Harold Heard
Approval Rate: 78%
Reviews 0
by frankswildyear_s
Thu Dec 08 2011I think that his photo accurately portrays him as both conservative and simple. UPDATE: I see from his Facebook page that he has ordered bumper stickers so clearly he's a contender. 2nd UPDATE: From a look at his Facebook page it appears his campaign doesn't seem to have much traction. Perhaps its time to begin strategic tweeting of body parts. 3rd UPDATE: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Everything-was-going-wrong-Then-I-heard-Harold-singing/295626197390?sk=wall
by ralphthewonder_llama
Thu Jun 16 2011Who gives a fuck? It's not like anyone elected is going to make any difference whatsoever. Our economy is going to tank, the dollar is going to implode, and there is absolutely nothing anyone can do. “Now there are two ‘functions’ in a democracy: The specialized class, the responsible men, carry out the executive function, which means they do the thinking and planning and understand the common interests [‘how do they get into the position where they have the authority to make decisions…by serving people with real power…the ones who own the society’]. Then, there is the bewildered herd, and they have a function in democracy too. Their function in a democracy, [Lippmann] said, is to be ‘spectators,’ not participants in action. But they have more of a function than that, because it’s a democracy. Occasionally they are allowed to lend their weight to one or another member of the specialized class. In other words, they’re allowed to say, ‘We want you to be our leader’ or ‘We want you to b... Read more
by anonuser
Wed Jan 05 2011Not a chance in hell!
by irishgit
Tue Nov 16 2010This guy appears to have suggested himself as an item on this list. From the look of his website, he has a better chance of getting hit by a piece of a disintigrating Soviet satellite than he does of getting the GOP nomination, but what the hell, I guess it's keeping him off the streets. UPDATE: Based on what I see, his campaign team and supporters consist of people he's related to. He better have a damn big family if he expects his political fantasy to go much further. From the look of his resume, he's a little thin when it comes to stuff like public policy or administration. This guy makes Obama or Palin look like Thomas Jefferson by comparison. Whatever his skills in his current field of endeavor may be, it is a hubris to the point of folly to assume they translate into desireable attributes as a presidential candidate. See for yourself: http://www.plaxo.com/directory/profile/77309594752/ 6ffce9c3/Harold/Heard Update: The fact that this twerp is, as of today, fifteenth... Read more
by retovami
Sat Sep 04 2010He's not a career politician, I'm in. Someone need to take a "real" fresh look at the career politicians in office today and history shows that it was simple citizens (working men and women) that made this country and it only took career politicians to break it. Go get them Mr. Heard, and let me know how I can help here in Iowa
by haroldheard
Sun Aug 29 2010First I would like to say; thank you everyone for your comments. I have been exceptionally busy as I continue building a successful campaign while at the same time also helping out other strong conservative mined candidate’s who are working on the current election cycle. These are good times for all conservative minded people and those who are working to restore America to it founding principles; I will only focus on what my campaign is working on for in the next election cycle; the removal of the cancerous socialist(s) from the American political system and the current President by voting him out of office in 2012. His failed policies are and will continue to stifle our great nation and must be completely repealed, continuing down the path of entitlements will only lead to the dead of a nation, and we have all seen what is happening in Greece. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/12/business/economy/ 12leonhardt.html I look forward to intellectual conversation with other Presidential... Read more
by fitman
Fri Aug 27 2010If not for folks poking fun on RIA, I'd have never heard of Heard. Doubt he'll get too far on a platform of abolishing Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, Workmens' Compensation, Medicare, etc. American workers may be ignorant, but they're not that stupid.
by jester002
Fri Aug 27 2010Personally, this guy doesn't even rate a bleep on the radar screen and stands out like a pimple on an fleas ass.
by kathy_r_heard
Fri Aug 27 2010For most concerned Americans, the first two comments are totally meaningless to us American voters who are interested in other people's point of view and decision to attempt to better or faulting country. Even the smallest of voices are heard. Instead, I would encourage meaningful and helpful comments, debate intelligently, and get to know the person before you pose a statement. Let's get serious, get to know possible candidates, then draw an intelligent, substantial and meaningful opinion. Why would a non-American citizen, who does not live in America and has no voting rights in America, post a non-viable candidate review on any possible US presidential candidate?
by sindy_heard
Thu Aug 26 2010It is time to get back to the true values that brought this country forward. I have no doubt in my heart that this candidate has what it takes to turn this country around. Do your homework people!