Gulden Spicy Brown Mustard

Approval Rate: 73%

73%Approval ratio

Reviews 6

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    Sat Nov 07 2009

    The default standard for spicy

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    Mon Feb 09 2009

    I go through a lot of spicy mustard. I use it on sandwiches, sausages, and pretty much anything else. If you use the Amazon subscribe service, you will get the best deal anywhere on these. Highly recommended

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    Mon Jan 12 2009

    We tried all sort of different Brand but always come back to Gulden Spicy Brown Mustard. This is the only brown mustard we will use. It is $1.80 per bottle at my local Walmart.

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    Tue Sep 30 2008

    Status is the enemy of contentment. Try Gulden's. Even better, have a party at which you have the people blind test it against an expensive one. See if they can accurately tell which is the high-priced spread. I love mustards, have tasted a zillion, and always come back to basic Gulden Spicy Brown.

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    Tue Jan 22 2008

    Despite Mr. Moose Hole's eloquent description, Gulden's Spicy Brown Mustard is one of the best available to spice up a sandwich, a salad, or a cooked entree, for example, a chicken dish. It's also quite good for prepping a ham to be baked. [I wonder where Mr. Moose Hole dines and on what he dines. Oh well, chacun a son gout.]

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    Mon Jul 16 2007

    If you ever get a chance to eat rotten cheese out of the butt hole of a Moose, don't trouble yourself...just buy this crap and eat it; lot less hassle.