Grizzly Natural Long Cut (Natty)

Approval Rate: 90%

90%Approval ratio

Reviews 16

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    Thu Sep 23 2010

    I tried Grizzly Natural today for the first time and loved it. I don't understand the negative reviews because I thought it was great. I admit, Copenhagen Natural is better, but this one did satisfy me nonetheless. It's got a soft, fresh, salty taste and overall good quality. This and Grizz Wintergreen are my favorites.

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    Tue Sep 07 2010

    I used to dip copenhagen, but 3 or 4 years ago switched to grizzly natural long cut. All of my friends that dip say that this is the worst flavored dip they have ever tried, but for some reason it is by a longshot the best-tasting to me. I have always hated flavored dips such as mint, wintergreen, cherry, peach, etc. Grizzly natural stays moist and is extremely easy to both pack and control in your mouth. 10 out of 10, screw preservatives and flavoring, natural is the way to go.

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    Sun Aug 15 2010

    for alll yall bitchs that not like natural fine cut ive been dippin it for a wile its the best! if u say winter green puts hair on ur chest try this! its the best natural

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    Fri May 14 2010

    i'm obviously in the minority but personally i think this is better then copenhagen long cut. taste similar to me, only griz natty is more moist, packs better and has a bolder, longer lasting flavor. i guess it's an acquired taste. i'd never buy a roll of it but i do buy it occasionally and it's by far my favorite natural. every once in a while for some reason i'll be craving i'll get a can then i'll be like maaaaaaaaan this doesn't compare to grizz natty...back to the store i go. i do wish they would bring back the long cut though. i guess that's why they came out with grizzly 1900 long cut? i wish they'd start selling that shit here in philly already. WTF is taking so long?

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    Thu May 06 2010

    im all for grizz but not grizz natty. ill be honest it has the sweetest looking can ive ever seen in my entire life but it just has the worst taste. if all i had was a can of this stuff id prolly take a pinch but if i had anything else id be glad to op for that over this

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    Sat Dec 05 2009

    This product helped me lose all faith in fine cut naturals. Grizz Snuff helped me renew it

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    Wed May 13 2009

    Hardcore stuff here. Taste like a Swedish Snus i got once, its ok, gets better with every dip. Stick to Wintergreen or Straight.

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    Fri Mar 06 2009

    I figured out the smell, its smells like shoe polish, its tastes........ok. My favorite is wintergreen and is the best of grizzly in my opinion. The buzz is good on natural, as on all grizzly dip, but i'll stick to my wintergreen.

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    Wed Feb 04 2009

    it's my 2nd faverit to grizz winter green it so fuckin good it does not tast like any other natraul dip. long cut is where its at...

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    Wed Dec 03 2008

    its my favorite grizz man natrual u love it or u hate it and i fuc*ing love this sh*t

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    Sun Nov 09 2008

    I'm a grizz guy and like all their flavors. I'd have to say Natural is my least favorite of theirs but its still damn good. It has a kind of funny taste at first but after a few dips it starts to taste a lot better. Nice long cut, packs great, and it gives me a nice buzz (grizzly is the only chew that will) So do yourself a favor, go pick up a can of grizzly.

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    Sat Nov 08 2008

    Fine cut natural is terrible when you open the can you're hit with the smell of alcohol mixed with horse s**t. And the taste is almost the same minus the alcohol. Whatever you do avoid Grizzly Natural fine cut at all costs.

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    Sat Jul 26 2008

    Now you are talking! I am a grizz man and this stuff is great!

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    Tue May 20 2008

    Why in the world had grizzly stopped making naural long cut. To go to stuped snuff? The store selves could not keep long cut in stock in jax. Fl. Someone want to explane that one. Now I have to change brands. The fine cut natural is just that. Fine cut. Grizzly I am extremely dissapointed. If its not broke. WHY FIX IT????

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    Wed May 14 2008

    2 sour in ur mouth. it's a strong dipp. but not a lot of ppl can take it.

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    Mon Jan 07 2008

    FC Actually has a more flavorful taste i think i'll stick with it but LC is pretty good.