Approval Rate: n/a%
Reviews 1
by nesher
Sat Jul 26 2008Main Features: Runs On Your AccountGreymatter runs completely on your own server at all times, and is always under your full control; you're never dependent on the reliability (or privacy reassurances) of any outside source whatsoever. Comment PostingMake your weblog/journal come alive with the built-in ability for your users to add comments directly to your entries (no PHP/SQL database required); every aspect of Greymatter's comments are completely customisable and controllable. One-Click Bookmarklets (Internet Explorer users only)Now you can add a new entry to your Greymatter site from anywhere on the web, instantly linking to any other site with one click. Built-In SearchingGreymatter now lets you add searching to your site to allow visitors to search through your entries (with fully-customisable output, of course), as well as the ability to perform internal searching from within Greymatterauthorised authors can even easily search and replace text across all ent... Read more