Green Acres
Approval Rate: 81%
Reviews 0
by fishpeel
Mon Jul 12 2010Folks who only casually remember the show from their youth think true fans of Green Acres are unright in the head. If you're not really paying attention it can be dismissed as another 60's show featuring banal (read, 'stupid') humor, ala Gilligan's Island or The Munsters. Actually, whether it fits within your taste or not, the humor on Green Acres is unique. There's self-referential humor - i.e., characters commenting on the show's credits - there's bizarre running jokes throughout episodes - usually references by Hootervillians to a casual conversation that happened in the Douglas home, though no one else in the town could have heard it - and Lisa's malapropisms are much funnier than Archie Bunker's (and some of his were pretty funny). And everybody in the town has a sort of metaphysical connection to the world, at least the Hooterville world, that Oliver doesn't - for one thing, everybody but him seems to be able to communicate with animals. Arnold the Pig (boy?) is played for good l... Read more
by irishgit
Mon Jul 12 2010If you believe some of the reviews on here this show is television's answer to Restoration Comedies, or the works of Moliere. It falls just a tad short of that. It was a not untypical sit-com of its era, putting people in a situation out of their natural element. Not exactly Pulitzer Prize stuff, and not especially better or worse than several of its contemporaries.
by wolfmantip
Mon Sep 14 2009I thought this was one Funny Show, Oliver and Lisa, Mr. Haney and Zeb,and who could forget Arnold.
by biggun
Mon Nov 24 2008Plain stupid! Another stereo-typical, non-realistic take on southerns; hillbillys and rednecks. Let's put one sane person amid a group of idiots and see what transpires.
by shay_luvs_dakota
Thu Jul 10 2008i love it its really cute
by spinette
Thu Feb 21 2008Oh yes why Darling, what could you not believe about a husband who is a lawyer who is dying to be a farmer, and a weathly socialite who wants to have the best 5 th Avenue has to offer, and yet is divided on her loyalty to her husband. Ah yes Green Acres was born out of true invention. I love Arnold, or as ZsaZsa puts it, Ahnold, I snort once for yes two for no. Or Ebb, who can do no wrong, neither can he do no right, then theres crazy sales man who is always trying to sell things that nobody can really use. Mr.Drecker down at the convience store has phone on the pole, it was a great way of modernaization meeting up with old fashoined common sense.
by genghisthehun
Mon Dec 17 2007I don't care who knows. I shall admit it publicly. I loved this show. It was funny, and the humor often was subtle and it dawned on you later. The running gags really never got lame.
by unclereggie
Wed Oct 03 2007Just absolutely awesome. Funny as hell. Never missed it.
by spike65
Wed Aug 22 2007Started out fairly strong, increased through the next three seasons and tapered off the rest of the shows. The show fell out of favor as the nation lost it's collective sense of humor due to the anger and strife over many issues of the 60's and early 70's.
by ahmad12
Tue Aug 21 2007makes andy griffith's cast of characters look like rhodes scholars. so stupid it wasn't funny.
by virilevagabond
Sat Sep 02 2006"Green Acres" was a bit too slapstick and oftentimes too silly for my personal tastes; however, the surreal, eclectic citizens of Hooterville did have some appeal (resulting in three stars). As the straight man, Eddie Albert (Oliver Wendell Douglas) was game enough but Eva Gabor (Lisa Douglas) got to be irritating. The concept was clearly derived from simply reversing "The Beverly Hillbillies" (overall a better show) and building on "Petticoat Junction", and the screenwriters often exchanged and referenced characters from these predecessors. This may have helped jumpstart the series, but ultimately degraded any originality. As for the supporting cast, the slowwitted Eb, Hank and Mr. Haney frustrated me as youth, but as an adult I found them more interesting. In some ways, "Green Acres" inspired the oddball citizens of Cicely, Alaska in "Northern Exposure" (with that latter series being more cerebral and less goofy).
by nanhar
Mon Aug 28 200660's comedy sitcoms don't get much better than this! I never get tired of watching the antics of the characters in "Hooters-ville"---too funny!
by bloodnok
Sat Aug 26 2006The greatest sitcom of them all? Possibly. "Greenacres" was set in Hooterville, the same fictional town that "Petticoat Junction" was set in. Characters and sets from "Petticoat Junction" appeared regularly on "Greenacres".
by heidifleiss020_2
Sat Jun 10 2006Best show in the history of tv. Its so funny!! Eva Gabor and Eddie Albert were casted perfectly in these rolls that made them into even bigger stars!
by doobiesnhof
Sat May 27 2006A silly, goofy show that was a funny as they come. "Oliver...would you like some hotcakes?"
by tomfromatlanta
Mon May 22 2006I love this show, loved it when it was new, and love it in reruns. Had the pleasure of meeting Ebb (Tom Lester) on one occasion. Really nice man and enjoyable to talk with. Green Acres is the place to BE!
by mannorama
Thu May 04 2006it was just hilarious hahahaha
by fitzgarce
Tue May 02 2006A great comedy that never grew old. The gags were always funny and it seemed to just build and build. One of my favorite things was how Lisa always spoke incorrectly. Oliver would try to correct her only to hear the same word used in the subsequent themes, either by Eb or Mr. Drucker or Mr. Ziffle. Great slapstick comedy. A spin off of Pettycoat Junction.
by darrengjohnson
Thu Apr 27 2006I really like this show, even more as I get older. My grandfather had a farm and I remember life as being great there at that place where things were less hectic. This show could get very frustrating, however, and I had to learn not to feel too sorry for Oliver.
by daccory
Thu Apr 27 2006I remember this show though it hasn't been on British TV for over 35 years. It was gentle and funny.
by steve_chism
Sun Apr 09 2006A gentle, clean and silly/funniest show on tv. I still love to watch any episode I can. Tom Lester's character Eb was always my favorite,but I gotta admit, I really liked looking at Eva Gabor. Hope it is still on the air somewhere.
by robbo59
Sun Jan 08 2006A city boy moves to the country and somehow ends up in the Twilight Zone! Eddie Albert is superb as Oliver Wendell Douglass and Ava Gabor, as Lisa, plays the ditzy blonde socialite with great comedic flair. The entire cast is a hoot as Oliver tries to make sense of the strange goings on that continue to get curiouser and curiouser as each episode unveils. Hooterville is the perfect name for the town as each of it's members appear to have been smoking some powerful stuff and are seemingly incapable of seeing the world through the same eyes as the straight-laced former attorney. Maybe some of us need to lighten up a bit as well. This was harmless, lightweight stuff are far superior to most of the hypersexual, Dad is a dumbass, male-bashing drivil that has been passing for comedy for most of the past 20 or so years.
by jdl4ad6a
Tue Dec 27 2005One of the best sitcoms to ever be aired. ahead of it's time in it's blend of plain old slap stick and the surreal. I love watching the near flawless timing and interaction between the charictors. No one ever seems to be trying to steal the scene, no one is trying to out do the other or seems to be worried about who got the bigger laugh. They were a team and acted that way. When I was a kid, every boy on the block had better have been able to do a passable mr. haney or kimble to earn his laughs on the bus. In a time of pouty, self absorbed and self destructive celebrities, I enjoy putting in my Green Acres dvds and returning to a different place and time. Where sitcoms were meant to uplift and refresh the spirit with simple good natured laughter and just plain silliness. The cynics can have the sardonic and obnoxious fare that is offered up today. Give me clean fun every time! Green Acres, dated ? sometimes,corney ? yeah, timeless ? absolutely ! Just look at this site, decades after th... Read more
by cjmyers41
Mon Oct 03 2005I watched it whenever it was on. I watched a rerun some time back and it still holds it's own.
by briant
Mon Sep 12 2005One of the few shows that stand up to repeated viewing.Never fails to make me happy.
by johnsteed
Sat Aug 27 2005the anti beverly hillbilles-witty-albert and gabor lost in hooterville.don't but a used cow from mr. haney.
by dkenger
Sat Jul 16 2005I watched it from the beginning in 1965, had the opportunity to speak with the President of Columbia House and he was nice enough to send me 14, 4 episode (2 hours each) VHS tapes as a compliment. Thanks to Columbia and God Bless Eddie Albert.
by candy_kane
Fri Jun 17 2005What a great show. The jokes were non-stop and the characters were great, especially Ralph the alternative lifestyle handywoman, Lisa the hotcake queen, and Arnold the Pig who was the smartest resident in Hooterville.
by hopper
Sat May 28 2005Crazy, silly, surrealist. If Ionesco wrote for TV, he could not have done better. Operates on many levels. And what animal gag in the history of TV can compare with Arnold Ziffel?
by adc103051
Thu May 19 2005Man I sure did want to hump Lisa. BAAAADDDLLY.
by randyman
Tue Mar 29 2005It was always just to confusing to me to follow. But it did have some funny moments.
by i_luv_space_pu_ps93
Thu Feb 03 2005Green Acres is my favorite tv show. it is the best. i think that Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor are one of the funniest tv couples i have ever seen!!!!! the show is awsome. i love it and thats why i give this show 5 stars.!!!
by contax
Tue Nov 30 2004Very rarely does something as brilliant as Green Acres come along. The writers had the inate ability to appeal to two different audiences at the same time. Slapstick on the surface, deeper humor to those who watched with a closer eye. What a cast. Brilliant brilliant brilliant!!!
by ripvanwrinkele_d
Mon Nov 29 2004Very funny. A show about a lawyer who gives up his practice to the dismay of his beautiful Hungarian wife, and moves to a small and insane hick town and adopts a half-wit 30 year old named Eb as a farm hand/son. I love it.
by 1sailormoonfa_n
Fri Nov 26 2004okay i originally had 3 stars for this but i changed it to a 2. This show consists of stupidity (Lisa) and grouchines (Oliver). It stinks. It's pointless.
by izhkabibbel
Sat Nov 20 2004The ULTIMATE sitcom of all time...! Forget today's nonsence, this show had it all - lots of laughs and silliness; wierd at times, but so true to the heartland of America still to this day! Episode 44 is my personal favorite - Ck. it out, yes!
by jesus_freak
Thu Aug 19 2004I like the theme song!
by loaferguy
Mon Aug 09 2004One of the best written sitcoms ever! Perfect cast.
by mike_mason777
Wed Aug 04 2004This was a rather stupid, corny show!
by ernesta
Sun Jul 18 2004Hilarious. Great offbeat characters. Lots of nonsensical plots. Oliver seems to be exasperated all of the time. Everyone else is just honky dory.
by apkat170
Sat Jul 17 2004The loopiest sitcom of them all. It's surreal and goofy and with one of the best casts of supporting characters ever. What a delight!
by martinema
Sat Jul 10 2004This was one of the worst TV sitcoms of the 60s it did not make any sence.
by rick18
Wed Jul 07 2004Liked the theme song and Lisa...that's all...well maybe Arnold the pig!
by greenacreslvr
Sun Jul 04 2004Green Acres is the greatest show. It if full of humor in every show, and is based in a country which most sitcoms are all in cities now. Green Acres has clean humor and no curse words or sex like the annoying shows do now. It's a classic!
by barry_p
Thu Jul 01 2004There hasn't been a better sit-com on TV.A real down to earth comedy.
by coco13a8
Fri Jun 04 2004One of my favorite shows of all time. Eddie Albert as Oliver was so funny ! I loved his farmer speeches. And Arnold the pig, what a hoot !!
by kuroneko
Thu Jun 03 2004If a show can keep me laughing for almost 40 years, then it's great. Oh dear, I'm OLD!!!
by rbsjrx
Wed May 26 2004You rarely find surrealism and wit like this anywhere, much less on American TV! An all-time favorite!
by old_show_fan
Wed May 26 2004Regarding Ralph, She was'nt a lesbian. She was engaged to Mr. Kymbal, BUT Mr. Kymbal wanted to remain single. So throughout the show the couple needed $87.00 to get married and Kymbal kept coming up with ways no to meet the goal.
by misslisa