Hal Lindsey
Approval Rate: 72%
Reviews 0
by robert_tilton
Sat May 05 2012Another end-times whackjob. Predicted the rapture would occur in 1981, followed by the 7-year Tribulation and the return of Jesus in 1988. Sold a shitload of books. Made a lot of money. Turned out his prophecy was bullshit. Still has a TV show. I guess some people really are stupid.
by genghisthehun
Thu Dec 23 2010I used to get his paperback books in the mail about 20 or so years ago, and I catch him on the tube once in a while. I'll tell you that he scared the life out of the gang at Murphy's Strip Bar and Armenian Grill with his end time prophecies before the Millennium rolled around.We all went home on New Years Eve December 31, 1999, knowing that the end was upon us. We had all gotten our free paperbacks from Hal, you see. Well the next day we all woke up with hangovers, and nothing happened including Y2K. We all showed up at Murph's, nursed our hangovers, and listened to the Hunnic Band playing away. I think I even requested Auld Lang Syne. Of course the gang at Murph's never realized at the time that the Millennium actually started in 2001 since there was no Year Zero.
by sadiecat
Sun Aug 22 2010Hal Lindsey has a real grasp on world events as related to Christ return. Wish he was on every day.
by djahuti
Fri Aug 20 2010Guess the poor bastards broke since they won't put Barney Miller on syndication.What a shame he has to stoop to such a low profession....
by irishgit
Thu Aug 19 2010I loved this guy in Barney Miller Awwww shit.... Wrong guy again....
by aposor
Sun Mar 14 2010When it comes to end times prophecy Hal Lindsey is second to none. He is the watchman at the gates..and the salt of the earth. We are truly blessed to have him.
by joned4da
Thu Feb 19 2009Hal (serial polygamist) Lindsey and other pretrib-rapture-trafficking and Mayan-Calendar-hugging hucksters deserve the following message: "2012 may be YOUR latest date. It isn't MAYAN!" Actually, if it weren't for the 179-year-old, fringe-British-invented, American-merchandised pretribulation rapture bunco scheme, Hal would still be piloting a tugboat on the Mississippi. roly-poly Thomas Ice (Tim LaHaye's No. 1 strong-arm enforcer) would still be in his tiny folding-chair church which shares its firewall with a Texas saloon, Jack Van Impe would still be a jazz band musician, Tim LaHaye would still be titillating California matrons with his "Christian" sex manual, Grant Jeffrey would still be taking care of figures up in Canada, Chuck Missler would still be in mysterious hush-hush stuff that rocket scientists don't dare talk about, and John Hagee might be making - and eating - world-record pizzas! To read more details about the eschatological British import that leading British scholar... Read more
by loveschatter
Thu Jan 01 2009We like Hal. We feel he is Holy Spirit filled and hits Prophecy right on the head. God bless :-)
by west2nd
Fri Aug 08 2008A nut.
by blue47
Tue Oct 02 2007Another clown! Hey Hal, you missed predicting 9/11 two hurricanes, and the recent tornado. Does anyone really take this goomer serious? I'd like to know. His show, Intelligent Report, trying to make it look like real news. He needs to get a good news service, BBC or All thing Considered, a good history book, and probably a good science book wouldn't hurt. Where does he come up with this stuff. Does he have writers on drugs tthat make all this stuff up. LOL Some of it is quite funny. it is easy to predict things after the fact!Hal, you're getting a little fat aren't you? Eating well off all that scare scam money!
by questioneveryt_hing
Sun Sep 16 2007He can be seen on TBN
by mariusqeldroma
Tue Jul 24 2007edt has a point. Scripture does say "No man knows the day nor the hour, not the angels, not even the Son, but only the Father." Just get yourself ready to go and be about the work, people. Let God worry about the when.
by frex64
Mon Jul 23 2007A tired rehasher of biblical simple minded fundemaentalism. Not a serious religious figure.
by edt4226d
Mon Jul 23 2007Was very popular in the 1970's. Sort of lost steam when he predicted the end of the world by a certain date, and it didn't happen. When will these apocalyptists ever learn?
by greggorange
Mon Jul 23 2007What a loudmouthed, "doom and gloom", blowhard, tinhorn, sensationalistic jerk! He can float on down the creek for all I care.
by step2it
Sun Jun 24 2007The Hal Lindsey report is not geared towards small minds but to individuals who are ready to be challenged towards what is happening now and how it may impact the future. I don't recall Hal Lindsey giving any dates of what is going to happen just predictions. He offers a different prospective besides CNN,FOX, MSNBC and other news stations I find what he says confusing at times however anyone that can challenge people to look at things more then just one way is good.
by godalmighty
Thu May 17 2007A complete idiot. A total imbicile. A buffoon, a clown, a moron, and a joke. And those are his good qualities!
by thehappysinner_666
Tue May 01 2007This goofball has sold millions of books. That's proof positive that there are a LOT of really stupid people out there! What's worse is this dimwit actually believes the junk he writes!
by lisadh
Thu Apr 05 2007I have always loved Hal lindsay. I am a Christian who has always looked forward to the coming of the Lord Jesus. I dont recall Hal ever setting dates for Jesus coming. he has gotten attacked by many people saying that he is crazy , I find that most people who put down these end time preachers are the ones with the problem because they fear Jesus coming again . if you are one to look forward to it as I am then the end time preachers like Hal Lindsay ,are such a blessing!.
by rastaman1276
Thu Apr 05 2007although a sincere preacher his teachings and complete focus on the second coming of Christ rely heavily on a very specific reading of a genre within the Bible and therefore tends to ignore important social and theological issues that need to be addressed by all those who are devout Christians and those who are not. If he applied the same dedication and sheer volume of his work to issues that need attention this world would be an improved place
by passtheloot
Fri Mar 30 2007He never quits setting dates for Armageddon, rapture, second coming. etc. As long as he keeps crying wolf no one will take him serious.
by galut9fc
Sat Mar 24 2007I have to give Hal credit for making me rethink my theology some 37 years ago...He doesn't have all the answers but he has raised some valid points in terms of prophcey and the end times....
by go10go4
Mon Mar 05 2007There's something wrong when the only message a "preacher" has to preach is the end-times - constantly without stop. The worst thing about that is that nobody - NOBODY - really understands Revelation the way that they think they do. Every end-timer has a different message and a different timeline. Years ago when the end-timers were "coming of age", the demise of the world was going to come at the hands of the Soviet Union. When the USSR fell apart, the most prevalent anti-hero became China. Now the Muslim world is being portrayed as the purveyor of destruction. Which is it folks? You simply can't rewrite the future each time a new power comes into play. But that's exactly what Lindsey and his cohorts do in interpreting Revelation. Personally, I don't care what's going to happen and when it's going to happen. Could care less. That's because there's too much work to be done before the end-times comes. I won't spend my time speculating and listening to a bunch of self-appointed prophets t... Read more
by exchhc
Fri Mar 02 2007He's been scaring people since the 1970s saying jesus was coming back X date. He has always been wrong. Why people would listen to a word he says it beyond me. Folks are so gullible!
by alanlovesdevon
Tue Feb 27 2007I bet this guy calls himself an "analyst". Well he got the first part right.
by bo777db8
Sat Feb 24 2007Wasn't this the guy that wrote the best selling book, The Great Late Planet earth years ago, predicting the end of the world and Christ's return no later than 1988. We're still here, and another false prophet is still around. How this guy can still be on TV is amazing and shows the lack of brain cells in the majority of people who watch TV Evangelists and think the world is going to end and make it all ok just for them..
by bewarefalsepro_phets
Sun Jan 28 2007I didn't know he was back on TBN. I always thought it was a case of the pot calling the kettle black when Paul Crouch kicked him off. They both pretty much miss the mark when it comes to the gospel
by dwaynerb
Sat Jan 20 2007He's back on TBN and his teachings are usually good.
by illusionbuster
Wed Jan 17 2007Hal Linsey has helped make end time prophecy popular and has stimulated interest in these topics, this is good. I think many secular people who have no interest in what Christian's say have read his books. His comments on contemporary issues are conservative,intelligent and with more maturity than your average TV preacher,something not hard to achieve. In the kingdom of the blind the man with one eye is king! I think though Hal makes some alarmist and bad judgements on certain topics at times. Hal also does not speak out about the excesses and abuses of the TBN gang and other corrupt TV preachers, he is controlled by TBN too much and lacks integrity in this respect. Hal has good studies on prophecy in his books, even if you don't agree with him it can be stimulating and challenging to find better answers than what Hal believes. End time prophecy is more difficult to judge since it is all future and many passages in the Bible seem quite difficult though not impossible to understand.Aft... Read more
by joshuat
Thu Nov 30 2006He's probably doing the best he can. His books are good.
by suitelife
Sat Nov 25 2006I used to like his books. For the most part, he seems theologically sound.
by montgomery
Wed Nov 15 2006He's all right. I think he means well and tries to discern the Bible the best he can.
by bb2004
Sat Nov 04 2006Known of him for years, read his books, sometimes watch him on TV. He's okay.
by cloudten
Fri Nov 03 2006Hal tells the truth as far as I can tell.
by 1skeeter
Fri Apr 28 2006Political propoganda that is disguised as theology. Any theology that is weighted toward any secular power is at best questionable. Satan is using end times hysterian teachings and hard line theology about end times in order to keep people blinded.
by darrengjohnson
Tue Mar 14 2006Actually, I think that Hal Lindsey is about as wrong as you can get on especially his hermeneutics. The sad thing is that he totally misses the message of Jesus, as do all dispensationalists and TV evangelists for that matter. Jesus came to fulfill and did fulfill all of the promises to Abraham and David. Jesus reconstitutes Israel in himself and they that are in Christ are in Israel. Paul says they that have put on Christ are Abraham's seed and are heirs of the promises. Lindsey misses this and thinks that modern day Israel are God's chose people. Jesus is the son whom God has chose and is well pleased and they that are in the son share that status with the Father. This is what Lindsey misses and this throws off his entire theological perspective. The sad thing is that all of the current Christian Zionists are missing the message of Jesus in the same way that Jesus' contemporaries did. If anyone disagrees, then please take me on.
by billiefan2000
Sat Jan 14 2006Best Prophecy Teacher out there and tells it like it is. Cant wait to see his new tv show on Daystar by the way
by drummond
Wed Dec 28 2005How is he handling his missing the boat on the European union now that the dragon has more than 10 heads? Or was it 12?
by knowhim
Tue Dec 13 2005Very good teacher.
by programmerring_o
Sun Oct 23 2005It's like I said in my review of the Total Bulls**t Network (TBN): Hal Lindsey is your typical fundamentalist with a fat wallet, chip on his shoulder and a huge persecution complex. Lindsey has been "predicting" the end of the world for, like, a hundred years now. He thinks that this gives him the "moral authority" to "treat" us to his interpretation of world events. I'd rather he kept his rught-wing commentary to himself.
by mograce2u
Fri Aug 26 2005If you like to have your ears tickled, Hal is the Man! But if you are looking for truth, the man has nothing to offer. Three divorces? Ye shall know them by their fruits... (Mat 7:16) As for Dispensational Premillenialism [Update: corrected this term] (less than 200 yrs old); have any of you Pre Tribbers out there noticed that this doctrine purports to SEPARATE what God is joining together by DIVIDING the Body into Israel and the Church? AND SO ALL ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED: as it is written, There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and shall turn ungodliness away from Jacob: for this is My covenant with them, WHEN I shall take away their sins. (Rom 11:26) That in the dispensation of the fulness of times HE MIGHT GATHER TOGETHER IN ONE ALL THINGS IN CHRIST, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him: (Eph 1:10) And that he might reconcile both unto God in ONE BODY BY THE CROSS, having slain the enmity thereby: (Eph 2:16) The true dispensation in which we now ... Read more
by philoah
Mon Jun 20 2005First Off: I'd like to know whatever happened to Hal's side-kick Cliff Ford?? Did he just quit the I.I.B. show? Or did he go on to be with the Lord? As to Hal Lindsey, I agree and encourage his teaching the dispensational, futurist truths that the Bible so clearly brings out to the careful and discerning Christian. The dispensational pre-trib rapture views are under attack by those who want to return to their Protestant Reformation views, (preterism mainly), partially in the name of tradition. (Hank Henegraaf being the most noticable anti pre-trib. rapture proponent) They seem to see the church throughout the OT as well as the NT.--which is an erroneous. There are however things I disagree with in respect to Hal Lindsey. I think he has crossed over into the realm of speculation too much concerning prophecies concerning the US. I don't believe America is mentioned or even alluded to in Biblical prophecy. Also, I question his association with TBN, which I believe carries enough bogus ... Read more
by edelmann
by tbunky
Fri May 27 2005I found Hal back in the 70's when he wrote Late Great Planet Earth. First of all he's not predicting a date that the world will end, if you watch his show or read any of his books you will find out what he's talking about. Before you Judges a man find out what his message is. Jesus said You will know a tree by the fruit it bears. The only thing that disturbs me about Hal, is he puts too much trust in the Republican party. I pray that he sees that the replublicans and the Democrates are one & the same these days and that it's better to trust God instead of trusting man.
by earthbound
Wed Apr 20 2005Too dry and pompous. He would be more fun if he dyed his hair pink and dabbed his eyes like Jan Crouch or stomped about, sweating like a pig like Rod Parsley. Just makes me want to switch the channel.
by dogpreacha
Wed Mar 30 2005Just how many times do you have to predict the end,...have that date go by...then write a new book, predict new dates,...have that date pass also before you would be considered FALSE!
by lasagnabro
Sun Feb 27 2005Another moron in the long list of those who buy the rapture lie. His lack of knowledge in the manuscripts and the languages make his works a waste of time.