Hawaii Five-O
Approval Rate: 73%
Reviews 24
by darkpalace
Wed Sep 15 2010I was never interested in this even though it was in Hawaii. There seemed nothing of HI in it. The guy just used to irritate me. The only time it was interesting was when a Chinese girl did good acting of having been attacked. The other time there was a Hawaiian man who put a curse on the place. I think it was that show what else. But it is just TV. I am so thrilled to know it is being redone. There may have been more that were ok. It is just boring if you want to follow their plots ok.
by irishgit
Fri Feb 13 2009People in my condo frequently leave books or music or DVDs they don't want in the lobby of the building. The other day I found the complete second season, and have been watching a few episodes, the first time I've done so in more than a dozen years. I was surprised to find that it stands up reasonably well. Jack Lord is stone awful of course, but the supporting cast isn't bad, and some of the scripts are reasonably intelligent, despite a tendency for "miracle happens here" police work. Some humorously euphemistic stuff too. In one episode Dano masquerades as a soldier on leave from Vietnam to question a "hostess," and winds up getting loaded and evidently banging her, a pattern which repeats for several days. Of course, being 1960's TV, they waltz around any notion that any impropriety occurred, although the cast members smirk constantly through the appropriate sequences. And of course there's that great theme music...
by spike65
Tue Apr 08 2008All well done crime show. You are either a Jack Lord fan or you aren't. I'm not. I think Hawaiian Eye was more enjoyable for its' time.
by virilevagabond
Fri Sep 01 2006Since this series didn't get its legs until the 1970's, a few stars are lost as a 60's show, but even with that said, I never could really get into "Hawaii Five-O". For starters, the screenwriters concentrated too much on McGarrett (Jack Lord) for an ensemble cast, and if memory serves McGarrett spent most of his screen time in the office, leaving most of the real dirty work (and action) to Danno (James MacArthur) and company. With that said, "Hawaii Five-O" had one of the best theme songs for any television show of any decade.
by genghisthehun
Sun Jul 30 2006This was generally good stuff with McGarrett, Danno and the rest of the force copping the mopes in paradise. "Book 'em Danno!"
by masters
Wed May 31 2006Jack Lord was to Hawaii what John Wayne was to the Wild West. Both were law enforcers. Aloha!
by doobiesnhof
Sat May 27 2006"Book him Dano!"
by rjy22751
Wed Aug 17 2005one of the best cop shows ever!
by jglscd35
Wed Dec 01 2004i consider this more of a 70's show:although it got its start in the 60's it ran the entire run of the seventies and actually lasted into 1980. i want this one on dvd as well.
by coco13a8
Wed Jun 02 2004I loved Hawaii Five-0 while I was a kid, and I still love it now. I think Jack Lord as McGarrett and James MacArthur as Danno had great on screen chemistry together. Sure some of the shows were bombs, but when your on for 12 years, not every show can be great. Overall it was a good show with interesting stories.
by urethramiacin
Sat Mar 20 2004Wish they had added William Smith as Kimo before the final season. The guy was built. Book me Kimo!
by kiddynamite
Mon Jan 12 2004Best tv theme song in history, better than average show
by phlip_tout
Wed Dec 31 2003Used to love the show. Now it's like watching paint dry. It used to be Allright! McGarrett's gonna get the bad guy! Now it's Yeah yeah yeah, McGarrett's gonna get the bad guy.
by brian_joseph
Thu Dec 18 2003A good show, I watch it on ch56 here in los angeles and it seems I keep seeing a lot of the same ones over and over. I know there are more since shows, this was on for a number of years. Would like to hear from fans in other parts of the country, do you have the same problem? Is it just the station here in L.A.?
by ursuspolaris00
Wed May 21 2003Longest running crime drama....enough said!
by moosekarloff
Mon Apr 28 2003The Hawaiian locales and use of native actors gave this show a genuine feel of authenticity, but the acting was just fair and the writing sucked. Jack Lord was a pompous blowhard, which made this show unwatchable most of the time.
by piper_norman
Sun Mar 23 2003oh yes it was they are also making a new Hawaiifive-o movie and it will go on the top 10 so haha.
by grizman
Sun Jan 19 2003Yes, Jack Lord over-acted and some recurring themes (e.g the threat of "red" China, stereotyping of potheads) are dated, but the show has much to recommend it. The use of Honolulu -- and occasionally the other islands -- as a backdrop for the show was brilliant and many viewers tuned in simply for glances of the "exotic" island. Much has changed in Honolulu since the show began filming in 1968. The show deserves credit for extensive use of native Hawaiians as actors (in both regular and bit roles), even if McGarrett and Dan Williams were haoles. Finally, the show tackled some "timeless" issues such as terrorism, environmental degradation, and race in a fairly progressive fasion. I was fascinated by this show as a kid, and enjoy watching reruns in syndication to this day.
by callmetootie
Mon Jul 30 2001In my TV mind, this show goes into the top 10 worst shows of all time.
by marriedaniac
Fri Mar 23 2001Did Jack Lords' blinking substitue for his acting?
by jefroe20
Fri Mar 23 2001A good show,but yes,it has dated.always interesting to watch,it didn't take itself to seriously,except for Jack Lord.Was there ever an actor more vain or pompous?
by polly8ca
Sat Jan 13 2001book em danno
by kaat5793om
Tue Apr 11 2000"Hawaii Five-O" may be among TV's most dated shows. Its characters (especially villains like the infamous Wo Fat and Big Chicken) are cliched, its scenes drawn from an early 70s cameraman's handbook. It continues to run successfully in syndication due to its exotic locale, its dramatic musical score, and the Herculean (at times dictatorial) stamp of its star, Jack Lord. "Book 'em, Dano" became a TV catch phrase, ultimately outliving the show.
by magellan
Wed Nov 03 1999The song is cool...I don't remember much else.