Greek Dominoes
Approval Rate: n/a%
Reviews 4
by frankswildyear_s
Mon Jul 22 2013My God! Is it going to be declared an Olympic sport or something? What's next, French Crokinole? Mon Dieu!
by numbah16tdhaha
Tue Jun 05 2012Fuckin' Greeks... they always cheat at Dominoes.
by ralphthewonder_llama
Tue Nov 01 2011UPDATE The Eurozone wants Greece to bend over and take it in the ass as the Greeks are wont to do, but whiny Greeks are tired of being on the receiving end of pederast banking, and popular Greek opposition stiffens at plan. D0_XHCP-J1omnjwYZuM_F__NDyw?docId=250fb82e91e24df4b9eb4f5c4 f0ab048 Time to call in the dogs and piss on the fire. European leaders are slinking back to the old country from a weekend at Barak's--slinking back with their tails between their legs. There's a big vote this week in several important Parliaments on the bailout for Greece (and Ireland and Portugal). That giant whoosh! sucking sound you hear is the world's capital going down the loo... ...copper has fallen dramatically, FedEx is taking a beating, and the NYSE is starting to implode. But hey, let's talk about important things like sports. Beats the hell out of reality, eh?
by abichara
Fri Oct 07 2011The wave of speculative attacks on the Euro coming out of American and to a lesser extent British banks based out of the City of London has begun to reach a crescendo. This highlights the use of monetary policy as a geopolitical weapon. Contrary to what the talking heads in the media are pumping out, this crisis is not derived primarily from economic fundamentals (although the situation is indeed causing the fiscal situation of several Eurozone countries to deteriorate rapidly), but rather it represents good old fashioned currency warfare, a beggar-thy-neighbor policy that involves sinking other currencies to prop up one of the major reserve currencies, in this case, the dollar. The British tried to pull off something similar in 1931, it lead to the deepening of the global depression at that time. Wall Street's current goal, and by extension, our government's, is to shift the epicenter of the world financial and economic depression out of the US and onto the European continent. T... Read more