Approval Rate: 83%
Reviews 0
by maxx_schoe
Wed Aug 11 2010I've had a bamboo Silas Baxter Neal for 3 weeks and it's either lost pop or something else in my board messed up 3 1/2 stars .
by wilsonammy
Mon Jul 05 2010The site is good. Cheer!!! Ammy Best Bingo Sites
by campusvulc
Sun Jun 27 2010Alright so I got my Habitat.. Silas Baxter Neal bamboo deck... i loved it it was really great with pop and made tricks easier... but after 3 weeks it snapped when i was doing a front 180 down a four stair.... dont get bamboo..
by hammercity562
Fri Apr 09 2010when you buy a board at a boardshop pick it up hit the tail on the floor(to make sure it has some thick pop) and hold it at eye level straight forward(to see if it gotta deep pocket) and ask the person if it got some strong wood and and thick pop. but dont buy a board just for the graphic cuz if you do your gunna be disapointed its about the quality.i dont know about habitats but some really good boards are krooked and real. they both are made buy the same company. but both brands do not come in 8" only 7.9" and 8.6". if you get one you will be set for at least a few months depending on how good you are. i had a krooked and it lasted 5 days. but no matter what board you get dont get a board shop board cuz they have cheap wood or a team deck get pro models because the pro models have the highest quality wood made for professionals.
by happydetheater
Mon Oct 12 2009Habitats are great boards look into buying one for sure they last forever have amazing pop and do not razortail easily also i have rode creature blind bird hhouse and toy machine i learned how to do a 360 flip and lazer flip on the habitat
by youarefat101
Sat Sep 19 2009wow that1skater dont be hating. Its just a deck and anyways your board cant break if you land on bolts!!! thats the strongest part of your board. if you can break a chunk of metal by jumping on it i guess you can break a board bolts lol... poser... And also if people say that the board bends when you step on it it is probably because it is the bamboo ply.
by blackhabitat
Sat Sep 12 2009These are great decks, light and great concave. overall, totally legit! look into buying one
by rdominguez
Wed Sep 02 2009Umm... yea ... Hey guyz i guess umm... Habitat is pretty good for the most part i would highly recomend it ... I've ridden like element, Deathwish, enjoy, and blind... nd they all are pretty good but i just like this one better... i would recomment the O'conner bambo ply board... its amazing... its light ... but doesnt really matter about that... i mean wats the poiint of losing like a couple ounces... i mean it doesnt matter whether its heavy or not... that just means that u have to do better or not... nd watever it is it can also help you... Every one has thier own style of riding... so you cant really say its a bad bored if ur like a poser... or just a retard... Etc... GET THIS BRAND OF BOARD ITS GOOD ND I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT...
by kb35029
Tue Jun 09 2009Habitat is the best pop and strength of a deck i got so far, ive tried enjoi, zero, and element but so far the habitat is the best. ive had mine for about 2 years now.Its a little worn out but still has good pop and everything. so i approve on people gettin one BUY A Bamboo Ply deck there light and strong
by s8ter4life
Mon May 04 2009i really stuck what kind of board to get i have a satellite and its great but idk what board :( >:( and i will rate it a 5 star
by 900000000
Wed Apr 01 2009I have one have been skating about a month with it. I like it good pop and concave, but only complaint is the chips. My frined was kickfiping and when he landed it ht a curb. the side of the board chipped off a bit and starting to crak, but its still fine and it stopped ca
by italianstalian_1232
Sat Jan 03 2009i dont hav a rateing but i was wondering how long habitats last on average cus i had alien workshop decks and they performed great but they broke so easy like a month, are habitata the same
by blahtblaht
Mon Nov 10 2008Who ever claimed they landed bolts and the board broke isn't worth listening to. Honestly if you landed bolts man the board would not have broken, thats why its called bolts you fool. Anywho, i've ridden my fair share of habitat boards and have never had a complaint. Great shapes and great wood. They run the same as Alien workshop skateboards if you are familiar or have had one of them before. Give them a shot, they're great boards regardless of what the kooks say on here. http://www.utilityboardsupply.com/get_list_144 .htm
by l8rownie
Mon Sep 29 2008they have a really good curve at the nose and tail and i have the new habitat that is made from bamboo so it is harder to brake.its a pretty good board there exactly the same as alien workshops though
by that1sk8r
Sat Sep 27 2008YEEESSSS!!!!! I got my first HABITAT SKATEBOARD today and it was TOTALLY AWESOME... but not really THE THING SUCKS. i had for THREE HOURS and it snapped. I LANDED BOLTS down a gap at a skate park the size of a 7 set. it snapped before the bolts... i hate it. HABITATS ARE THE WEAKEST BOARDS and have HORRIBLE FLIP. the plus side of these are that they do have a really, and i mean really good shape(probably the best i've ever seen). And they have decent pop plus some cool designs. Seriously don't buy if you go off anything...by the way the girl at the skatepark that sold me the board gave me a free board, it was awesome.
by justinninefiev_e
Mon Jul 07 2008My cousin had 2 of these but he broke both of them in less then 2 weeks. but i like how light they are. great decks
by wotcherone
Sun Jun 29 2008ok boards. sweet team.
by sk8erman
Tue May 20 2008This is a really good board. tons of concave and pop. but the bad thing is that i've skateted it for like 2-3 weeks, and the the tail is starting to get sqared off really bad. Other than than it's a relly good board.
by habitatforlife
Sun May 11 2008Awesome company, just picked up the Garcia Resonate and let me say it's perfect. Right amount of pop, not to much concave and sweet graphics, all around great deck!
by evileyez
Sun Apr 27 2008Habitats are actually really great boards and feel sort of like a cross between a zero, aws, and element decks. Personally i love these boards because of the earthhy style to them. By the way if someone says that any deck habitat or not is flimsy and broke in 10 minutes of use the skater must weigh 400 lbs or more and suks butthole at skating learn to skate before you write a review douche bag!!!! i only give habitats a 4 star because they break hard like an enjoi deck.
by treflipmd
Sun Apr 13 2008okay okay. I'm not like amazing at skateboarding but i don't suck. The highest thing i've done is a four stair, which is how i broke one of my habitats, pretty retarded on my part, i landed with my foot partially behind the bolts on my tail, and the thing snapped. It was the third day i used it. But, it was my second habitat, the reason i bought another one after the first one is because the first one i had, i used for like 4 months. It didn't lose its pop until like 3 months. It was ridiculous. Habitats also have amazing concave, some people don't like boards like that, but it is very deep. The only problem with these boards is the pressure crack problem and the snapping problem. If you always land on the bolts and don't drag your tail! then these boards will last forever. I have also owned an aws and a flip. the flip was okay, snapped on a three stair, landed on the nose and the aws is chipping on the nose, i really don't know why, probably from nollies.
by skaterdude7
Thu Apr 10 2008Have tons of pop and amazing flip just a really good deck
by mynameisphilip_94
Thu Apr 03 2008I only skate Habitat they sick as hell.
by 1loveskate
Sat Mar 29 2008Good boards have great pop and they last a little while. The only bad thing is that they get pressure craks kinda soon. I would recommend it, but they best thing i can say is try skating all the different companies except for the trash ones. Ask pple at the park for good companies and then choose the one you like. I so far like DGK, Plan B, Alien Wok Shops(AWS), Habitat, And Bakers, But Bakers and Plan Bs are kinda heavey. AWS and DGKs break to fast and Habitats get pressure cracks to soon. So im about to go back to Expedition 1.
by gteam9e7
Fri Mar 28 2008i had one they're OK i mean not that much but prety good nice pop shove its and nice flip it flips really good that it dosnt flip over it lands great striaght on two four wheels not on the grip tap i say get one
by almostthere
Tue Feb 12 2008very nice decks all i got to ssay
by planabc
Sun Feb 03 2008habitat is trash, when i first put the trucks on it i stood on it and thought, damn this is flimsy as hell... it was so flexible, it broke after hmmm lets see , , like only 10 minutes of the first time ever skating it.. it broke on flatland, i landed one foot on the bolts and one damn near the bolts and it broke right before the bolts.. and no i am not heavyweight
by slayer124
Fri Nov 09 2007I had a habitat it lasted me 2-3 years. I did everything to that board. threw it ,slammed it, flung it , skated it , and it got rained on like 5 times. The thing just would not die. Then it got a super huge stress crack and snapped. excelent boards for an excelent price
by yupiskate
Sun Nov 04 2007Great boards. I love the feel and it took a few months for it to start to lose pop. The paint on mine chipped off REALLY easy though. I highly reccommend them. Plus they have a great team.
by sk4teedgk179
Thu Oct 25 2007im enetering my 4th month of skating and ive had a plan b and a dgk. i love my dgk. and i was thinkin about getting a hiabitat. people say they have no popo but then others say there amazing, comment this and help me.
by christian4494
Tue Aug 28 2007Good boards, but they chip easy and break.
by djsideways
Thu Aug 16 2007Habitat's are light, have the perfect amount of concave, don't chip and don't snap. After a couple months I finally got stress cracks and it started losing its pop.
by shamloo
Tue Jul 03 2007theyre light enough that if u step on em itll flex, but strong enough it can stand a 12 stair landing. light, dep concave, great pop, overall BEST BOARD EVER!!! i wrote and gave the pic above, btw.
by softman
Sun Jul 01 2007I got a Habitat nice price deck.Been riding it for 3 days , done a few tre-s in flatland and out of kickers , done some double flips and so on.The board is as hard as in the beginning.It hasn't got any softer or anything.The best board I've bought for now
by emericaskate33
Thu Jun 28 2007I love habitat. Representing NJ and they got some sweet ass decks. The decks have deep concave and get tons of pop. There pretty light especially the new bamboo ply decks. They don't wear down easily and there strong as hell. It works good if you skate good or if do stupid shit! Its perfect.
by skaeindy4life
Fri Jun 01 2007broke on a boneless? nuff said
by imbored987
Sun Apr 08 2007I'm a begginer in skating and I have seen the graphics for habitat and they look cool. Are they as good as they look?
by nikerider06
Mon Dec 25 2006Lovely decks, light, yet strong, love riding them, work wonders
by taulbee
Mon Dec 25 2006good board company just around the corner
by quicksilversrf_32
Sun Oct 22 2006These boards are amazing thy last wicked long and they have a ton of pop. I landed my first varial flip and my first 360 flip on my habitat. I recently broke mine by kickflipping a 4 set but i got 2 years of use out of it. Overall these boards are the best u can buy
by craklakin
Wed Sep 13 2006Amazing board for beggining years. Helped me through a lot of that fist stuff but idk about handrails so....Pop is asi-asi and concave and everythihng else just is amazing. I love this NJ edition thing. NJ rules!
by brokenboard
Sun Feb 12 2006yeah these are pretty kick ass. i had a janoski hemp ply board and its was pretty good. the hemp stiffens the board and makes it stronger. good pop. buy one, that or AWS
by mrhabitat
Thu Jan 19 2006Great Decks, very durable. i reccomend them for beginners, ive gotten 3 diffrent habitat decks and all of them were great. they have real nice pop and flip. i say everyone should buy one.
by dylan_louisiana
Sat Dec 03 2005habitats are good w/ concave or w/e but if ur lookin for pop ur out of luck n the first slide i did on it the paint chipped off in little pieces
by ashtaway
Wed Oct 12 2005Exelent boards love the pop, cuz it lasts long
by habitatskatebo_ards_at_at
Wed Sep 28 2005they kick a@@
by habitat_skater_2001
Fri Aug 26 2005habitat is the strongest and lightest deck. i dont no wut the blind skater is talking about. blind decks snap like meijer boards. they perform like them to. if your looking for a strong and light deck get a habitat not a blind BLIND DECKS SUCK
by skater_831
Tue Jul 12 2005Well ihad a habatat and it was ok the pop was good and the concave was ok it was just the kicktail was real easy to chip away after 2 months.
by blindskater504_2
Wed Mar 09 2005i never had a habitat before and i probly never will but the downside to all these light decks is they snap too easy and you cant deny it. i only know two people that ride habitat and they arent good at skating thats the only reason they still have their boards