Harry Potter
Approval Rate: 69%
Reviews 0
by christianmarti_nez
Sat Jan 30 2010If you like the books it's almost impossible to dislike the character himself. Notice I say almost, I am aware of those who do and like the books for others. I liked Harry Potter but, in the fifth book I found myself dragging my feet through reading because of how he was written. Overall though I love the character.
by cosmicjellybab_y
Tue Nov 03 2009Oh man I love this set of books. Any good book is a passport to another time, another world or whatever, but this seems to have such an appeal stronger than many. It is better than whisky to allow you to lose yourself, to forget your troubles and unlike whisky once it's time to return and face them, you're still capable of actually doing so.
by biman7777
Mon Nov 02 2009I like this character. I have always been fond of magic and spells.
by jedi58
Thu Jul 16 2009Harry Potter is your average hero - a destiny and greatness is thrust upon him under tragic circumstances and his own fate is inexplicably linked to the greatest villain the wizarding world has ever known. On his hero's journey he is aided by his friends, and by the wisened wizard, Albus Dumbledore who set him on the path for a final confrontation with his mortal enemy.
by logfan0820
Thu Jan 22 2009woot harry is awesome
by evy2526
Wed Sep 24 2008My favorite character... Not original I know :P
by elizabeth0216
Sun Aug 03 2008I think that Harry Potter is a great story. JK Rowling did an excellent job of creating diverse characters, and a story line that follows through: beginning to end. However, I would not suggest it as reading material for children. While the first three books are light with cute plots, I would describe the last four to be a bit too far on the dark side. I would never let my children read these books until are 16 and understand that teenage rebellion and rule breaking will not be accepted. But me and my husband have found them fun to read together.
by carrollcountyk_id
Sat Jul 19 2008Who is Harry Potter? What does he do? Is he running for something? He must be a politician since I see his name a lot.
by whatupman
Fri May 30 2008there good books even though ive only read the third one. But the other ones look good with their majical colors.
by shithappens
Thu Sep 13 2007i´m in love with harry potter...i´m hermine granger...i hate ron!
by ral4eebb
Sun Aug 26 2007harry potter is a great character. he is so...real. seriously, his emotions and feelings are pin-pointed to what a teenager would feel. Rowling did a great job with this character. Hes not perfect, but hes damn near close, and he tries to be the best and he is very kind to people (dobby, luna) that usually people would disregard. and hes courteous and respectful. but, like anyone, has a temper that occasionally flares. and hes not moody or depressed, hes just soo normal, but its awesome, cuz he seems so nice and cool.
by mcruljancich
Wed May 09 2007Harry Potter, in general, is a fantastic work of "fantastic fiction." I would definitely recommend it to any and all -- the books, that is. I give the Harry Potter Series a five out of five!
by jmb1239e
Tue Feb 27 2007ilove u
by rachel16
Tue Jan 30 2007ok DANIEL RADCLIFF aint cute hes HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love all his movies that he plays in.iI absolutly admire him its so cool too cuz his b-day is 1 day b-4 mine and he'll be 17 and ill be 17. his b-day is on the 25th of july and mines the 26th.Im the biggest fan i have all his books and movie i a whole bunch of stuff with him on it so please all yall daniel radcliff/harry potter haters out there jus shut up.and yall hoe who say stuff bouthim do wat u do best and swollow it.
by jdpotter
Sat Jul 01 2006Harry Potter ROCKS!!
by charmedone1393
Sat Feb 25 2006If you don't have something nice to say about Harry, don't say a word because not only are you dissing Harry, you're dissing half the world's population which I am included in. I am the biggest Harry Potter fan you'll ever meet. I can't even express my obsession in words. So just a warning to all you Harry-haters, don't even post anything on this board because it REALLY grates on my nerves and it's mean.
by ladylove
Sun Feb 05 2006Harry should not be judged by those who have not read the book. Hating him just because it's something to have an opinion about is stupid. There are so many other things to call your attention to, why bother to fiegn importance if you won't even take the time to be informed? That being said, I personally think Harry and his emotions through growing up are wonderfuly portrayed and I can't wait for the seventh book.
by harry_potter_fan
Wed Dec 21 2005hes nice
by soxfan
Mon Dec 12 2005When Harry Potter starts competing with the Iraq war as the top news story, I think maybe it's getting just a little too hyped! That being said, I nevertheless give credit to JK Rowling from being a single homeless mother living on welfare, to having more money than the Queen on England. I say good for her!
by newwtant7
Thu Dec 08 2005well I just went and seen the most recent harry potter movie and i was dissapointed, i mean the movie was ok but it could've been way better if the director had actually read the book. Every part of the movie had holes in it. all it was about was about the triwizard tournament, it showed no school time whatsoever except for one scene. they need to get someone like peter jackson to direct these movies.
by alias_girl
Sun Nov 20 2005I Love you Harry! Can't wait for all your books and movies!
by ndfeb39a
Fri Oct 07 2005Have to give him a 5 because he is what every kid wants to be. Not just the magic aspect, but also his qualties and morals.
by middlefinger
Sun Sep 04 2005He's on cool kid! I like him and I like everything he stands for: goodness, kindness, helping others, fighting evil, etc., etc.
by wscott
Sun Aug 21 2005I saw an interview with Rowling done by the BBC. The interviewer was forthright and asked Rowling if she wasn't a very greedy person with all this business of suing and injunctions against book stores for bringing out this stuff before the due date. Rowling looked a bit shocked...she reminded me of an alcoholic who had just been caught. If her books are as bad as some say ( I have never read any of them and am not really planning to ) it makes me wonder what is happening to literacy in the modern world.
by actingangie
Sat Jul 23 2005Harry has joined the ranks of the true literary heroes. He's got a pure soul, brave and intelligent. He's willing to fight and lose. And, if one actually reads all the books, one can understand why he's angry - it's total frustration. The heros of books rarely get the applause they deserve from their public. We tend to fall in love wtih characters we can expand to our own uses - like Remus Lupin, or Hagrid, or Snape.
by cherrysoda99
Thu Jun 30 2005Harry is a brave, herioc boy, wise beyond his years. He's nice, the hero and main character of the story. He's been through a lot, but he's still smiling.
by danny10
Thu Mar 31 2005I think that all the moives and books are great!!! I love Harry Potter and Daniel Radcliff!!!!!
by claymate_100
Fri Feb 18 2005harry is an awesome charater. he's brave loyal and heroic. i would have gien him 5 stars if not 4 his temper. he cant just go chucking every item in dumbledores office just because he's angry. god he needs an anger management course
by claire_baril
Sun Feb 06 2005Harry Potter is so cute,I meen Daniel Raddcliff.
by ajay29e4
Tue Dec 14 2004By Ajay,Toronto,ON It's a great book with spectacular ending.Harry Potter is one of the best book and movie I have ever read or seen.10/10 I
by dixiegurl404
Wed Oct 20 2004i love harry but he needs to find a better way to manage his anger than yelling at dumbledore.
by pj73ec7f
Fri May 28 2004Harry is the best out of all the characters in the books. He is smart, brave and a hero.
by cailin_malafe
Sun Feb 22 2004Okay Harry Potter rocks! He is strong, brave, stubborn, loyal, modest, humble and always there for his friends. he has a lot placed upon his shoulders, what with the prophecy and all. He has seen a lot of people die, and he takes all the blame. In the fourth and fifth book, when his temper became more...howdoyousay, wild, he has every right to become upset! Think about it, people, he has a blood-thirsty, biased, cynical, half-blooded evil snake monster named Tom Marvolo Riddle, aka Voldemort, after his blood, his parents died to save him, Sirius, and Cedric died (he blames himself for their deaths, even though it wasn't his fault in the beginning. how was he supposed to know?) he's always kept in the dark. All he wants is to be a normal fifteen-year old teenager. He never asked to be the savior of the wizarding and muggle world. He never asked to live with the Dursley's for eleven years, treated like dirt, constantly called a freak. Even after all those things happened, Harry still man... Read more
by angelcure
Fri Feb 20 2004Harry is generally alright, he's brave and loyal, but he's been gettin on my nerves with his bad temper... hope he gets better in the next books...
by deigratia22
Thu Feb 12 2004I like Harry, he's the hero of the books after all and he's definitely a great wizard. He's going through normal teenage things and I think his attitude changes during book 5 especially were to be expected. He was a little annoying but overall he's a well-rounded character.
by spongebobfan
Wed Feb 04 2004harry potter is a loser in the movie the books are ok they just get worse evrey time. just like whateverlyness says harry potter must die!
by lauren33
Thu Jan 01 2004I think I would be a little testy too if I had to live with the Dursleys... And I don't think he's a nerd, I rather like him.
by spirit
Mon Dec 15 2003He's okay during all the books except OotP. Here he is just childish and immature.
by moonchild
Mon Dec 08 2003I just don`t get why he has to be such a nerd! Can`t he be cool and fight evil at the same time? Why does he have to be so geeky? And also, I hate how feisty he became in the fourth and fifth books, he is just so testy there! If I were Hermione or Ron, I would have dumped his sorry ass long time ago, if he was treating me like that. And seems like they don`t mind being sidekicks at all. Lucky for Harry, that people actually want to be friends with someone so grumpy. I think the next book should be called Harry Potter and The Perils of Puberty.
by whateverlyness
Sat Sep 20 2003harry potter must die!
by snlgirl
Wed Jul 16 2003Harry is the whole reason the books exist! I'm getting kind of annoyed thoug at how he always has to save the day. Also, he is very irresponsible, and he's always looking for trouble.