Greg Laurie
Approval Rate: 86%
Reviews 0
by rottie
Sun Dec 19 2010Really mixed feelings with this guy. And by the way, to all the people out there calling him, and certain others who teach the Word who they may not agree with everything... "false prophets..." That is NOT accurate. God can work through people who don't have everything accurate, which NObody does. There is not one church that can claim they have the cornerstone of all the truth. If any person or church does that, RUN! Back to Laurie...I do believe he has a calling, and a genuine gift for reaching people, but I would call it more of a pastoral gift than a teaching gift. I'm no bible scholar, by any means, but I do read and listen to teachers whom I believe have a true teaching gift when it comes to accuracies in the bible. Some of the things Laurie has said has just made me shake my head in disbelief of his ignorance. I don't make a list of everything he has said, but just today, he was doing the Christ story (it being close to Christmas) and he actually said that Christ was born on... Read more
by aposor
Fri Mar 05 2010I like him..I think he's sincere..and he preaches a lot about bible prophecy, the book of revelation and the second coming of Jesus Christ..and that's great it is very edifying. I also like the P&W team..they have a laid back style..kinda reminds me of the eagles..(with the annointing). All the naysayers need to hit the carpet and repent. I give him 5 stars.
by bobsmith23
Fri Aug 08 2008I don't have a problem with the concept of God, it's all the christians i have a problem with.
by 3jthedj
Sun Dec 16 2007Not much to look at, but great to listen to. Having started a relevant church and seen it grow, he has an understanding of the real life people deal with each day and is able to communicate to them on a level to which they can relate.
by questioneveryt_hing
Sun Sep 16 2007Love his conservative teaching! Listen to him at his website "A New Begining" at:
by heywattsup
Wed Aug 22 2007He gives a distorted message of salvation such as repentance, public profession and turning from sin. Jesus did all that was necessary all we have to do is believe what he did not what we can do.
by cruzzer
Mon Aug 06 2007I'm a Buddhist and atteneded the Crusade this weekend at Angels Stadium with my good Christian friends. We left early before the teaching because the music by Leeland was way too loud. God is not deaf but he might be now. Loud does not make better music. We had small children with us and I saw many others there. I'm sure there was irreparable damage to their young tender hearing. I don't think the Lord wants this for His children, young or old. I would like to see the sound level at these venues toned down. I'm sorry we were unable to hear his message. In the spirit of ecumenism, Cruzzer
by krm772
Fri Jun 22 2007Preaches a false gospel
by rabbitt21
Thu Apr 12 2007The most down to earth man I have ever met. He is not looking for the glitz or glamour he is here for one reason only...To proclaim the teachings of Jesus Christ , and how we can use them in our lives. If you read the Bible there is no where that says you have to have an higher education to become a true believer and pastor for Jesus Christ.
by passtheloot
Tue Mar 27 2007Does anyone besides me want a Pastor to have a little training ,education ? One star for the No Effort.
by alanlovesdevon
Sat Mar 24 2007Too folksy. Too 'one of the boys'. Too 'Seventh Heavenly".
by pfsifecc
Sun Mar 18 2007Another Chuck Smith clone, therefore a boring, deceptive windbag.
by hhhdan
Fri Jan 12 2007I think he's reaching his generation with the Gospel. I do not attend there, though I live in the area, I've been an educator at a major university (12 yrs) and I have no problem with his education. In fact I known of many who studied more seriously because of a lack of a formal degree. I used to tell our grad students, "get a formal education if you chose and then GET OVER IT". Your resume may get you in some doors, but your character and work ethic will ensure you get to stay. I know, I had to hire faculty and we learned that the insecure ones were more impressed by titles,schools, and such. We needed competence and that comes in many forms. I think Greg Laurie has stayed faithful and fruitful in a culture that needs God.
by elgeeko
Mon Oct 09 2006Greg Laurie is truly annointed to preach the Gospel. Check out his website at
by truthnotlies
Thu Aug 03 2006Greg Laurie is the real thing. A Bible teacher and outstanding evangelist.
by garys554
Sat May 06 2006Greg Laurie worships Satan and molests sheep. Those are his better qualities.
by annanz
Wed Dec 28 2005What I admire about greg Laurie is that he is down-to-Earth. Also he doesn't dress in designer clothes like so many TV evangelists do. He is there to convey a message, not to entertain with a glitzy production.
by knowhim
Tue Dec 13 2005He is a great evangelist and I believe he know God well. Seems to keep his messages about know Jesus Christ and not about how to make your self better, but how to know Jesus. Jesus is the only one that can make you better.
by mektf42d
Wed Nov 16 2005Keep movng forward. His testimony is the keep, Jesus Christ is the Answer....Pray for him. He is available for God's work.
by jesusnerd
Sat Oct 22 2005His messages are clear, sincere, and intelligent. He's a great man of God, and has a strong gifting of evangelism.
by kiwimatt
Fri Sep 09 2005well I just got back an hour or so from a Harvest event in Newcastle, Australia. I thought the message he talked was well aimed at the target audience - non christians. He talked in a down to earth no nonsense way about the basics of christianity - very basic but for a non christian I thought he covered relevant ground in the half an hour he had. He didn't shy away from talking about hell either - unlike other critics have said on other web sites about him. - he didnt go all fire and brimstone, but mentioned it several times. It was christianity 101 - the bare bones in a down to earth way in 30 mins. Paul said to be all things to all men... to his target audience it was good - you would expect him to modify his message when preaching to christians though... I can only speak from my on experience - never heard him on radio or seen on tv.. but what I saw was genuine, and came across as such. I'm not gonna knock anyone who stands up and preaches a message to 7,500 people, only good can co... Read more
by edelmann
by thievinhonky
Wed Apr 06 2005His crusade preaches nothing but doomsday stuff. Hollywood this, Hollywood that and in the meantime they're passing out the collection plate. I guess that's how he bought his Lexus, Silverado, Harley and speedboat. Howcome he doesn't take his Crusade to San Diego anymore? Nope but he can go to Hawaii and New Zealand. Must be nice.
by whatever095
Wed Apr 06 2005Notice how he talks smack about Disney? Yet he has his event at Disneyland for 60 bucks a pop. Hypocrite!
by dogpreacha
Wed Mar 30 2005passionate, sincere preacher of THE Gospel, although I do have questions about his theology.
by markm137
Sun Jan 23 2005Hello I have attended Harvest for 26 years (my home church is else were now) . In the early years I knew Greg and his wife Cathy quite well, I even once vacationed with them , I like Greg . Hands down, no doubt about it Greg is called by God to be an evangelist. The Holy spirit uses him to bring people to the Lord in such a manner its simply shocking. Gregs sermons are really nothing uncommon, its not him, its the Lord using him and no one can deny that -- Hes called of God! Gregs down side is: compared to the great biblical teachers found in church history, beyond basic Christian doctrine, Greg is a very poor teacher. Mature Christians are not well feed well at Harvest, any honest person who studies church theology and church history will tell you that. Greg also falls very short on developing a tone of any real fellowship among the lay persons. In the old days when Harvest was still a small church the fellowship in and out of church was great! But now being Harvest is a Meg... Read more
by billiefan2000
Mon Nov 29 2004The next Billy Graham
by larryjg
Fri Jul 23 2004One of the very best modern preachers. Keep it going Greg!
by tye17345
Sat Jul 17 2004Pastor Greg loves JESUS,it is awesome to see him share GODS only begotten son that who so ever believes in him will not perish but have ever lasting life.He sticks to what the Bible says not what man says,and what Jesus has done in his own life.It is awesome to see his obedience to what the LORD has called him to do.KEEP SHARING YOUR FAITH Pastor Greg matthew28:16-20 IM glad Pastor Greg doesnt doubt who JESUS IS! Who do you say Jesus is!
by call2revival
Wed Jul 07 2004Luke 6:37 and Luke 6:41-42 finally- who will throw the first stone? Is this what we are called to do? I think I have seen enough. It saddens my heart to see what we have become. God Bless you.
by delilah72
Tue Jun 22 2004Two words: Closet homosexual
by butler
Wed Apr 28 2004I am disheartened to see that there a a few bitter and envious people out there with such limited thinking as to waht a Pastor's role can be. Greg Laurie is a wonderful example of bing in the world but not of the world and is most assuredly a Man of God. His teaching is both relavent to today's culture and is soundly grounded in the Bible and on the rock of Christ. Since when can't a pastor have a couple of hobbies outside of preaching?!
by notatharvestan_ymore
Tue Apr 06 2004Lives too richly (greedy - 1 Pet 5:2), sermons hardly use the Word, does not live even near the church he pastors.
by isabella_a
Wed Mar 24 2004Such a great speaker I love to hear him preach daily on the radio, such a true person. He speaks with such passion of Jesus' sacrifices for the world.
by ron_hudson
Fri Dec 19 2003It's sad that in this day and age that the one word you can no longer publicly say is Jesus. When you do you open your self up to all kinds of critisism. Thankfully we have good men like Greg Laurie to who can share the gospel with us and open our eyes to God's message for our generation.
by dan72770
Tue Dec 16 2003Greg Laurie is very easy to understand and is very genuine about sharing the gospel.
by heidikay
Mon Jul 14 2003Greg Laurie is awesome and wonderful to listen to. He has taught me a lot with his sermons. He is also fresh and new. Thank God for him!
by chiquedman
Thu May 01 2003Man of God who knows how to present the gospel to all age groups.
by 3boys746
Mon Jan 13 2003Greg Laurie is a man called by GOD, To reach the broken in spirit. God chose us (humans) over all His creation to be in fellowship with Him. After sin entered the world through one mans sin, fellowship was broken, and man was to strive in this world which is broken in spiritual truth. Jesus did'nt go to the cross for the land, or the animals ,or the plant life but for you and me , to restore fellowship with our Father. Greg Laurie is a man of God who has taught me who I am in Christ. And i am proud that he is my brother (in Christ-)Michelle Dean
by gopman79
Wed Nov 20 2002I dont watch much TBN for the big reason that most of the time, they have a bunch of old fogeys like Pat Crouch on, but Laurie is a big relief from the older, money hungry versions.