someone going to the car dealer: "Mr. Johnson you will need to pay on the car 3 years before you can drive it!"
by numbah16tdhaha
Mon Nov 30 2009Handling of public scrutiny has been laughable at best. Sure, something should happen in this area, but to this point I think that Obama has struck out on the issue.
by astromike
Mon Nov 30 2009At what cost to us tax payers?!!! Thats the cloudy part I dont trust! Current healthcare is WAY too expensive, i agree to that, but Obamas' plan definately wont be "universal healthcare" like he promoted. I have serious concerns that their is most definately going to be a cost, and we all don't live in California and cant afford insurance or more expensive governenment run insurance at that. How much will it cost people making less then 50,000/yr or less?
by ayn9b559
Mon Nov 30 2009I'm not against health care reform, having lived in Canada for four years I can see that it works. But, I'm reserving judgement until I see how this thing plays out here in the states.