Headline News
Approval Rate: 78%
Reviews 23
by nate1163
Fri Jun 26 2009Headline news is my favorite news network. I love Nancy Grace.
by cptve573
Sat Oct 11 2008Still a pretty good news network even with the additions of Nancy Grace and Glenn Beck. Robin Meade in the mornings is excellent.
by phiftiesmass
Thu Jul 24 2008Caters to the Republicans.
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Sat May 24 2008I'm glad I have this channel. It's one of the better news programs.
by denves07
Sun Dec 30 2007I like Christa Paul...
by genghisthehun
Thu Apr 06 2006This was a nice addition to the cable array and even though a CNN deal, it is still very useful. Don't watch it for more than an hour unless the news is constantly changing. They recycle the same stuff very often.
by kairho
Sat Nov 05 2005They seem to have gotten away from 100% news coverage and into some features lately. Thus, the incentive to visit for a news fix is tempered by unwanted broadcasting. And there's no need to hang around as there is always another channel with hard news available.
by bonniebell
Sat Nov 06 2004It's a good news show if you can't comprehend anything unless you've heard it 500 times.Rudi is a cutie,but how can you stand the nasal voice?
by jglscd35
Mon May 24 2004seems to be designed for those with a short attention span, but any network with the persian goddess rudi bakhtiar is ok in my book.
by redbird294
Tue Jan 20 2004Well, there's not much to say about Headline News, other than it does what it was supposed to do...give you the news in easy-to-digest, half-hour blocks. It also serves as the AAA farm club for CNN, as you'll regularly see Headline News anchors subbing for the big guys on the mother network. I would suggest giving Holly Firfer and Erica Hill regular slots SOMEWHERE (more of these women would be a plus) and plenty of Rudi Bakhtiar all over the place. Why hasn't she been called up to CNN yet? What are they waiting for? She could be the centerpiece of a newsbabe lineup that just might give some Fox News some competition....maybe. The HN roster has some potential, with Rudi, Holly, Erica, Linda Stouffer, Christi Paul, Robin Meade, and even Sophia Choi. CNN can't use this group? CNN's daytime programming needs these ladies NOW, 'cause it's suffering right now. Anyway, back to the subject....Headline News pretty average; not good, not bad, but right there in the middle.
by tdubya71
Sat Oct 11 2003A good place to get headlines, but there is some bias and the stupid overemphasis on tickers.
by icemanatantart_ica
Sat Aug 30 2003Yes, they repeat themselves (watch it from 12 AM to 6AM on a weekday-it's taped) but in an hour I can get the news I want and within a half hour most news. Maybe I wouldn't watch it if I liked any of the anchors of my local stations or for that matter any of the news anchors of CBS, NBC, and ABC. Watch it for an hour-then give a few hours watch iy again for an hour-I'm caught up.
by sundance70
Wed Apr 16 2003My main source for news. Rudi Bakhtiar is cute as a button too.
by philc01b
Wed Mar 26 2003Too much of the same thing. I can't take it for long and would rather watch news on other stations.
by shnikees
Sat Mar 22 2003It would be helpful if we could see some of the reporter's faces.
by bigbaby
Mon Feb 24 2003Repeats itself every 30 minutes. Too much outdoor updates. They have plain headlines without going into any details at all. Watch FoxNews.
by frency
Sun Feb 23 2003All the headlines, no in depth analysis. I want to know more , better than regular CNN though. Thank God for Fox and sometimes MSNBC.
by jason1972
Thu Jan 23 2003This show stays on at work all day, and it was a cool concept to show just news because not everyone cares about Lou Dobbs' portfolio, but hearing the same news every 30 minutes does get repetitive. I also notived they show the same set of commercials for a month til they go to another set of commercials. They seem to love Gatweway and Progressive Insurance.
by lukskywlkr
Thu Jan 09 2003This channel's okay for about an hour, then it keeps repeating itself over and over and gets tedious.
by mario500
Sat Nov 30 2002If you want a quick report on the news, CNN Headline News is the channel to watch. For some years, it appears they are trying to get younger viewers tuned in to the news. For example, all the graphics that fill up much of screen, which I suppose is part of the quick news reporting. Even with all those graphics, Headline News is still one of the great sources for news.
by daveycoon
Fri Oct 18 2002Headline news? Don't you mean Headline SPAM? I tried to watch Headline News. I really tried. But I just can't. When I watch news, all I really want is someone sitting there and telling me...well, the news. But with Headline News, I get the bottom third of my screen filled with a huge mishmosh of banners and sports scores and weather report and stock tickers and blah blah blah. Then, they take what's LEFT of my screen, and subdivide that even further, putting the story of interest in one corner and a gratuitous dumbed-down graphic in the other. I just can't watch this. It hurts my eyes and my brain. Maybe I can turn off the video and just listen - Headline News would make a great radio show. Get rid of the spammy graphics and frames and go back to just delivering news and maybe you'll get a few viewers.
by callmetootie
Mon Jul 30 2001More news? That no news to me.
by boonta23
Tue Mar 27 2001Headline News is the only show I watch in the morning from 9 - 11 AM. It's coverage of everything important nationally is great!