H B Towing

Approval Rate: 35%

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    Mon Feb 14 2011

    If this tow company is as ruthless as all the reviewers claim, then THIS is the tow company I want my building to hire. If you are going to "borrow" someone's parking for 5 minutes, you are running the risk and you damn well know it. Making a mistake is one thing. Just thinking you can skate is quite another. There are signs posted everywhere, and each space is marked with a number. If you still can't figure out that this is a tenant-only area and you don't have a permit and you don't live here, THEN DON'T PARK HERE. I don't care if it's 5 minutes or 5 seconds. It isn't yours and you are stealing a space which is included with rent, which means it's paid for. So, to the person who is whining that she was only in the space 5 minutes and wants a warning, I say: WARN YOU OF WHAT? THAT YOUR RUDENESS IS GOING TO COST YOU BIG BUCKS? Consider all the signs posted and painted on the concrete "your warning." Plus how self-important do you need to be to think your 5 minute errand ... Read more

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    Thu Oct 01 2009

    IF YOU LIVE IN AN APARTMENT COMPLEX IN SACRAMENTO, CHECK YOUR PARKING RULES! IF THE COMPLEX USES HB TOWING, BEWARE OF PARKING IN ANOTHER TENANTS PARKING SPOT FOR EVEN 5 MINUTES, OR PARKING ILLEGALLY ANYWHERE IN SACRAMENTO. PLEASE WATCH OUT BECAUSE YOUR VEHICLE CAN DISAPPEAR IN LESS THEN 5 MINUTES WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE BY HB TOWING! This is a great way to make lots of money. You get legal contracts with owners of private property that grants you access to take their tenants or visitors vehicles( that are of course parked illegaly)without any sort of prior warning to the owner of the vehicle or notice and then charge the poor owner 280 dollars to get their vehicle back. Plus an additional 50 dollars each day after. Sure it is all legal on paper, but this company is morally wrong for doing this by giving NO warning notice on paper on the parked vehicle. Even a 12 hour notice would be nice enough. Sure some say its not H B towings fault, they are only making a living, they ... Read more

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    Mon Mar 30 2009

    I used to staff a towing company in West Sac so I know how these companys work and some laws around it and I find it very amusing when I read these reviews. First of all.. they cannot tow your cars unless there are signs everywhere, if not you can call the police so anyone that says there are no signs.. well you are not looking hard enough. Second, if you were tagged once wouldnt you never leave your car in a space EVEN FOR 5 MINUTES where you could be towed again? Common sense people! Also, I dont see anyone complaining about the head of the complexes. Why is that? Those are the people that set the rules.. not the towing companies. They just do what they are asked. The one story about the police not doing anything was the funniest. You parked illeagally.. and they towed you.. what do you expect? I am not fond of tow comnpanies however freakin park where you are supposed to and nothing would happen. If they "stole" <that is my favorite ha ha ha" your car.. take them to court! I dont... Read more

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    Sat Mar 21 2009

    HB Towing got me twice, yes twice. First time totally my fault i was in direct violation of complex rules, it sucked but was completely aware that it was a reaction to my violation. But this second one is quit the bizarre story. Actually the story of the procedure that was explained to me was that in order for your car to be towed, you must first commit the infraction, which is parking illegally duh..... ok now your car must be spotted and identified by security because HB towing must be notified that the car is on the lot and is 'Parked illegally'. Once this is done security or employees of the establishment must fill out some sort of form indentifying the vehicle that is to be taken. Then this form is place on the car for the tow company to take pictures of from various angels (as it was explained to me). Next your car is mounted and hauled off to be taken to their storage. Were you must pay to get it out. OH and don’t let it be the day before a holiday because you get charged for ... Read more

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    Thu Feb 12 2009

    HB Towing calls it legal, but in reality, it is "Grand Theft Auto". They troll neighborhoods and tow away vehicles that are supposedly in violation of a parking ordinance. Out-of-towners beware! I found out the hard way. The cost of $235 to bail out a mini van towed by HB Towing is price gouging. Why? According to HB Towing, there was an ordinance which stated that it was illegal to park a commercial vehicle (in other words, has a business name on it) overnight in this particular neighborhood. By the way, there were no warning signs of any such infraction posted on this street. How is an out of towner supposed to know these ordinances, if it is not stated any where in viewing. One such neighborhood to avoid is in Roseville, California, a John Lang Homes community in Highland Park, called Strada. Residents, who happen to have a company vehicle, have to park their cars or trucks across the street at the Target parking lot and walk across a dangerously busy road to get home, jus... Read more

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    Sat Dec 20 2008


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    Thu Oct 09 2008

    HB Towing is horrible!!! This towing business just makes them look bad, i dont know how they stayed in businness. When my car got towed i ask them why and who called it , they gave me no answer but said "I dont, but the time was...", these people are nonsense. They dont give no information, there was a fat guy up front behind a bullet proof window, as people already know and gave me no info, what kind of business is that. I pay them 220 for nothing i did wrong, they gave me no reason why they towed and i still dont know why either. These towing company must go down, F*ck HB Towing they are just money hungry bastards who dont know what to do when they are ask just a simple question and they act like retards who is reading off a card. All i got to say is F*CK HB Towing go to hell Sacramento dont need business like that!!!

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    Sat Sep 27 2008

    HB Towing is the MOST corrupt business in Sacramento. we need to shut their business DOWN right away.

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    Mon Sep 17 2007

    had My Truck Towed away by HB towing. I had parked in a handicap parling spot but my placard had fallen down on the dashboard. I tried to reason with the toe truck driver but he told me to pay $90.00 since my placard was not visible. When i agreed he flat refused to take the $90.00 he initially asked for. instead he told me to come get my truck from the storage yard. & pay all towing charges I called HB towing office and they were not helpful at all. Instead the person i spoke with told me i was hard of hearring and even went to the extend of threatening me. When i reqsted for his managers full name he refused to disclose the information saying it was not necessary. I would Never recommend anyone to ever utilise HB towing Services. They are just a company robbing the people IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. I just wonder if they even follow the approriate laws and are legally doing what they are supposed to. I just hope no one else goes through what i had to with HB towing. HB TOWING DOESNT EVEN QUA... Read more

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    Sat Sep 01 2007

    Be very careful of this towing company. They remove cars from places that are not even listed in red zones. My complex send information out about it. They dont it to steal money from people. they lie and say it takes an hour to get your car and charge it to you. It takes them 5 to 9 min to take off with your car. Mine was unlocked and not in a red zone. They stole equippment from my car. They refused to tell me were my car was. I had to contact several people to get a address. It took police 6-8 hours to help me pick up my car the next day. they wanted to close before police got there so they can charge for the weekend plus holiday. They are stealing money. I have set up survillance to collect tapes of what they are doing .I will walk down with flyers I will talk to anyone who will listen. I will shut them down. They also recently got a bullet proof counter..you only can pay there. I know why. Cause they are stealing and towing cars they have no buisness towing. I have been parking the... Read more